Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd


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Business ReportSocial ResponsibilityThe campaign distinguished itself withclear and consistent communication in avariety of media, TV commercials (whichwas the main communication tool) andgood positioning slogans. By an emotionaland graphically effective TV commercial,enhanced by familiar music, we portrayeda life cycle in which an individual canachieve his plans, wishes and dreams. Thepositioning slogan ››Choose your tomorrow«places an individual into an active roleand hence encourages him to plan hisown future and actively follow this plan.As research showed, through use of aneffective advertising campaign we achievedthe desired awareness and positioning ofthe new ››<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank« brand and evenexceeded the customer satisfaction of ourSlovenian competitors, which on averageamounted to 70 points. A score of 99 pointsplaces us among the top five percent ofbanks in Europe.Within the framework of re-branding theBank, we also upgraded and updatedpromotional material (brochures, posters,leaflets, product packaging, forms,contract forms etc.) and designed it inaccordance with the new design guidelinesof <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group. New appearance andcontent also was applied to the webpagewww.unicreditbank.si which still is beingupgraded in accordance with the newguidelines for design and use of thewebpage. Work efficiency in this area isregularly monitored by analysing users’experiences.We organized numerous events for businesspartners of the Corporate Banking andTreasury divisions. Information sessionevents such as “Bank Austria Creditanstalt’sFinancial days”, “Treasury Breakfast”and others were mainly dedicated topresentations of financing exportingbusinesses, managing monetary assets,derivative financial instruments forhedging exchange rates and interest risksand presentation of the issuance of DrogaKolinska bonds, while the traditional EuropeForum featured the introduction of the currenttopic of cross-border financing solutions forinternational companies.We approached target segments, composedof new and existing clients, through variouscommunication channels and presentedthem with innovative and tailor-madebanking products. With modern marketingcommunications we proved ourselves as aproactive and client-oriented bank.Media RelationsWe are proactive and responsive incommunication with the media as we areaware the media is an important factor whenbuilding the recognition and reputation ofthe Bank. In order to increase the qualityof appearances of our employees and theBank in the media, we carried out a mediaworkshop for management and employeesexposed to the media, a photographyworkshop and a style workshop. Our intentionwas to familiarize employees further withthe meaning of responsiveness, clarity andcredibility in cooperating with the media asa means to success and reputation for theBank.At the press conference in March <strong>2007</strong>, wepresented to the media business resultsfrom 2006; these results ranked us in 4thplace in Slovenia based on assets. When welaunched a new product on the Slovenianmarke a short-term structured deposit weinvited media representatives to a breakfastwhere they were able to obtain more productdetails in an informal setting. The mediaresponded well to the presentation andpublished numerous articles. The result was agood response from the public and investors,who decided to entrust their assets to theBank. The September press conference infront of the branch office in Ljubljana, atWolfova street, was organized to announcethat the Bank was beginning to operateunder the new name. We hosted more than20 Slovenian reporters on site. On thisoccasion, Chairman of the ManagementBoard, Dr. France Arhar, unveiled the logo››<strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank« above the branch office inthe centre of Ljubljana.Number of published articles on Bank AustriaCreditanstalt d.d. Ljubljana or <strong>UniCredit</strong><strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d. in previous yearsMonth 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong>January 108 76 179February 75 136 114March 127 141 126April 95 92 101May 132 104 128June 125 133 157July 80 85 83August 101 163 81September 189 127 116October 141 111 122November 137 144 125December 73 115 122Total 1383 1427 1454Numerous press releases with informationon the Bank and <strong>UniCredit</strong> Group eventsas well as the analyses of the economicenvironment were conveyed to the mediathroughout the year. Moreover, we designedand upgraded a new press centre on ourwebpage. Many answers to journalists’questions were prepared (we received 456journalist questions in 2006 and 480 in<strong>2007</strong>). Our media presence was intensified140 <strong>2007</strong> Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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