Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd


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2006 EUR 1,000PendinglegalcasesEmployeebenefitsMoneylaunderingOffbalancesheetitemsTotalBalance at 1. 1. 108 478 - 305 891Increases - 103 - 1,273 1,376Decreases 106 25 - 707 838Use of provisions 105 - - - 105Other decreasesduring the year 1 25 - 707 733Balance at 31. 12. 2 556 - 871 1,429Provisions for employees’ benefits represent the actuarial accountsfor jubilee awards and severance payments. More details for actuarialassumptions are explained in ”Summary of accounting policies;Employee benefits”.Note 15:Tax liabilitiesEUR 1,000 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong> 31. 12. 2006Current tax liabilities - 6,253Deferred tax liabilities 2,915 2,851Assets/liabiliteis held for trading 86 -Loans and receivables with banks andcustomers59 -Available-for-sale financial assets 124 -Available-for-sale reserve - 66Cash-flow-hedge 350 60Other assets/liabilities 2,296 2,725Total 2,915 9,104Note 16:Other liabilitiesLiabilities arising from settlementof a business relationshipEUR 1,000 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong> 31. 12. 20062,503 1,482Prepayed expenses 2,444 1,381Liabilities to suppliers in the country 1,171 655Salaries and wages 922 841Liabilities arising from settlement ofoperations with private customers612 252Taxes and social contributions 266 339Liabilities to foreign suppliers 194 224Payments for establishing companiesin mixed onwnership- 159Fees and commissions 70 34Other liabilities 2,124 773Total 10,306 6,140Salaries and wages include the liabilities for equity-settled sharebased payment in amount of 39 thousand euros.Note 17:Share capitalEUR 1,000 31. 12. <strong>2007</strong> 31. 12. 2006 %Ordinary shares - legal entities - - 0.00Ordinary shares - private customers 2 2 0.01Ordinary shares - foreign banks 16,256 16,268 99.99Total 16,258 16,270 100.00For 31 December <strong>2007</strong>, the share capital amounts to 16,258,321euros, which represent 3,898,878 pieces of ordinary shares. Thedifference from the conversion of the nominal value of the share capitalin euros amounts to 11,408 euros and is reclassified to the sharepremium. All issued shares were fully paid ordinary shares. The holdersof ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends when declared andare entitled to vote per share. All shares rank equally with regard to theBank’s residual assets. The Bank has paid out no dividends for the year<strong>2007</strong> and 2006. Earning per share for 31 December <strong>2007</strong>, amounts to3.89 euros (31 December 2006, 2.80 euros).<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank · <strong>2007</strong> Annual Report 171

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