Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd


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with the active and open approach tojournalists in <strong>2007</strong> even though the end of2006 had been marked with the introductionof the euro and, consequently, morepublished articles and broadcasts.Relations with SuppliersOver the years, <strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>d.d. has established a recognizable nameas a successful and innovative bank and itssuppliers contribute an important part of thereputation. At the end of <strong>2007</strong>, we organizeda meeting with our suppliers with intentionto shift from a traditional relationship to apartnership with them. The latter means arelationship driven by trust and long-termbusiness cooperation. The theme of themeeting was mutual support through whichwe could all develop and achieve a higherlevel of customer satisfaction. We expressedour gratitude to them for successfulcooperation in <strong>2007</strong> and introduced themto significant future projects. Furthermore,we pointed out that client wishes andexpectations are increasing each year,which leads to fierce competition, whereinsuccessful corporations are aware of theimportance of strategic partnership betweentheir suppliers and the company. Suppliersare a mirror of a company so we make everyeffort to underline the relationship we havewith our suppliers with loyalty, opennessand mutual satisfaction.Relations withLocal CommunitiesA local marketing initiative came to lifein <strong>2007</strong>. On their own initiative, theBank’s business units were independentlycommunicating with the local marketthrough a variety of communicationchannels. Besides publishing andbroadcasting planned articles in localmedia, the business units also conductedlocal advertising campaigns, events, an<strong>dd</strong>irect marketing. They made donationsto local organizations and individuals,participated in sports and cultural eventsand sponsored local fund raisers (traditionalKurentovanje in Ptuj, Night on the Lake,Musica Panonia, “Let’s Stay Friends”spectacle, Summer Nights in Vransko etc.).We had a presence at the Celje Fair and atthe 10th Days of Quality and Innovativeness;we also made donations to the Ivan Cankarprimary school. Through direct mail andother activities, we contributed to thevolume of communicating these activitiesand the Bank’s offer.Education about media communicationsand expert help undoubtedly contributedto our success at the local level; expertshelped our business units to set businessand operating guidelines and monitored theuniform appearance of the corporate logo inthe community.Sponsorship andDonationsCreating lasting value is a preconditionfor the long-term success of a company.Therefore, we return a portion of theacquired assets back to our localcommunities and at the national levelthrough sponsorships and donations.In <strong>2007</strong>, sponsorships and donationscontinued to follow the determined direction,especially in culture, helping sociallyimpaired individuals and children. Ourefforts toward socially responsible behaviourbrought results through contributions toprojects like Red Noses, the charity bazaarof the SILA association, Project Man, SilentAngels, Association Humana and others.We honoured our tradition of supporting theSlovenian Philharmonic Orchestra’s newinstrument purchase fund this time for aFrench horn we supported the Ana DesetnicaStreet Theatre Festival, the Spring Festivalas well as a few others. On occasion of theNew Year, we donated to five local maternityhospitals and thus connected the value ofdonating with the theme of new birth, whichwe used in our corporate communicationsaccompanying the re-branding materials.<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank · <strong>2007</strong> Annual Report 141

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