Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd


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Accounting ReportNotes on the Financial StatementsNotes on the cash flow statementEUR 1,000 <strong>2007</strong> 2006Cash in hand (Note 1) 9,224 6,512Obligatory reserve with the Central Bank(Note 1)18,529 5,776Other balances with central banks (Note 1) - 6,259Loans to banks, up to 3 months (Note 5) 91,855 231,986Financial assets held for trading (Note 2) 100,718 76,055Available for sale financial assets (Note 4) 9,724 49,386Held-to-maturity financial assets (Note 6) - 187,782Total 230,050 563,756Obligatory reserve deposits are not available for use in the Bank’sday-to-day operations. Cash-in-hand is non-interest bearing.Obligatory reserves and other balances with the Central Bank bearfixed interest-rate, the interest rate is prescribed by the Bank ofSlovenia. Money market placements are both index-linked and fixedrateassets. Financial assets held for trading and financial assetsavailable-for-sale are debt securities from Republic of Slovenia.Held-to-maturity investments are 60-day bills from the Bank ofSlovenia. The represented amount for financial instruments includedin cash and cash equivalents for the year 2006 do not include theamount for interests.Notes on the off balance sheet itemsNote 32:Off balance sheet itemsCommitments, contingent liabilities and financial derivativesEUR 1,000 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong> 31. 12. 2006Financial guarantees 88,868 106,763Non-financial guarantees 46,408 34,278Committed credit and overdraft lines 410,714 314,447Creditors on spot businesses 36,945 21,778Uncovered documentary letters of credit- nostroCovered documentary letters of credit- nostroConfirmatons on documetnary letters ofcredit - loro3,547 3,791745 2,753- 2,672Notional amount of financial derivatives 5,178,380 2,114,051Total 5,765,607 2,600,533Financial derivativesEUR 1,000 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong> 31. 12. 2006Creditors for forwards 129,928 139,062Creditors for options 2,441,898 1,046,749Creditors for interest rate swaps 2,597,194 928,240Trading 2,427,631 853,510Cash flow hedge 169,563 74,730Creditors for commodity swap 9,360 -Total 5,178,380 2,114,051Total for trading 5,008,817 2,039,321Total for hedging 169,563 74,730178 <strong>2007</strong> Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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