Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd

Letno poročilo 2007 - UniCredit Banka Slovenija dd


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Business ReportBank’s Segment Performance Reviewsuccessfully met the needs of micro andsmall businesses. In <strong>2007</strong>, we thus acquiredmany new clients with business transactionaccounts.3. Private Banking segmentThe Bank’s offer for Private segment ofthe most demanding individual clientscontinues to develop. We still areintroducing and developing new approaches,while several new, sophisticated products,in particular investment ones, and serviceshave been introduced to the Slovenianmarket. Nevertheless, our privilegedclub of “Plemeniti Package”, privatebanking products and services, has grownconsiderably and it indicates that long-termtarget goals will be exceeded.The late introduction of PioneerInvestments investment funds on themarket in September, together with theafore mentioned liquidity/credit crisis,was the reason for lower than expectedvolume of fund sales in <strong>2007</strong>. However,the introduction and sale of funds wentsmoothly and according to plan. Therefore,we optimistically expect an increasedvolume of Pioneer Investments funds sold inthe future. The funds can also be offered incombination with various banking productssuch as Lombard loans or insuranceproducts.Thanks to the close cooperation with theCorporate Banking division, especiallywith the Structured Finance department,the volume of loans sold far exceeded thetarget. Tailor-made financing of managementbuy-outs (MBO), particularly in the Midmarketsegment, enabled the Bank to getaccess not just to the new private bankingclients but also to potential higher volume ofassets under management for those clientsin the future.ProductsLoans are still the main driving force ofthe Bank’s growth and are contributing aconsiderable part to total retail bankingrevenues. Notwithstanding, we believethere is still further growth potential in themid-term.Favourable money market trends positivelysupported the banking sector in <strong>2007</strong>by generating above average revenuesfrom deposit business for most banks.A<strong>dd</strong>itionally, at <strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>d.d. we managed to increase the total depositvolume compared to last year.Though revenues from other banking servicesalso increased, this field remains the largestnot exploited enough growth potential for theBank. In the future, we plan to increase itsshare in total revenues mainly through highervolumes of Pioneer Investments investmentfunds sold.Future forecastBy and large, <strong>UniCredit</strong> <strong>Banka</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> d.d10090807060504030201002,308 2,0041075,079Productswill continue to follow its ambitious goals inthe retail sector by:• increasing revenues and profitability;• maintaining our leadership position incustomer satisfaction;• enhancing our financial solution offers;• improving our processes in order toprovide even more convenient solutionsfor our clients;• a<strong>dd</strong>itional investments and training of ouradvisors toward becoming top financialadvisors in personal and corporatebanking.Positive results in <strong>2007</strong> gave us a<strong>dd</strong>itionalconfidence leading up to the next majorstep-substantial expansion of our retailbusiness over the next three years. In 2008,we will start implementing an ambitiousplan. The first step will involve openingsix new branches and pursuing a new callcentre with state-of-the-art solutions.The second step will be to shift our salesfocus in a<strong>dd</strong>ition to mortgage loans also toinclude Pioneer Investments funds, which997,40310,150 13,7322006 <strong>2007</strong>BANKING SERVICESOFF-BALANCEDEPOSITSLOANS126 <strong>2007</strong> Annual Report · <strong>UniCredit</strong> Bank

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