Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd


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Note 8:Property, plant and equipment<strong>2007</strong> EUR 1,000CostLeaseholdimprovementsComputerhardware Other equipment Work in progress TotalBalance at 1. 1. 5,333 4,626 3,571 66 13,596A<strong>dd</strong>itions 298 - - 1,008 1,306Transfer from work in progress - 997 792 (1,790) -Disposals (3) (1,311) (490) - (1,805)Balance at 31. 12. 5,628 4,312 3,873 (716) 13,098DepreciationBalance at 1. 1. 2,056 3,182 1,554 - 6,791A<strong>dd</strong>itions - - - - -Depreciation (577) (582) (456) - (1,615)Disposals 3 1,307 440 - 1,750Balance at 31. 12. 2,630 2,456 1,569 - 6,656Net book valueBalance at 1. 1. 3,278 1,444 2,018 66 6,805Balance at 31. 12. 2,998 1,856 2,304 (716) 6,4422006 EUR 1,000CostLeaseholdimprovementsComputerhardware Other equipment Work in progress TotalBalance at 1. 1. 4,885 4,202 3,111 39 12,237A<strong>dd</strong>itions 448 - - 1,817 2,265Transfer from work in progress - 997 792 (1,790) -Disposals - (573) (332) - (905)Balance at 31. 12. 5,333 4,626 3,571 66 13,597DepreciationBalance at 1. 1. 1,516 3,012 1,524 - 6,052A<strong>dd</strong>itions - - - - -Depreciation (540) (737) (314) - (1,591)Disposals - 568 283 - 851Balance at 31. 12. 2,056 3,182 1,554 - 6,792Net book valueBalance at 1. 1. 3,370 1,189 1,587 39 6,185Balance at 31. 12. 3,278 1,444 2,017 66 6,805The Bank has increased the limit for the direct recognition of small items in the profit or loss statement from 100 euros to 400 euros. Assetsup to that amount previously recognized in the balance sheet, were written-off as depreciation. As a result, depreciation was higher by31 thousand euros.Due to the change of the useful life for cars and save-deposit-boxes is the amount for property, plant and equipment lower by 59 thousandeuros. Depreciation is higher for the same amount.<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank · <strong>2007</strong> Annual Report 167

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