Final Draft EIA Report Badarpur CCPP - Delhi Pollution Control ...

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DraftEnvironmental ImpactAssessment ReportBadarpur Combined Cycle Power Project,Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW)Badarpur,DelhiDocument No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001Rev. No. 0(A Govt. of India Enterprise)ConsultantsVogue Construction and Consultancy Services Pvt. LtdNew DelhiDecember, 2010

<strong>Draft</strong>Environmental ImpactAssessment <strong>Report</strong><strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project,Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW)<strong>Badarpur</strong>,<strong>Delhi</strong>Document No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001Rev. No. 0(A Govt. of India Enterprise)ConsultantsVogue Construction and Consultancy Services Pvt. LtdNew <strong>Delhi</strong>December, 2010

Chapter 0.0Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-1Chapter 0.0C o n t e n t sSection DescriptionPage No.Chapter 1.0 Introduction 1-1 to 1-111.0 Preamble 1-11.1 Purpose of the <strong>Report</strong> 1-11.2 Location of Project 1-11.3 Nature, Size, Location of the Project and its Importance to the 1-2Country/ Region1.3.1 Nature and Size of the Project 1-21.3.2 Importance of the Project 1-21.4 Scope of the Study 1-61.4.1 Project Description 1-61.4.2 Description of the Environment 1- Land Use 1- Demography and Socio-economics 1- Soil 1- Geology 1- Hydrology and Water Use 1- Water Quality: (Surface and Ground) 1- Meteorology 1- Ambient Air Quality 1- Ambient Noise 1- Ecology 1-81.4.3 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures 1-81.4.4 Analysis of Alternatives (Site and Technology) 1-81.4.5 Environmental Monitoring Programme 1-91.4.6 Additional Studies 1-91.4.7 Project Benefits 1-101.4.8 Environmental Management Plan 1-101.4.9 Summary & Conclusions 1-101.4.10 Disclosure of Consultants 1-101.5 Statutory Clearances for the Existing Units 1-101.5.1 Status of No Objection Certificate from DPCC for Stage-I and 1-11Stage-II Units1.5.2 Status of Consent of Existing Units 1-111.5.3 Statutory Clearances for the Proposed Units 1-11Chapter - 2.0 Project Description 2-1 to 2-172.1 Project Profile 2-12.1.1 Land 2-12.1.2 Water 2- Source, Requirement and Availability of Water 2- Water Balance 2-22.1.3 Fuel 2-4Chapter 0.0 Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-2Section DescriptionPage No. Source, Requirement and Availability 2- Fuel Transportation and Handling System 2- Fuel Quality 2-42.1.4 Transmission System 2-52.2 Type of the Project 2-62.3 Need of the Project 2-62.4 Proposed Schedule for Approval and Implementation 2-72.5 Technology and Process Description 2-72.6 Layout and Plant Systems 2-102.7 Description of Mitigation Measures 2-122.7.1 Cooling System 2-122.7.2 Plant Water Systems 2-122.7.3 Water <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Systems 2-132.7.4 Fuel Handling System 2- Fuel Oil Handling System 2-142.7.5 Air <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Systems 2-142.7.6 Noise <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Systems 2-152.7.7 Solid Waste Management Systems 2-152.7.8 Fire Detection and Protection Systems 2-152.8 Green Belt Development Plan 2-162.9 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 2-172.10 Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan 2-17Chapter-3.0 Description of Environment 3-1 to 3-933.0 Site and Surrounding 3-13.1 Land Use 3-23.1.1 Land Use/Land Cover Classification Based on Satellite Imagery 3-2Method of Data Preparation3.1.2 Land Use Classification Based on Census Records 3-63.2 Demography and Socio- Economic Features 3-83.2.1 Demographic Profile of the Study Area 3-83.2.2 Occupational Pattern 3-93.2.3 Availability of Infrastructure Facilities and Amenities 3-103.3 Hydrology 3-113.3.1 Surface Hydrology 3-113.3.2 Ground Hydrology 3- Depth to Hard Rock 3- Status of Ground Water Reserve 3-173.3.3 Hydrogeology 3-203.4 Water Use 3-233.4.1 Source of Water 3-233.4.2 Present Water Use in the Study Area 3- Surface Water Use 3- Ground Water Use 3-233.4.3 Quantum of Water Use 3-25Chapter 0.0 Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-5Section DescriptionPage No.4.4 Soil 4-94.4.1 Magnitude and Significance of Impacts 4-94.4.2 Mitigation Measures 4-94.5 Air Environment 4-94.5.1 Construction Phase 4-104.5.2 Operation Phase 4-114.5.3 Emission Standard for NOx 4-134.5.4 Mixing Height 4-134.5.5 Mitigation Measures 4-154.6 Noise Environment 4-164.6.1 Impact Prediction 4-174.6.2 Impact on Occupational Health 4-194.6.3 Mitigation Measures 4-204.6.4 Impact of Vibrations 4-204.7 Solid and Hazardous Waste 4-214.7.1 Waste Sources and Quantification 4-214.7.2 Waste Characterization 4-214.8 Impact on Ecological Environment 4-234.8.1 Construction Phase 4-234.8.2 Operation Phase 4-244.9 Impacts on Socio-economic Environment 4-244.10 Green House Gas Emission and Mitigation Measures 4-25Chapter 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives 5-1 to 5-55.1 Site Alternatives 5-15.2 Technology 5-15.2.1 Alternative Fuels 5-15.2.2 Gas Turbine Selection 5-25.2.3 Steam Cycle Selection 5-35.2.4 Gas Turbine Configuration Selection 5-4Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies 6-1 to 6-166.1 Public Consultation 6-16.2 Social Impact Assessment 6-16.3 Risk Assessment 6-16.3.1 Consequence Analysis 6-26.3.2 Gas Leakage 6-26.3.3 Leakage and Spill of Chemicals 6-36.3.4 Injury to Body due to Mechanical Activities 6-36.3.5 Risk Mitigation Measures 6-36.4 Disaster Management Plan 6-46.4.1 On-Site Disaster Management Plan 6-46.4.2 Capability Analysis (Existing Structure) 6-66.4.3 Action Plan for On-site Emergency 6-96.4.4 Evaluation of Functioning of Disaster Management Plan 6-11Chapter 0.0 Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-6Section DescriptionPage No.6.4.5 Off-site Emergency Plan 6-126.4.6 Post Emergency Relief to the Victim 6-136.4.7 Disaster prevention and Reduction 6-136.4.8 Major Site Incidents 6-156.4.9 <strong>Report</strong>ing of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences 6-16Chapter 7.0 Project Benefits 7-1 to 7-17.1 Improvement in Power Supply 7-17.2 Improvement in Infrastructure 7-17.3 Employment Potential 7-1Chapter 8.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme 8-1 to 8-48.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme 8-18.1 Monitoring of Environmental Parameters 8-18.1.1 Meteorology 8-18.1.2 Ambient Air Quality 8-18.1.3 Stack Emissions 8-28.1.4 Water Quality 8-38.1.5 Effluents Quality 8-38.1.6 Soil 8-38.1.7 Noise 8-38.1.8 Waste Monitoring 8-38`.2 Institutional Set-up for Monitoring 8-3Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan 9-1 to 9-269.0 Environmental Management Plan-An Overview 9-19.1 Mitigation Measures Proposed to be implemented during 9-2Construction Phase9.2 Mitigation Measures for Operation Phase 9-39.3 Air Environment 9-79.3.1 Construction Phase 9-79.3.2 Operation Phase 9-99.4 Noise Environment 9-119.4.1 Construction Phase 9-119.4.2 Operation Phase 9-119.5 Water Environment 9-139.5.1 Construction Phase 9-139.5.2 Operation Phase 9-139.6 Land Environment 9-159.6.1 Construction Phase 9-159.6.2 Operation Phase 9-179.7 Ecological Assessment 9-189.7.1 Construction Phase 9-189.7.2 Operation Phase 9-189.8 Human Health and Safety Management Plan 9-22Chapter 0.0 Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-7Section DescriptionPage No.9.9 Energy Conservation and Clean Development Mechanism 9-239.10 Environmental Management System and Monitoring Plan 9-239.10.1 Environment Management Cell 9-249.10.2 Functions of Environmental Groups at Corporate Center 9- Environmental Engineering Group (EEG) 9- Environment Management Group (EMG) 9- Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Group 9-259.10.3 Functions of Environmental Groups at Site 9- Environment Management Group 9- Rehabilitation and Resettlement Group 9-269.10.4 Institutional Set-Up at <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> 9-26Chapter-10.0 Summary and Conclusions10-1 to10-14Chapter 11.0 Disclosure of the Consultant 11-1 to 11-2Annexure A-1 to A-9Chapter 0.0 Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-8TablesTable Description Page No.2.1.1 Water Requirement for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW) 2-2with Ash Water Recirculation System2.1.2 Details of Recycle and Reuse of Effluents 2-22.1.3 Expected Composition of Natural Gas for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, 2-4Phase-I2.3.1 Demand Projections upto 2012 and 2017 under 17 th EPS 2-62.3.2 Demand and Supply Scenario at the end of 11 th Plan 2-62.3.3 Demand and Supply Scenario at the end of 12 th Plan 2-72.7.1 Effluent Generation, Treatment and Disposal from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, 2-13Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW)3.1.1 Land Use/Land cover of the Study Area Based on Satellite Imagery3-3(November 2006)3.1.2 Land Use/Land Cover changes in <strong>Delhi</strong> during 1992-2004 3- Summary of Land use Pattern in the Study Area 3- Demographic profile of the Study Area 3- Decadal Variation in Demographic profile of the Study Area 3- Occupational Pattern of the study area 3- Decadal Variation in Occupational Pattern of the study area 3- Data Sheet of Hydrological Parameters of Different Network Stations 3-20(Open Wells/Tubewells/Borewells) Ground Water Characteristics in Different Geological formation in NCT 3-21<strong>Delhi</strong>3.6.1 Soil Sampling Locations 3-353.6.2 Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Nutrients Status of Soil 3-383.6.3 Rating Chart for Available Nutrients in Soil 3-383.6.4 Infiltration Testing Sites 3-393.6.5 Infiltration Rate on Soils 3-393.6.6 General Range in Infiltration Rates of Soils 3-403.7.1 Surface Water Sampling Locations 3-413.7.2 Ground Water Sampling Locations 3-413.7.3 Surface Water Quality During the Study Period 3-463.7.4 Ground Water Quality During the Study Period 3-473.8.1 Climatological Data of Safdarjung 3-503.8.2 Monthly Variation in Meteorological Parameters 3-533.9.1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Locations 3-583.9.2 Ambient Air Quality of the Study Area 3-623.9.3 Ambient Air Quality Status at Jaitpur –AAQ1 3-633..9.4 Ambient Air Quality Status at Mithapur –AAQ2 3-653.9.5 Ambient Air Quality Status at Tughlakabad Rly. Colony–AAQ3 3-673.9.6 Ambient Air Quality Status at Lakadpur –AAQ4 3-693.9.7 National Ambient Air Quality Standards 3-713.10.1.1 List of Tree Species observed in the Study Area 3-733.10.1.2 List of Shrubs and Grasses observed in the Study Area 3-743.10.1.3 Details of the Sampling Locations for Terrestrial Ecology 3-743.10.1.4 Phytosociological Analysis of Vegetation at Sampling Locations 3-773.10.2.1 List of domestic Animals observed in the Study Area 3-783.10.2.2 Reptiles <strong>Report</strong>ed in the Study Area 3-79Chapter 0.0 Contents

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-9Table Description Page No. Amphibian <strong>Report</strong>ed in the Study Area 3-793.10.2.4 Avian Fauna <strong>Report</strong>ed in the Study Area 3-803.11.1 Aquatic Ecology Sampling Locations 3-823.11.2 Density of Phytoplankton Recorded at Sampling Locations 3-843.11.3 Density of Zooplankton Recorded at Sampling Locations 3-853.11.4 Primary Productivity of Phytoplankton 3-853.11.5 Fish Fauna found in in Yamuna River at Okhla Barrage 3-863.11.6 List of Water birds found in in Yamuna River at Okhla Barrage 3-873.12.1 Noise Measurement Locations in the Study Area 3-893.12.2 Noise Measurement Locations inside the plant 3-903.12.3 Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area 3-933.12.4 Ambient Noise Levels inside the Plant 3-933.12.5 Ambient Air Quality Standards w.r.t. Noise 3-944.1.1 Identification of Impacts during Construction and Operation Phase 4-24.5.1 Expected Composition of Natural Gas for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, 4-12Phase-I4.5.2 Details of Stack Emissions 4-124.5.3 Stability Classification 4-134.5.4 Spatial Distribution of Mixing Depth 4-144.5.5 Resultant Concentrations (µg/m 3 ) at Monitoring Locations due to4-14Incremental GLCs4.6.1 Typical Noise Sources during Construction Phase 4-164.6.2 Typical Noise Sources during Operation Phase 4-174.6.3 Permissible Exposure Limits of Noise 4-194.7.1 Estimated Average Composition of Construction Waste 4-226.1.1 Consequence Summary of Jet Fire at Gas Metering Station (2.11 ton/min) 6-26.1.2 Consequence Summary of Vapour Cloud Fire 6-38.1.1 Proposed Environmental Monitoring Programme for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, 8-2Stage-III, Phase-I9.1.1 Mitigation Measures Proposed to be Implemented during Construction 9-1Phase9.2.1 Cost Provision for Environmental Protection Measures 9-39.2.2 Mitigation Measures Proposed to be Implemented during Operation9-4Phase9.2.3 Mode of Implementation and Allocation of Resources for Mitigation9-6Measures for Operation Phase9.3.1 Dust <strong>Control</strong> Plant 9-79.7.1 Plant species to be planted for Greenbelt Development 9-209.7.2 Year-wise Status of Plantation Activities 9-219.7.3 Afforestation/Plantation carried out during year 2009-2010 and planned 9-21for 2010-119.10.1 Organization Structure of NTPC for Environmental Management 9-24Chapter 0.0 Contents

ExhibitsExhibit Description<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 0-101.2.1 Vicinity Map Showing Plant and Other Facilities 1-31.2.1 (A) Vicinity Map Showing Plant and Other Facilities 1-41.2.2 Study Area Map 1-52.1.1 Water Balance Diagram 2-32.5.1 Process Flow Diagram for Gas Based Combined Cycle Power Station 2-92.6.1 General Layout Plan with Green Belt 2-113.1.1 Land Use/Land Cover Map of the Study Area based on Satellite Imagery 3-4of November 20063.1.2 Land Use/Land Cover Changes in <strong>Delhi</strong> during 1992-2004 3-53.3.1 Yamuna River Basin 3-143.3.2 Drainage Map of Yamuna River in <strong>Delhi</strong> 3-153.3.3 Depth to Hardrock 3-163.3.4 Depth to Ground Water Levels (DTW) 3-183.3.5 Decadal Variation in Groundwater Level 3-193.3.6 Surface Geological Cross-Section of the Study Area 3-203.3.7 Groundwater Potential vis-a-vis geological formations 3-223.4.1 Ground Water Usage and Availability in <strong>Delhi</strong> 3-243.5.1 Geological Map of NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> 3-293.5.2 Geological Map of the Study Area 3-303.5.3 Sub-Surface Geological Cross-Section along Yamuna River 3-313.5.4 Seismic Map of <strong>Delhi</strong> with Seismic Hazard Microzonation 3-323.5.5 Regional Map of <strong>Delhi</strong> and surrounding area with epicenters of 3-33earthquake in the region3.6.1 Soil Sampling Locations 3-373.7.1 Surface Water Sampling Locatons 3-433.7.2 Ground Water Sampling Locatons 3-443.8.1 Windrose Diagram for Safdarjung IMD Station at 0830 hrs 3-513.8.2 Windrose Diagram for Safdarjung IMD Station at 1730 hrs 3-523.8.3 Wind Rose Diagram for the month of May 2010 3-553.8.4 Wind Rose Diagram for monsoon Season 3-563.8.5 Wind Rose Diagram for post-monsoon Season 3-573.9.1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Locations 3-603.10.1 Terrestrial Ecology Sampling Locations 3-763.11.1 Aquatic Ecology Sampling Locations 3-833.12.1 Noise Measurement Locations 3-914.5.1 Spatial Distributions of 24 Hourly Average Nox GLC under Natural Gas 4-15Operation-Post Monsoon Season4.6.1 Spatial Variation of Noise Levels around Noise Sources during 4-18Construction Phase4.6.2 Spatial Variation of Noise Levels around Noise Sources duringOperation Phase4-20Page No.Chapter 0.0 Contents

Chapter 1.0Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-1Chapter 1.0Introduction1.0 PreambleNTPC Limited is the largest thermal power generating company of India. It wasincorporated in the year 1975 as a Public Sector Enterprise to accelerate powerdevelopment in the country as a wholly owned company of the Government of India.NTPC’s core business is engineering, construction and operation of power generatingplants and also providing consultancy to power utilities in India and abroad. As ondate the installed capacity of NTPC is 32694 MW through its 15 Coal Based (25375MW), 7 Gas Based (3955 MW) and 5 Joint Venture Projects (Coal & Gas Based 3364MW).NTPC is operating <strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station (BTPS) with a capacity of 705MW comprising of 3x95 MW units under Stage-I and 2x210 MW units under Stage-IIat <strong>Badarpur</strong>, New <strong>Delhi</strong>. It is proposed to augment the capacity of BTPS by additionof 1050 MW (nominal) gas based combined cycle power project under Stage-III,Phase-I within the existing premises. After commissioning of the gas based units inthis phase, the presently operating 95 MW units shall be de-commissioned and theimplementation of gas based units in the area occupied by 95 MW units shall be takenup as Phase-II of the BTPS expansion.1.1 Purpose of the <strong>Report</strong>Gas based thermal power plants with generation capacity of 500 MW or more arelisted under 1 (d) of Screening Category A of Schedule I of the Environmental ImpactAssessment (<strong>EIA</strong>) Notification of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) dated14.09.2006 and its subsequent amendment vide S.O. 3067 (E) dated 01.12.2009,requires Environmental Clearance from MoEF. Further, Category A projects alsoattract the provisions of Public Consultation as per <strong>EIA</strong> Notification dated14.09.2006. Hence a Public Consultation is required to be conducted by <strong>Delhi</strong><strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Committee (DPCC) for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project(<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>), Stage-III, Phase-I units. The present <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> has beenprepared based on the notification and guidelines published by the MoEF from time totime and Terms of Reference (TOR) prescribed by the MoEF vide letter dated12.03.2010 (Annexure-1). Point wise compliance to the issues raised in TOR vis-à-vistheir coverage in the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> is enclosed as Annexure-2.<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> does not attract the provision of any other <strong>EIA</strong> Notification related tospecific geographical areas, e.g. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, etc.1.2 Location of Project<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be located in the southern part of the <strong>Delhi</strong>near Tughlakabad Railway Station. The main plant area and township of Stage-I andStage-II are situated between <strong>Delhi</strong>-Mathura Road (NH-2) on one side and AgraCanal on the other. The ash disposal area for Stage-I and Stage-II is located betweenChapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-2Agra Canal and Yamuna river at a distance of about 1 km from the plant. <strong>Badarpur</strong><strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I is proposed to be located within the existing main plantpremises of Stage-I and Stage-II. The elevation of main plant site is 211 m above msl.Tughlakabad Railway station is about 1.2 km and New <strong>Delhi</strong> Railway station at adistance of about 16.8 km from the plant site. Indira Gandhi International Airport is ata distance of about 19.8 km. The locations of the plant, township and ash disposalareas are shown in Exhibit 1.2.1 and the study area map is shown in Exhibit 1.2.2.Geographical locations of the plant, township and ash disposal areas are as follows:Facilities Latitude LongitudeMain Plant28 0 29’ 51.33”N28 0 30’ 12.57” N28 0 30’ 14.04” N28 0 30’ 41.41” N77 0 18’ 09.63”E77 0 18’ 12.94” E77 0 18’ 36.76” E77 0 18’ 40.01” EAsh Disposal Area28 0 30’ 30.25” N28 0 30’ 57.76” N28 0 31’ 40.62” N28 0 31’ 47.68” N77 0 18’ 23.91” E77 0 18’ 38.85” E77 0 19’ 55.99” E77 0 18’ 59.66” EWater Intake Point 28 0 30’ 36.84” N 77 0 18’ 45.65” EAsola Wildlife Sanctuary is at a distance of about 4.15 km from <strong>Badarpur</strong> ThermalPower Station.1.3 Nature, Size of the Project and its Importance to the Country/ Region1.3.1 Nature and Size of the Project<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) shall be a gas based combined cyclepower project. The project will be operated on natural gas as the only fuel.1.3.2 Importance of the ProjectTo meet the national objective for development of Agro-industry in the country,power generation assumes the pivotal position. Keeping this in view and to providepower to all concerned, NTPC a premier organization contemplates to generate 50000MW electricity additionally. NTPC presently has 17930 MW under developmentincluding 1920 MW hydro based capacity and nearly 35000 MW under various stagesof progress.Chapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-3Exhibit 1.2.1: Vicinity Map showing plant and other facilitiesAsh Pond for BTPSStage-I & Stage-IIBTPS, Stage-I andStage-IIChapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-4Exhibit 1.2.1(A): Vicinity Map showing plant and other facilitiesChapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-5Exhibit 1.2.2: Study Area MapChapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-61.4 Scope of the StudyIn order to identify the environmental impacts due to construction and operation of<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I, and its associated facilities and draw a suitableenvironmental management plan to mitigate adverse impacts, if any, EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Study has been undertaken. MoEF vide its letter dated 12.03.2010accorded the approval of TOR (Refer Annexure-1). NTPC Limited have retained M/sVogue Construction and Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., New <strong>Delhi</strong> to carry outEnvironmental Impact Assessment (<strong>EIA</strong>) Study for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I vide letter No. 01/CS-1540-717-9-CY-LOA-54683 dated 26 th March 2010. Thebaseline environmental data generation was initiated in the month of May 2010 andwill continue up-to April 2011. The <strong>EIA</strong> Study covers baseline data generation,predictions and evaluation of impact on various environmental components andformulation of Environmental Management Plan and Disaster Management Plan.The Scope of the <strong>EIA</strong> Study is briefly described in the following sections.1.4.1 Project DescriptionThe project description will comprise of concise description of thermal powergeneration process and technology proposed to be adopted in respect of <strong>Badarpur</strong><strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW). These details have been presented in Chapter2. Description of the EnvironmentThe study area for the <strong>EIA</strong> Study covers an area within 10 km radius around theproject site. The study covers various environmental attributes viz. Land Use, WaterUse, Demography & Socio-economics, Geology, Soils, Hydrology, Water Quality,Meteorology, Ambient Air Quality, Terrestrial Ecology, Aquatic Ecology and Noise.The baseline environmental scenario has been established through primary datagenerated in the study area and secondary data available at site/ published in literatureand electronic media. The <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> is based on primary data collected formeteorology, air quality, water quality, terrestrial ecology, aquatic ecology, soil andnoise and secondary data (for all the disciplines) during May 2010 – November 2010.The baseline environmental scenario has been presented in Chapter 3.0 andmethodologies adopted under various disciplines are briefly described in followingsections. Land UseThe present land use pattern has been established based on Census Records of 2001and satellite imagery of November 2006. Demography and Socio-economicsDemographic and socio-economic characteristics of the existing population, includingthe characteristics of labour force in the study area have been established based onCensus records of 2001.Chapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1- SoilsThe soil in the study area has been described based on secondary data and analysis ofsoils samples. GeologyGeological map, profile and history of the study area have been described based onliterature review. Hydrology and Water UseSurface and ground water hydrology has been established based on secondary dataand water use in the area has been calculated. Water Quality: (Surface and Ground)The surface and ground water characteristics have been established through analysisof water samples collected during the study with respect to physico-chemicalcharacteristics and pollutant levels and the same has been compared with qualitycriteria for drinking water (IS:10500). MeteorologyOn site meteorological data generated during the study has been compared vis-à-vislong term meteorological data of the nearest India Meteorological Department (IMD)Station, Safdarjung, New <strong>Delhi</strong> located at about 15 km (aerial distance) from theproposed site. Ambient Air QualityAmbient air quality has been characterized with respect to SO 2 , NOx, RespirableSuspended Particulate Matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) and Ozone by field monitoring at fourlocations. The monitoring locations were selected based on a mathematical air qualitymodel. At each location, 24 hourly sampling is being undertaken twice a week. Thesamples are being analyzed and the data are compiled for maximum, minimum,average and 98 th percentile and compared with National Ambient Air QualityStandards (NAAQS). Ambient NoiseAmbient noise level measurement was undertaken at 10 locations within the studyarea to assess the background noise levels in different zones viz., Residential,Industrial, Commercial and Silence zones with the help of an Integrating Sound LevelMeter and L 10 , L 50 , L 90 and Leq values were calculated for 24 hours.Chapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1- EcologyThe terrestrial and aquatic ecology have been described based on literature review anda field survey.1.4.3 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation MeasuresThe environmental impacts have been predicted, evaluated and quantified for each ofthe disciplines listed in Section 1.4.2 above for construction and operation phases of<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I. Wherever, a quantitative prediction was notpossible, the impacts have been described qualitatively, based on experiences at otherNTPC project sites. These are presented in Chapter 4.0. Various sections of thischapter also include mitigation measures proposed to be undertaken for minimizingand / or offsetting identified adverse impacts.<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be accommodated within the existingpremises of <strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station. No additional land shall be acquired.Therefore, R&R is not required. Hence this aspect has not been covered in the <strong>Draft</strong><strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.The short term impacts on ambient air quality with respect to NOx have beenpredicted using Industrial Source Complex [ISCST3] 1993 dispersion model based onsteady state Gaussian plume dispersion, developed by United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency [USEPA].For computing the noise levels at various distances with respect to the plant site ingeneral and the turbo-generator bay in particular, noise propagation analysis wasundertaken. Noise control is an integrated part of equipment design and manufacture.Additional measures proposed to be undertaken are described in Chapter 4.0.The impact of emissions and discharges on ecology has been assessed qualitatively.The existing environmental conditions do not warrant any specific mitigation measurefor ecology.1.4.4 Analysis of Alternatives (Site and Technology)SitesAs <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be located within the existing premises ofBTPS and no additional land is proposed to be acquired, no alternate sites wereexplored.Technology<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be gas based combined cycle technology andwill use natural gas as fuel for power generation. NTPC is already operating 7 GasBased (3955 MW) power plants in India. The justification for adopting the presenttechnology is discussed below.In the combined cycle operation, the heat content of the flue gas exhaust from the gasturbine is utilized to generate steam in heat recovery steam generator, which in turn isChapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-9utilized to generate electric power in steam turbine. This results into a significantlyhigher overall efficiency as compared to open cycle operation. Recovery of heat fromflue gases also reduces thermal pollution. Combined cycle power plant has theadvantage of shorter project implementation period. The gas turbine uses cleaner fueli.e. natural gas, which is advantageous from environmental point of view.A natural gas based <strong>CCPP</strong> have the following additional advantages over theconventional coal based plants: Particulate matter emission into the atmosphere from coal handling, ashhandling and ash disposal is completely eliminated, Due to use of natural gas as fuel, sulphur dioxide emission into the atmosphereis practically eliminated, Water consumption and resulting waste water generation is significantly low.Alternative FuelsNatural gas has been selected as the main fuel for the power plant. Compared to otherfossil fuel generating technologies, gas-fired combustion turbine generators have arelatively low emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), moderate emission levels ofnitrogen oxides (NOx) and the lowest emission levels (almost traces) of sulfur dioxide(SO 2 ) and particulates.The analysis of alternative site and technology has been discussed in detail in Chapter5.0 of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.1.4.5 Environmental Monitoring ProgrammeBased on the findings of the impact assessment and recommendations in the EMP anenvironmental monitoring programme has been formulated for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>. Themonitoring programme specifies the locations, parameters, methodologies andfrequency of monitoring for emissions and discharges as well as ambient environmentfor the major disciplines. It is included in Chapter 8.0, i.e. Environmental MonitoringProgramme.1.4.6 Additional StudiesThe <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> has been prepared for onward submission to <strong>Delhi</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong><strong>Control</strong> Committee (DPCC) for conducting Public Consultation. The issues raisedduring the Public Consultation, shall be incorporated in the <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Risk assessment study has been carried out taking into account the maximuminventory of storage of hazardous materials at site at any point of time. The riskassociated with proposed plant is analyzed by PHA (preliminary hazard analysis andMCA (maximum credible accident). The major risk is of Fire, Explosion and leakageor spillage of HSD, acid, alkali, Chlorine, Rupture of LNG pipeline and also due toover pressure and temperature in equipment, Gas turbine and Steam Turbine. Basedon the risk contours, safeguard measures have been proposed and details areincorporated in Chapter 6.0Chapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-10A project specific Disaster Management Plan for dealing with emergency situationarising due to fire, explosion and leakages of hazardous substances, etc. in the plantand the procedures to be followed in case of any emergency are summarized inChapter Project BenefitsThe main benefit of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> shall be in terms of improving power supply inNCR of <strong>Delhi</strong>, thus reducing dependence of households and commercialestablishments on smaller DG Sets, thereby reducing localised pollution andimprovement in facilities. Further, the project has significant employment potentialunder skilled; semi-skilled and unskilled categories. These aspects are summarised inChapter Environmental Management PlanEnvironmental Management Plans for construction and operation phases of <strong>Badarpur</strong><strong>CCPP</strong> are presented in Chapter 9.0. It includes the description of the institutional setupfor ensuring that mitigative measures are implemented and their effectivenessmonitored in the operational phase.1.4.9 Summary and ConclusionsChapter 10.0 describes the summary of <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and conclusions regardingenvironmental suitability of the project based on findings of the study. The overalljustification regarding establishment of the project and adequacy of mitigatorymeasures proposed are presented in this Chapter.1.4.10 Disclosure of Consultants EngagedChapter 11.0 presents a brief profile of the, consultant M/s Vogue Construction andConsultancy Services Pvt. Limited, New <strong>Delhi</strong> retained by NTPC Limited forundertaking the present study.1.5 Statutory Clearances for the Existing Units<strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station was commissioned in 1973 with capacity of 3x95MW under Stage-I. The units under Stage-II (2x210 MW) were commissioned in1978 and 1981. The ownership of BTPS was transferred to NTPC Limited on01.06.2006 through Government of India vide it’s Gazette Notification.The Environmental Clearance for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station, Stage-I (3x95MW) was accorded by the then Department of Environment vide letter no. 17/13/01-Env dated 20.04.1982. The Environmental Clearance for BTPS, Stage-II (2x210MW) was accorded by MoEF vide letter no. J-13011/30/87-IA-II(T) dated 12.05.1992and the same was revalidated by MoEF vide letter of even number dated 22.02.1999.The existing units comply with the stipulations made in Environmental Clearance.Chapter 1.0 Introduction

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 1-111.5.1 Status of No Objection Certificate from DPCC for Existing units of Stage-I andStage-IIThe No Objection Certificate (NOC) for <strong>Badarpur</strong> TPS (705 MW) was accorded byDPCC.1.5.2 Status of Consents of Existing UnitsExisting units of <strong>Badarpur</strong> TPS are complying with the emission and dischargestandards prescribed by DPCC, CPCB and MoEF. The monitoring data is regularlysubmitted to DPCC & CPCB and consents under Air and Water Acts are regularlyaccorded by DPCC.1.5.3 Statutory Clearances for the Proposed UnitsAn Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> is beingundertaken as per <strong>EIA</strong> Notification dated 14.09.2006 of MoEF and amendmentsissued by the MoEF from time to time. The <strong>Draft</strong> Terms of Reference (TOR) for <strong>EIA</strong>Study has been approved by the MoEF vide letter dated 12.03.2010. The <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong> has been prepared in line with the approved TOR. Application for PublicConsultation shall be submitted to <strong>Delhi</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Committee (DPCC) in linewith the <strong>EIA</strong> Notification of MoEF dated 14.09.2006. After Public Consultation,application for Environmental Clearance along with required documents shall besubmitted to the MoEF.Chapter 1.0 Introduction

Chapter 2.0Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-1Chapter 2.0Project Description2.1 Project Profile2.1.1 LandThe Stage-III units shall be accommodated within the existing premises of <strong>Badarpur</strong>Thermal Power Station. Therefore, no additional land is proposed to be acquired for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW). The units under Main Plant of theStage-III shall be accommodated within the land acquired under BTPS, Stage-I andStage-II. A total of 1452 acres of land has already been acquired under BTPS, Stage-Iand Stage-II for the ultimate capacity of the BTPS. Detailed breakup of the land underdifferent land use is as follows:FacilitiesArea(in Acres)Main Plant Area 250Ash disposal areas 895Township 307Total 14522.1.2 Water2.1.2.1 Source, Requirement and Availability of WaterThe water requirement for Stage-III of the project shall be 20 cusecs (2038.32 m 3 /hr).The water requirement for this stage of the project shall be drawn from 60 cusecsAgra canal which draws water from River Yamuna near Okhla Barrage. The totalconsumptive water requirement of the station including expansion modules shall bewithin the available water commitment of 70 cusecs.The water shall be conveyed through pipelines instead of open canal in order toreduce evaporation and seepage losses. The plant make-up water is required for CWsystem make-up, make-up for Steam turbine cycle, HVAC make-up and potable waterfor the township and plant. The make-up water requirement of the project shall be1890 m 3 /hr.Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has already given in-principle commitment for makingavailable 70 cusecs of water for BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II. The CW system shall beoperated at 4 cycles of concentration (COC).The power plant will incorporate a closed circuit cooling system with Induced <strong>Draft</strong>Cooling Towers (IDCT) using water abstracted from the Agra Canal that shall beadopted for auxiliaries of Gas turbine, HRSG and Steam turbine using pH correctedDM water, which in turn will be cooled by circulating water in plate type heatexchangers. The make-up to the primary side closed loop would be from DM makeupsystem. For the secondary side, cooling water would be tapped from the respectiveCW inlet to condenser and hot water shall be let into the discharge duct after thecondenser.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2- Water BalanceThe water balance diagram for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> is shown in Exhibit 2.1.1. The detailsof water consumption for different purposes are given in Table 2.1.1. The details ofeffluents recycle and reuse is presented in Table 2.1.2.Table 2.1.1Water Requirement for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW)Plant Water Usage Water Requirement Type of Water(m 3 / hr)Cooling water make up 1560 Clarified WaterPower Cycle 170 Filtered WaterDomestic/Potable water 10 Clarified , filtered and demineralizedAC & Ventilation make up 40 ClarifiedMakeup for clarifier blow down,110 -system losses, evaporation, drift,seepage and consumptionTotal 1890 -* Recycled WaterTable 2.1.2Details of Recycle and Reuse of Effluents(All values in m 3 /hr)Name of the Effluent Qty. before Treatment Accorded Qty. after Net Qty. RemarksStreamTreatmentTreatment DischargedC.T. Blowdown 350 Nil 300 300 DischargedDM Plant Regeneration 10 Neutralization 10 10 through CMBWastewhereSludge from Pretreatment100 Sewage Treatment in 100 100 equalization shallPlantSewage Treatment Planttake place toand disposalnatural drain.Tube Settler Sludge 20 Sludge Thickening and 20 20 50 m 3 /hr fromremoval of solids inSludge Thickener/FilterBlowdownmakeupastoPressBoiler Blow-down 20 Nil 20 20Filter Backwash fromGravity Filters10 Sewage and PretreatmentPlantService WaterSystem owing toevaporationlosses.10 Nil Shall be used inSewage and Pre-Treatment PlantService Water Effluent 150 Tube Settler 150 Nil Entire quantityshall be recycledTotal 660 610 450Quantity of Effluent Recycled/Reused= 610-450= 160 m 3 /hrPercent recycled/Reused= (610-450) *100/660= 24.2%Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-3Exhibit 2.1.1: Water Balance DiagramChapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-42.1.3 Fuel2.1.3.1 Source, Requirement and AvailabilityRegassified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG)/Natural Gas have been considered asprimary fuel for the project. The power plant will utilize natural gas as its primaryfuel. The average natural gas requirement for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I(1050 MW) shall be 5.32 MMSCMD. <strong>Delhi</strong> Govt. in January 2010 had also requestedMinistry of Petroleum and Natural Gas for priority allocation of domestic gas for<strong>Badarpur</strong> project. In response, Secretary, MOP & NG vide letter dated 05.03.2010informed that demand for natural gas for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> would be considered as andwhen the plant is ready. Transportation and Handling SystemRLNG/NG shall be transported to the site through pipelines. The pressure ofRLNG/NG received at the plant is expected to meet the requirements of gas turbinesand therefore, gas pressure booster stations have not been envisaged. Space provisionshall also be kept for the Gas Treatment and Compression plant, if required at a laterstage. Fuel QualityNatural GasThe expected composition of natural gas considered for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III,Phase-I, is given in Table 2.1.3.Table 2.1.3Expected Composition of Natural Gas for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-ISl. No. Parameters Composition1 Methane 93.43 %2 Nitrogen 0.1201 %3 Carbon dioxide 0.9838 %4 Ethane 3.7209 %5 Propane 1.4839 %6 Iso-Butane 0.1195 %7 n-Butane 0.1144 %8 Iso-Pentane 0.0123 %9 n-Pentane 0.0145 %10 Heptanes 0.04 %11 Gross Calorific Value 8350 Kcal/m 312 Specific Gravity 0.6013Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-52.1.4 Transmission SystemPresently BTPS has a capacity of 705 MW coal based thermal power generationunder two stages. The Stage-I (3x95 MW) and Stage-II (2x210 MW) of the projecthas 220 kV step up voltage. Power from Stage-I & Stage-II of the project is evacuatedthrough following 220 kV overhead lines:• Sarita Vihar I & II• Okhala I & II• Mehrauli I & I• Ballabhgarh I & II• Gazipur via Noida• AlwarThe nominal capacity of the project under Stage-III, Phase-I is proposed as 1050 MW(3x350 MW) combined cycle gas based power plant. Due to increasing fault levels at220 kV levels in and around <strong>Delhi</strong>, 400 kV has been envisaged as step up and powerevacuation voltage for Stage-III, Phase–I of the project. Due to space constraints 400kV gas insulated switchyard has been proposed. Further considering the acute right ofway (ROW) constraints, it is expected that LILO of one circuit of Maharani Bagh-Greater Noida circuit would be done for evacuation of power. The line take-offcorridor is also considered towards eastern (present CISF colony) side of the plant.Two nos. of 400 kV line bays suitable for Quad conductor configuration are beingenvisaged for the proposed phase. However, final arrangement shall be decided basedon the ATS finalized for the project. The issue of power evacuation shall be taken upwith appropriate authority i.e. CTU/CEA based on various routes of power sale andbeneficiaries/power allocation from the project.2.2 Type of the Project<strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) shall be aRLNG/Natural Gas fired power project with following configuration. The maincomponents of the proposed project include:• Gas Turbine and Auxiliary Units• HRSG Boilers• Steam Turbine• Closed Cycle Cooling System with Cooling Towers• Water & Effluent Treatment System• Fire Protection System• Air Conditioning & Ventilation System• Stacks• Electrical Systems: Generator Bus Duct, Transformers, Switchgears, Switch Yardetc.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-62.3 Need of the Project<strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) is beingtaken up by NTPC Limited to meet the power requirements of NCR <strong>Delhi</strong>. Theproject is expected to start yielding benefits during 12 th Plan period. The peak demand(in Mega Watts) and energy requirement (in Million Units) scenario for the country asper Electrical Power Survey, EPS-17 published by Central Electricity Authority(CEA) is presented in Table 2.3.1.As per 17th EPS, the projected demand by 2012 is 157325 MW. It is further estimatedin EPS-17 that the peak demand will increase to 2, 23,662 MW by the year 2017.The expected addition in the country during 11th Plan is 78,577 MW from underConstruction and New Projects while NTPC Limited is expected to add 22,600 MWunder 11th Plan. The above capacity addition data has been considered based on therecent assessment by CEA on demand projection and generation Planning.RegionTable 2.3.1Demand Projections up-to 2012 and 2017 under 17 th EPSPeak Demand As per17 th EPS (MW)Energy RequirementAs per 17 th EPS(Forecast) (MU)Up-to 1012 up-to 2017 up-to 2012 up-to 2017NR 48137 66583 294841 411513WR 47108 64349 294860 409805SR 40367 60433 253443 380068ER 19088 28401 111802 168942NER 2537 3760 13329 21143ISLANDS 88 136 384 595ALL-INDIA 157325 223662 968659 1392066Demand and Supply Scenario at the end of 11 th Plan with the addition of 78,700 MWand enhanced performance in 11 th Plan has been worked out and presented in Table2.3.2.Table 2.3.2Demand and Supply Scenario at the End of 11 th PlanRegion Availability at the end of 11 thPlanDemand As per EPS 17 th ForecastEnergy (MU) Peak (MW) Energy (MU) Deficit/Surplus (%)Peak (MW) Deficit/Surplus (%)NR 281032 40102 294841 -4.7 48137 -16.7WR 295773 42205 294860 0.3 47108 -10.4SR 257451 36737 253443 1.6 40367 -9.0ER 167335 23878 111802 49.7 19088 25.1NER 33235 4743 13329 149.3 2537 87.0Islands 392 56 384 2.1 88 -36.4Total 1035218 147721 968659 6.90 157325 - 6.1Chapter 2.0 Project Description

,<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-7From the above, it is observed that the peak deficit still exists at the end of 11 th Plan tothe extent of 16.7% in Northern Region and overall 6.1%.The expected capacity addition in the country during 12 th Plan is 86,500 MW fromnew projects while NTPC Limited is expected to add 25,311 MW under 12 th Planperiod. The above capacity addition data has been considered based on the recentassessment by CEA on demand projection and generation planning. Demand &Supply Scenario at the end of 12 th Plan with the addition of 86,500 MW and enhancedperformance has been worked out and presented in Table 2.3.3.From the Tables 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, it can be seen that there is overall peak deficit of6.1% and 6.9% in the country in 11 th and 12 th Plans respectively. Also, from Table2.3.2, it is seen that Northern Region in particular is expected to face peak powershortage of (-) 16.7% and deficit in peak energy of (-) 4.7% respectively under 11 thPlan.RegionTable 2.3.3Demand and Supply Scenario at the End of 12 th PlanAvailability at theend of 12 th PlanEnergy Peak(MU) (MW)Demand As per EPS 17 th ForecastEnergy(MU)Deficit/Surplus(%)Peak(MW)Deficit/Surplus (%)All India 1459553 208270 1392066 +4.8 223662 -6.9The National Electricity Policy has set up the goal of adding new generation capacitynot only to eliminate energy and peaking shortages but to have a spinning reserve of5% in the system. Considering the above, <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project,Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW), planned to be commissioned in the early 12 th Plan, istherefore, justified from demand supply consideration.2.4 Proposed Schedule for Approval and Implementation<strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) is envisagedto be commissioned in the early 12 th Plan period. The zero date of the project isreckoned from Main Plant Award. The Commercial Operation Date (COD) of<strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) is envisagedin 28 months from the date of Main Plant Award as per CERC norms.2.5 Technology and Process DescriptionRLNG/Natural gas will be mixed with air at the gas turbine unit compressor outletand combusted to produce hot high pressure flue gas, which drives the gas turbineelectrical generator. Gas turbine exhaust will be used to generate steam fromdemineralized water to drive one steam turbine generator.Electric Generator coupled with the Gas Turbine generates Electric Power. Theexhaust gas coming out of each gas turbine shall be connected to a dedicated HeatRecovery Steam Generator (HRSG). The HRSG shall be unfired, heat recovery type,Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-8multi pressure level type designed to accept the maximum exhaust gas temperatureand gas flow from the associated gas turbine. It shall be of triple pressure reheat type.The steam shall be generated at three different pressure levels (High pressure,Intermediate pressure and Low pressure) that will maximize the heat recovery fromflue gas by minimizing the irreversibility in heat transfer. A condensate pre-heatershall be added thereby increasing the efficiency by increasing the heat extraction fromexhaust gases. The steam generated from HRSG shall be led to respective steamturbine which will be coupled to the Electric Generator for generating electricity. Thedischarge of hot waste gases from HRSG shall be done using a stack of requiredheight suitable to the type of HRSG required. It shall be self supporting and thermallyinsulated. The process flow diagram is shown in Exhibit 2.5.1. Nominal rating of theproposed Unit would be 1050 MW.The gas turbine based Combined Cycle Plant offers much higher efficiency thanconventional steam turbine plants (50-59% as compared to 35-40% of a conventionalsteam plant. It is proposed to keep both the options of single shaft & Multi shaftarrangement for “3x (1GT+ 1HRSG+1ST) module configuration” for the net nominalcapacity of 1050 MW for Stage-III of the plant. However, as mentioned above that themulti-shaft arrangement is considered to be costlier vis-à-vis single shaft arrangement,the multi shaft arrangement may be taken for cost estimation purpose.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-9Exhibit 2.5.1: Process Flow Diagram for Gas Based Combined Cycle PowerStationChapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-102.6 Layout and Plant SystemsThe General Layout Plan for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) is shownin Exhibit 2.6.1. The General Layout Plan for the project has been developed takinginto consideration various aspects like available land and shape, ground features andterrain, corridor for outgoing transmission lines, prevailing wind direction, the waterdrawl and the associated pipe corridor. The Stage-III units of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> shall belocated in the space available in South-West side of the plant in between the Westboundary and railway lines. The main plant will be along North-West to South-Eastdirection. The switchyard orientation has been planned taking into consideration therequirement of power evacuation in the South direction from the main plant. Thecooling towers are proposed to be located on North-east of the main plant.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-11Exhibit 2.6.1: General Layout Plan with Green BeltChapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-122.7 Description of Mitigation MeasuresVarious construction and operation activities to be undertaken during implementationof <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) and their impacts on theenvironment of study area around BTPS shall be discussed in Chapter 4.0, along withthe mitigation measures to control these impacts to acceptable levels. However, basedon NTPC’s vast experience with thermal power generation and existing regulatoryrequirements, the following pollution control systems shall be in-built with the plantsystems.2.7.1 Cooling SystemFor <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) a closed cycle cooling systemhaving either Induced draft (IDCT) type or Natural draft (NDCT) type. For all thealternatives, IDCT or NDCT shall be provided with splash type fill. While the capitalcost of Natural draft cooling tower is higher, the operating cost of NDCT shall belower on account of saving in power consumption and reduced O&M expenses.Techno-economic analysis for the selection of type of Cooling towers would becarried out later during project engineering stage. For the purpose of Feasibilityreport, Natural draft type Cooling tower option is considered.The make-up to the primary side closed loop would be from DM make-up system. Forthe secondary side, cooling water would be tapped from the respective CW inlet tocondenser and hot water shall be let to the discharge duct after the condenser. Thesystem will operate at about 4 Cycles of Concentration (COC). The total water undercirculation in the condenser and auxiliary cooling system is estimated to be about78,000 m 3 /hr considering the temperature rise of 9-10 0 C for the complete plant. Themake-up to the system is estimated to be 1560 m 3 /hr.The clarified water shall be used as make-up for the re-circulating type CW system. ACW pump house comprising of six (6) no. of CW pumps each of 13000 m 3 /hr shall beprovided. The clarified water shall be supplied from the Water Pre-Treatment plant tothe cold channel of CW system which will enter the CW pump house through trashracks at low velocity to filter out debris.2.7.2 Plant Water SystemsThe water balance diagram for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) ispresented in Exhibit 2.1.1. Table 2.1.1 shows various plant water usages, along withthe treatment accorded and quantity of water required for each usage. Table 2.7.1shows various effluent streams along with quantity and modes of treatment /discharge. While utmost care has been taken to maximize the recycle/ reuse ofeffluents and minimize effluent quantity, the discharge of effluents from a powerplant of 1050 MW capacity cannot be totally eliminated. The total quantity of treatedeffluent to be discharged from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) wouldbe about 23.81% of the total makeup water requirement.In addition to the systems described above, the oily wastes from fuel oil handling areaand main plant area shall be treated using oil water separator and the treated watershall be led to the tube settler provided for service water waste for further treatmentand reuse in service water system.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

Waste Water Stream<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-13Table 2.7.1:Effluent Generation, Treatment and Disposalfrom <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW)Quantity(m 3 /hr.)Treatment/Recycle/Reuse ofeffluentC.T. Blowdown 350 Discharge through CentralMonitoring BasinDM Plant Regeneration 10 Treatment in Neutralization pit andWasteDischarge through CentralMonitoring BasinSludge from Pretreatment100 Treatment in Sewage Pre-treatmentPlantPlant followed by SludgeTube Settler sludge 20 Thickening and removal of solidsin Sludge Thickener/Filter PressBoiler Blow-down 20 Discharge through CentralMonitoring Basin10 Treatment in Sewage Pre-treatmentplantQuantity &Point ofDischargeNatural DrainFilter Backwash fromGravity FiltersShall be usedin Sewage andPre-TreatmentPlantService Water Effluent 150 Treatment in Tube Settler Entire quantityshallrecycledbe2.7.3 Water <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> SystemsAn effluent management scheme, consisting of collection, treatment, recirculation anddisposal of effluents shall be implemented in order to optimize the make up waterrequirement as well as liquid effluent generation. The salient features of water systemfor the project are described as follows:♦♦♦♦♦♦Recirculating type CW system with cooling towers has been envisaged for theproject. Further, the blow down from CW system will be drawn from cold sidei.e. from CW pump discharge, to ensure that there is no thermal pollution.Reuse of a part of C.W. Blow down shall be utilized for the following: Fire Fighting Service Water SystemRecirculation of Filter Backwash to Sewage and Pre Treatment PlantNeutralization of D.M. Plant Regeneration Waste and disposal through CentralMonitoring BasinRecirculation of effluents from service water system (after treatment in plateseparator/tube settlers)For oily wastes, oil water separators shall be provided from the main plant andfuel oil areas. The separated oil shall be removed from the top and the water atChapter 2.0 Project Description

♦♦<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-14the bottom shall be recycled or led to the plant effluent drain depending uponits quantity. The reuse of treated effluent shall be done in service water systemafter further treatment in tube settlers.Treatment of clarifier sludge and tube settler sludge through Sludge Thickener/ Filter Press and discharge of clear water through Central Monitoring Basin.All the plant effluents after individual treatment before disposal shall be sentto Central Monitoring Basin. From Central Monitoring Basin, the treatedeffluents shall be disposed off in natural water course leading to Agra Canal.The efficient operation of various treatment schemes shall be ensured so thatthe quality of treated effluent from CMB conforms to the relevant standards.The sewage from plant and township shall be led to sewage treatment plant. It isprovided with appropriate biological treatment system to control Bio-chemicalOxygen Demand (BOD) and suspended solids. The treated effluent conforming toprescribed standards shall be either utilized for plantation purposes or discharged inAgra Canal through natural water course.2.7.4 Fuel Handling Systems2.7.4.1 Fuel Oil Handling SystemFuel oil shall be used for startup and for flame stabilization purpose during low loadoperation of the Steam Generator with natural gas firing. The heavy fuel oil shall betransported to the power station in Railway wagons and for this purpose the requiredrail tanker unloading facilities shall be provided. For storage of Heavy oil (HFO)three (3) nos. fixed roof storage tanks of 18m height and 24m diameter shall beprovided. The containment wall shall be built up around the tank area of all the threetanks. There shall be provisions of oil water separator pit and paving and drainsaround the tank.To facilitate quick startup during black start condition, power shall be drawn from thegrid by back charging GT and UAT. No separate black start facility is beingenvisaged for the project. One emergency power supply has been proposed for theproject. The emergency power supply system will provide a source of power in theevent of grid failure (black-out). In such event, the emergency set up shall be sized tosupply essential auxiliary loads of all the units of respective module. One (1) no. ofDiesel Generator (DG) set along with LT Emergency Board shall be provided foreach module. DG set will deliver power at 0.415 kV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz.2.7.5 Air <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> SystemsThe proposed units under BTPS, Stage-III, Phase-I shall use Regassified LiquefiedNatural Gas (RLNG) / Natural Gas as primary fuel and HSD as secondary backupemergency fuel. Therefore, the emissions from B<strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall befree from particulate matter and sulphur dioxide. NOx emission from the units shallbe controlled by employing Dry Low NOx (DLN) combustion technology whilefiring RLNG/ Natural gas and steam/water injection while firing liquid fuel. The NOxemissions shall be controlled within the applicable emission standards, stipulated videEPA Notification, GSR 7 dated 22.12.1998.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-15Each module shall be provided with a chimney for wider dispersal of gaseousemissions from Waste Heat Recovery Boiler. The height of the Stack shall be 70.0 m.The chimney will have provisions for monitoring of NOx.2.7.6 Noise <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> SystemsThe major noise generating sources in a power plant are the turbines, turbogenerators,compressors, pumps, fans etc. from where noise is continuouslygenerated. Acoustic enclosures shall be provided wherever required to control thenoise level below 85 dB (A). Wherever it is not possible technically to meet therequired noise levels, the personnel protection equipment (PPEs) shall be provided.Provision of green belt and afforestation will further help in reducing the noise levels.Large scale afforestation and green belt development activities shall be undertaken inall the available spaces in the plant. To protect the workers within the constructionarea and plant area, adequate protective measures in the form of ear-muffs/ ear plugs/masks shall be provided, which will minimise/ eliminate adverse impacts.2.7.7 Solid Waste Management Systems<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall use Regassified Liquefied Natural Gas(RLNG)/Natural Gas as primary fuel and HSD as secondary fuel. Hence, no solidwaste shall be generated due to operation of the power plant.2.7.8 Fire Detection and Protection SystemsA Comprehensive Fire detection and protection system is envisaged for <strong>Badarpur</strong><strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I. This system shall generally confirm to therecommendations of TAC(India)/IS 3034 & NFPA-850. The following fire detectionand protection systems have been envisaged.♦ Hydrant system covering the entire power station including all importantauxiliaries and buildings in the plant area. The system shall be complete withpumps, piping, valves, instrumentation, hoses, nozzles, hose boxes etc.♦ Automatic high velocity water spray system for all transformers located intransformer yard and those of rating 10 MVA and above located within theboundary of the plant, turbine oil tanks, lube oil piping (zoned) in turbine area,generator seal oil system, lube oil system for turbine driven boiler feed pumps,etc. This system shall consist of QB detectors, deluge valves, projectors, valves,piping and instrumentation, etc.♦ Automatic medium velocity water spray system for cable vaults and cablegalleries of main plant, switchyard control room consisting of smoke detectors,linear heat sensing cable detectors, eluge valves, isolation valves, piping,instrumentation etc.♦ For protection of control room, control equipment room, etc; Inert Gasextinguishing system as per NFPA-2004 would be opted.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-16♦ The gas turbine enclosures shall be provided with required fire extinguishingsystem such as Carbon dioxide or Inert Gas as per the standard practice of the gasturbine suppliers.♦ Fire detection and Alarm system - A computerised analogue, addressable typeearly warning system shall be provided to cover the complete power plant.Following types of fire detection shall be employed.a) Multisensor type detection systemb) Photo electric type detection systemc) Combination of both Multisensor and photo electric detection systems forabove and below false ceiling of inert gas protected areas & various cablegalleries protected by MVW spray system.d) Linear heat sensing cable detector.e) Quartzoid bulb heat detection system.♦ Portable and mobile extinguishers, such as pressurized water type, carbon-dioxidetype, foam type, dry chemical powder type, will be located at strategic locationsthroughout the plant.♦ Required Fire Tenders/Engines of water type, DCP type/Foam type, trailer pumpwith fire jeep, etc. shall be provided in the fire station.♦ CW system blow down shall be used for supply of fire water. It is proposed toprovide two numbers of mild steel water storage tanks which shall be fed from theCW blow down water. An over ground fire water pump house shall be constructednear these fire water storage tanks. Horizontal fire water pumps shall be installedin the pump house for hydrant and spray system and the same shall be driven byelectric motor and diesel engines as per the rules of TAC. The water for foamsystem shall be tapped off from the hydrant system pumps.♦ For the above fire water pumping station, automatic pressurization systemconsisting of jockey pumps shall be provided.♦ Complete Instrumentation and <strong>Control</strong> System for the entire fire detection andprotection system shall be provided for safe operation of the complete system.2.8 Green Belt Development PlanExtensive plantation has been carried out around the periphery of the BTPS. This willbe further strengthened by plantation in the available vacant spaces in plant andtownship areas. A large scale plantation of about 200000 trees has been carried outwithin BTPS, especially in ash disposal area Large scale afforestation and green beltdevelopment activities shall be undertaken in all available spaces in the plant.2.9 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Sustainable power generation has been one of the prime objectives of NTPC Limitedsince inception. Towards achieving this objective, various measures have beenintroduced to ensure minimum degradation of the environment due to the operation ofthe power stations. As a part of agreement under Kyoto Protocol the CDM has beenChapter 2.0 Project Description

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 2-17introduced to enable trading of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) between thedeveloped countries and the developing countries. It is envisaged to take up NTPC’sproposed <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> Stage–III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Advance class GasTurbines as a CDM project. Adoption of state of art technology will improve powerplant efficiency and thereby reduction in CO 2 emissions.CDM revenue is one of the prime considerations for the project. It is likely toameliorate the Internal Rate of Return & will help overcoming the various barriersrelated to the project. The project is an ideal case for CDM benefits, beingenvironmentally benign with less emission of green house gases (GHG).2.10 Resettlement and Rehabilitation PlanNo additional land is proposed to be acquired for main plant or township for <strong>Badarpur</strong><strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I. Therefore, this aspect has not been covered in the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Chapter 2.0 Project Description

Chapter 3.0Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-1Chapter 3.0Description of Environment3.0 Site and SurroundingThis chapter describes the existing environmental conditions of the study area, whichcovers an area within 10 km radius around proposed site for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined CyclePower Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW). The methodology of establishing baselineenvironmental scenario has been briefly described in Chapter 1.0 and further details ofdata generation/ collection; analysis and interpretation are presented in the respectivesections in this chapter.TopographyThe study area is generally plain with slight undulation. The topography of the projectsite is fairly plain land having an average elevation of 211 m above MSL. Land will berequired to be dressed up. Earthwork in filling up to approx. 2 m and leveling work shallbe carried out. The proposed project site is flat.PhysiographyThe physiographic units in <strong>Delhi</strong> can be categorized into 3 categories:• Masudpur-Wazirabad Ridge• Older Alluvial Plain• Yamuna Flood PlainThe study area falls under Yamuna Flood Plain. The elevation of study area varies from210 m to 219 m above the mean sea level.DrainageThe drainage pattern of the study area is mainly controlled by the RiverYamuna thatenters <strong>Delhi</strong> at Palla and runs about 25 km to Wazirabad and from there traverses asimilar distance to the Okhla barrage, where it exits to Haryana. The floodplain area isabout 2 km wide, contiguous to the banks of the river.ClimateThe climate of the region is semiarid type, with three well defined seasons. Winter startsin November and peaks in January. <strong>Delhi</strong> is notorious for its heavy fog during the winterseason. In December, visibility is reduced to nearly zero disrupting road, air and railtraffic in the city. During the summer season, the city faces extreme power and watershortage when the demand for these utilities is at its peak. Every year, the heat wave insummer claims several lives in <strong>Delhi</strong>. The temperature is usually between 21.1° C to40.5° C during these months. The city, however, has a pleasant climate from February toApril and from August to November.Winters are usually cold and night temperatures often fall to 6.5° C during the periodfrom December to February. The average annual temperature recorded in <strong>Delhi</strong> is 31.5° Cbased on the records over the period of 70 years maintained by the MeteorologicalDepartment.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-2About 87% of the annual rainfall is received during the monsoon months June toSeptember. The rainfall varies from 400 mm to 600 mm. On an average, rain of 2.5 mmor more falls on 27 days in a year. Of these, 21.4 days are during monsoon months. Fordesign considerations, rainfall intensity of 20 to 30 mm which generally occurs in onehour duration has to be taken into account.The <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> is based on environmental baseline data generated during May2010 to November 2010. Apart from primary data generated during the field monitoring,environment related data was also collected from secondary sources like ForestDepartment of Government of <strong>Delhi</strong>, published journals and electronic media, IndiaMeteorological Department (IMD), Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), WaterResource Department of Government of <strong>Delhi</strong>, etc.3.1 Land UseLand is the most vital resource for sustenance of life and degradations of land due toindustrialization; urbanization and population growth is a matter of concern. Therefore, itis necessary to establish the existing land use pattern to optimize the land use as well asminimize degradation due to the developmental activities.The basic idea of land use classification for the purpose of <strong>EIA</strong> study is to define thedistribution of the existing land according to its actual use. The land use pattern indicatesthe manner in which different parts of land in the study area is being utilized or unutilized.It is an important indicator of environmental health and human activity and adegree of inter-play between these two. Even though the soil quality, water availabilityand climatic conditions have strong influence on agriculture and vegetation, the humanactivity may alter the natural environment to a large extent to suit human needs.Unsuitable land use often triggers rapid environmental deterioration and disturbsecological balance.The objectives of the present study are:• To map the study area with respect to various land use/land cover categories• To identify the sensitive areas within 10 km radius around the project site.The land use pattern of the study area as deciphered from satellite imagery of November2006 with limited ground truth verifications has been established and also compiled fromthe Census Records of 2001. Ground and ancillary information have been used to identifythe sensitive places within 10 km radius around the proposed project with the help oftoposheet of the area. The land use/land cover map has been developed based on thesatellite imagery.3.1.1 Land Use/Land Cover Classification Based on Satellite ImageryMethod of Data PreparationThe land use/land cover has been presented in the form of a map prepared by usingLANDSAT 7 ETM+ satellite imagery of November 2006. The satellite data has beenprocessed using ERDAS Imagine 9.1 software supported with ground checks and groundtruth verification by qualified and experienced professionals. Area and distanceChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-3calculations have been carried out using GIS software after geo-referencing the interpreteddata with the help of Survey of India toposheet of scale 1:50,000.Maps depicting major land use/ land cover classes under various categories are presentedin Exhibit 3.1.1.Area under Different Land UseThe land use classes with the areas falling under the respective classification arepresented in Table 3.1.1.The data indicates that the area is predominantly occupied by settlements (urban).Table 3.1.1Land Use/Land Cover of the Study Area Based onSatellite Imagery (November 2006)Sl. No. Land Use Class Area in Ha %1 Agriculture 5714.80 18.202 Waterbody 722.20 2.303 Settlements 13062.40 41.604 Vegetation Cover 2574.80 8.205 Fallow land 2747.50 8.756 Waste Land 879.20 2.807 Miscellaneous 5699.10 18.15Total 31400.00 100Table 3.1.2Land Use/Land Cover Changes in <strong>Delhi</strong> during 1992-2004Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-4Exhibit 3.1.1:Land Use/Land Cover Map of the Study Area based on Satellite Imagery ofNovember 2006LegendsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-5Exhibit 3.1.2:Land Use/Land Cover Changes in <strong>Delhi</strong> during 1992 -2004Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-63.1.2 Land Use Classification Based on Census RecordsIn traditional revenue records in India, major land use classes are; (a) Hills and rockyland, (b) Forests, (c) Pastures (d) Habitated areas (e) Cultivated areas (f) Culturablewasteland (g) Un-culturable wasteland. As per the Census Records of 2001, the studyarea falls under NCR covering <strong>Delhi</strong>, Faridabad and Gautam Budh Nagar. As per thecensus records, the study area is predominantly urban in character.The Census records, do not classify land as ‘Hilly and rocky’ or ‘Pastures’ or ‘Habitatedarea’. It appears that, ‘Hilly and rocky’ areas are included in ‘Un-culturable land’,Pastures are included in ‘Culturable waste land’ and ‘Habitated area’ are included in‘Area not available for cultivation’.In census records total land of a village is classified in two categories (a) Culturable land(b) Un-culturable land. Culturable land is further sub-classified into cultivated area andculturable wasteland. Un-culturable land includes habitated area, forest and pastures landcovered by roads and buildings. Land use pattern as per the census records of 2001, hasbeen classified in the following major categories:• Forest• Cultivated Land Irrigated Land Un-irrigated Land• Culturable Waste Land• Area not Available for CultivationSummary of land use pattern is presented in Table of Land Use Pattern in the Study Area(Source: Census Records of 2001)(Area in ha)Sl. No. Land Use Class Area in Ha %I Forest Land 253.78 0.73II Cultivated Land 10359.97(i) Irrigated 8476.37(ii) Unirrigated 1883.60IIIIV29.8081.8218.18CulturableWasteland4276.10 12.30Area Not Available 19875.15 57.17for cultivationTotal Area 34765.00 100The total area of land falling in the study area of 10 km radius is 34765 ha spread over theurban area of <strong>Delhi</strong>, Faridabad and Gautam Budh Nagar as per census records of 2001.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-7On perusal of the compiled data from the Census Records of 2001, following conclusioncan be drawn:♦ The forest cover occupies 0.73%♦ The cultivated land occupies 29.8%♦ The culturable waste land 12.30% and♦ The land not available for cultivation occupies 57.17%.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-83.2 Demography and Socio-Economic FeaturesDemography and socio-economic features include population, number of houses andhouseholds, literacy, population density etc. The study area falls under South, South-westand East districts of <strong>Delhi</strong> and NCR covering Faridabad and Gautam Budh Nagar. As perthe census records, the study area is predominantly urban in character.In order to assess the demographic features of the study area, census records of <strong>Delhi</strong>,Faridabad and Gautam Budh Nagar for the year 1991 and 2001 have been compiled andanalyzed with respect to demographic profile, community structure, educational facilities,occupational structure and infrastructure facilities.It was observed that study area is predominantly urban in nature with a total population ofabout 23.98 lakh (with 96.3% urban population), as per census data of 2001. Thepopulation of <strong>Delhi</strong> (91.6%) and Faridabad (7.9%) constitute major population of thestudy area.3.2.1 Demographic Profile of the Study AreaThe percentages of male, female population and sex ratio as per the Census records of2001 are are 55.53%, 44.47% and 1000 (Males): 800 (females) respectively. TheSchedule Caste (SC) population within the study area is 17.32% of the total populationwhile Schedule Tribe (ST) population is nil.The total number of literates within the study area is 16.63 lakh, which is 69.3% of totalpopulation. The percentage of male and female literacy to the total literate population is60.6% and 39.4%, respectively. The demographic profile of the study area is presented inTable Profile of the Study Area (Based on Census Records of 2001)Parameter Classification No. ofPersonsRural/ Urban Total Population 2,398,417Break Up Urban Population 2,310,623 96.34Rural Population 87,794 3.66Male Female Total Population 2,398,417RatioMale 1,331,818 55.53Scheduled CastesScheduled TribesLiterates% of TotalPopulationFemale 1,066,599 44.47Total 415,373 17.32Male 223,830 9.33Female 191,543 7.99Total 0 0.00Male 0 0.00Female 0 0.00Total 1,662,948 69.34Male 1,008,128 42.03Female 654,820 27.30Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-9The decadal variation in demographic profile of the study area over the last decade ispresented in Table In the year 1991, the population of the study area was 18.51lakhs, which increased to 23.98 lakhs in the year 2001, showing an increase of about 30%during the decade. The schedule caste population showed almost negligible change from1991 to 2001. There is no schedule tribe in the study area. The literacy rate of the studyarea has gone up by 3.77% during the last decade.Table Variation in Demographic Profile of Study Area (1991-2001)S. No. Subject Status in 1991 Status in 2001 Remarks1 Population 18,51,741 23,98,417 Increase2 Percentage of male 55.00% 55.53% No change3 Percentage of Female 45.00% 44.47% Decrease (0.53%)4 Percentage of SC 17.00% 17.31% No change5 Percentage of ST 0.00% 0.00% No change6 Literate 65.56% 69.33% Increase (3.77%)3.2.2 Occupational PatternThe occupational pattern of the population in the study area has been studied withreference to main workers, marginal workers and non-workers. The occupational patternof the study area is presented in Table Pattern of the Study Area(Based on Census Records of 2001)Parameter Classification No. of Persons % of TotalPopulationWorkersTotal 825,112 34.40Male 704,585 29.38Female 120,527 5.03Main Workers Total 775,657 32.34Male 668,746 27.88Female 106,911 4.46Cultivators Total 5,803 0.24AgriculturalLabourersOther WorkersMarginal WorkersMale 4,708 0.20Female 1,095 0.05Total 2,765 0.12Male 1,930 0.08Female 835 0.03Total 752,682 31.38Male 650,016 27.10Female 102,666 4.28Total 49,455 2.06Male 35,839 1.49Female 13,616 0.57Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-10Parameter Classification No. of Persons % of TotalPopulationNon Workers Total 1,573,305 65.60Male 627,233 26.15Female 946,072 39.45The total workers in the study area, as per Census Data of 2001 are 8.25 lakhs (34.40%).The marginal workers are those workers who are engaged in some work for a period lessthan six months during the reference year prior to the census survey. The marginalworkers of the study area are 0.5 lakh (2.06%). The non-workers include those engaged inunpaid household duties, students, retired persons, dependants, beggars etc. The nonworkersworkers of the study area are 15.73 lakhs (65.59%).Total cultivators in study area are 0.24% of total population while agricultural labourersare about 0.12 % of total population. The workers other than cultivators or agriculturallabourers are 31.4% of the total population.A comparison of occupational pattern of the study area for the year 1991 and 2001 ispresented in Table It shows that there have been marginal changes inoccupational pattern over the past decade.Table Variation in Occupational Pattern of Study Area (1991-2001)S. No. Subject Status in 1991 Status in 2001 Remarks1 Total Worker 32.09% 34.40% Increase2 Non worker 67.78% 65.59% Decrease3 Marginalworker0.14% 2.06% Increase3.2.3 Availability of Infrastructure Facilities and AmenitiesA review of infrastructure facilities available in the study area has been done on the basisof the information given in census data 2001, <strong>Delhi</strong>. The study area has a good level ofinfrastructure facilities and amenities like education, health, drinking water,electrification, and transport and communication network.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-113.3 Hydrology3.3.1 Surface HydrologyHydrology of the study area is broadly described under following categories:(i) Surface water hydrology : rivers, stream, canal, ponds etc.(ii) Ground water hydrology : accumulation in deeper strata of ground.The only source of recharging for surface water and ground water is from precipitation(rainfall). The long term average annual rainfall is 712.2 mm. In <strong>Delhi</strong> too ground watercontributes to substantial quantity of supply. Especially in new development areas groundwater is largely being utilised as a drinking water resource, mainly because of theinsufficiency of the Yamuna water share for <strong>Delhi</strong>. Ground water collects in the aquifersover thousands of years through infiltration and ground water flow recharge. A particularamount of ground water is replenished regularly through rainwater infiltration.Sustainable use of ground water means withdrawal of ground water at a rate at which it isreplenished through recharge. Faster withdrawal rates would lead to fall in water tableand finally depletion of ground water.The study area is mainly drained by River Yamuna at a distance of 3.6 km from <strong>Badarpur</strong><strong>CCPP</strong> flowing from Northwest to Southeast direction. The active flood plain aquifersystem occupies an area of 97 and stretches about 35 Km along river Yamuna. TheAgra Canal lies at a distance of 1Km in the East from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>.Yamuna River BasinThe river Yamuna, a major tributary of river Ganges, originates from the Yamunotriglacier near south western slopes of Banderpoonch peaks in the Mussourie range of thelower Himalayas at an elevation of about 6387 meters above mean sea level in districtUttarkashi (Uttranchal). It travels a total length of 1,376 kilometers (855 miles) and has adrainage system of 3,66,223 km 2 , 40.2% of the entire Ganges Basin, before merging withthe Ganges at Triveni Sangam, Allahabad. In its first 170 km stretch, the tributaries RishiGanga Kunta, Hanuman Ganga, Tons and Giri join the main river. The map of Yamunabasin is shown in Exhibit 3.3.1.Arising from the source, river Yamuna flows through a series of valleys for about 200Kms, in lower Himalayas and emerges into Indo-Gangetic plains. In the upper reaches,the main valley is overlooked by numerous hanging valleys, carved by glaciers during thelast ice ages. The gradient of the river is steep here and the entire geomorphology of thevalley has been influenced by the passage of the river. In the upper stretch of 200 Km, itdraws water from several major streams.It crosses several states, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, passing by HimachalPradesh and later <strong>Delhi</strong>, and meets several of its tributaries on the way, including Tons,its largest and longest tributary, Chambal, which has its own large basin, followed bySindh, the Betwa, and Ken. Most importantly it creates the highly fertile alluvial,Yamuna-Ganges Doab region between itself and the Ganges in the Indo-Gangetic plain.Nearly 57 million people depend on the Yamuna River, with an annual flow of about10,000 cubic billion metres (cbm) and usage of 4,400 cbm (of which irrigation constitutes96 %), it accounts for more than 70 % of <strong>Delhi</strong>’s water supply.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-12The combined stream flows through the Shivalik range of hills of Himachal Pradesh andUttaranchal states of India and enters into plains at Dak Pathar in Uttranchal where theriver water is regulated through weir and diverted into canal for power generation. FromDak Pathar it flows through the famous Sikh religious place of Poanta Sahib. On the rightside of the Yamuna basin is the Mussourie spur-along which, lies sprawled, the hillstation of Mussourie. Flowing through Poanta Sahib it reaches Hathnikund/Tajewala inYamuna Nagar district of Haryana state, where the river water is again diverted intoWestern Yamuna canal and Eastern Yamuna canal for irrigation. During dry season, nowater is allowed to flow in the river downstream to Tajewala barrage and the riverremains dry in some stretches between Tajewala & <strong>Delhi</strong>. The river regains water becauseof ground water accrual and contributions of feeding canal through Som nadi (seasonalstream) upstream of Kalanaur. It enters <strong>Delhi</strong> near Palla village after traversing a route ofabout 224 Km.Distinguished Independent Segments of River YamunaSegment River Stretch Distance (Km)Himalayan Segment From origin to Tajewala Barrage 172Upper Segment Tajewala Barrage to Wazirabad Barrage 224<strong>Delhi</strong> Segment Wazirabad Barrage to Okhla Barrage 22Eutriphicated Segment Okhla Barrage to Chambal Confluence 490Diluted Segment Chambal Confluence to Ganga Confluence 468The river is again tapped at Wazirabad through a barrage for drinking water supply to<strong>Delhi</strong>. Generally, no water is allowed to flow beyond Wazirabad barrage in dry season, asthe available water is not adequate to fulfill the demand of water supply of <strong>Delhi</strong>.The water flowing in the downstream of Wazirabad barrage is the untreated or partiallytreated domestic and industrial wastewater contributed through several drains along withthe water transported by Haryana Irrigation Department from Western Yamuna Canal(WYC) to Agra Canal via Nazafgarh Drain and the Yamuna. After 22 Km downstream ofWazirabad barrage there is another barrage, Okhla barrage, through which Yamuna wateris diverted into Agra Canal for irrigation. No water is allowed to flow through barrageduring dry season. Whatever water flows in the river beyond Okhla barrage is contributedthrough domestic and industrial wastewater generated from East <strong>Delhi</strong>, Noida andSahibabad and joins the river through Shahdara drain. The Yamuna after receiving waterthrough other important tributaries joins the river Ganga and the underground Saraswatiat Prayag (Allahabad) after traversing about 950 Km. Thus, Yamuna river can not bedesignated as continuous river particularly in dry seasons (almost 9 months), but can besegmented in five distinguished independent segments due to characteristic hydrologicaland ecological conditions.The catchment of Yamuna river system covers parts of Uttar Pradesh, Uttranchal,Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & <strong>Delhi</strong> states. The catchmentarea of Yamuna river basin is given below:Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-13Course of Yamuna, in the Indo-Gangetic PlainStateCatchment area (km 2 ) % of catchment areaUttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand 74,208 33.8Himachal Pradesh 5,799 2.6Haryana 21,265 9.7Rajasthan 102,883 46.8Madhya Pradesh 14,023 6.4<strong>Delhi</strong> 1,485 0.7The Yamuna also creates natural state borders between the Himachal Pradesh andUttarakhand states, and further down between the state of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.Along with Ganges to which run almost parallel after it touches the Indo-Gangetic plain,the largest alluvial fertile plain in the world, it creates the Ganges-Yamuna Doab regionspread across 69,000 km 2 , one-third of the entire plain, and today known for itsagricultural outputs, prominent among them is the cultivation of Basmati Rice. The plainitself supports one-third of India's population through its farming.River Yamuna enters <strong>Delhi</strong> from Palla Village. The salient features of Yamuna river in<strong>Delhi</strong> stretch are given below:LengthWidthFlood Plain AreaPolluted stretch within CityNumber of Drains falling intoYamuna48 km1.5 km to 3.0 km97 Sq Km22 Km (from Wazirabad to Okhla)22 (18 major drains fall directly intoriver and 4 through Agra and Gurgaoncanal)The Drainage Map of Yamuna River in <strong>Delhi</strong> is shown in Exhibit 3.3.2.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-14Exhibit 3.3.1: Yamuna River BasinChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-15Exhibit 3.3.2: Drainage Map of Yamuna River in <strong>Delhi</strong>3.3.2 Ground HydrologyThe ground water availability in the territory is controlled by the hydrogeologicalsituation characterized by occurrence of alluvial formation and quartzitic hard rocks. Theground water occurs in silty to sandy layers of the alluvial sediments. The permeabilityvaries from 0.5 to 8m/day and transmissivity from 10 to 100 m 2 / day. The hydraulicgradient is approximately 1.3 Km/m to 2.0 Km/m.Thickness of unsaturated zone in Tughlaqabad, Okhla, Khanpur, Pushp Vihar, SainikFarm, Saket, Mehrauli and surrounding areas of Gadaipur, Jaunapur and Ghitorni villagesof South district varies from 45 to 50 m. In areas like Greater Kailash- I & II, ChittaranjanPark, Green Park, Lado Sarai and surrounding areas the thickness of unsaturated zone isabout 25 m. Vasant kunj, Vasant Vihar, Samalkha and Rajokri areas of South westdistricts have unsaturated zone thickness ranging from 35 to 45 m. The Central part ofSouth west districts have unsaturated zone of 12 to 15 m. Thus, very potential unsaturatedaquifer system is available in these two districts shows that, more and more areas arebecoming brackish to saline because of exhaustion of fresh ground water present atshallow depths and upcoming of brackish water into fresh water aquifers.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3- Depth to HardrockThe Alwar quartzites of <strong>Delhi</strong> system exposed in the area belong to Pre- Cambrian age.The quartizites are pinkish to grey in colour, hard, compact, highly jointed, fractured andweathered. These occur with interbeds of mica- schists and are intruded locally bypegmatites and quart veins. The strike of these rocks varies north east - south - west tonorth northeast – south southeast with steep dips towards south east and east except forsome local variations due to folding. The prominent joint sets are strike joints, beddingjoints and dip joints. Quartzites are ferruginous and gritty types on weathering andsubsequent disintegration give rise to coarse sand (<strong>Badarpur</strong> sands). Chemicalweathering of deer horizons is also common.The exploratory drilling undertaken has brought out the subsurface configuration of rockformation and depth to bedrock is different parts of NCT of <strong>Delhi</strong>. The nature of bedrocktopography is rendered uneven due to existence of sub surface ridges. Thickness ofalluvium overlying the quartzites increases away from the outcrops. The thickness ofalluvium is 300m or more in most parts of Najafgarh, Kanjhawala and Alipur blockswhile in the south eastern parts of Alipur block, it varies from 100m to 300m. In theeastern parts of Najafgarh Block, the thickness range is from 50m to 300m. In the cityblock, west of the ridge, the alluvium thickness increases away from the ridge to 300m ormore. East of the ridge, in the area upto river Yamuna, the alluvium thickness iscomparatively less to about 165 m. East of river Yamuna covering parts of city andShahdara blocks, the thickness ranges from 48 to 240 m. In the Chattarpur basin ofMehrauli block, the alluvial thickness varies from a few metres near the periphery to115m around Satbari bund.The depth to hardrock is shown in Exhibit 3.3.3.Exhibit 3.3.3: Depth to HardrockChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3- Status of Groundwater ReservesThe study area is occupied by diversified geological formations consisting ofunconsolidated Newer and Older alluvium and Quartzites of <strong>Delhi</strong> Super Group.Quartzite rocks which occupy the maximum part of south district, have limited source ofavailability ground water confining largely to fracture planes and the weatheredzone/mantle. Yield potential of the fracture zones varies from 100 to 200 lpm. The olderalluvium in the Chattarpur basin consists of predominantly sand with subordinate silt,clay and kankar. Thickness of alluvium is highly variable because of presence of subsurface ridges and faults in the South district. Except along the river Yamuna, Groundwater level in the district is declining with rates varying between 1 to 4m per annum. Infew pockets in the district, the rate of decline has been recorded to be 3 to 4m per annum,which is very alarming.In the study area, the first layer of clay and kankar extends to depth of 8m bgl. This isfollowed by a layer of kankar and silt upto 20 m, this is under lain by weathered andfractured quartzites. A comparative study of water level of 1960 and 2002 shows that instudy area, the water level which was at 20 to 30m below ground level has gone down to30 to 45 mts below ground water level.The depth to water level recorded in NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> as on date ranges from 1.20 to 67.73mbgl. The deeper water levels are mostly found in south and south west districts of NCT<strong>Delhi</strong>. The CGWB data shows that nearly 50% wells of south district shows depth towater level more than 40 meters below ground level (mbgl) and nearly 35% wells showdepth to water level in the range of 20 to 40 meters below ground level. The Depth toGroundwater Levels is shown in Exhibit 3.3.4.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-18Exhibit 3.3.4: Depth to Groundwater LevelsThe decadal premonsoon water level data shows that nearly 95% monitoring stationsshows decline in water level in the range of 0.08 to more than 20 meters as comparedwith 10 year mean of May water level. The maximum fall have taken place in district ofSouth and South-West (i.e. 11.01 to 26.55m). The decadal fluctuation in groundwaterlevel is shown in Exhibit 3.3.5.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-19Exhibit 3.3.5: Decadal Variation in Groundwater LevelThe decline of more than 20 m has been observed in Mehrauli block. In the Chattarpurbasin the shallow fresh water aquifers within depth range of 40- 50 m behave as a singleunconfined aquifer system. In Mehrauli 30 to 50 m deep tubewells yield 36 m³ /hr (8000gallons/ hr) to 135 m³ /hr (30000 gallons/ hr) for 2.5 to 15m of drawdown.The Mehrauli block consists of alluvial formation and quartzite ridge. In this block apartfrom the ridge area where the hardrock occurs at surface and shallow depth, in other areasthe bedrock occurs at less than 50m bgl in many places. In the Chattarpur basin it rangesin depth between 50 to 100 m bgl. The surface geological cross-section of MehrauliBlock is shown in Exhibit 3.3.6.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-20Exhibit 3.3.6: Surface Geological Cross-Section of Study AreaThis observation has been further supported by the recent geophysical investigations.Torecord the extent of water table, water level data were collected from eight selecteddugwells/tubewells and borewells. The data recorded in the pre-monsoon and postmonsoonseason is presented in Table Sheet of Hydrological Parameters ofDifferent Network Stations (Openwells/Tube wells/Borewells)LocationsDepth in metrePre-Monsoon Post-MonsoonJaitpur 30.1 17.5Molarband 25.4 16.1<strong>Badarpur</strong> (near existing ash pond area) 24.8 16.2<strong>Badarpur</strong> (near proposed project site) 25.0 16.3Ali Village 31.5 17.4Madanpur Khadar 32.6 20.3Lakarpur 33.8 22.4Jasaula 30.5 HydrogeologyThe Ground water availability in the territory is controlled by the hydrogeologicalsituation characterized by occurrence of alluvial formation and hard rocks such asquartzite. The hydrogeological set up and the following distinct physiographic unitsfurther influence the ground water occurrence: (1) Older Alluvial Plain on the eastern andwestern side of the ridge. (2) Yamuna Flood Plain deposits. (3) Isolated and nearly closedChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-21Chattarpur alluvial basin. (4) NNE-SSW trending Quartzite Ridge. The yield of tubewells ranges between 18-144 m 3 / hr in Yamuna Flood Plain aquifers. In older alluvium ofeastern and western sides of the ridge, the yield of tube wells ranges between 12 to 36 m 3 /hr. Tube wells constructed in Chattarpur alluvial basin tapping the aquifers of bothalluvium and weathered and fractured quartzite yield about 9 to 27 m 3 / hr. Discharge oftube wells constructed in Quartzites varies from 6-15 m 3 / hr.The alluvial deposits are of Quaternary age. The newer alluvium belongs to recent ageand is referred to the sediments deposited in the flood plains of Yamuna River. Thesesediments range in texture from clay/silt mixed with tiny mica flakes to medium/coarsesand and gravel. Newer alluvium, in general, is characterised by absence of kankar.The older alluvium consists of sediments deposited as a result of past cycles ofsedimentation of Pleistocene age and occurs extensively in the alluvial plains of theterritory. This is comprised of inter bedded, lenticular and inter-fingering deposits of clay,silt and sand ranging in size from very fine to very coarse with occasional gravels. Thekankar or secondary carbonates of lime occur with clay/silt deposits and sometimes ashard/compact pans. Older alluvium is predominantly clayey in nature in major parts ofterritory except the nearly closed alluvial basin of Chattarpur where the alluvial formationis derived from the weathered quartzites rocks.The hard rock formations; mainly the Alwar quartzites of <strong>Delhi</strong> System exposed in thearea belong to Pre-Cambrian age. The quartzites are pinkish to grey in colour, hard,compact, highly jointed/ fractured and weathered. These occur with interbeds of micaschistsand are intruded locally by pegmatites and quartz veins. The strike of these rocksvaries northeast southwest to north-northeast south southwest with steep dips towardssoutheast and east except for some local variations due to folding. Quartzites areferruginous and gritty types on weathering and subsequent disintegration give rise tocoarse sand (<strong>Badarpur</strong> sands). Chemical weathering of deeper horizons is also common.The formation wise details of ground water characteristics in NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> are given belowin Table Characteristics in different Geological Formations in NCT <strong>Delhi</strong>Nature ofFormationDepth ofthe Well(mbgl)Discharge(m 3 /hr)Drawdown(m)Transmissivity(m 2 /day)1 Newer Alluvium 40-60 50-180 5.0-8.0 600-20002 Older Alluvium 30-60 20-60 6.0-24.0 130-4033 Quartzite 50-150 02-10 6.0-30.0 05-135The groundwater potential of the different formations in NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> is shown in Exhibit3.3.7.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-22Exhibit 3.3.7: Groundwater potential viz-a-viz geological formationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-233.4 Water Use3.4.1 Source of WaterThe study area is situated in Yamuna sub-basin of the Indo-Gangetic alluvial plains. Theriver Yamuna, a tributary of the Ganga, flows through the Eastern part of the study area,at a distance of about 2.5 km. from the project site. Yamuna river is the only perennialstream in the study area and main source of water for <strong>Delhi</strong>. As per the Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU) of May 12, 1994, National Capital Territory of <strong>Delhi</strong> has beenallocated 0.724 bcm of Yamuna water annually and minimum flow remains 10 m 3 /Sec in theYamuna river throughout the year down stream at Okhla Headwork to take care of ecologyof the river.3.4.2 Present Water Use in the Study Area3.4.2.1 Surface Water UseSurface water contributes to over 86% of <strong>Delhi</strong>’s total drinking water. Yamuna providesthe major share of this water. Other sources of drinking water supply to <strong>Delhi</strong> include theHimalayan rivers through different interstate arrangements and sub-surface sources likeRanney wells and tube wells.Table 3.4.1Available Water Resources in <strong>Delhi</strong>Sl. No. Source of WaterQuantity(MGD)1 Yamuna River 3392 Ganga River 2403 Bhakra Storage 1504 Rainy Wells/tube wells (Ground Water) 100Total 829The <strong>Delhi</strong> depends on river Yamuna and partially on river Ganga for its share of rawwater. For sustainable development of <strong>Delhi</strong>, it is essentialto ensure adequate supply ofwater in terms of reliability, quality and quantity. Although <strong>Delhi</strong> has an average wateravailability of 225 lpcd, the distribution of the same is not uniform.The future supply critically depends on the progress of the proposed dams in U.P,Uttarakhand and H.P; Satluj Yamuna Link Canal and Sharda Yamuna Link Canal. Ground Water UseGround water exploration is carried out at a depth range of 50 to 150 m in the <strong>Delhi</strong>Quartzite. The Quaternary deposits constitute the major repository of ground water.Total ground water resources in the NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> are estimated around as 28156.32 ha m(Central GroundWater Board). The annual extraction of ground water is estimatedaround 47945.18 ha m (Central Ground Water Board). Table 3.4.2 gives the groundwater exploration/sources for <strong>Delhi</strong>.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-24Table 3.4.2Ground Water exploration/sources for <strong>Delhi</strong>Sl. No. Dynamic Sources Quantity1 Annual Replenishable Ground Water 0.30 BCMResources2 Net Annual Ground Water Availbility 0.28BCM3 Annual Ground Water <strong>Draft</strong> 0.48 BCMExhibit 3.4.1: Ground Water Usage and Availability in <strong>Delhi</strong>Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-253.4.3 Quantum of Water UseThe water requirement of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be met from the AgraCanal emerging from the River Yamuna. Water Resource Department of Government ofU.P has agreed in principle to supply 70 cusecs water from Agra Canal.Table 3.4.3Water Use in Different SectorsSl.No.SectorsWater use(MCM)/Annum1. BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II 349.3612. Proposed-<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, 17.86Stage-III, Phase-ITotal Water Use 367.221Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-263.5 Geology3.5.1 General Description of Study Area,The study area basically consists of older alluvium i.e. unconsolidated inter bedded, interfingering deposits of sand, clay and kankar. It is moderately sorted with variablethickness.The basement and surface exposure of the hard rock in N.C.T <strong>Delhi</strong> is occupied byquartzite inter-bedded with mica schist belonging to <strong>Delhi</strong> Super Group. Unconsolidatedsediments of Quaternary to Recent age unconformably overlie <strong>Delhi</strong> Super group. Thequartzite is grey to brownish grey, massive to thinly bedded and structurally form acoaxially refolded regional anticline plunging towards north. The major planar structurestrikes NE-SW with steep southeasterly dips. Quartzite occurs in the central and southernpart of the area while the Quaternary sediments comprising Older and Newer Alluviumcover the rest of the area. The older Alluvium comprises silt, clay mixed with kankar invarying proportions. The Newer Alluvium mainly consists of un-oxidized sands, silt andclay occurring in the Yamuna flood plain. The thickness of alluvium on eastern andwestern side of the ridge is variable but west of the ridge it is generally thicker (>300m).The area is dissected by number of faults, fractures and shears, the trend of these variesfrom NNE-SSW to ENE-WSW.Geologically, <strong>Delhi</strong> is located on folded crustal ramp with basement rocks of <strong>Delhi</strong>Supergroup, bounded by two regional faults viz Mahendragarh-Dehradun Fault in thewest and Great Boundary Fault in the East. The ramp trending NNE-SSW across ‘foredeep’, is juxtaposed to Himalayan thrust belt. Thus, the seismic vulnerability of builtenvironment of <strong>Delhi</strong> need be examined vis-a-vis high frequency ground motions due toevents endemic to faults of Peninsular Domain and also due to frequency content ofattenuated events with source zone in thrust domain of Himalayas. Fault lines ofconsequence in the domain are (i) Mahendragarh Fault, (ii) Great Boundary Fault, (iii)Moradabad Fault and (iv) Sohna Fault. The 1st level microzonation map discretizes theterritory of NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> in 9 units viz. (i) Ridge ambience of exposed rock with lowhazard, (ii) Layer of impedance contrast at shallow depth (

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-27• Alluvial plain on eastern and western sides of the ridge• Yamuna flood plain deposits• Isolated and nearly closed Chattarpur alluvial basin• NNE-SSW trending Quartzitic Ridge.The Geological map of NCT <strong>Delhi</strong> and Geological Map of Study Area is shown inExhibit 3.5.1 and Exhibit 3.5.2 respectively. The Sub-Surface Geological Cross-section ofthe study area is shown in Exhibit Geological SuccessionThe geological succession in and around the site area is as follows:Quaternary - AlluviumPost <strong>Delhi</strong> Intrusive - Pegmatite and basic intrusive<strong>Delhi</strong> Group - Alwar quartziteThe rock outcrops in the <strong>Delhi</strong> area form the northern most prolongation of the Alwarformation of the <strong>Delhi</strong> Super Group. The strike varies from N-S to NESW with dipstowards East and Southeast in the North and West to Northwest in the south. The rocksare thickly bedded, dark colored quartzite with some inter banded schist and phyllites.The quartzite is of various types and usually coarsely crystalline in texture. The generalstratigraphic sequence is given below:QuaternaryPre-cambrianNewerAlluviumOlderAlluviumAlwarQuartzitesSource: CGWB and CPCB (2000)Unconsolidated, inter-bedded lenses ofsand, silt, gravel and clay in narrow floodplains of Yamuna RiverUnconsolidated, inter-bedded, interfingeringdeposits of sand, clay and kankar,moderately sorted. Thickness variable, atplaces more than 300 metres.Well stratified, thick bedded, brown to buffcolour, hard and compact, intruded locallyby pegmatite and quartz veins inter-beddedwith mica schists.3.5.3 Tectonics and Seismicity<strong>Delhi</strong> is located at the northern end of the Aravalli Mountain and it is almost fullysurrounded by Gangetic alluvium. An extension of the Aravalli Hills enters <strong>Delhi</strong> regionfrom the South, spreads out into a rocky table- land and runs in a northeasterly directionacross the <strong>Delhi</strong> State (Sett, 1964). The conspicuous longitudinal ridge, trending NNE-SSW runs from the West of the capital city and terminates on the right bank of theYamuna on the north.The <strong>Delhi</strong> region forms the northern most part of Aravalli ranges, which are composed ofrocks belonging to the Aravalli and <strong>Delhi</strong> super group. A broad ridge type feature knownas <strong>Delhi</strong>- Haridwar Ridge (DHR) is visualized between <strong>Delhi</strong> and Hardiwar. This seemsto mark into a dividing line between Indus River system to the West and Ganga-YamunaChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-28basin to the East. The DHR is not the only transverse feature, which is present innorthwest India. Other transverse features include the Moradabad Fault, Agra- Tihar faultand perhaps other features, which are hidden underneath the Gangatic alluvium. Theevidence for these faults is mostly based on seismic refraction data obtained by the Oil &Natural Gas Commission. The area around <strong>Delhi</strong> has developed because of the movementalong the northern extension of the peninsular shield. The tight wedging of the alongdislocation, which includes <strong>Delhi</strong>, has created a zone of seismic activity and is alsoresponsible for the accumulation of the elastic strain in the region. <strong>Delhi</strong> fault zone seemsto be the active belt of the region. The tremor originating in <strong>Delhi</strong> regions are along azone oriented east-northeast to west-southwest close to Sonepat.The greatest part of <strong>Delhi</strong> lies in the alluvium, but the small hills and ridges in and aroundNew <strong>Delhi</strong> consist of Alwar quartzites. <strong>Delhi</strong> area is occupied by quartzites interbeddedwith mica schist belonging to the <strong>Delhi</strong> Super Group, unconformably overlain byunconsolidated Quaternary to recent sediments. The quartzites are gray to brownish gray,massive to thinly bedded and structurally form a coaxially refolded regional antiformplunging towards southwest. The major planar structure strikes NE-SW with steepsoutheasterly dips. These quartzites occur in the central and southern part of the areawhile the Quaternary sediments comprising older and newer alluvium cover the rest ofthe area (Exhibit 3.5.1). The older alluvium comprises silt, clay with minor lenticular finesand and kankar beds. The newer alluvium mainly consists of unoxidised sands, silt andclay occurring in the older and active flood plains of Yamuna river. The thickness of thealluvium, both on the eastern and western side of the ridge, is variable, but it is generallylarger to the West of the ridge (GSI, 1997).<strong>Delhi</strong> and its surroundings are seismically active. It falls in Seismic Zone IV. Earthquakesof magnitude from 3 to 7.4 have observed in and around <strong>Delhi</strong> during the past 3 centuries.The epicentres of some moderate and large earthquakes, which occurred in <strong>Delhi</strong> region,as well as the events which occurred in the Himalayan region, along the Main BoundaryThrusts (MBT) and Main Central Thrusts (MCT), that have been felt in <strong>Delhi</strong> are shownin Exbit 3.5.3. The Himalayan thrust zone, just 200-250 km North of the megacity, hasbeen identified as a significant seismic gap in the Central Himalayas (Khattri, 1987;Bilham et al., 2001), thus it can be presently considered one of the most hazardous areasof the world.The Seismic Map of <strong>Delhi</strong> is shown in Exhibit 3.5.4 and Regional Map of <strong>Delhi</strong> andsurrounding areas with the epicenters of earthquakes in the region is shown in Exhibit3.5.5.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-29Exhibit 3.5.1:Geological Map of NCT <strong>Delhi</strong>Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-30Exhibit 3.5.2:Geological Map of the Study AreaChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-31Exhibit 3.5.3:Sub-Surface Geological Cross-section along Yamuna RiverChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-32Exhibit 3.5.4:Seismic Map of <strong>Delhi</strong> with Seismic Hazard MicrozonationChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-33Exhibit 3.5.5:Regional Map of <strong>Delhi</strong> and surrounding area with epicenters of theearthquakes in the regionChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-343.6 SoilGeneral Characteristics of the Soil in the Study AreaThe Yamuna river and terminal part of the Aravalli hills range are the two maingeographical features of <strong>Delhi</strong>. Physiographically, <strong>Delhi</strong> consists of the Yamuna floodplain, the old Khadar (earlier floodplain), and the Bangar (upper Alluvial plain). Thus, amajor part of <strong>Delhi</strong> is covered by the alluvial soils of Yamuna. Fourteen soil series areobserved in <strong>Delhi</strong>. Majority of the area is covered by fine to coarse loamy soils withdifferent levels of moisture-retention capacity. Areas under these soils have beenconverted to urban use. Good-to-moderate quantity soil is being lost to non-agriculturaluses. The Aravalli hill range is covered with forests called the Ridges.The <strong>Delhi</strong> series consists of very deep, somewhat excessively drained soils. They formedin wind modified material weathered from granitic rock sources. <strong>Delhi</strong> soils are onfloodplains, alluvial fans and terraces. Slopes are 0 to 15 percent. <strong>Delhi</strong> soils have shortundulating slopes of 0 to 15 percent and lack stratification. The mean annual soiltemperature at a depth of 20 inches is 15.55 to 18.88 0 C and the soil temperature usuallyis not below 8.33 0 C at any time. The average January soil temperature is about 50degrees F and the average July temperature is 23.88 to 29.44 0 C The soil between depthsof about 12 to 35 inches is continuously dry from late April or May until late October orearly December and is continuously moist in some or all parts all the rest of the year.Very coarse sand is 0 to 5 percent and combined coarse and very coarse sand is 35percent or less. The soils are somewhat excessively drained; negligible to slow runoff;rapid permeability that are being used for growing grapes, peaches, truck crops, alfalfaand for homesites. Principal native plants are buckwheat and a few shrubs and trees.Typical vegetation is annual grasses and forbs.The soils are mostly light with subordinate amount of medium texture soils. The lighttexture soils are represented by sandy, loamy, sand and sandy loam; whereas mediumtexture soils are represented by loam silty loam. The soils that occur in all the blocks in<strong>Delhi</strong> are generally suitable for irrigating moderately salt resistant crops such as wheat,barley and mustard. The soil texture is predominantly loamy sand in the study area.3.6.1 Selection of Sampling LocationsTen soil sampling locations were identified based on the local geological formation andthe agricultural practices. The sampling locations are shown in Exhibit 3.6.1 andpresented in Table MethodologyThe soil samples were collected in the post-monsoon season. The samples collected fromall the locations were homogeneous representatives of each location. At random 5 sublocations were identified at each location and soil samples were collected from 30, 60 and90 cm below the surface. It was uniformly mixed before homogenizing the soil samples.The samples were packed in polythene bags, labeled in the field with location and numberand sent to laboratory for analysis.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-35Table 3.6.1Soil Sampling LocationsStation Location Distance /Present Land UseCodeDirection w.r.tthe Project SiteS1 On the bank of River 4.0/NNE Agricultural landYamunaS2 Near existing Ash 3.3/NNE Ash disposal areadisposal area of BTPSS3 On the bank of River 3.7/ENE Agricultural landYamunaS4 Near existing Ashdisposal area of BTPS2.9/NE Agricultural land- near existingash disposal areaS5 On the bank of River 3.3/NE Agricultural landYamunaS6 Near existing Ash2.7/NE Ash disposal areadisposal area of BTPSS7 On the bank of River 3.3/ENE Agricultural landYamunaS8 Near existing Ash 2.6/ENE Ash disposal areadisposal area of BTPSS9 Ali village 2.3/N Agricultural land-near AgraCanal and BTPSS10 Madanpur Khadar 3.3/NW Agricultural land-near AgraCanal3.6.3 Soil in the Study Area3.6.3.1 Physical CharacteristicsSand content is slightly higher and ranges from 77.8% to 86.2%, while silt content ismoderate and ranges from 6.7 to 13.5 %. Clay content is lower and ranges from 5.1%to 10.6%. Therefore, as per U.S. Bureau of Soil and Chemistry Textural System(Triangular Classification System), the Soil in the study area can be described asloamy sand. The water holding capacity of the soil varies between 56.5%-68.9% withaverage level of 61.9% (Table 3.6.2). Chemical CharacteristicsThe soil is slightly acidic to alkaline in nature, pH ranging from 6.3 to 7.5. Electricalconductivity (EC) is moderate, varying between 625 to 727 µmhos/cm with anaverage of 682 µmhos/cm.Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) varied between 5.52– 7.45 meq/100 gm with anaverage value of 6.70 meq/100 gm.3.6.4 Fertility Status of SoilThe soil in the study area possessess high organic matter (0.81-0.95%), availablephosphorus (13.7-24.2 kg/ha), available nitrogen (511.4-552.1 kg/ha) and availableChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-36potassium (233.2 to 273.5 kg/ha), which indicate medium fertility or agriculturalpotential of the Soil.Thus, soil of the study area is fertile as it falls in the flood plain of riverine system ofRiver Yamuna. The Rating Chart for Available Nutrients in Soil is presented in Table3.6.3.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-37Exhibit 3.6.1: Soil Sampling LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-38Table 3.6.2Physico-Chemical Characteristics and nutrient status of SoilParameters andValues for Corresponding Sampling LocationsUnitsS1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10Post-Monsoon SeasonPhysical CharacteristicsColour Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown BrownTextural Class LoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandLoamysandBulk Density1.6 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.4(gm/cc)Water Holding 65.8 57.6 65.7 61.3 63.7 56.5 58.5 57.9 68.9 62.6Capacity (%)Particle Size DistributionSand (%) 86.2 78.5 84.6 85.1 85.7 77.8 81.3 78.2 85.3 85.4Silt (%) 8.3 13.3 10.3 8.7 8.3 12.6 8.1 13.5 6.7 8.9Clay (%) 5.5 8.2 5.1 6.2 6.0 9.6 10.6 8.3 8.0 5.7Chemical CharacteristicspH 7.4 6.6 7.5 7.3 7.4 6.3 6.4 6.5 7.5 7.2EC (µmhos/cm) 715 625 727 702 710 632 645 628 724 709Organic Carbon (%) 0.91 0.81 0.93 0.84 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.83 0.92 0.93CEC (meq/100gm) 7.12 5.65 7.08 7.32 7.45 5.74 6.41 5.52 7.43 7.31Sodium Absorption 0.42 0.34 0.45 0.39 0.41 0.32 0.38 0.35 0.42 0.38RatioNutrientsAvailable N (Kg/ha) 535.3 512.2 548.8 522.6 552.1 520.5 542.9 511.4 539.6 542.3Available P (Kg/ha) 22.3 15.8 23.6 21.4 23.7 16.1 24.2 13.7 21.8 22.7Available K (Kg/ha) 264.5 245.6 273.5 247.3 275.5 233.2 249.5 238.6 265.3 268.2Table 3.6.3Rating Chart for Available Nutrients in Soil(in kg/ha)Parameters Low Medium HighAvailable Nitrogen (N) Below 280kg/ha 280-560 kg/ha Above 560 kg/haAvailable Phosphorus (P) Below 10 kg/ha 10 – 25 kg/ha Above 25 kg/haAvailable Potash (K) Below 110kg/ha 110 – 280 kg/ha Above 280 kg/ha3.6.5 Infiltration Tests3.6.5.1 MethodologyWith a view to determine the infiltration characteristics of soil mass of the area,Double Ring Infiltrometers were used. The infiltrometer used in the study, consists oftwo concentric iron-steel made open ended, hollow cylinders of 50cm length each anda centimeter thick wall. The inner diameter of the inner and outer rings is 20 cm and30 cm respectively. The circular edge of the lower ends of the walls of these rings isrelatively sharper as against the blunt end of the upper part. The sharper end of ringsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

,,<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-39help in digging the rings a few centimeters into the soil before infiltrometer test isdone.For measurement of infiltration, a device with vernier calliper is attached to the upperpart of the inner ring, which helps in measuring the water level falling due toinfiltration at specified time interval. Infiltration Parameters and Testing SitesUsing water as a medium of infiltration, tests were carried out at the site at 10locations within the existing ash disposal area as mentioned in Table 3.6.4. The resultsof the infiltration test are presented in Table 3.6.5.Sl.No.Table 3.6.4Infiltration Testing SitesSl.No Testing Sites1 IR1: ExistingAsh Disposal Area2 IR2: ExistingAsh Disposal Area3 IR3: ExistingAsh Disposal Area4 IR4: ExistingAsh Disposal Area5 IR5: ExistingAsh Disposal Area6 IR6: ExistingAsh Disposal Area7 IR7: ExistingAsh Disposal Area8 IR8: ExistingAsh Disposal Area9 IR9: ExistingAsh Disposal Area10 IR10: ExistingAsh Disposal AreaTable 3.6.5Infiltration Rate on SoilsSiteInfiltration Rate(f c ) in cm/hr(Post-monsoon)1 IR1: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 5.652 IR2: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 6.123 IR3: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 5.934 IR4: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 6.575 IR5: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 7.026 IR6: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 6.837 IR7: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 6.228 IR8: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 5.789 IR9: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 6.2510 IR10: ExistingAsh Disposal Area 6.76Average 6.31Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-403.6.5.3 ResultsOn perusal of Table 3.6.5, it can be inferred that the ultimate infiltration capacity of soilin and around the existing ash disposal area varies marginally between the various sitesranging between 5.65 and 7.02 cm/hr with average of 6.31 cm/hr during post monsoonseason.Based on the infiltration rates, the soil in the existing ash pond area may be categorizedto be of high infiltration class, as per criteria given in Table 3.6.6 (Tood, 1985).Table 3.6.6General Range in Infiltration Rates of Soils(After Tood, 1985)Soil TextureInfiltration rate (cm/hr)Coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy sand,High>5loamy fine sand, coarse sandy loamSandy Loam, fine sandy loam, loam Immediate 1.5-5.0Silt loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, siltyLow

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-413.7 Water QualityYamuna river is the major surface water body in the study area. It is flowing at a distanceof 3.6 km from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> from Northwest to Southeast direction. The Agra Canallies at a distance of 1Km in the East from the <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>.Groundwater is the source for domestic requirement and irrigation in rural areas of theregion.The surface and ground water quality characteristics of the study area have beenestablished through monthly monitoring of the following parameters:a) Physical Parameters – pH, conductivity, total suspended solids and dissolvedoxygen.b) Chemical parameters – Total dissolved solids, alkalinity, hardness, NO 3 , Cl,SO 4, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Silica, oil and grease, PO 4 , Phenolic compounds BOD andCOD.c) Heavy metals – Cd, Cr +6 , Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, Hg, Se and As.d) Bacteriological characteristics – Total coliform.3.7.1 Sampling LocationsThe surface water quality was monitored at three locations, one in Okhla Barrage-at theemergence point of Agra Canal, one location in Agra Canal at the upstream of intakepoint and one location in downstream of discharge point in Agra Canal. Ground waterquality was monitored at two locations. The surface water quality sampling locations areshown in Exhibit 3.7.1 and described in Table 3.7.1. The ground water quality samplinglocations are shown in Exhibit 3.7.2 and described in Table 3.7.2.Table 3.7.1Surface Water Sampling LocationsStationCodeSource Location Distance/Direction w.r.tProject SiteSW1 Okhla Barrage At the emergence point of Agra 8.5 km/NCanalSW2 Agra Canal At the upstream of intake point 1.1 km/ESW3 Agra Canal Downstream of discharge point 1.3 km/SETable 3.7.2Groundwater Sampling LocationsStationCodeSource Location Distance/Direction w.r.tProject SiteGW1 Borewell Near existing Ash Disposal Area 3.0 km/EGW2 Tubewell Near existing Ash Disposal Area 3.6 km/NNEChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-423.7.2 Methodolgy of Sampling and AnalysisWater samples were collected on monthly basis during the study period and analyzed forselected physico-chemical and biological parameters. The parameters such as pH,temperature and DO were analyzed at the site itself at the time of collection of sample(with the help of water testing kit developed by CPCB) while for other parameters,samples were preserved and analysed in laboratory. Samples were collected, preservedand analyzed as per Standard Methods for the Examination of Drinking and Waste Water(APHA, AWWA and WPCF) Quality.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-43Exhibit 3.7.1: Surface Water Sampling LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-44Exhibit 3.7.2: Groundwater Sampling LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-453.7.3 Surface Water QualityThe range of values observed for various physico-chemical and micro-biologicalparameters in the Okhla Barrage, Agra Canal are presented in Tables 3.7.3 along withIndian specifications for water quality (IS: 2296-1992). pH of water of Okhla Barragevaried between 7.5 to 8.1 while that of Upstream of Intake Point and Downstream ofdischarge point in Agra Canal varied between 7.32 to 8.2 which is within the acceptablerange of 6.5-8.5. The TDS content varied 236 mg/l to 410 mg/l in all the water sampleswhich is well within permissible limit of 1500 mg/l. Total suspended solids ranged from13.1-36 mg/l. Dissolved oxygen levels varied between 3.2 to 5.3 mg/l. BOD levels rangedbetween 17.6 to 30.6 mg/l. Nitrate and phosphate content were marginal. Iron contentranged between 0.08 to 0.22 mg/l.Total coliform counts varied in the range of 5700-10450 MPN/100 ml. Oil & Grease andphenolic compounds contents were below detection limit. The degree of hardness variedfrom 179 to 198 mg/l, which is within permissible limit of 300 mg/l. ConclusionsThe results of physico-chemical analysis of water samples of Okhla Barrage and upstreamof intake point and in downstream of discharge point of Agra Canal presented in Table3.7.3 indicates marginal variation in water quality. The water in Okhla Barrage and AgraCanal shows organic pollution reflecting high BOD and low DO content.3.7.4 Groundwater QualityThe range of values observed for various physico-chemical and microbiologicalparameters for ground water at two sampling locations are presented in Table 3.7.4. pHvaried from 7.1 to 9.2. TDS content varied between 397 to 510 mg/l. Degree of hardnessranged from 114 to 248 mg/l. Calcium varied between 21.5 to 59.3 mg/l which is belowthe permissible limit of 100 mg/l. BOD varied from 1.0 to 1.8 mg/l and COD varied from2.0 to 8.0 mg/l.The chloride level (28 to 390 mg/l) was observed to be higher. The sulphate level variedbetween 157 to 198 mg/l. The Fluoride content varied from 0.22 to 0.45 mg/l. Oil &Grease and phenolic compounds were below the detectable limit. Most of the heavymetals were absent. ConclusionsThe result of physico-chemical analysis of groundwater samples indicates marginalvariation in the ground water quality sampling locations. However, most of theparameters are within the permissible limits for Drinking Water Standards and manyparameters are within the desirable limits.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-46Table 3.7.3Surface Water Quality during the study period (May’10 – Nov’10)Parameters Unit SW1OkhlaBarrageSW2Agra CanalUpstream ofIntake PointSW3Downstreamof dischargepointIS: 2296(Class C)No. of Observations 7 7 7 ToleranceLimit**Value ObservedpH - 7.5 - 8.1 7.40 - 8.2 7.32 - 7.54 6.0 – 9.0Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 3.2 - 4.3 3.4 – 5.3 3.5-5.2 4.0Total Suspended Solids mg/l 31 - 36 15 - 18 13.1 - 14.3Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 332-394 352-410 236-362 1500Conductivity µmhos/cm 510-612 523-632 415-542Turbidity NTU 2 - 4 3 - 6 2 - 7Alkalinity (as CaCO 3 ) mg/l 64.0 - 65.2 52.2 - 58.3 51.4 - 55.3 200Hardness (as CaCO 3 ) mg/l 190 - 198 181 - 188 179 - 196 300Calcium (as Ca +2 ) mg/l 18.8 - 22.1 20.6 - 24.1 18.7 - 24.1 75Magnesium (as Mg +2 ) mg/l 22.7 - 24.3 25.8-27.6 24.7-26.9 30Sodium (as Na + ) mg/l 3 - 5 3 - 6 2 - 4Potassium (as K + ) mg/l 6.2 - 7.2 5.1 - 8.6 4.7 - 7.3Nitrate (as NO - 3 ) mg/l 0.11 - 0.15 0.10 - 0.36 0.5 - 0.86 50Phosphate (as PO -2 4 ) mg/l

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-47Table 3.7.4:Ground Water Quality during the study period (May-Nov 10)Parameters Unit GW1 GW2 D.W. Std. (IS:10500)No. of Observations 7 7 Des**Limit Per*LimitValue ObservedpH - 7.1 - 8.2 7.5 - 9.2 6.5 - 8.5 NRTotal Suspended Solids mg/l 9 - 12 5 - 9Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 397 – 428 402 - 510 500 2000Conductivity µmhos/cm 562-643 567 -798Alkalinity (as CaCO 3 ) mg/l 104 - 275 118 - 310 200 600Hardness (as CaCO 3 ) mg/l 114 - 225 128 - 248 300 600Calcium (as Ca +2 ) mg/l 21.5 - 46.3 22.6 - 59.3 75 200Magnesium (as Mg +2 ) mg/l 9.8 - 17.7 12.2 - 19.1 30 100Sodium (as Na + ) mg/l 51.2 - 145.3 55.6 -151.4Potassium (as K + ) mg/l 2.2 - 19.6 2.4 - 19.9Nitrate (as NO - 3 ) mg/l 18 - 28 20 - 25 45 NRPhosphate (as PO -2 4 ) mg/l

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-483.8 Meteorology and Climatology<strong>Delhi</strong> has a semi-arid climate with high variation between summer and wintertemperatures. Due to <strong>Delhi</strong>'s proximity to the Himalayas, cold waves from theHimalayan region dip temperatures across <strong>Delhi</strong>. Summers are long, from early Apriltill October, with the monsoon season in between. Extreme temperatures have rangedfrom −0.6 °C (10 January 1935) to 47 °C. Winter starts in November and peaks inJanuary. <strong>Delhi</strong> is notorious for its heavy fog during the winter season. In December,visibility is reduced to near zero disrupting road, air and rail traffic in the city. Duringthe summer season, the city faces extreme power and water shortage when thedemand for these utilities is at its peak. Every year, the heat wave in summer claimsseveral lives in <strong>Delhi</strong>. The city, however, has a pleasant climate from February toApril and from August to November.The average annual rainfall is approximately 670 mm (27 inches), most of which fallsduring the Monsoons, in July and August. Traditionally, the Monsoons are supposedto touch <strong>Delhi</strong> by June 29 th every year.3.8.1 Past Records3.8.1.1 Data CollectedClimatological data for the period 1999-2008 of IMD Station, Safdarjung, <strong>Delhi</strong>located at a distance of about 15 km from the BTPS has been collected and used tobring out the synoptic features of the area. The climatological data collected from theIMD observatory is presented in Table TemperatureMay is the hottest month of the year with mean daily maximum temperature of40.9 0 C. Temperature gradually decreases with the onset of monsoon. With the passageof monsoon, in October, both day and night temperature further lowers gradually.December is the coldest month of the year having daily mean minimum temperatureof 6 0 C. The average minimum and maximum temperatures are 16.5 0 C and 30.7 0 Crespectively. Sometimes, minimum temperature further drops down to as low as 5 0 to6 0 C due to cold wave blowing from North India. The abstract of the mean monthlymaximum and minimum temperature are provided in the Table RainfallThe analysis of the rainfall figures show that the rainfall has shown increasing trendsince the year 2004. The year 2004 received 594.4 mm rainfall and the year 2008received 807.3mm of rainfall. Relative HumidityThe relative humidity is moderate throughout the year. The maximum RelativeHumidity recorded is during the month of August and minimum in the month of May.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-493.8.1.6 Atmospheric PressureThe diurnal variation of atmospheric pressure reveals that the barometric pressure ishighest during early morning and gradually decreases as the earth’s surface startswarming up through absorption of solar radiation to reach a minimum at orimmediately after sunset. This diurnal variation has been observed to be true,irrespective of the season. As regards monthly variation, it has been observed thatbarometric pressure is lowest in the month of July (974.7 mb-830 IST and 971.7 mb-1730 IST) and highest in December (992.7 mb- 0830 IST and 990.2 mb at 1730 IST). Wind Direction and SpeedWind directions vary with season. In the summers, the predominant wind directionsare from the west in the morning and either west or northwest in the evening. In themonsoons, the predominant wind directions are from the west in the morning andfrom east (in July and August) or north-west (in June and September) in the evenings.During the post monsoon season, west and calm winds predominate in the morningswhile in the evenings, northwest winds are most frequent. In the winter mornings,northwest and west winds dominate, while in the evenings, northwest and north windsare frequent.Analysis of wind records during 1999 – 2008 show that the winds are generally lightto moderate in this area with annual mean wind speed of 9.5 km/h. The strongestwinds are observed during the months of May – June i.e. Summer Season and theweakest during October – November. ConclusionsThe following conclusions can be drawn from the climatological data:• The area is semi arid.• The area receives rainfall mainly during the southwest monsoon months• The wind is gentle with low to moderate strengthsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

Month<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-50Table 3.8.1Climatological Data of IMD Observatory, Safdarjung (1999-2008)MeanMax.Temp( o C)MeanMin.Temp( o C)MeanMonthlyRelativeHumidity(%)MeanAtmosphericPressure (mb)0830 1730MonthlyMean WindSpeed(km/h)IST ISTJanuary 20.7 6.5 77 992.2 989.9 8.3February 25.3 9.1 68 990.1 987.6 10.1March 33.4 14.5 56 987.2 984.3 10.7April 38.3 21.1 39 983.5 980.0 11.2May 40.9 24.8 37 978.9 975.3 12.8June 40.3 26.7 52 975.1 971.3 13.7July 39.4 26.2 75 974.7 971.7 9.9August 35.7 26.2 80 976.5 973.6 8.3September 36.3 23.7 72 980.9 977.8 8.9October 34.7 18.2 62 986.7 983.7 6.1November 29.4 11.7 61 991.0 988.2 6.1December 24.4 6.0 73 992.7 990.2 7.4Avg 30.68 16.52 63 984.1 981.1 9.5Monthly Rainfall during 2004-20082004 2005 2006 2007 2008January 15.8 6.6 1.7 1.5 1.9February 0.3 42 0.0 69.5 1.9March 0.0 31.4 33.2 55.1 0.0April 39.6 5.8 1.8 1.0 23.6May 52.7 11.6 52.6 45.3 146.2June 48.0 65.7 92.5 137.7 120.0July 40.6 175.9 196.3 156.9 159.1August 284.7 89.1 88.2 189.7 245.4September 4.2 233.1 127.6 61.6 109.2October 108.5 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0November 0.0 0.5 1.5 0.7 0.0December 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.1 0.0Total 594.4 661.7 600.5 719.1 807.3Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-51Exhibit 3.8.1: Windrose Diagram for Safdarjung IMD Station at 0830 hrsIMD SafdarjungChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-52Exhibit 3.8.2: Windrose Diagram for Safdarjung IMD Station at 1730 hrsIMD SafdarjungChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-533.8.2 On–Site MeteorologyIn order to corroborate and supplement the long-term meteorological data collectedfrom IMD Station Safdarjung and to generate site-specific data, an AutomaticWeather Station (WM 250) of M/s Envirotech Instrument Pvt. Ltd. make has beeninstalled at the project site at <strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station. In this report the onsitemeteorological data generated from May 2010 to November 2010 has beenincorporated and analyzed. Monthly variation in on-site meteorological parameters atsite has been given in Table 3.8.2.MonthTemperature( 0 C)Table 3.8.2Monthly Variation in Meteorological ParametersRelativeHumidity (%)Min. Max. Min MaxMonthlyRainfall(mm)MeanWindAtmosphericPressure (mb)Speed(km/h) 0830 1730 ISTISTMay’10 21.0 42.2 26.0 97.0 7.6 11.6 979 976Jun’10 22.9 48.5 30.0 96.0 4.6 12.2 976 973Jul’10 22.4 42.5 42.0 98.0 236.8 6.2 975 972Aug’10 26.7 33.6 53.0 100.0 455.1 2.2 978 975Sep’10 23.6 34.8 45.5 99.8 313.8 7.1 981.5 978.2Oct’10 13.3 35.5 23.0 94.0 22.0 5.8 988.3 983.5Nov’10 6.8 30.1 27.0 98.0 13.4 0.85 992 987Average 19.5 38.2 35.2 97.5 5.74 981.4 977.8Total 1053. Wind Speed and DirectionWindrose diagram for the study period have been prepared based on hourly reading ofwind speed and direction and shown in Exhibit 3.8.3, 3.8.4 and 3.8.5. Winds aremoderate with mean speed of 2.2 km/hr to 12.2 km/hr, during study period. Maximumwind speed 12.2 km/hr was observed in the month of June 2010. TemperatureMinimum temperature was recorded as 6.8 0 C in the month of November 2010 whilethe maximum temperature observed was 48.5 0 C in the month of June 2010. The meanminimum and mean maximum temperature recorded at site were 19.5 0 C and 38.2 0 Crespectively during the study period. Relative HumidityThe mean minimum and maximum relative humidity was observed as 35.2% and97.5% respectively. The maximum relative humidity 100% was recorded in the monthof August 2010.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-543.8.2.4 Atmospheric PressureThe diurnal variation of atmospheric pressure reveals that the barometric pressure ishighest during early morning and gradually decreases as the day progresses. Asregards monthly variation, it was observed that the atmospheric pressure was lowestin July 2010 (0830 IST: 975 mb and 1730 IST: 972 mb) and highest in November2010 (0830 IST: 992.0 mb and 1730 IST: 987.0 mb). The average atmosphericpressure at 0830 IST and 1730 IST were 981.4 mb and 977.8 mb respectively. RainfallIt would be observed from the Table 3.8.2 that during the study period, the totalrainfall was recorded as 1053.3 mm. Comparison of Site Meteorological Data with Climatological DataThe frequency and time of collection of data at the site differs from that of IMD,Safdarjung, <strong>Delhi</strong>. A comparison of site data generated during six months (May’10 –Nov’10) with that of IMD, Safdarjung reveals the following:• The temperatures show the similar trend in both the cases.• The rainfall pattern differs in amount of rainfall recorded in both long termmeteorological data and on-site data.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-55Exhibit 3.8.3: Wind Rose Diagram of May 2010Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-56Exhibit 3.8.4: Wind Rose Diagram of Monsoon SeasonChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-57Exhibit 3.8.5: Wind Rose Diagram of Post-Monsoon SeasonChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

1<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-593.9.3 Frequency and Parameters for MonitoringAmbient air quality monitoring has been carried out with a frequency of two 24hourly samples per week at four locations. The baseline data of ambient air has beengenerated for the following parameters:• Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) PM 2.5 , PM 10 ;• Sulphur Dioxide (SO 2 );• Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx);• Ozone (O 3 ) – monthly once at each location on 8-hrly basis.3.9.4 Details of the Monitoring LocationsThe monitoring locations represent the areas of maximum deposition, referenceambient air quality and locational characteristics.3.9.5 Instrument used for SamplingAPM-550 and RDS of Envirotech Instrument Pvt. Ltd. make were installed formonitoring Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM), and gaseous pollutantslike SO 2, NOx, and O 3 .3.9.6 Sampling and Analytical TechniqueThe techniques used for ambient air quality monitoring are as under:

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-60Exhibit 3.9.1: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-613.9.6.1 Sampling and Analytical Technique for OzoneThe monitoring for ozone was carried out by Alkaline Potassium Iodide (AKI)Absorption method which is based on principle of absorption and colorimetricanalysis. This method involved collecting samples in an alkaline potassium iodide(AKI) solution and analyzing them by colorimetry after acidifying with sulfamic acid.3.9.7 Presentation of ResultsThe summarized data for minimum, maximum, average and 98%tile of PM 2.5 , PM 10 ,SO 2 , NO X and O 3 during the study period are presented in Table 3.9.2 and date wiseresult of respective AAQ monitoring location in the winter season is presented inTable 3.9.3, Table 3.9.4, Table 3.9.5 and Table 3.9.6. The National Ambient AirQuality Standards (NAAQS) are presented in Table Observation Based on Monitoring DataThe observations based on the monitoring results presented in Table 3.9.2 aresummarized in the subsequent sub-sections. Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 )The statistical analysis of ambient air quality status in the study area revealed that themaximum concentration of PM 2.5 as 65 µg/m 3 was observed in the month of Ocober atthe monitoring locations Tughlakabad Railway Colony and Jaitpur. The minimumPM 2.5 concentration was recorded as 35.0 µg/m 3 in the month of August at Jaitpur.The average concentration of PM 2.5 varied from 47.0 to 47.7 µg/m 3 in the studyperiod. Particulate Matter (PM 10 )The maximum concentration of PM 10 was observed at Tughlakabad Railway Colonyin the month of May as 327 µg/m 3 . The lowest PM 10 concentration was observed as56 µg/m 3 at Jaitpur in the month of October. The average concentration varied from122.6 µg/m 3 to 135.0 µg/m 3 in the study area. Sulphur Dioxide (SO 2 )The highest concentration was observed as 14.7 µg/m 3 at monitoring location locatedin the Tughlakabad Railway Colony in the month of June and lowest concentration8.1 µg/m 3 at Jaitpur village. The average concentration varied from 9.8 µg/m 3 to 10.6µg/m 3 during the study period. Oxide of Nitrogen (NOx)The highest concentration for NOx was observed as 34.9 µg/m 3 at TughlakabadRailway Colony in the the month of October and lowest concentration as 11.5 µg/m 3at Jaitpur in the month of August. The average concentration varied from 15.7 µg/m 3to 16.7µg/m 3 during the study period.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-623.9.8.5 Ozone (O 3 )In the study area the concentration of ozone varied from 9.0 µg/m 3 to 29.0 µg/m 3 andthe mean concentration was observed as 18.7 µg/m 3 at all locations which is wellwithin the prescribed standards of NAAQS. ConclusionsOn the basis of results presented in Table 3.9.2, it can be concluded that theconcentration of pollutants like SPM, RPM, SO 2 and NOx in ambient air in the studyarea are well within the permissible limit of NAAQS.Table 3.9.2Ambient Air Quality of the Study Area(Value in µg/m 3 )Sampling Location PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx Ozone(O 3 )JAITPUR (AAQ1) Minimum 35 56 8.1 11.5 9.0Maximum 65 305 13.5 32.1 24.0Average 47.5 122.6 9.8 15.7 16.698 %tile 62.9 304.8 12.4 24.0 23.8MITHAPUR (AAQ2) Minimum 36 61 8.2 12.2 10.0Maximum 64 314 13.8 32.4 29.0Average 47 135 10.2 16.3 18.898 %tile 62.2 314.2 12.7 25.0 28.5TUGHLAKABAD Minimum 36 58 8.2 12.4 15.0RAILWAY COLONY Maximum 65 327 14.7 34.9 26.0(AAQ3)Average 47.7 127.5 10.4 16.5 20.798 %tile 61.9 324.8 13.5 26.2 25.8LAKADPUR (AAQ4) Minimum 36 60 8.4 12.5 10.0Maximum 65 324 14.5 34.7 27.0Average 47.3 127.6 10.6 16.7 19.098 %tile 61.9 323.4 13.3 25.9 26.9Overall Area(May, 2010-Nov., 2010)PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx Ozone(O 3 )Minimum 35 56 8.1 11.5 9.0Maximum 65 327 14.7 34.9 29.0Average 47.1 128.2 10.3 16.3 18.798 %tile 62.2 316.8 13.0 25.3 26.3Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-63Table 3.9.3Ambient Air Quality Status at Jaitpur (AAQ-1)(value in µg/m 3 )Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 315.05.2010 58 301 11.2 22.418.05.2010 55 289 12.3 48 260 10.9 21.325.05.2010 52 289 10.5 24.1 56 290 10.6 18.531.05.2010 60 305 12.4 18.902.06.2010 42 302 13.5 21.605.06.2010 44 287 10.2 18.709.06.2010 48 256 11.3 19.8 50 305 11.7 41 261 10.6 16.519.06.2010 39 198 11.4 17.923.06.2010 40 201 10.5 16.526.06.2010 42 192 11.1 17.303.07.2010 56 146 10.2 18.407.07.2010 54 62 9.2 15.310.07.2010 58 92 10.1 15.7 43 68 9.2 14.617.07.2010 45 63 10.3 15.821.07.2010 42 70 10.7 16.724.07.2010 44 67 9.3 43 61 9.1 13.804.08.2010 39 68 8.9 12.807.08.2010 38 81 10.4 17.511.08.2010 35 71 9.6 13.614.08.2010 36 60 9.3 13.3 40 59 8.7 12.621.08.2010 42 61 9.2 13.525.08.2010 45 72 9.6 44 76 9.1 12.831.09.2010 42 83 10.4 16.303.09.2010 41 78 9.5 15.806.09.2010 40 75 9.2 38 68 8.6 14.613.09.2010 39 62 8.5 13.9 40 82 9.1 13.5Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-64Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 320.09.2010 42 80 9.4 12.324.09.2010 41 76 10.2 40 65 9.8 12.402.10.2010 62 58 9.6 60 56 8.7 13.408.10.2010 63 60 8.6 11.512.10.2010 65 62 8.4 11.8 62 78 8.1 12.619.10.2010 55 74 8.7 12.924.10.2010 50 69 9.3 51 68 9.1 45 56 9.2 12.804.11.2010 48 58 8.5 52 62 8.7 12.512.11.2010 58 65 8.1 11.6 1517.11.2010 60 72 8.4 11.920.11.2010 42 75 8.6 12.725.11.2010 54 68 9.2 40 64 9.5 18.9Min 35 56 8.1 11.5 9.0Max 65 305 13.5 32.1 24.0Average 47.5 122.6 9.8 15.7 16.698%le 62.9 304.8 12.4 24.0 23.8Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-65Table 3.9.4Ambient Air Quality Status at Mithapur (AAQ-2)(value in µg/m 3 )Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 315.05.2010 52 310 11.4 22.618.05.2010 53 298 12.5 32.422.05.2010 58 268 11.1 21.525.05.2010 60 298 10.7 24.3 50 299 10.8 18.731.05.2010 48 314 12.6 42 311 13.8 21.805.06.2010 40 296 10.4 18.909.06.2010 39 264 11.5 45 314 11.9 17.3 48 269 10.8 16.719.06.2010 50 204 11.6 46 207 10.7 16.726.06.2010 44 198 11.3 17.503.07.2010 54 150 10.4 18.607.07.2010 56 64 9.4 15.510.07.2010 58 95 10.3 15.9 53 70 9.4 14.717.07.2010 51 65 10.5 48 72 10.9 16.924.07.2010 42 69 9.5 14.328.07.2010 45 63 9.3 13.904.08.2010 39 70 9.1 12.907.08.2010 41 83 10.6 17.711.08.2010 42 73 9.8 13.7 45 62 9.5 13.418.08.2010 38 61 8.9 12.721.08.2010 36 63 9.4 13.625.08.2010 40 74 9.8 14.328.08.2010 44 78 9.3 12.931.08.2010 42 85 10.6 40 82 10.2 15.806.09.2010 41 78 10.5 42 75 9.8 16.413.09.2010 39 71 9.4 15.6 38 68 9.5 15.3Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-66Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 320.09.2010 39 72 9.7 40 75 8.7 13.827.09.2010 41 69 8.6 13.502.10.2010 64 67 8.2 62 62 9.1 12.808.10.2010 58 69 9.4 12.712.10.2010 52 74 8.7 12.9 52 77 8.2 51 82 9.8 54 86 10.4 13.427.10.2010 60 84 10.6 58 68 8.7 14.604.11.2010 60 72 9.2 13.807.11.2010 59 78 9.5 12.412.11.2010 54 69 8.7 12.2 2417.11.2010 48 62 8.5 11.820.11.2010 64 72 9.1 56 82 10.2 45 82 10.4 13.5Min 36 61 8.2 12.2 10.0Max 64 314 13.8 32.4 29.0Average 47 135 10.2 16.3 18.898%le 62.2 314.2 12.7 25.0 28.5Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-67Table 3.9.5Ambient Air Quality Status at Tughlakabad Railway Colony(AAQ-3)(value in µg/m 3 )Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 316.05.2010 48 321 12.3 24.319.05.2010 51 309 13.5 34.921.05.2010 54 277 11.9 23.424.05.2010 58 308 11.4 26.3 60 310 11.6 54 327 13.5 20.803.06.2010 42 322 14.7 23.706.06.2010 44 305 11.1 20.610.06.2010 39 274 12.3 21.813.06.2010 41 325 12.7 18.9 45 279 11.6 46 213 12.4 19.524.06.2010 50 215 11.3 48 205 12.3 18.802.07.2010 42 155 11.1 44 67 10.2 16.311.07.2010 45 99 10.8 16.615.07.2010 47 73 9.9 15.5 51 68 11.3 16.822.07.2010 53 75 11.5 17.725.07.2010 58 71 10.2 56 66 9.8 14.702.08.2010 38 73 9.6 13.605.08.2010 36 87 11.2 18.709.08.2010 39 78 10.3 14.512.08.2010 41 65 9.9 14.3 40 63 9.3 13.519.08.2010 42 66 9.9 14.423.08.2010 45 77 10.3 15.329.08.2010 44 81 9.7 13.701.09.2010 40 75 10.5 42 72 9.8 15.608.09.2010 41 68 9.4 39 64 9.6 14.8 38 62 9.3 14.618.09.2010 40 58 8.5 41 60 8.2 13.928.09.2010 39 71 9.4 13.701.10.2010 48 74 10.1 13.405.10.2010 50 72 10.3 12.8Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-68Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 308.10.2010 54 75 9.7 12.712.10.2010 58 69 9.5 12.4 62 65 9.6 65 62 8.7 13.423.10.2010 56 61 8.9 54 78 9.0 14.302.11.2010 52 70 9.2 48 68 9.5 14.808.11.2010 45 75 10.4 13.511.11.2010 54 64 9.8 14.2 58 61 8.6 41 58 8.8 12.824.11.2010 51 71 9.1 57 78 9.6 12.8Min 36 58 8.2 12.4 15.0Max 65 327 14.7 34.9 26.0Average 47.7 127.5 10.4 16.5 20.798%le 61.9 324.8 13.5 26.2 25.8Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-69Table 3.9.6Ambient Air Quality Status at Lakadpur(AAQ-4)(value in µg/m 3 )Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 316.05.2010 50 319 12.0 49 307 13.2 34.721.05.2010 48 276 11.7 52 307 11.2 26.0 60 308 11.4 50 324 13.3 20.403.06.2010 40 320 14.5 23.306.06.2010 39 304 10.9 41 272 12.1 21.413.06.2010 42 324 12.5 18.5 46 277 11.4 17.820.06.2010 44 210 12.2 19.324.06.2010 48 213 11.2 17.827.06.2010 50 204 11.9 18.702.07.2010 49 153 10.9 19.905.07.2010 51 65 9.9 52 97 10.6 16.5 54 71 9.7 15.318.07.2010 58 66 10.8 16.622.07.2010 48 74 11.2 17.525.07.2010 45 70 9.8 14.928.07.2010 42 64 9.6 14.502.08.2010 36 71 9.4 13.405.08.2010 38 85 10.9 18.409.08.2010 40 75 10.1 14.312.08.2010 41 63 9.8 14.0 44 62 9.1 43 64 9.7 42 76 10.1 14.929.08.2010 39 80 9.6 13.401.09.2010 41 75 9.8 15.604.09.2010 40 72 9.5 14.808.09.2010 38 78 9.2 14.711.09.2010 41 70 8.9 14.2 40 68 8.7 13.818.09.2010 42 65 8.4 13.5Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-70Date PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx O 322.09.2010 39 62 8.6 40 78 9.4 12.801.10.2010 52 74 10.2 12.505.10.2010 54 72 10.4 12.708.10.2010 50 69 9.8 56 65 9.4 13.8 58 62 9.7 12.519.10.2010 62 60 8.9 12.823.10.2010 65 74 8.5 13.729.10.2010 53 72 8.8 12.602.11.2010 38 82 12.1 19.906.11.2010 40 75 12.5 50 63 11.4 16.511.11.2010 56 62 12.2 15.3 2014.11.2010 58 64 11.2 16.618.11.2010 42 76 11.9 17.524.11.2010 52 80 10.9 14.928.11.2010 54 75 10.5 14.5Min 36 60 8.4 12.5 10.0Max 65 324 14.5 34.7 27.0Average 47.1 127.6 10.6 16.7 19.098%le 61.9 323.4 13.3 25.9 26.9Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-71S. No. Pollutants TimeWeightedAverageTable 3.9.7National Ambient Air Quality StandardsIndustrial,Residential,Rural andOther AreaConcentration in Ambient AirEcologically Methods ofSensitive Area Measurement(notified byCentralGovernment)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)1 Sulphur DioxideAnnual* 50 20(SO 2 ), µg/m 3 24 hours ** 80 802 Nitrogen OxideAnnual* 40 30(NO 2 ), µg/m 3 24 hours ** 80 803 Particulate Matter Annual* 60 60(size less than 10µm )or PM 10 µg/m 3 24 hours ** 100 1004 Particulate Matter Annual* 40 40(size less than 2.5µm ) 24 hours ** 60 60or PM 2.5 µg/m 3 1 hour** 04 045 Ozone (O 3 )8 hours** 100 100µg/m 31 hour** 180 180-Improved West andGaek,-Ultravioletfluorescence-Modified Jacob &Hochheiser(No Arsenite)-Chemiluminescence-Gravimetric-TOEM-Beta attenuation-Gravimetric-TOEM-Beta attenuation-UV photometric-Chemilminescence-Chemical Method* Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year at a particular site takentwice a week 24 hourly at uniform intervals.** 24 hourly or 8 hourly or 01 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be compliedwith 98% of the time in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on twoconsecutive days of monitoringSource: The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary videnumber S.O 844 (E) dated the 19 th November, 1986; and subsequently amended videnumbers S.O. 433 (E), dated the 18 th April, 1987; G.S.R. 176 (E), dated the 2 ndApril 1996; and were recently amended vide numbers G. S.R. 97(E), dated the 18 thFebruary, 2009; G. S.R. 149(E), dated the 4 th March 2009; G.S.R. 512(E), dated the9 th July 2009; G.S.R. 543(E) dated the 22 nd July, 2009; G.S.R. 595 (E), dated the 21 stAugust, 2009; and G.S.R. 794 (E), dated the 4 th November, 2009.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-723.10 Terrestrial EcologyThe floristic and faunal description of the study area is based on field survey and fromForest Department of Govt. of NCT of <strong>Delhi</strong>. <strong>Delhi</strong> has 111 sq. km of forest cover and40 sq. km. of tree cover against the geographical area of 1483 sq. km, representingonly 10.2% of total land area of the city. The green cover is not uniformly distributedin <strong>Delhi</strong> as some parts have considerable greenery than the others. The New <strong>Delhi</strong> andSouth Districts are much greener compared to other Districts.The flora of <strong>Delhi</strong> comprises nearly 1,000 species of flowering plants belonging tosome 120 families. Sixty per cent of the species are either indigenous or naturalizedand the remaining introduced. More than 50 percent of the indigenous flora representsthe tropical species. Nearly eight percent is from tropical Africa less than 50 percentfrom the New World, and two per cent from the temperate region.As a consequence of urbanization, much of the naturally existing vegetation has beencleared over the years. The city level forests, the Ridge, the protected and reservedforests have surviving pockets of natural vegetation in <strong>Delhi</strong>. The other open spacesare an admixture of indigenous and exotic species project.Vegetation of <strong>Delhi</strong> is typical Northern Tropical Thorn Forest Type (Champion & Seth1968). Among trees, species of Acacia such as A. nilotica, A. leucophloea, A. catechu,A. modesta, Butea monosperma (Dhak), Cassia fistula (Amaltas), Salvadora persica.Good patches of Anogeissus latifolia and abundance of Prosopis juliflora areobserved.Among the city’s residential area, the ones in the area are amply dotted withtrees andshrubs. The area is covered by roadside plantations, private and public gardens as wellas plantations done by the institutions and housing colonies.The shrubs include Capparis sepiaria, C.decidua, Zizyphus aenoplia, Crotonsparsiflorus. Herbaceous flora include Calotropis procera, Withania somnifera,Achyranthes aspera, Tridax spp., Alysicarpus vaginalis, Peristrophe bicalyculata.Main grasses are Cenchrus ciliaris, Aristida spp., Eragrostis poaeioides, Saccharumspontaneum.3.10.1 FloraThe vegetation in the study area comprises of stunted, medium-sized trees and shrubswhich are more or less widely spaced and do not form a continuous canopy—acharacteristic of semi-desert scrub.The field investigation of the post monsoon season shows the dominance of membersof Dalbergia sissoo, Mangifera indica, Butea monosperma, Ficus racemosa, Cynodonductylon, Acacia catechu and Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica are commonlyobserved. Grasses like Adhatoda spp., Bougainvillea spp. within the study area. Thelists of tree species observed in the project area are given in Table three types of ecosystem exist in study area.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-73Agro Ecosystem:The main crops were rice, wheat, millet, maize and sugarcane. Vegetables are grown insmall patches. The major agricultural crops are Mustard (Brassica juncea), wheat(Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), and millets (Sorghumvulgare). A number of leguminous crops were grown for crop rotation purpose such asmoong (Phaseolus mungo), masoor (Lens culnaris), Arhar (Cajanus cajan), Gram(Cicer arietinum), and pea (Pisum sativum).Grassland Ecosystem:Mostly covered by Congress grass and doob. List of shrubs/grass species are given inTable presence of groves in the study area has been noticed. These groves are mainly ofPsidium guava, Citrus auvaulium, Mangnifera indica. The trees grown under socialforestry mainly consists of Mangifera indica, Terminilia catapa, Citrus auvaulium,Pisidium guava and other local species of economic importance.Manmade Plantation EcosystemThis has been developed by the State Forest Department and industries. Babul, Neem,Shisham, Jamun, were the main species, planted under afforestation programmes.Table of tree species observed in the study areaScientific NameAcacia niloticaAcacia catechuAzadirachta indicaCassia fistulaCassia toraEugenia jambolanaFicus religiosaBauhinia purpureaAlbizzia lebbeckMorus albaSalmalia malbaricaEucalyptus globulusDalbergia sissooAegle marmalosButea monospermaMangifera indicaCommon NameBaboolKhairNeemAmaltasPanwarJamunPeepalKachnarSirisShahtootSilk CottonEucalyptusShisham (Indian Rosewood)BelDhakMangoChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-74Table of shrubs and grasses observed in the study areaScientific NameAbutilon indicumAchyranthes asperaArgemone mexicanaCalotropis proceraBouigainvillea spp.Capparis sepiariaCapparis deciduaCroton sparsiflorusCynodon dactylonChenopodium albumLaunaea nudicaulisMadhuca latifoliaNerium odorumParthenium hysterophorusRicinus communisTamarix dioicaTridax procumbensCommon NamePathakaPuthkandaMexican prickly poppyAakBougainvilleaHedge Caper bushKarirGarden crotonDoobBathuBold leafLaunaeaMahuaKanerCongressGrassCastorSaltcedarCoat button3.10.1.1 Selection of Sampling LocationsThe field survey was carried out during the post-monsoon season in and around the<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> site. The details of the sampling locations for terrestrial ecology arepresented in Table and shown in Exhibit 3.10.1.Table of the Sampling Locations for Terrestrial EcologyLocationCodeTE1TE2TE3LocationAsola WildlifeSanctuaryNear YamunaRiverNear YamunaRiver anddischarge pointof BTPSDistance/Directionw.r.t the project siteEnvironmentalSetting/ Justificationfor selection ofsampling location7.31km/SSW Vegetation aroundReserve forest4.0km/NNE2.39km/ENEAgroecosystemAgroecosystemChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-753.10.1.2 MethodologyA general floral and faunal survey within 10.0 km radius from proposed plant site wascarried out and plant and animal species were recorded. Quadrat method as suggested byMisra and Puri (1954) and Misra (1968) were used for sampling. The size of the quadratwas determined by Species Area Curve Method. The frequency, density, abundance andIVI were calculated with the help of following formulae:Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-76Exhibit 3.10.1: Terrestrial Ecology Sampling LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-77Table Analysis of vegetation at Sampling LocationsLocation Plant speciesFrequency Density Abundance IVITE1 Acacia Arabica 50 2.0 0.4 52.4Acacia catechu 40 1.5 0.3 41.8Cynodon dactylon 30 1.0 0.3 31.3Acacia catechu 30 1.5 0.5 32Dalbergia sissoo 20 1.0 0.5 21.5Adhatoda spp. 20 1.6 0.7 22.3Capparis decidua 30 2.0 0.6 32.6Azadirachta indica 30 3.0 1.0 34TE2 Madhuca indica 30 3.0 1.2 34.2Abutilon indicum 20 1.5 0.7 22.2Acacia Arabica 20 1.0 0.5 21.5Croton sparsiflorus 30 1.0 0.4 31.4Cassia fistula 20 1.5 0.7 22.2Dalbergia sissoo 20 1.0 0.6 21.6Cynodon dactylon 10 1.0 1.2 12.2Partheniumhysterophorus20 1.0 0.521.5TE3 Acacia Arabica 20 2.0 1.2 23.2Azadirachta indica 20 1.0 0.6 21.6Salmalia malbarica 10 1.0 1.0 12Bougainvillea spp. 10 1.2 1.0 12.2Chenopodium album 20 1.0 0.4 21.4Adhatoda spp. 10 1.0 1.0 12Croton sparsiflorus 20 2.0 1.2 23.2Eucalyptus globulus 30 2.0 0.7 32.7Butea monosperma 10 1.0 1.0 12Cynodon dactylon 10 2.0 2.0 14Nerium odorum 10 1.0 1.0 12Tridax procumbens 10 1.2 1.4 12.6Cynodon dactylon 20 1.0 1.0 22Saccharum spontaneum 10 2.0 1.8 13.8Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-783.10.2 FaunaThis section describes the terrestrial fauna including domestic animals. The description isbased on the field investigation and literature review. There is no unique faunalcommunity within the study area, except most common ones like toad, frog, crow,sparrow and myna etc. Domestic AnimalsThere is a heavy cattle population comprising of buffalo, cow, goat, besides domesticfowls. The list of domestic animals observed in the study area are given in Table of domestic animals observed in the Study AreaZoological NameBos indicusBubalus indicusCanis familiarisCapra hircusEquus caballusEquus hermionusFelis domesticusSus cristatusPresdystis entellusCommon NameCowBuffaloDogGoatHorseAssCatPigMonkey3.10.2.2 WildlifeThe Asola Wildlife Sanctuary is located at a distance of 5.32 km in South west direction.It was established in 1992 with the aim to protect the wildlife in the area between <strong>Delhi</strong>and Surajkund (<strong>Delhi</strong>-Haryana border). The sanctuary covers an area of 26 sq. km.Though not much wildlife exists in Asola anymore, the sanctuary is a haven for smallerbirds and animals. Asola is more popular among wildlife buffs for its bird population thanfor its animals. The number of species found here are said to be in the region of 200.Some of these are Bee-eaters, Cormorants, Egrets, Grebes, Falcons, Partridges, Quail,Peafowl, Waterhens, Lapwings, Sandpipers, Woodpeckers, Doves, Parakeets, Cuckoos,Owls, Nightjars, Barbets, Swallows, Shrikes, Orioles, Drongos, Mynahs, Flycatchers,Warblers, Babblers, Wagtails, Pipits, Buntings and Muniahs among many others.Among the wildlife found here, some are the Nilgai or Blue Bull, Common Mongoose,Small Indian Civet, Small Indian Mongoose, Jungle Cat, Flying Fox, Porcupine, PalmSquirrel, Spiny tailed Lizards, Rufus Tailed Hare and Monitor Lizards. The sanctuaryalso now has two large enclosures for their very successful Blackbuck and Chital orSpotted Deer conservation, rehabilitation and breeding programmes. and AmphibiaThe reptiles and amphibians reported based on the literature review are presented in Table3.10.2.2 and Table 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-79Table reported in the Study AreaS. No. Common Name Scientific NameRodents1 Mouse Mus muscatus2 House Rat Rattus rattus3 Bandicoot rat Bandicota indica4 Indian Palm Squirrel Funambulus pennantiSnakes1 Rat snake Ptyas mucosus2 Dhanda Xensch rophis piscator3 Checkeered keel back Natrix piscator4 Banded krait Bungarus fasiatus5 Rusel’s earth boa Eryx conicusLizards1 Brook’s House Gecko Homidactylus brookii2 Indian chameleon Chameleon zeylanicus3 Garden geeko Calotes versicolor4 Rock geeko Hemidactylus maculates5 House lizard Hemidactylus flaviviridisTable reported in the AreaFrogS. No. English Name Scientific Name1 Toad Bufo melanostidus2 Frog Rana tigrina3 Tree Frog Rhacophorus bimaculatusTortoise1 Land tortoise Trionyux gangeticusChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-803.10.2.4 Avian FaunaThe avian fauna reported based on the literature review in the study area are listed inTable Fauna reported in the Study AreaSl. No. Common NameScientific Name1. Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri2. House Crow Corvus splendens3. Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos4. Rufous Treepie Dendrocitta vagabunda5. Common Myna Acridotheres tristis6. Asian Pied Starling Sturnus contra7. Indian Grey Hornbill Ocycerus birostris8. Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer9. Red-Whiskered Bulbul, Pycnonotus jocosus10. Rock Pigeon Columba livia11. Yellow-footed Green Pigeon Treron phoenicoptera12. Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto13. Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis14. Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea15. Lineated Barbet Megalaina lineate16. Coppersmith Barbet Megalaima haemacephala17. Grey Partridge Francolinus pondicerianus18. Red-wattled Lapwing Vanellus indicus19. Oriental Honey Buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus20. Black Kite Milvus migrans21. Red-throated Flycatcher Ficedula parva22. Oriental Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis23. Indian Robin Saxicoloides fulicata24. Ashy Prinia Prinia socialis25. Plain Prinia Prinia inornata26. Grey-breasted Prinia Prinia hodgsonii27. Tailor Bird Orthotomus sutorius28. Jungle Babbler Turdoides striatus29. Oriental White-eye Zosterops palpebrosus30. Purple Sunbird Nectarinia asiatica31. House Sparrow Passer domesticus3.10.2.5 Endangered SpeciesNone of the plant or animal species recorded is endangered as per the Red Data Bookand Schedule I of Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-813.11 Aquatic Ecology3.11.1 Selection of Sampling LocationsThe study of aquatic ecology was carried out by selecting three sampling locations- inthe Agra Canal, at the emergence point from the Okhla Barrage built across YamunaRiver, Upstream of Intake point and downstream of discharge point. The descriptionof sampling locations is presented in Table 3.11.1 and shown in Exhibit 3.11.1.Table 3.11.1Aquatic Ecology Sampling LocationsStationCodeLocationAE1 Okhla Barrage –Emergence Pointof Agra CanalAE2 Agra Canalupstreamofintake pointAE3 Agra Canal-Downstream ofdischarge pointDistance andJustificationDirection w.r.t.Project Site8.5 km/N Health of the aquatic life1.1 km/E The intensity of impact ofaquatic life of the localongoing activities1.3 km/SE Impact of thermal dischargeon the aquatic lifeChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-82Exhibit 3.11.1: Aquatic Ecology Sampling LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-83MethodologyThe samples of phytoplankton and zooplankton were collected from all the three sitesusing plankton net. The water samples for zooplanktons were collected by filtering100 liters of surface water through plankton net and the collected samples werepreserved in 4% formaldehyde. The zooplankton samples were preserved immediatelywith 4% formaldehyde and phytoplankton samples with Lugol’s solution. Theestimation of planktons was done by centrifugation of ten ml (10 ml) of sample for 20minutes at 1500 g. The settled material was used for the examination of planktons.The sample was analyzed qualitatively to determine the species composition as well asqualitatively to determine the number of organisms per unit volume.Counting of plankton was done on the four large square of haemocytometer at randomand average number of cells per square was calculated. Total number of plankton perunit volume along with species diversity index was calculated.3.11.2 Plankton PopulationThe phytoplankton recorded in the post-monsoon season is presented in Table 3.11.2.The phytoplanktons were represented by following species dominated by Anabaena,Eichhornia crassipes, Nostoc, Oscillatoria at all the sampling locations.Among the zooplanktons, Rotifera, Copepoda, Cladocera, Ostracoda and Protozoawere observed. The zooplankton species recorded in the post-monsoon season ispresented in Table 3.11.3.Table 3.11.2Density of Phytoplanktons recorded at sampling locationsName of the species Name of the species Name of the speciesAE1 AE2 AE3Achyranthes aspera Achyranthes aspera Achyranthes asperaAnabaena Eichhornia crassipes Chenopodium ambrosioidesEichhornia crassipes Eragrostis poaeoides Eichhornia crassipesEragrostis poaeoides Chenopodium ambrosioides Eragrostis pilosaEragrostis poaeoides Eragrostis pilosa Eragrostis poaeoidesMarsilea quadrifoliata Eragrostis poaeoides Lippia nodifloraNostoc Lippia nodiflora Marsilea quadrifoliataOscillatoria Marsilea quadrifoliata Nymphea stellataPhragmites karka Nymphea stellata Phragmites karkaScirpus maritimus Nostoc Polygonum glabrumOscillatoriaRivulariaPolygonum glabrum Scirpus maritimusScirpus maritimusChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-84Table 3.11.3Density of Zooplanktons recorded at sampling locationsName of the species Name of the species Name of the speciesAE1 AE2 AE3Brachionus bipentata Alona AlonaBrachionus calcyflorus Brachionus calcyflorus BosminaBrachionus diversicornis Brachionus diversicornis Cyclops spp.Brachionus folculus Brachionus folculus Daphnia pulexEuglena spp. Daphnia carinata Daphnia lumholtziParamecium caudatumMicrocyclops sppDaphnia carinataDaphnia pulexDaphnia lumholtziDaphnia simili3.11.3 Primary ProductivityPrimary production is the basis of the entire biogenous cycle in aquatic environment,the organic substance produced by photoautotrophic organisms (plants, algae etc.).The Gross Primary Productivity represents the amount of plant substance producedper unit of time and space. In situ measurement was performed by measuring theoxygen production in light and dark bottles exposed in the water during a knownperiod of time. Gross primary production rate was measured for all three sites in mgC/m 2 /day. The intensity of the primary production reflects the trophic level of thereservoir. The primary productivity examined at all the three sampling locationsduring post-monsoon season is given in Table 3.11.4.Table 3.11.4Primary Productivity of PhytoplanktonStations Gross Primary Productivity(mg C/m 2 /day)Post-MonsoonAE1 48.5AE2 46.7AE3 55.8Average 50.333.11.4 Benthic Macro-InvertebratesThe benthic macro-invertebrate communities or mud-dwelling invertebratecommunities have proved useful in the biological surveillance of water quality instreams reservoirs. These are sufficiently large (> 0.5mm) to make them clearlyobservable without the aid of microscope. They dwell at least part of their life-cycleChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-85in association with the substratum of aquatic habitat. Benthic macro-invertebrates arerecognized as very important group in water quality surveillance as these organismswhich move from the site of pollution and show considerable sensitivity to pollution(Mason, 1987). The Benthic macro-invertebrates recorded from the study area are asfollows:Annelida:Arthropoda:Hirudinaria granulosa, Tubofix spp. and Nereis spp.Cyperus spp., Corixa spp., Daphnia spp., Hydrophilus spp.,Micronecta spp., Nepa cinerea and Pinaeus spp.3.11.5 MacrophytesAquatic macrophytes are the large, predominantly angiospermic inhabiting aquaticecosystem and are of great importance from the productivity point of view. They playa very important role in providing food to fishes and other aquatic animals, providingshelter to algae and some animals and also play a vital role in cycling of nutrients inthe water body like Agra Canal at Okhla Barrage.Aquatic Macrophytes:Typha angustataPhragmites maximaHydrilla verticillata,Vallisneria spiralis,Potamogeton pectinatus, P. crispus,Najas sp.Salvinia molestaAlternanthera philoxeriodes3.11.6 Fish and other BiotaThe commercially important fishes available in the area are Catla catla, Labeorohita, Cirrhinus mrigla etc. The survey also indicated that more than 14 species offishes were observed Okhla Barrage in Yamuna river as listed in Table 3.11.5.Table 3.11.5Fishes recorded in Yamuna River at Okhla BarrageSl. No. Scientific Name Common Name1. Labeo rohita Rohu2. Gadusia chapra Suhiya3. Catla catla Bhakur4. Aspidoparia morar Chelwa5. Ambypharyngodon Dhawai6. Labeo guntea Lotani7. Mystus vittatus TengaraChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-86Sl. No. Scientific Name Common Name8. Puntius sarana Darhi9. Puntius sophore Pothia10. Esomus dandricus Derba11. Chanda nama Chanda12. Chanda ranga Chanda13. Macrognathus aculeatus Pateya or gaincha14. Macrognathus punchalus Patgaincha3.11.7 WaterbirdsOkhla is one among the several ornithologically significant sites along the 35 kmstretch of the river Yamuna in <strong>Delhi</strong> (Ganguli 1975).The aquatic vegetation of thisstretch of river is diverse (Gopal and Sah 1993). Reed beds (Typha angustata andPhragmites maxima) are abundant in the marshy areas. The submerged vegetationincludes Hydrilla verticillata, Vallisneria spiralis, Potamogeton pectinatus, P.crispus, Najas sp. Patches of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes form dense mats.The common waterbirds recorded at Okhala Barrage is given in Table 3.11.6. NeitherHutson (1954) nor Ganguli (1975) mention large flocks of wintering ducks at Okhla,so this may be a recent phenomenon that developed after the creation of the Okhlabarrage and the resulting lake.Table 3.11.6List of Waterbirds reported at Okhla BarrageLesser whistling-duckGreylag gooseRuddy shelduckCommon shelduckCotton pygmy-gooseGadwallEurasian wigeonMallardSpot-billed duckNorthern shovelerNorthern pintailGarganeyCommon tealRed-crested pochardCommon pochardFerruginous pochardTufted duckCommon kingfisherWhite-throated kingfisherPied kingfisherWhite-breasted waterhenPurple swamphenCommon moorhenCommon cootPheasant-tailed jacanaBronze-winged jacanaLittle grebeGreat crested grebeLittle cormorantIndian cormorantGreat cormorantChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-873.11.8 Spawning and Breeding AreasSmall scale fishing activity involving local fishermen was reported during studyperiod. However, small scale commercial fishing has been reported at Okhla Barrage.There is spawning and breeding areas of fishes at Okhla Barrage.3.11.9 ConclusionsThe main problem lies in undetected and untreated pesticide residues. Waterworksofficials in <strong>Delhi</strong> and Agra point out that pesticide traces cannot be removed withconventional treatment. "Organic substances can be assimilated in freshwater, providedthere is enough freshwater in the river," states R Dalwani, scientist, Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests (MoEF). "But for micropollutants such as pesticides, onlymore freshwater can reduce the percentage of traces in water. These cannot bedissolved or assimilated, but certainly can be diluted to an extent." The river has adilution requirement of 75 per cent, which implies that for every 100 litres ofwastewater, 75 litres of freshwater is required. Scientists state that with the flow ofwater, pollutants (especially organic pollutants) degrade to a large extent. But at everystep, this purified water is abstracted, and ever larger loads of pollution make their wayinto the river.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-883.12 NoiseAmbient noise level measurement was undertaken in the study area in post-monsoonseason to assess the existing ambient noise levels in different areas viz; Residential,Industrial, Commercial and Silence zones as per the Gazette Notification dated14.02.2000 of MoEF and The Noise <strong>Pollution</strong> (Regulation and <strong>Control</strong>) (Amendment)Rules 2010 on ambient noise standards.In the present study, Sound Pressure Level (SPL) was measured by a sound levelmeter (Integrating Sound Level Meter Cygnet, Model 2031A). Since loudness ofsound is important by its effects on people, the dependence of loudness uponfrequency must be taken into account in environmental noise assessment. This hasbeen achieved by the use of A-weighting filters in the noise measuring instrumentwhich gives a direct reading of approximate loudness.3.12.1 Selection of Measurement LocationsThe ambient noise level was measured at ten locations in the study area. The samplinglocations for the noise measurement were selected keeping in view of the existingindustrial, commercial, residential and sensitive areas like hospitals, schools etc. Thenoise measurement locations are presented in Table 3.12.1and 3.12.2 (Exhibit.3.12.1).Table 3.12.1Noise Measurement Locations in the Study AreaStation Code Location Distance w.r.t DescriptionProject Site (km)N1 Mithapur 2.2 Residential cum,Commercial areaN2 Aligaon 1.3 Residential cumCommercial areaN3 Jaitpur 2.5 Residential cumCommercial areaN4 Lakadpur 2.4 Residential cumCommercial areaN5 RailwayColony2.2 Residential cumCommercial areaN6 MadanpurKhadar3.2 Residential cumCommercial areaN7 Lalkuan 1.5 ResidentialCommercial areaN8 Tughlakabad 3.5 Residential,Commercial &Industrial areaN9 Ismailpur 2.8 Residential cumCommercial areaN10 Tikhand 4.0 Residential cumCommercial areaChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-89Table 3.12.2Noise Measurement Locations inside the plantLocationsTurbine HallBoiler Feed Pump HouseCW Pump HouseCooling TowerInstrument Air Compressor HouseCoal MillI D FanP A FanF D FanDiesel GeneratorThere is different type of fields for measuring the ambient noise level, which can becategorized as free field, near field and far field.Free FieldThe free field is defined as a region where sound wave propagates without obstructionfrom source to the receiver. In such case, the inverse square law can be applied so thatthe sound pressure level decreases by 6dB (A) as the distance is doubled.Near FieldThe near field is defined as that region close to the source where the inverse squarelaw does not apply. Usually this region is located within a few wavelengths from thesource.Far FieldThe far field is defined as that region which is at a distance of more than 1meter fromthe source.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-90Exhibit 3.12.1: Noise Measurement LocationsChapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-913.12.2 Parameters MeasuredThe important parameters measured are L eq , L day , and L night .L eq : Noise monitoring equipments have the facility for measurement of L eq directly.However, L eq can also be calculated using the following equation:L eq (hrly) = L 50 + (L 10 - L 90 ) 2 / 60Where,L 10 (Ten Percentile Exceeding Level) is the level of sound, which exceeds 10% of thetotal time of measurement.L 50 (Fifty Percentile Exceeding Level) is the level of sound, which exceeds 50% of thetotal time of measurement.L 90 (Ninety Percentile Exceeding Level) is the level of sound, which exceeds 90% ofthe total time of measurement.L day : This represents L eq of daytime. L day is calculated as Logarithmic average using thehourly L eq ’s for day time hours from 6.00 A.M to 10.00 P.ML night :This represents L eq of nighttime. L night is calculated as Logarithmicaverage using the hourly L eq ’s for nighttime hours from 10.00 PM to 6.00 A.M.Method of MeasurementAmbient noise level measurement was carried out continuously for 24-hours outside theplant premises. During each hour, parameters like L 10 , L 50 , L 90 and Leq were directlycomputed by the instrument based on the Sound Pressure Levels (SPL). Measurementwas carried out at ‘A’ weighting and in fast response mode.3.12.3 Results and Discussions(A) Study Area-Outside the PlantThe summary of measured parameters like Leq., L day , L night , L 10 , L 50 , L 90 for all thesampling locations in the respective seasons, are presented in Table 3.12.3. Theoverall Leq value varied between 50.7 dB(A) to 60.9 dB(A) in all locations. Day timeand night time Leq value varied between 47.4 dB(A) to 58.2 dB(A) and 45.2dB(A) to51.3 dB(A) respectively. The highest Leq value 60.9 dB(A) was recorded at RailwayColony due to vicinity of the train traffic and the lowest Leq value 50.7 dB(A) wasrecorded at Madanpur Khadar. The highest L day 58.2 dB(A) was recorded at RailwayColony and lowest value of L day 47.4 dB(A) at Madanpur Khadar. The highest valueof L night 51.3 dB(A) was also recorded at Railway Colony and lowest 45.2 dB(A) atJaitpur village. It is noted that the noise levels were within the permissible limit of theNational Ambient Air Quality Standards with respect to noise both during day timeand night time at most of the locations.(B) Inside the PlantThe Leq value varied between 70.3 dB (A) to 87.6 dB (A) at all the locations. HighestLeq was observed in Turbine Hall. The noise levels were within the permissible limitwith respect to Damage Risk Criteria for Hearing Loss Occupational Safety andHealth Administration (OSHA). The noise levels recorded during monitoring atvarious sources within the plant premises has been presented in Table 3.11.4.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-92Table 3.12.3Ambient Noise Levels in the Study AreaLocation

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 3-93Table 3.12.5Ambient Air Quality Standards with Respect to Noise*Area Code Category of AreaLimits in dB(A), L eq** Day time #Night timeA Industrial Area 75 70B Commercial Area 65 55C Residential Area 55 45D Silence Zone @ 50 40* Environment (Protection) Third Amendment Rules, 2000.Gazette Notification Government of India dated 14.2.2000 and The Noise<strong>Pollution</strong> (Regulation and <strong>Control</strong>) (Amendment) Rules 2010.** Day Time: 6.00 AM to 10.00 PM# Night Time: 10.00 PM to 6.00 A.M@ Silence zone is defined as an area up to 100 meters around such premises ashospitals, educational institutions and courts. The silence zones are to be declaredby the competent authority; Use of vehicular horns, loudspeakers and bursting ofcrackers shall be banned in these zones.Chapter 3.0 Description of Environment

Chapter 4.0Anticipated EnvironmentalImpacts & MitigationMeasures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-1Chapter 4.0Anticipated Environmental Impacts &Mitigation Measures4.0 Impact Assessment - An OverviewGenerally the environmental impacts can be categorized as either primary orsecondary. Primary impacts are those, which are attributed directly by the project,secondary impacts are those, which are indirectly induced and typically include theassociated investment and changed patterns of social and economic activities by theproposed action.The primary function of an environmental impact assessment study is to predict andquantify potential impacts, assess and evaluate the magnitude. The impact assessmentforms the basis for development of Environmental Management Plan. Environmentalimpacts could be positive or negative, direct or indirect, local or regional and alsoreversible or irreversible. This chapter discusses the incremental environmentalimpacts on the environmental attributes during construction and operation phase ofthe project.Adequacy of proposed mitigation measures has been evaluated against predictedenvironmental impacts and various standards notified by MoEF under theEnvironment (Protection) Act, 1986 and other relevant standards/ criteria publishedby Bureau of Indian Standards/ other agencies. Further mitigatory measures, ifnecessary have been suggested in environmental management plan.As a first step, the entire power generation process has been divided into a number ofsmaller sub-activities for construction and operation phases. The probable impacts ofeach of these activities on various sectors of environment (such as air, water, soil,biotic, socio-economic environment etc.) have been identified and listed. Table4.0.0(a) lists various activities of construction phase and their probable impacts onvarious sectors of environment. The impacts are classified as long term impacts andshort term impacts. The impacts are envisaged to be short term impacts, confined toconstruction period only. Mitigation measures for significant impacts are discussed inrespective sections.4.1 Impact IdentificationThe potential impacts arising due to construction and operation of proposed powerplant have been identified in Table 4.1.1.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

Sl.No.<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-2Table 4.1.1Identification of Impacts during Construction and Operation PhaseEnvironmentalAttributesAspectImpactsConstruction Phase1. Ambient Air Quality Dust emission from operationof construction equipmentNot significant and the impactwill be short term as there willand vehicles during site be regular maintenance ofdevelopment, excavation, construction equipment andmaterial handling and other activities at site.2 Noise Noise generated from Noise generation sources insideConstruction activities, premises- As there will be useoperation of construction of Personal Protectiveequipment and movement of Equipment (PPE) like earmuffstraffic.and earplugs duringconstruction activities, no3 Water Quality456789Land use andAestheticsSurface runoff fromproject site duringconstruction activities. Wastewater generated fromtemporary make shift labourtentsDisposal of constructiondebris;Waste handling fromD.G. sets; Hazardouswaste like spent oil,lubricants, paint residues etc.significant impact is envisaged.No off site impact envisaged aswastewater will not bedischarged outside the plantboundary during constructionphase.No significant impact asmajority of labourers wouldbe locally deployed.Not significant. Impact will belocal, as the wastegenerated will be reused forconstruction activities.Hazardous waste will bepreferably sold to the potentialusers having necessaryauthorization for reprocess/reuse.Topographyand GeologySite developmentNo Significant ImpactsSoilConstruction activity leading Minor negative impact butto topsoil removal.temporary.EcologyNo displacement of flora and No significant impactfaunaSocio-economy Population displacement. Positive impact in the formof employment opportunities.Traffic Pattern Movement of vehicles for Minor negative impactvarious constructionactivities.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-3Operation PhaseSl.No.EnvironmentalAttributes1 Ambient AirQualityAspectEmissions of PM, SO 2 , NOx(stack emissions); Fugitiveemissions from vehiclemovement.2 Noise Noise from all rotatingmachines and high velocityflow systems of the plant whichinclude(i) Gas Turbine and SteamTurbine Generators, AirIntake and Exhaust Gasplenum.(ii) Boiler feed pumps(iii) Other rotating equipmentlike, major and largepumps, air compressor,D.G. sets, ventilation fans(iv) Exhaust from steam linesafety valves etc. Also,noise from vehiclemovement and operationof diesel generator setsduring power failure.3 Water Quality The major sources ofwater <strong>Pollution</strong> during operationphase will be(i) Blow down from HRSGunits(ii) Effluent from Neutralizingpit of DM Plant(iii) Blow down from coolingtower(iv)Effluent water from plantdrains(v) Domestic wastewaterImpactsNot significant as Naturalgas being a clean fuel willbe used which has low stackemissions.D.G. sets would also be usedtemporarily as emergencypower back-up onlyOutside Plant Boundary:Significant as nearestreceptor is at less than 1.0km. Plantation of specificspecies and development ofsilence zone for trafficmovement.To control noise acousticenclosures will beprovided for all theequipments.Inside Plant Building: Plantpersonnel working near noisegenerating machineries willbe provided with earplugs/muffs.No significant adverse impactas treated effluent from CMBwill be used for green beltdevelopment andlandscaping.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-4Sl. Environmental AspectNo. Attributes4 Water Usage The water requirement forStage-III of the project shall be20 cusecs (2038.32 m 3 /hr). Thewater requirement for this stageof the project shall be drawnfrom 60 cusecs Agra canalwhich draws water fromYamuna river near OkhlaBarrage.5 Soil Storage and disposal of solidand Hazardous wastes; dischargeof sewage; fuel and materialspills; pesticides use6 EcologyFlora and FaunaIncrease in Green Cover.7 Socio-economy Increase in job opportunity.Improved power supply.8 Traffic Pattern Increase in vehicular movementin the vicinity and on MathuraRoad.ImpactsThe water requirement forthis stage of the project shallbe drawn from 60 cusecsAgra canal which drawswater from Yamuna rivernear Okhla Barrage.Govt. of Uttar Pradesh hasalready given in-principlecommitment for makingavailable 70 cusecs of waterfor BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II. The CW system shall beoperated at 4 cycles ofconcentration (COC).No negative impact asconstruction debris will becollected and suitably used atsite as per construction wastemanagement plan.Waste generation shall bemonitored and managed inscientific manner withmaximum stress on recyclingof wastesBeneficial impactBeneficial impact.Minor negative impact.4.2 Land EnvironmentConstruction PhaseThe proposed site is located within the premises of existing thermal power plant at<strong>Badarpur</strong>, New <strong>Delhi</strong>. After commissioning of the gas based units in this phase, thepresently operating 95 MW units shall be de-commissioned and the implementationof gas based units in the area occupied by 95 MW units shall be taken up as Phase-IIof the BTPS expansion.

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-5Impact on Topography: The construction phase activity would involve excavationwork of the proposed site. Since the proposed site is a flat land the topography andgeology is not expected to change due to the proposed project. No additional stresswill be imposed by the project due to these parameters and hence, no significantimpacts are expected.Change of Land use Pattern: There would not be change in the land use pattern ofthe proposed project site as it is in industrial use.Impact on soil quality/erosion: The potential impacts on soil from the proposedproject include;♦ Change of land use to industrial♦ Contamination of soil by spillage of oil.Erosion of soil will not take place as site is already developed. However care shall betaken to avoid soil erosion.Slight contamination may also occur on account of spillage of oil from vehicles usedfor transportation of construction material.Mitigation measures suggested to reduce soil contamination include oil spillagecontrol measures (discussed in EMP Section.), which would reduce the impactsignificantly.Risk due to earthquakes: The project area falls under Seismic Zone IV as per theSeismic Zoning Map of India (IS 1893, Part-I, 2002). Necessary seismic factorssuggested by Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) shall be incorporated suitablywhile designing the structures to safeguard against earthquake risks.Waste Disposal: During the construction phase, solid waste generated will includebiomass from land clearing activities, waste from the labour tents, construction andhazardous waste. Impact from construction waste may arise owing to the shortage ofdumping sites, increase in transportation and disposal cost and environmentaldeterioration. Potential pollution problems during construction activities includedumping of construction debris into surface water drains. Proposed mitigation plansuggest maximum reuse of construction waste on site or removal of waste from thesite and proper disposal, which would reduce the impact significantly.Hazardous wastes generated during construction phase may include contaminatedsoil, asbestos-containing construction debris, waste fuel and lubricants, oil filters andbatteries. <strong>Pollution</strong> risks may arise from leakage and spillage of oil or fuel throughpoor protection, vehicle damage or the accidental opening of valves. Potentialpollution problems may arise from storage, treatment and transportation ofcontaminated soils; and residual paints and solvents. Hazardous waste managementmeasures suggested in EMP would reduce the impact.The waste from labour tents would be mainly household domestic waste that wouldbe collected and composted on site along with the biomass from the land clearingactivities.During the operational phase of the project, unscientific management of solid wastemay lead to the following impacts:Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-6♦ Ground water contamination by leachate.♦ Contamination of water bodies due to surface run off from waste storage /dumping site.♦ Odour and dust blow downs from waste dumping site. Release of green housegases.The NTPC shall provide state of the art facilities for scientific management of solidand hazardous waste generated from the plant. Collection points shall be strategicallylocated at different points within the plant premises. The segregated waste generatedwill be managed by an authorized agency.4.3 Water Environment4.3.1 Water requirementConstruction PhaseDuring construction activities at site, water will be required for construction purposesand also for domestic consumption by the construction personnel.Construction water will be arranged from the existing Agra Canal Source. It isanticipated that approximately 200-300 m 3 /day of water would be used during theconstruction phase of the proposed power plant.Operational PhaseWater for a combined cycle plant is required for condenser cooling, cooling of variousGTG/STG/HRSG auxiliaries, for production of DM water for power cycle make-up,and for plant service water, potable water & fire water systems.The water requirement for Stage-III of the project shall be approx. 20 cusecs (2038.32m 3 /hr). The water requirement for this stage of the project shall be drawn from 60cusecs Agra canal which draws water from Yamuna River near Okhla Barrage. Thetotal consumptive water requirement of the station including expansion modules shallbe within the available water commitment of 70 cusecs.Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has already given in-principle commitment for makingavailable 70 cusecs of water for BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II. The CW system shall beoperated at 4 cycles of concentration (COC).The water shall be conveyed through pipelines instead of open canal in order toreduce evaporation and seepage losses. The plant make-up water is required for CWsystem make-up, make-up for Steam turbine cycle, HVAC make-up and potable waterfor the township and plant. The make-up water requirement of the project shall be1890 m 3 /hr.The emphasis has been given to recycle and reuse of the treated effluent to minimizethe water requirement for the project (Refer Table 2.1.2).4.3.2 Waste Water GenerationThe wastewater generation during construction and operation phase is describedbelow:Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-7Construction phaseAs discussed earlier wastewater stream generated during construction period shall befrom transit labour tents and wastewater from construction activities. Wastewatergeneration due to construction activities would be approximately 15-30 m 3 /day aslocal labours will be mostly deployed.Operational PhaseThe wastewater envisaged from proposed project can be broadly categorized as:♦ Blow down from HRSGs units containing silica and dosing chemicals Effluentfrom Neutralizing pit of DM Plant♦ Blow down from cooling water system♦ Effluent water from miscellaneous services.♦ Domestic Waste Water Effluent4.3.3 Waste Water TreatmentThe oily wastes from fuel oil handling area and main plant area shall be treated usingoil water separator and the treated water shall be led to the tube settler provided forservice wastewater for further treatment and reuse in service water system.The clarified water shall be used as make-up for the re-circulating type CW system. ACW pump house comprising of six (6) no. of CW pumps each of 13000 m 3 /hr shall beprovided. The clarified water shall be supplied from the Water Pre-Treatment plant tothe cold channel of CW system which will enter the CW pump house through trashracks at low velocity to filter out debris.Effluent Generation, Treatment and Disposalfrom <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW)Waste WaterStreamQuantity(m 3 /hr.)Treatment/Recycle/Reuse ofeffluentC.T. Blowdown 350 Discharge through CentralMonitoring BasinDM Plant 10 Treatment in Neutralisation pitRegenerationand Discharge through CentralWasteMonitoring BasinSludge from Pretreatment100 Treatment in Sewage Pre-Planttreatment Plant followed byTube Settler sludge 20 Sludge Thickening and removalof solids in SludgeThickener/Filter PressBoiler Blow-down 20 Discharge through CentralMonitoring BasinFilter Backwash 10 Treatment in Sewage Pretreatmentfrom GravityplantFiltersService WaterEffluentQuantity & Point ofDischargeNatural DrainShall be used inSewage and Pre-Treatment Plant150 Treatment in Tube Settler Entire quantity shallbe recycledChapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-8An effluent management scheme, consisting of collection, treatment, recirculation anddisposal of effluents shall be implemented in order to optimize the make up waterrequirement as well as liquid effluent generation. The salient features of water systemfor the project are described as follows:♦ Recirculating type CW system with cooling towers has been envisaged for theproject. Further, the blow down from CW system will be drawn from cold sidei.e. from CW pump discharge, to ensure that there is no thermal pollution.♦ Reuse of a part of C.W. Blow down shall be utilized for the following:• Fire Fighting• Service Water System• Recirculation of Filter Backwash to Sewage and Pre Treatment Plant♦ Neutralization of D.M. Plant Regeneration Waste and disposal through CentralMonitoring Basin♦ Recirculation of effluents from service water system (after treatment in plateseparator/tube settlers)♦ For oily wastes, oil water separators shall be provided from the main plant andfuel oil areas. The separated oil shall be removed from the top and the water atthe bottom shall be recycled or led to the plant effluent drain depending upon itsquantity. The reuse of treated effluent shall be done in service water system afterfurther treatment in tube settlers.♦ Treatment of clarifier sludge and tube settler sludge through Sludge Thickener /Filter Press and discharge of clear water through Central Monitoring Basin.♦ All the plant effluents after individual treatment before disposal shall be sent toCentral Monitoring Basin. From Central Monitoring Basin, the treated effluentsshall be disposed off in natural water course leading to Agra Canal. The efficientoperation of various treatment schemes shall be ensured so that the quality oftreated effluent from CMB conforms to the relevant standards.The sewage from plant and township shall be led to sewage treatment plant. It isprovided with appropriate biological treatment system to control Bio-chemicalOxygen Demand (BOD) and suspended solids. The treated effluent conforming toprescribed standards shall be either utilized for plantation purposes or discharged inAgra Canal through natural water course.Impacts on Ground WaterThe requirement of construction water for the Stage-III of the project shall be metthrough tapping from the existing arrangements of BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II. Theproject does not envisage the use of ground water for any of its use. Therefore, therewill not be any adverse impact on the ground water potential of the study area.4.3.4 Mitigation MeasuresVarious mitigation measures proposed for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I wouldinclude:♦ Closed cycle cooling system with cooling towers♦ Use of entire cooling tower blow down for service water system and firefighting etc.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-9♦ Treatment and recirculation of entire quantity of service water effluents♦ Disposal of boiler blow down and DM Plant regeneration Waste throughCentral Monitoring Basin♦ Disposal of clarifier sludge and tube settler sludge in ash disposal area♦ Sewage treatment plant for sanitary effluents4.4 Soil4.4.1 Magnitude and Significance of ImpactsConstructional activities like levelling, excavation and removal of existing vegetationinvariably disturb the soil of the area. The impacts on soil during construction phaseare mainly due to loss of topsoil in the construction areas and contamination of thesoils of surrounding area due to construction materials such as cement, sand, oils, etc.The disturbances are more pronounced during the summer and monsoon seasons withstrong rains. However, as the construction site is already developed and site levellinghas already been completed, these impacts will be marginal. Further, the effects shallbe temporary and shall be confined to the areas of construction only.Natural gas, a clean fuel, is used for proposed <strong>CCPP</strong>. During operation of theproposed <strong>CCPP</strong>, the soils within the deposition zone of pollutants may undergophysico-chemical changes due to washout of gases (NOx) during the rains. Theimpacts on soil due to gaseous emissions (NOx) from operation of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>,Stage-III are likely to be negligible.4.4.2 Mitigation MeasuresAs the impacts are insignificant, no specific mitigation measures are envisaged forsoil environment apart from already envisaged air and water pollution controlmeasures.4.5 Air EnvironmentThe air pollution impacts from a power plant on surrounding air quality would dependupon various factors, viz. fuel quality, process technology, design capacity, airpollution prevention/control measures, operation and maintenance of powergenerating units and air pollution control equipment associated with the individualpower modules. The severity of impacts on air environment from any power project isalso governed by terrain features around the project site and the prevailing micrometeorologicalconditions in the project area.Generally, in a power project besides the main units like boilers, turbines are alsoassociated with several onsite and offsite facilities, viz. fuel storage, backup generatorsets etc., which also contribute to air pollution in the form of fugitive emissions.The emissions through stacks (point sources) at power plant are very important forimpact assessment as these sources are comparatively large, continuous in nature andare released at higher elevations above ground level. The impacts on air environmentfrom stacks depend on the quality of fuel used for combustion and can extend to fardistances depending on prevailing meteorological conditions. The fugitive emissionsare generally less in quantity as they are released relatively closer to ground levelChapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-10which is expected to cause impact in the immediate vicinity to limited distances(about 2-5 km).4.5.1 Construction PhaseDuring the construction phase, SPM is expected to be the main pollutant associatedwith on-site roads (paved and unpaved), stockpiles and material handling. In this case,pollution emission sources shall be distributed throughout the project site and shallfall under the category of area source. The land is fairly flat, so extensive formationwork is not expected during this phase. It is assumed that most of the excavatedmaterial shall be used within the project, with minimal cut and fill material to comefrom outside the site.Due to the confined nature of heavy construction activity during this limited period,tailpipe emissions from construction equipment are assumed to be essentiallynegligible.In the absence of information regarding the quantity and type of constructionequipment to be deployed at any particular time, emission factors for constructionactivities were used for emission estimates. Overall SPM emissions were estimatedusing the emission factor of 1.3 tons SPM/month of activity/acre as per AP-42 Section13.2.3.3 (U.S.EPA, 1995). This emission factor is most useful for developingestimates of overall emissions from construction throughout a geographical area andmost applicable to construction operations with medium activity level, moderate siltcontents, and semiarid climate (U.S. EPA, 1995). The derivation of the factor assumesthat construction activity occurs 30 days per month, making the above estimatesomewhat conservatively high for total suspended particulate (U.S. EPA, 1995).Because of vehicular traffic there may be marginal increase in concentrations of NOxand CO. Regular sprinkling of water is proposed during construction activities for thesuppression of dust. The approach roads and vehicles will be kept in good conditionto minimize automobile exhaust.The impact of such activities would be temporary and restricted to the constructionphase. The impact will be confined within the project premises and is expected to benegligible outside the plant premises. Proper upkeep and maintenance of vehicles,sprinkling of water during this phase, providing sufficient vegetation etc. are some ofthe measures that would greatly reduce the impacts during the construction phase.4.5.2 Operation PhaseNatural Gas / Regassified liquefied natural gas is a clean fuel without any particulatematter or sulphur content. Hence, there will be no particulate matter or sulphurdioxide in the flue gas of the combined cycle power plant. The combined cycle powergeneration process using natural gas / RLNG as fuel involves emission of oxides ofnitrogen. Typical values of NOx in the flue gas would be less than 75 ppm (15%oxygen volume dry basis) and this would be achieved by the use of low NOx dry typehybrid burners in the gas turbines. 70 m tall stack will be provided for wide dispersionof exhaust flue gases.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-11Burning of Fuel (Natural gas) Stack Emissions – Point SourceThe proposed 1050 MW capacity combined cycle power plant shall comprise ofadvanced class Gas Turbine Generator modules, Heat Recovery Boilers, SteamTurbine Generator and auxiliary plants.The gas turbine based Combined Cycle Plant offers much higher efficiency thanconventional steam turbine plants (50-59% as compared to 35-40% of a conventionalsteam plant. It is proposed to keep both the options of single shaft & Multi shaftarrangement for “3x (1GT+ 1HRSG+1ST) module configuration” for the net nominalcapacity of 1050 MW for Stage-III of the plant. However, as mentioned above that themulti-shaft arrangement is considered to be costlier vis-à-vis single shaft arrangement,the multi shaft arrangement may be taken for cost estimation purposeFuel used for the plant is natural gas.The average natural gas requirement for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW) shall be 5.32 MMSCMD.Natural gas being a clean fuel, the conventional SPM and SO 2 emissions will benegligible in flue gases through stacks and ultimately NOx will become considerableair pollutant from stack emissions at the project site.Predicted Air Emissions from the PlantPrediction of short term impacts on air quality due to stack emissions has been carriedout using Industrial Source Complex [ISCST3] 1993 dispersion model based onsteady state Gaussian Plume Dispersion, developed by United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency [USEPA]. The model simulations deal with major pollutant Oxidesof Nitrogen (NOx) emitted from the stack.Model Options Used For ComputationsThe options used for short-term computations are:♦ The plume rise is estimated by Briggs formulae, but the final rise is always limited tothat of the mixing layer;♦ Stack tip down-wash is not considered;♦ Buoyancy Induced Dispersion is used to describe the increase in plume dispersionduring the ascension phase;♦ Calms processing routine is used by default;♦ Wind profile exponents is used by default, 'Irwin';♦ Flat terrain is used for computations;♦ It is assumed that the pollutants do not undergo any physico-chemical transformationand that there is no pollutant removal by dry deposition;♦ Washout by rain is not considered;♦ Cartesian co-ordinate system has been used for computations; and♦ The model computations have been done for 10 km with 1000-m interval.Input Data for Prediction ModellingThe details of fuel characteristics and stack emissions are presented in Tables 4.5.1 and4.5.2 respectively. In the present computation, the worst coal emission details havebeen considered.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-12Table 4.5.1Expected Composition of Natural Gas for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-ISl. No. Parameters Composition1 Methane 93.43 %2 Nitrogen 0.1201 %3 Carbon dioxide 0.9838 %4 Ethane 3.7209 %5 Propane 1.4839 %6 Iso-Butane 0.1195 %7 n-Butane 0.1144 %8 Iso-Pentane 0.0123 %9 n-Pentane 0.0145 %10 Hexanes 0.00 %11 Heptanes 0.04 %12 Gross Calorific Value 8350 Kcal/m 313 Specific Gravity 0.6013Table 4.5.2Details of Stack EmissionsParameter Unit ValueNumber of Stack Nos. 3Physical stack height m 70.0Internal diameter at the flu top m 6.8Exit velocity of the flue gas m/sec 22Temperature of the flue gas Deg K 398Mass Flow rate for each stack m 3 /sec 837.45NOx Emission @ 75 ppm from each stack gm/sec 42.52Meteorological DataThe hourly micro-meteorological data is being recorded at site since 15 th May 2010using a microprocessor based automatic weather monitoring system (WM250). This sitespecifichourly met data like wind direction, wind speed, ambient temperature andstability classes have been used for dispersion modeling.Determination of Atmospheric Stability ClassificationThe percentage occurrence of stability class for season used for the model is given inTable Emission Standard for NOxNOx emission limits for naphtha or gas based GT power plants for new units are asfollows:Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-13Generation Capacity Fuel Emission Limitppm(V/V)400 MW or more Natural GasNaphtha50100100 MW and more but less than400 MWNatural GasNaphtha75100Less than 100 MWNatural GasNaphtha100100All plants burning gas in Gas 100conventional boilersThe cumulative ground level impact of NOx emissions from total three stacks atproposed project site has been predicted in terms of 24 hourly concentrations keeping inview the prescribed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The groundlevel concentrations are predicted in the impact zone covering 10 km radius from thecentre of project siteTable 4.5.3Stability ClassificationStabilityClassFrequencyDistribution in %Post-monsoonA 2.21B 8.06C 9.47D 16.54E 25.27F 38.454.5.4 Mixing HeightAs site specific mixing heights were not available, mixing heights based on IMDpublication, “Met Monograph No. Environment Meteorology-01/2008: Atlas of MixingHeight and Assimilative Capacity of Atmosphere in India” has been considered forIndustrial Source Complex model to establish the worst case scenario. The mixingdepths considered for modeling are given in Table 4.5.4.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-14Table 4.5.4Spatial Distribution of Mixing DepthHour of the Day SeasonPost-monsoonHeight in metre7 508 1009 20010 50011 100012 100013 150014 150015 150016 150017 150018 600Resultant Concentrations after Implementation of the ProjectThe maximum incremental glc’s due to the proposed project for NOx are superimposedon the maximum baseline NOx concentrations recorded during the study period to arriveat the likely resultant concentrations after implementation of the proposed power plant.The cumulative concentrations (baseline + incremental) after implementation of theproject at the monitoring locations are given below in Table 4.5.5. The isopleth for NOxon 24 hourly basis for post-monsoon season is presented in Exhibits 4.5.1.Table 4.5.5Resultant Concentrations (µg/m 3 ) at Monitoring Locations due to Incremental GLC’s(Values in µg/m 3 )ReceptorsDistance/Directionwith respect to theproposed projectMaximumBaselineConcentrationIncrementalGLCResultantConcentrationNOx NOx NOxNAAQS 80 80 80Jaitpur/AAQ1 2.5km/NE 32.10 5.38 37.48Mithapur/AAQ2 2.2km/E 32.40 7.37 39.77Tughlakabad 2.2km/W 34.90 2.94 37.84Rly Colony/AAQ3Lakadpur/AAQ4 2.4km/SW 34.70 2.86 37.56Area 1.10km/E 34.90 18.23 53.13Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-15Exhibits 4.5.1:Spatial Distributions of 24 Hourly Average NOx GLC (µg/m 3 ) UnderNatural Gas Operation- Post-Monsoon Season4.5.5 Mitigation MesauresNOx emission from the units shall be controlled by employing Dry Low NOx (DLN)combustion technology while firing RLNG/ Natural gas and steam/water injectionwhile firing liquid fuel. The NOx emissions shall be controlled within the applicableemission standards, stipulated vide EPA Notification, GSR 7 dated 22.12.1998.Mitigation measures for control of air pollution from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-Iinclude the following:• Combustion <strong>Control</strong> for NOx• Three Stacks each of 70 m height for wider dispersion of the pollutants• Green belt around project and afforestation within the project.• Water sprinkling during the construction to control fugitive emissionChapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-164.6 Noise EnvironmentThe assessment of the impacts of noise on the surrounding community depends upon: Characteristics of noise source (instantaneous, intermittent, or continuous innature, with the latter contributing the least to noise pollution); Time of day at which noise occurs; and Location of noise source with respect to noise sensitive receptor.For the purposes of predicting noise emissions impacts from the site, the noise emissionsources were examined during construction and operational phases.Construction PhaseThe project is expected to have large scale construction activities, mostly mechanized,related to creation of large scale surface water reservoirs (raw water storage, treatedeffluent storage, Central Monitoring basin etc.), foundations, RCC structures, roadconstruction etc. The major noise generating sources envisaged during constructionphase are given in Table 4.6.1.Table 4.6.1Typical Noise Sources during Construction PhaseDescriptionEarth MoversDozers 95-100Front Loaders 72-84Backhoes 72-93Tractors 76-96Tippers/Trucks 82-94Material HandlersConcrete mixers 75-83Concrete pumps 81-83Cranes (movable) 75-86Vehicular Traffic 85-98(Construction material & plant machinery)Stationary EquipmentDG Sets 90-95Pumps 69-71Compressors 74-86Impact Based EquipmentPneumatic Wrenches 83-88Jack hammer and rock drills 81-98Pile drivers (peak) 95-105Noise Level dB(A)Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-17The noise generation during such large-scale construction activities would beconsiderable. The impacts during construction phase are temporary and would bemarginal on the surrounding communities/villages.Operation PhaseDuring normal operation phase, there are two types of noise generation sources:Stationary Sources: Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine Generators, Air Intake andExhaust Gas plenum, Boiler feed pumps, other rotating equipment like, major andlarge pumps, air compressor, D.G. sets, ventilation fans, exhaust from steam linesafety valves etc.Mobile Sources: Vehicular traffic for staff mobilization, material transport, liquidfuel transport to project site etc.4.6.1 Impact PredictionIn a gas based power plant, moderate noise will be generated from gas turbines, steamturbines, cooling towers, transformers, compressors, pumps etc. The noise emissionstandards, for these units are prescribed in the comprehensive Industry Document andNational Environmental Standards for Gas based Thermal Power Plants published byCentral <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Board (CPCB), September 1996. The prescribed limits areas follows:90 dB(A) at 1 m from the turbine 60 dB(A) at 120 m from the turbineThe major stationary noise generating sources for the proposed Combined CyclePower Plant are given in Table 4.6.2 along with the respective noise generationlevels. However, enclosures of GT & ST shall be designed for noise attenuation toreduce noise level to 85 dB(A) at 1 meter distance. The ambient noise level at 120meters from any part of the plant (far field) inclusive of GT/HRSG/ST module shallnot exceed 60 dB(A).Table 4.6.2Typical Noise Sources during Operation PhaseSourcesGas Turbine (GT) 85Steam Turbine (ST) 85Boiler Feed Pump (BFP) 85Effective NoiseLevel dB(A) withenclosure at 1 mdistanceHeat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) 85DG sets (used for emergency power supply) 75 (without enclosure)The major noise sources identified for the proposed plant as given in Table 4.6.2 havebeen considered for prediction of impact on ambient noise levels at nearby humansettlements as well as the occupational exposure to workers within the projectpremises.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-18The impact assessment due to above-mentioned noise sources has been performedusing DHAWANI noise model. The modelling results for construction phase noiselevels are as shown in Exhibit 4.6.1. As it can be seen from the isopleths, themaximum incremental noise at a distance of 1 m is 85 dB(A) due to aforesaidsources. However, the incremental noise level is reduced to 58 dB(A) at a distance ofabout 120 m from the source location. Thus, it can be concluded that the resultantnoise level is well within the prescribed limit (8 hourly exposure) of 85 dB(A) asprescribed by CPCB.Exhibit 4.6.1:Spatial Variation of Noise Levels around Noise Sources during ConstructionPhaseChapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-194.6.2 Impact on Occupational HealthIndustrial Noise Standards:The OSHA has recommended permissible noise exposure limit for Industrial workerwhich is based on 90 dB (A) for 8 hours exposure a day with 5 dB (A) trading rates.The limits are given in Table 4.6.3.Table 4.6.3Permissible Exposure Limits of NoiseTotal time of exposure perday in hoursSound pressure levelin dB(A)8 906 924 953 972 1001 105½ 110¼ 115Work Zone Noise LevelsThe protective measures need to be provided to the operators and workers workingnear the high noise generating machinery. As per Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA) Standards, the maximum allowable noise level for theworkers is 90 dB (A) for 8 hours exposure a day.Proper precaution will be taken to keep noise level within prescribed limits. Theenclosure of GTG & STG will be designed for noise attenuation to reduce noise levelto 85 dB(A) at 1 m distance. As can be seen from noise modelling for the operationphase the impact due to various noise emitting sources at a distance of 250 m is 48dB(A) which is well within the prescribed 8 hourly standards of 90 dB(A) (Exhibit4.6.2).The occupational noise exposure to the workers in the form of 8 hourly time weightedaverage will be maintained within the prescribed OSHA standard limits (Table 4.6.3);hence the impact on health of the workers will be insignificant.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-20Exhibit 4.6.2:Spatial Variation of Noise Levels around Noise Sources during Operation Phase4.6.3 Mitigation MeasuresAdequate protective measures in the form of ear muffs/ear plugs to the workersworking in high noise areas need to be provided. In addition reduction in noise levelsin the high noise machinery areas shall be achieved by adoption of suitable preventivemeasures such as use of enclosures with suitable absorption material, etc. Further, inaddition to the in-plant noise control measures, all the open areas within the plantpremises and all along the plant boundary will be provided with adequate green belt todiffuse the noise.4.6.4 Impact of VibrationsVibrations are expected to be generated by various activities associated with theproposed project during its construction as well as operation phases. The impact ofvibrations beyond the project site would be negligible in view of aerial distance.However, the impacts on workers engaged in the plant area would be considerabledue to occupational exposure depending on work places. During construction periodthe vibrations could be transmitted to the hands of workers who operate majorvibrating equipment such as mobile/hand drills, hydraulic breakers, hand grinders etc.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-21The fixed major equipment/units such as turbine generators, HRSG boilers, Heavyduty compressors, pumps etc. also generate vibrations during operation phase andmay cause exposures to the workers/operators engaged at these units.4.7 Solid and Hazardous WasteWaste quantification and characterization exercise is being carried out to estimate thequantum and type of waste that would be generated by different activities due toproposed project during construction and operation phase. The estimated quantity andcharacteristics of waste would serve as a baseline for designing collection,transportation, treatment and disposal options for solid waste generated due to theproposed project.4.7.1 Waste Sources and QuantificationNatural gas, a clean fuel, is used for proposed <strong>CCPP</strong>. Hence, the conventional solidwaste generation will be negligible. However, the proposed project is expected togenerate some solid / semi solid wastes during thermal operation apart from thedomestic solid waste from plant area.Construction PhaseConstruction activities create solid wastes that need to be disposed. Such wastes includesand, concrete, gravel, stone, bricks, plastic, paper, wood, metal and glass. According toa report prepared by the Technology Information, Forecasting, and Assessment Council(TIFAC), estimated waste generation during construction and demolition operations is60 kg/m 2 and 500 kg/m 2 respectively (TIFAC, 2001).Operation PhaseNatural gas, a clean fuel being used for the proposed 1050 MW <strong>CCPP</strong>, the conventionalsolid waste generation will be negligible The project is expected to generate some solid/ semi solid wastes during industrial process as well as domestic solid waste from theproposed residential colony at the project site.4.7.2 Waste CharacterizationWaste characterization for the proposed project has been carried out on the basis ofwaste characterization studies conducted for similar projects. The following sectiondetails the estimated waste generation for the proposed project during construction andoperational phases.Construction PhaseDuring the construction phase, a considerable quantum (90%) of waste generated at theproject site would be inert waste, which largely comprise of clay, sand, gravel,untreated wood (natural wood, no paint), brick, concrete, concrete block, asphalt, pipes,conduits and light steel material.Table 4.7.1 provides an estimate of the average composition of waste that shall begenerated from the onsite construction activities.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-22Table 4.7.1Estimated Average Composition of Construction WasteS. No Constituents Percentage composition1 Soil, Sand and Gravel 34.992 Brick and Masonry 29.953 Concrete 24.984 Metal 4.975 Bitumen 2.046 Wood 2.047 Other 1.02Total 100.00Source: Derived from TIFAC <strong>Report</strong> “Utilisation of Waste from Construction Industry”, 2001Some negligible quantity of hazardous waste may be generated during constructionphase of the project like spent oil and lubricants from D.G. sets and paint residuesduring painting of the buildings. Such waste generation shall be monitored and managedin scientific manner.Operation PhaseSince Natural gas, a clean fuel, will be used for the proposed 1050 MW <strong>CCPP</strong>, theconventional solid waste generation will be negligible in comparison with the coalbased thermal power plants. However, the proposed project is expected to generatesome solid/semi solid wastes during thermal operation apart from the domestic solidwaste from plant area and residential colony at project site.Hazardous Waste: The spent oils and lubricants/waste oils likely to be generated fromplant area, oily sludge/recovered oily material through API/TPI/CPI separator at ETPspent catalyst/resins would fall under the category of hazardous waste as per TheHazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,2008, by MoEF, Govt. of India. Majority of these wastes will be preferably sold to thepotential users with necessary authorization for reprocess/reuse. In case some of themrequire disposal, they shall be disposed of following the statutory norms prescribed byState/Central <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> BoardNon Hazardous Waste: The non-hazardous (solid) wastes from the proposed projectare sludge from STP used to treat water from STP channel, sludge from ETP and thedomestic solid waste from plant area (canteens), residential colony etc.The non-hazardous solid waste generation from project related units is estimated as thetotal sludge generated from pre-water treatment, DM water clarifier plant drains sludgeafter treatment will be used as manure for green belt area. Remaining waste will bedisposed off as per the MoEF guidelines in consultation with DPCC.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-23Domestic Solid Waste from colony: The domestic solid waste normally constitutesabout 50% organic matter. This material can be composted to yield the compost manurewhich can be used along with the chemical fertilizer for the development of surroundingarea.4.8 Impact on Ecological EnvironmentPotential primary and secondary impacts from the proposed project on the ecologicalenvironment have been identified and noted. The significance of ecological impacts isevaluated based on the criteria set forth: Habitat Quality Species affected Size/abundance of habits/organisms affected Duration of Impacts Magnitude of environmental changesImpacts are ranked here as “negligible”, “moderate” or “severe”. The ranking of a givenimpact will vary based on the criteria used. For example, an impact might be ranked as“negligible” if it affects only common species and habitat that too for a brief period, orif it affects small number of individuals or small area; the “moderate” impact is thataffects the ecology to a certain extent but that would be replenished fully by theadequate EMP, whereas it might be ranked as “severe” if it affects rare species orhabitat of large number of individuals or large area.4.8.1 Construction PhaseTerrestrial EcologySite Development: The existing land use pattern around 10 km radius of the proposeddevelopment shows urban activities. No changes in land use pattern have been noticedin most of the areas. The commercial activity is the dominant in the area. There will beno removal/cutting of any tree species or any sort of vegetation for construction relatedactivities. There will be no direct or indirect dependency on any wetland/water body forconstruction activities too. Hence, the potential impact on either terrestrial/aquaticenvironment is negligible.Noise, Air <strong>Pollution</strong> & Other Disturbances: Air, noise and visual disturbance may begenerated during the site development. The existing land use pattern does not supportany of sensitive habitat for any mammalian or reptilian species. The construction phaseis temporary and the impact will be confined to within its boundary. Adequate EMPwill be adopted to mitigate each of the impact mentioned above during the constructionactivities. Hence the level of impact may be considered as negligible.Aquatic Ecology: As there would not be any discharge of effluent into the water bodyfrom the construction site within the study area; therefore no significance of impacts isenvisaged.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-244.8.2 Operation PhaseTerrestrial EcologyOxides of Nitrogen is the major air pollutant of a gas based power plant. The impact onthe terrestrial ecosystem due to operation of a <strong>CCPP</strong> may occur from deposition andabsorption of air pollutant on flora and soil surfaces.However, the impact of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I is envisaged to benegligible, as incremental ground level concentration of NOx due to emissions from<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I is predicted to be 18.23 µg/m 3 only. This is wellwithin the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Since most of the tree speciesoccurring in the area are deciduous, they have high Air <strong>Pollution</strong> Tolerance Index(APTI), and therefore impact of NOx will not be significant.Shelter belt consisting of 3 tier plantations (mostly of native plant species) around theplant of 100 m width and adequate tree density shall be developed. However, it isdifficult to quantify this positive impact. This will provide habitats for wildlifeespecially for the small reptilian and mammalian fauna and birds. The treatedwastewater from STP will be reused in peripheral landscaping.Mitigation MeasuresAs the impact is envisaged to be negligible, no additional mitigation measures areenvisaged apart from air pollution control measures described in Section 4.5.4.Aquatic EcologyImpacts during Operation PhaseA recirculating condenser cooling water system with induced draft cooling towers hasbeen proposed for the plant. The water circulation system will draw water from theAgra Canal, fish may tend to get entrapped and impinged in the intake system. Smallerorganisms as phytoplanktons, zooplanktons are entrainable in the cooling system. Theentrained organisms would be subjected to a combination of physico-chemical andmechanical stresses, leading to their destruction.The quantity of treated effluents from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III (industrial effluents:450 m 3 /hr), conforming to regulatory standards shall be discharged into natural drainsleading to Agra Canal in the down stream. However, as the quantity is negligibly smallas compared to flow of Agra Canal in the lean season and the effluents shall be fullytreated, the water quality of the Agra Canal is not likely to change significantly.Therefore, no tangible impact on the aquatic eco-system of Agra Canal is expected.Mitigation MeasuresAs the impacts are envisaged to be insignificant, no additional mitigation measures areenvisaged apart from water pollution control measures described in Section Impact on Socio- Economic EnvironmentPositive ImpactsBased on the project description and social profiling of the project affected area,potential positive and negative impacts, which are likely to result from the project, havebeen identified and discussed under the following sub-headings:Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 4-25Employment Opportunities: During the construction period, there will be a hugerequirement of workers thus providing opportunities for employment. The proposedproject will provide employment to local residents. Besides this, local building materialindustries will supply cement, sand, stone and other materials. The construction ofproject will increase the movement of workers and people in the area, providing agreater exchange of technology and business opportunities. Generation of additionaleconomic activity is expected to create employment opportunities for the localpopulation during operation phase. The service industry will have a correspondingincreased market base. Money spent within the local economies will have a multipliereffect as the money is spent throughout the community. This will improve the businessbase in the region and will lead to additional services being provided.Addition to the Power Grid: The project is a major link for development of industrialestate in the NCR. Industrial and population growth has progressed at a rapid paceresulting in power demand surpassing existing generation capacity. The Government of<strong>Delhi</strong> is taking a number of steps to nurture the industrial growth and the proposedbeing power generation project will be an addition to the power grid.Negative ImpactsMore often than not, such projects involve involuntary displacement of people and havesubstantial bearing on their social and economic conditions. However, this project willnot dislocate any exiting village as it is being located within the premises of existing<strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station complex.There would be some long term and short term negative impacts on the local socialenvironment. Construction will cause an inconvenience in local transportation in theshort term. There will be rise in the traffic density in the project surrounding. Theincrease in number of workers and materials will increase demands on existinginfrastructure network. Temporary impacts of dust and erosion may also occur.Increased sewage disposal to ditches and irrigation systems will occur.4.10 Green House Gas Emission and Mitigation MeasuresLarge amount of heat will be dissipated from the exhaust gas and cooling tower in theatmosphere. The combined cycle power plant envisages installation of unfired heatrecovery steam generators to utilize the heat content of the exhaust gas from the gasturbines. Since natural gas, without any sulphur, is the fuel, the temperature of the fluegas would be around 125 0 C. Installation of HRSG to recover heat from the gas turbineexhaust gas would enable reduction of the temperature of the exhaust gas to the lowestpossible value thereby reducing the thermal heat discharge into the atmosphere.Chapter 4.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

Chapter 5.0Analysis of Alternatives

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 5-1Chapter 5.0Analysis of Alternatives5.1 Site Alternatives<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be established within the existing premises ofBTPS. Hence, no alternate sites were explored. It is always environmentally suitableto augment the existing capacity rather than to exploit the virgin place.5.2 Technology<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall be gas based and use natural gas as fuel forpower generation. NTPC is already operating 7 Gas Based (3955 MW) power plant inIndia. The justification for adopting the present technology is discussed below.Combined Cycle Power Plant (<strong>CCPP</strong>) has become an important mode of capacityaddition as power generating unit in most parts of the world. This is attributed to itsshorter construction schedule, operational flexibility, low emission levels, less spaceand water requirement and shorter gestation period. Combined Cycle Power Plant hasproved its reliability over last few decades. Therefore, in view of the advantages of<strong>CCPP</strong>, the technology for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I was decided.In the combined cycle operation, the heat content of the flue gas exhaust from the gasturbine is utilized to generate steam in heat recovery steam generator, which in turn isutilized to generate electric power in steam turbine. This results into a significantlyhigher overall efficiency as compared to open cycle operation. Recovery of heat fromflue gases also reduces thermal pollution. The gas turbine uses cleaner fuel likenatural gas, which is advantageous from environmental point of view. A natural gasbased <strong>CCPP</strong> has the following additional advantages over the conventional coal basedplants. Particulate matter emission into the atmosphere from coal handling, ashhandling and ash disposal is completely eliminated. Due to use of natural gas as fuel,sulphur dioxide emission into the atmosphere is practically eliminated. Waterconsumption and resulting waste water generation is significantly low.5.2.1 Alternative FuelsThe benefit of a <strong>CCPP</strong>, depend on plant’s specific mode of operation and availabilityof clean fuel. Hence, Regassified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG)/Natural Gas hasbeen selected as the main fuel for the power plant. Compared to other fossil fuelgenerating technologies, gas-fired combustion turbine generators have a relatively lowemissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), moderate emission levels of nitrogen oxides(NOx) and the lowest emission levels (almost traces) of sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) andparticulates.Chapter 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 5-25.2.2 Gas Turbine SelectionThe selection of type of gas turbine is an important criterion for ultimate selection ofCombined Cycle Plant. Gas turbines can be broadly classified into two categories –(a) Conventional Gas Turbines (ISO output limited to 200 MW) and (b) Advance(F/FA class) Gas Turbines (ISO output exceeding 200 MW).A brief comparison of Conventional and Advance (F/FA class) machines is givenbelow.OEMConventionalAdvance (F/FA class)ModelGT ISOOutput(MW)Net CCEfficiency(%)ModelGT ISOOutput(MW)Net CCEfficiency(%)GE 9E 126.10 52.7 9FA 255.6 57.1Siemens SGT- 168.00 52.5 SGT- 292.0 58.52000E4000FMHI 701DA 144.09 51.6 701F 312.1 59.7Alstom 13E2 179.9 53.2 GT 26 289.1 58.5Note: Performance values indicated are for ISO conditions with Natural Gas as fueland are taken from Gas Turbine World Handbook – 2009.In the CERC Tariff Regulations-2009, no distinction has been made betweenadvanced class (F/FA/FB) & conventional class (E/EA/E2 class) Gas Turbines inrespect of applicable Heat Rate. Normative Gross station heat rate (on GCV basis) fornew Gas-based / Liquid-based thermal generating unit(s)/ block(s) achieving COD onor after 1.4.2009, shall be as follows:= 1.05 x Design Heat Rate of the unit/block for Natural Gas and RLNG (kCal/kWh)= 1.071 x Design Heat Rate of the unit/block for Liquid Fuel (kCal/kWh)Where the Design Heat Rate of a unit shall mean the guaranteed heat rate for a unit at100% MCR and at site ambient conditions; and the Design Heat Rate of a block shallmean the guaranteed heat rate for a block at 100% MCR, site ambient conditions, zeropercent make up, design cooling water temperature/back pressure.Therefore CERC new tariff norms provide option of both conventional class andadvanced class gas turbines with same O&M expenses (per MW basis) irrespective ofconventional class or advanced class gas turbines.However, Advanced Class Gas Turbines shall be selected instead of ConventionalClass Gas Turbines due to the following advantages:♦ Higher efficiency by about 5-7% results in lower variable cost and therefore betterplaced in Merit Order Rating.Chapter 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 5-3♦ Less fuel consumption for equivalent power output and therefore lowerenvironment emissions.♦ Higher output per gas turbine for advanced class gas turbines (255 – 312 MW atISO conditions) over conventional gas turbines (126- 180MW at ISO conditions)results in less number of major equipments, compact layout with less spacerequirement for the same plant capacity.Since the Advanced Class Gas Turbines have better heat rate, lower environmentalemissions, lower space requirement, only Advanced Class Gas Turbines have beenconsidered for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I. Also, advanced class gas turbinesare preferred due to reduction in number of equipments such as Gas Turbine, HRSG,Steam Turbine, Generators, Transformers and associated auxilliary equipment thatleads to reduction in associated Civil and structural cost.5.2.3 Steam Cycle SelectionGenerally waste heat recovery boiler used in combined cycle can be designed forsingle pressure or dual/triple. Steam cycle options can be Single pressure versus multipressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).Single versus Multi-pressure HRSGIn the single pressure system the superheated steam at high pressure is sent to thesteam turbine for power generation and for deaeration through a pressure reducingstation with inherent loss of energy. This loss of energy is minimized in the dual/triplepressure systems where steam is generated both at high pressure and at medium/lowpressure. Medium/low pressure steam is utilized in the steam turbine by injecting atsuitable intermediate stage and also for deaeration. Because of the limited amount ofheat that can be recovered in an economizer, single pressure HRSGs result in higherstack temperature and hence lower cycle efficiency. Heat in the exhaust gases at theback end of the waste heat recovery boiler is also further utilized to preheat thecondensate before it goes to the deaerator. This improves the cycle efficiency furtherby about 2-3%.In <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase, I, the HRSG will be unfired, heat recovery type,multi pressure level type, designed to accept the maximum exhaust gas temperatureand gas flow from the associated gas turbine. The HRSG shall be triple pressurereheat type. Advance combined cycle modules based on F/FA/FB class gas turbinestypically employ triple pressure reheat type HRSGs. In triple pressure HRSGs, steamis generated at three different pressure levels (High Pressure, Intermediate pressure,and low pressure) to maximize the heat recovery from flue gas by minimizing theirreversibility in heat transfer. HRSG may be vertical or horizontal. In a verticalHRSG, flow of flue gas shall be vertical and water/ steam flow shall take place inhorizontally arranged tubes. In a horizontal HRSG, flow of flue gas shall behorizontal and water/ steam flow shall take place in vertically arranged tubes. HRSGmay employ natural circulation or assisted circulation. It will be designed for slidingpressure operation on the HP, IP and LP side.Chapter 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 5-4Heat transfer surfaces shall be of finned tube type. The fin pitching, fin height, tubepitching, bank depth and spacing shall be selected to ensure trouble free operation. Inthe above system it shall be ensured that there is no possibility of steaming in theeconomizer at any load condition. A condensate preheater shall be added therebyincreasing the efficiency by increasing the heat extraction from exhaust gases.Condensate preheater recirculation pumps or regenerative type feed heaters areenvisaged to ensure that condensate water enters condensate preheater at a certainminimum temperature to avoid cold end corrosion.Auxiliary boiler (if applicable) shall be provided for supply of sealing steam to steamturbine in case of single shaft machine.5.2.4 Gas Turbine Configuration Selection<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall have 3 x [1 GT (Gas Turbine) + 1 HRSG(Heat Recovery Steam Generator) + 1 ST (Steam Generator)], Multi Shaft ModuleConfiguration and nominal capacity of 1050 MW. Combined Cycle Plants withadvanced class Gas Turbines come in both Multishaft as well as Single shaftconfigurations. Based on net nominal Capacity of 997.5-1207.5 MW and availableCombined Cycle Modules with advanced class Gas Turbines from various OEMs, thefollowing three configurations are possible:I. 3GT + 3HRSG+ 1ST Multi-shaft :One combined cycle module having three (03) Gas Turbines,03 HRSGs and one (1)Steam Turbine. Each GT and ST would drive separate Generator. This option is not astandard option with any of the major OEMs. However, they supply this configurationon demand .It is understood from various OEMs that at present there are only two(02) plants in the world with this configuration based on advanced class Gas Turbines.One major issue with this configuration is that non availability of the Steam Turbineleads to shutdown of the entire station (considering no simple cycle operationprovision) and this may affect the GSA also. Hence it is proposed not to consider thisoption.II. Multi-shaft Configuration [3 x (1 GT + 1HRSG + 1 ST)]:In multi-shaft module configuration, each combined cycle module shall consist ofone (1) no. Gas Turbine, one (1) no. HRSGs and one (1) no. Steam Turbine. Each GTand ST would drive separate Generator.III. Single-shaft Configuration [3 x (1 GT +1 HRSG +1 ST)]:In single-shaft module configuration, each combined cycle module shall consist ofone (1) no. Gas Turbine, one (1) no. HRSG and one (1) no. Steam Turbine. The GasTurbine, Steam Turbine and Generator are connected on a single shaft line with thehelp of a self-engaging type synchronous clutch or a rigid coupling. Each Gas Turbineand Steam Turbine would drive the same Electric Generator.Single shaft arrangement and Multi-shaft arrangement module have their own meritsand demerits. Further, based on discussions with OEMs, in a 3x (1GT+1HRSG+1 ST)module, the multi-shaft arrangement is considered to costlier vis-à-vis single shaftarrangement (due to increased major equipments and associated civil works).Chapter 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 5-5It is proposed to keep both the options of single shaft and Multi shaft arrangement for“3x (1GT+ 1HRSG+1ST) module configuration” for the net nominal capacity of 1050MW for Stage-III of the plant. However, as mentioned above that the multi-shaftarrangement is considered to be costlier vis-à-vis single shaft arrangement, the multishaft arrangement may be taken for cost estimation purpose.Possible Gas Turbines in the given power window for the above configuration are GE- 9FA, 9FB, Siemens –SGT-4000F, ALSTOM - GT26 and MHI -701F.Further, higher capacity advance Gas Turbines from Siemens (SGT5- 8000H), MHI(M701G2) and GE (9H) are not presently being considered as the offered powerwindow for the project would be much wider. Also, based on the discussions withOEMs, it is understood that they are not likely to quote these machines for theprevailing Indian conditions.Chapter 5.0 Analysis of Alternatives

Chapter 6.0Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-1Chapter 6.0Additional Studies6.1 Public ConsultationIn order to ensure that the views and interests of all project stakeholders are taken intoaccounts, public consultation shall be hold according to the MoEF’s <strong>EIA</strong> Notificationof 2006 which requires coordination with other government agencies involved in the<strong>EIA</strong>, obtaining views of local people and affected groups. This consultation has beenundertaken as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process.The <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> shall be submitted to the DPCC for conducting the PublicConsultation. All the issues of environmental concerns expressed during theproceeding of Public Consultation shall be addressed in <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.6.2 Social Impact AssessmentThe project will be located within the existing premises of BTPS hence no additionalland is proposed to be acquired for B<strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I . Therefore, no projectaffected persons are envisaged in this project and social impact assessment has notbeen considered under the present study.6.3 Risk AssessmentRelease of hazardous substances as a result of a catastrophe can cause large scaledamage in the environment. The extent of the damage depends upon the nature of therelease and physical state of the material. The release of flammable and toxicmaterials and subsequent ignition results in heat radiation, pressure wave or vaporcloud depending upon the flammability and physical state of the material. Thequantification of the damage can be done by means of various models, which can betranslated in terms of injuries and damage to exposed population and buildings.Hazard analysis involves the identification and quantification of the various hazards(Unsafe conditions) that exist in the plant. On the other hand, risk analysis deals withthe identification and quantification of risks, the plant equipment and personnel areexposed to, due to accidents resulting from the hazards present in the plant.Risk analysis follows an extensive hazard analysis by understanding failureprobability, credible accident scenario, vulnerability of population etc and related onlyto maximum credible accident scenarios. The risk assessment study covers thefollowing:♦ Identification of potential hazard areas♦ Identification of representative failure cases♦ Visualization of the resulting scenarios in terms of fire (thermal radiation) andexplosion♦ Assess the overall damage potential of the identified hazardous events and theimpact zones from the accidental scenariosChapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-2♦ Assess the overall suitability of the site from hazard minimization and disastermitigation points of view♦ Furnish specific recommendations on the minimization of the worst accidentpossibilities.♦ Preparation of broad Disaster Management Plan, On-site and Off-site EmergencyResponse Plan.6.3.1 Consequence AnalysisFor hazard identification, maximum credible accident (MCA) scenarios have beenassessed. The maximum credible accident has been characterized as an accident witha maximum damage potential and the occurrence of which is most probable. Based onMCA scenario, the following hazards were identified in the proposed project:♦ Leakage of Natural Gas resulting in Jet Fire / Vapour Cloud Explosion♦ Leakage in acid/ alkali storage tank near DM Plant♦ Injury to body and body parts (mechanical)6.3.2 Gas LeakageThe Natural Gas / Re-Gasified LNG will be supplied through the undergroundpipeline to the Gas Metering Station located inside the plant. Any leakage of the gasand subsequent ignition may cause explosion / fire. The requirement of NG/ RLNGwill be 3038 TPD (tons per day). The consequence analysis summary of jet fire at gasmetering station and vapour cloud fire and cloud explosion is presented in Table 6.1.1and Table 6.1.2.Table 6.1.1Consequence Summary of Jet Fire at Gas Metering Station (2.11 ton/min)Sl.No.LeakageScenario1 50 mm diaFull borerupture2 25 mm diaFull borerupture3 20% of 50mm dialeakageDistance (in m) of incident thermal radiation intensity4.0 KW/m 2 12.7 KW/m 2 37.5 KW/m 2Around Perpendicular Around Perpendicular Around Perpendicularjet to jet jet to jet jet to jet94 69 71 39 51 2672 56 40 29 27 1832 26 23 20 18 10Note: End point pertains to distance in m having heat radiation level equivalent to1% fatality (equivalent to 12.7 KW/m 2 for 20 seconds exposure.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-3Table 6.1.2Consequence Summary of Vapour Cloud FireGas Leakage ScenarioRelease rate – 51.2 kg /s (by gasdispersion model, worst case)Release rate – 51.2 kg /s for 20seconds 1024 kg release (by gasdispersion model, worst case)Release rate – 51.2 kg /s for 120seconds 6144 kg release (by gasdispersion model, worst case)LFL Distance(Estimated distance to lowerflammability limit for vapour cloud fire)346 m121 m132 m6.3.3 Leakage and Spill of ChemicalsChemicals like sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid will be stored for use in theDM plant. Improper handling of these chemicals poses risk for workers and contactcould result in burns.6.3.4 Injury to Body due to Mechanical ActivitiesIn a power plant, chances of injury to body parts exist in workshop, duringmechanical repair work, during construction work, road accidents due to vehicularmovement, etc.6.3.5 Risk Mitigation MeasuresPassive mitigation measures already included are enclosures, drains, sumps, firewalls and an elaborate fire fighting system.Active risk mitigation measures already includes emergency shut down system. Theactive risk mitigation systems already included are described below. These measureshave been scrutinized and would be strengthened to reduce / minimize the risk toALARP level (As low as reasonably practicable level).♦ Emergency isolation valves at critical locations on new piping will be placedto isolate high inventory of hydrocarbons.♦ Automatic emergency shutdown valve already placed near the inlet line of gasconditioning skid near tapping point. This would reduce the inventory in caseof leakage to avoid escalation of hazardous events (domino effects).♦ Spirally wound metallic gasket w ill be used.♦♦♦Nitrogen/ steam purging facilities provided for driving out hydrocarbons.Non-essential personnel (office staff, management personnel includingadministration and accounts) are located outside the zone of 12.7 KW/m 2radiation intensity.Specifications of lighting and electrical equipment near gas metering stationarea are provided as approved by the CCoE.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-4♦♦♦♦♦♦Pressure detectors would be installed for new pipelines, the indication ofwhich could be seen in the control room.Minor leaks could occur in routine operations, like pump seal failure, flangeleak, sample point valve left open or drain valve left open. These are checkeddaily under the preventive maintenance program of NTPC’s safety wing.Corrosion protection methods for new pipelines will be applied. At alllocations w here the above ground pipelines are close to road traffic, crashguards would be provided.Hydrocarbon detectors would be installed at new strategic points.Safety showers and eyewash fountains are provided in DM plant, wherecaustic soda and acid are handled.Surveillance outside the boundary w all of gas metering station would beintensified so that spread of unauthorized structures / settlements could beprevented.6.4 Disaster Management PlanThe details of fire protection and detection system envisaged for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>,Stage-III, Phase-I have been presented in Chapter-2. This chapter describes the salientfeatures of Disaster Management Plan for BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II, prepared bySafety Department of BTPS under Rule-13 of the Manufacture, Storage and Import ofHazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 and Section 14-B (4) of the Factories Act 1948 (asamended). This plan has already been submitted to the concerned authorities andimplemented at Site and the same will be revised to include <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I units after its commissioning.Under Rule 14 of the Hazardous Chemical Rules, preparation of Off Site EmergencyPlan is the responsibility of District Authorities. However, furnishing relevantinformation to the District Emergency Authority for the preparation of the Off SiteEmergency Plan is statutory responsibilities of the industry. The relevant informationfor Off Site Emergency Plan has also been submitted to the concerned authorities.At the end of the Chapter, NTPC’s safety policy has been given.6.4.1 On-Site Disaster Management PlanThe On-site and Off-site emergency plans cover personnel employed at BTPS and thepopulation of various localities around BTPS. The Emergency Plan is aimed to ensuresafety of life, protection of environment, protection of installation, restoration ofproduction and salvage operation in this same order of priorities. The objective of theemergency plan is to make use of the combined resources of the plant and the outsideservices to achieve the following:♦♦♦♦♦Affect the rescue and medical treatment of casualties.Safeguard other people.Minimize damage to property and the environment.Initially contain and ultimately bring the incident under control.Identify the affected.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-5♦♦♦♦Provide for the needs of relatives.Provide authoritative information to the news media.Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected area.Preserve relevant records and equipments for the subsequent enquiry into thecause and circumstances of Emergency.BTPS stores a number of chemicals (such as liquid chlorine, hydrochloric acid,sodium hydroxide, hydrogen gas, liquid ammonia) and flammables/ combustiblematerials (such as furnace oil, light diesel oil, lubricants, petrol, diesel, coal etc.)which are hazardous in nature. Considering the process and the material to be used atBTPS, the following hazards are identified along with the probable areas ofoccurrence.Nature of HazardFire Hazards (SlowIsolated or FastSpreading)Explosion HazardBursting Of PipeLines & VesselsRelease Of Gases /DustRelease Of LiquidPotential Areas/ Locations of Occurrence• Coal Handling Plant/ Coal Conveyor.• Cable Galleries/ Cable Trays in all plant sections.• Fuel Oil Handling and Storage Areas.• Transformer and Switch Yard Areas.• Oil and Lubricants Stores• Boiler area.• Hydrogen Plant• Turbo generators• Transformers.• Boiler.• Coal dust in mills and boilers.• Steam pipes due to high pressure / temperature.• Water pipes due to high pressure• Hydrogen Lines and Chlorine Lines• Chlorine in Water Treatment Plant.• Hydrogen in Turbo Generator area of main plant and H2plant.• Flue gases from ducts• Coal dust in transfer points, CHP Crusher & Mill area.• Chemicals tanks in Water Treatment Plant.• Fuel Oil tanks in Fuel oil handling section.• Chlorine from Chlorine tonersIn addition, the incidents having off-site implications can be:• Natural calamity like earthquake, cyclone, flood, etc.• Air raids• Crashing of aircrafts or flying objects.Other incidents which can also result in a disaster are:• Agitation/forced entry by external group of people• Sabotage/Bomb ExplosionChapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-6However, possibilities of agitation/ forced entry/ sabotage in NTPC are reduced toalmost zero, by providing fool proof security measures and allowing entry intoChlorine handling storage area, only for authorized persons. In no case any otherperson’s entry is allowed.6.4.2 Capability Analysis (Existing Structure)BTPS already has adequate capabilities to protect its property and manpower in theevent of any emergency, as discussed in following sections.Fire Fighting CapabilityThe Plant is well equipped with fire protection systems and it has a full fledged firestation operated by Central Industrial Security Force (Fire Wing). The fire station isheaded by Asstt. Commandant and has supporting staff at various levels. The firecontrol room is manned in three shifts round the clock. The fire station at BTPS isequipped with all necessary safety and fire fighting equipments including selfcontained breathing apparatus sets, aluminized fibre glass suits, asbestos suits, etc.Various equipment/ systems available with fire station at BTPS are as follows:• The fire station is equipped with various fire fighting equipment such as FoamTender, Water Tender, DCP Tender, Mini Tender, Portable Pumps, PumpMounted Jeep, Blower Exhauster, B.A. set etc. to handle the fire promptly andactively.• Fire water pumps connected with a main header from where hydrant lines gotdifferent plant areas through loop lines and hydrant valves, hydrant landingvalves/yard hydrant fitted at various locations of the plant which are manuallyoperated, whenever water is required for fire fighting work.• In addition to fire fighting equipments, a large number of portable and mobilefire extinguishers of various types and capacities (CO 2 , DCP, FOAM TYPE)have been installed at all locations of the plant including Main Plant, <strong>Control</strong>rooms, Switch Gears, Laboratories, Off Sites, Administration building etc..• Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) tanks have been provided with fixed foam system andmedium velocity spray system. A mixture of water and foam concentrate, thrownon to the top surface of oil converts into foam to extinguish the fire.• Conveyors and transfer points, breaker house and crusher houses of coal handlingplants are protected with automatic Medium Velocity Water spray system.• Smoke detection system consisting of ionization and photo electric type andlinear heat sensing cable detectors are provided for cable galleries along withthermoelectric activated sprinkler system complete with quartzite bulb sprinklers.• In all the units at boiler fronts automatic heat detection cum High Velocity Waterspray system is provided.• In all the Unit <strong>Control</strong> Rooms, ionization type smoke detectors and photoelectrictype smoke detectors are provided.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-7• Smoke detection and alarm system with ionization type detectors are provided inswitch gear rooms, CHP <strong>Control</strong> rooms and switch yard control rooms. Firedetection and alarm system with infrared type detectors are provided for coalConveyors.Medical Assistance CapabilitiesBTPS has its own hospital, situated in the central place in township. It is sufficientlyequipped with necessary facilities, such as ambulances (available round the clock),doctors including specialists and a paramedical staff. It has all the facilities formanagement of general diseases and emergency including industrial accidents.Apart from the hospital, first aid boxes are available in plant in all majorsections/departments. A large number of trained first aiders are available in all thesections of the plant.Communication SystemCommunication system at BTPS includes• Public Address System in the main plant area and Portable PA System with FireStation.• Auto Emergency Alarm in Chlorine Handling Area• Telephone and Intercom facilities at all desks and with officials.• Intercom telephone connections with facilities of incoming P&T call at residencesto all officers and other important persons.• P&T (STD) telephone, Fax, Telex facilities in the project.• Mobile phones are also provided to all important officials.Emergency Power SupplyEmergency lights are provided at all vulnerable points for lighting arrangements aswell as to operate basic minimum equipment for operating the plant safely. All unitsare provided with DG sets and Battery system which come on Auto in case of Powerfailure. More than one supply through different transmission system is also providedto ensure electric supply without fail.Emergency Safety EquipmentVarious emergency safety equipment (such as self contained breathing apparatus,canister gas masks, emergency suits, gum boots, face shield, hand gloves, aprons,chlorine sealing kit etc.) are made available in areas like Water Treatment Plant, FuelOil Pump House, Shift Charge Engineer Office, Safety Office and Fire Station etc..AlarmBTPS has various alarm systems to denote different kinds of emergencies andrestoration of normalcy. The purpose of the alarm is to advice all persons on the outburst of major emergency, the level of emergency (first, second or third level) and endof emergency. The emergency alarm is located at central place and the control andoperation switch is under fire station control room in-charge. The alarm code is suchthat the nature of emergency can be distinguished.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-8Emergency <strong>Control</strong> Center:The Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) would consist of one or more roomslocated in an area that offers minimal risk to being directly exposed to possibleaccidents. Three EOCs have been identified, and on finalization of any of them, thesame shall be manned round the clock by the Main <strong>Control</strong>ler, the officials nominatedas key personnel and Sr. Executives of outside services called in for assistance. Noother person shall have access to the <strong>Control</strong> Center. EOC will be equipped withadequate means of communication (Intercoms, P&T Telephones, Telex and Fax,Wireless, Walkie Talkie) to areas inside and outside the work together with relevantdata of Personal Protective Equipment and equipment to assist those manning thecenter and to enable them to plan accordingly. EOC will also contain the followingdata:• Master plan of the facility.• Layout of facility, equipment and storage.• Layout of Fire water system and other sources of water supply.• Availability and location of fire fighting equipment and material.• Layout of fire extinguishers indicating their types and numbers.• First aid boxes.• Availability and location of personal protective equipment.• Self Contained Breathing Apparatus sets and the spare cylinders.• External telephones.• List of important telephone numbers, both internal and external, displayed on thewall.• Stretchers.• Transport facility.• Assembly points along with escape routes to be highlighted.• Extra copies of the facility layout to be used for spot marking of affected areas,movement of vehicles, problem areas, evacuated areas, etc.• Details of hazardous substances along with the material safety data sheets.• Telephone directory both local as well as of the surrounding district.• General stationery like paper, pencil, etc.• Nominal roll and addresses of all permanent employees.• List of employees especially with those with are blood groups.• Details of all contractors and their employees.• List of first aiders and emergency squad members.• Public address system.• Two copies of the Risk Assessment <strong>Report</strong> and On-site Emergency Plans.Evacuation and Assembly PointsIn an emergency, it may be necessary to evacuate Personnel from affected areas andas precautionary measure, non-essential workers from areas likely to be affectedshould the emergency escalate. The evacuation will be effected on getting necessarymessage from Incident <strong>Control</strong>ler. On evacuation, all the persons shall assemble atpre-identified and notified Assembly Points.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-96.4.3 Action Plan for On-site EmergencyIdentification of ResponsibilitiesThe on-site disaster management plan identifies Main <strong>Control</strong>ler (General Manager,BTPS), Incident <strong>Control</strong>ler (AGM/ DGM), Field Operation <strong>Control</strong>ler (next inCommand), Designated Key Personnel of Emergency <strong>Control</strong> Center (Sr. Supdts /Engineer – in Charge of Operation, Electrical Maintenance, Mechanical Maintenance,<strong>Control</strong> and Instrumentation and Chemistry; Heads of Personnel/ Industrial Relations/Labour Welfare/ Safety/ Technical Services; Chief Medical Officer; Commandant /Asst. Commandant/ Fire Officer from CISF; Engineer-in-Charge of Auto Base; PublicRelation Officer etc.). The plan also specifies responsibilities of these personnel incase of an emergency and draws an action plan to be followed. It also specifies theresponsibilities for Declaration of Emergency and giving All Clear Signal. The list ofkey personnel and their phone numbers is informed to all concerned suitably.As necessary they decide the actions needed to shut down plant, evacuate personnel,carry out emergency repair works, arrange supplies of equipment & personnel, carryout atmospheric tests, provide catering facilities, liaison with police, informingrelative of the victims, briefing press media etc.Main <strong>Control</strong>ler and Incident <strong>Control</strong>ler are assisted by two support teams as follows:Support Teamto Main<strong>Control</strong>ler(MC)Support Teamto WorkIncident<strong>Control</strong>ler (IC)Consisting of Heads of Personnel, Materials and FinanceDivisions; to function in consultation with MC for the following• Contacting statutory authorities.• Arranging for relievers and catering facilities.• Giving information to media.• Contacting medical centers and nursing homes.• Providing all other support, as necessary.• Arranging for urgently required materials through cashpurchase or whatever means.• Arranging funds for various relief measures as well asemergency purchase of materials, sending his representativefor emergency purchase.Consisting of Sr. Manager (Admn.), Sr. Supdt. (Operation), Sr.Supdt. (Elect. Maintenance), Sr. Supdt. (Mech. Maintenance) andany more persons depending upon the need to assist the IC inmanning communication and passing instructions to the teams.One Steno Secretary shall also be available with IC for recordingall information coming in and instructions going out.In addition to the support teams mentioned above, there will be a team for eachfunctional area, as described below:Task Force• To identify source of hazard and try to neutralize / contain it.• To isolate remaining plant and keep that in safe conditions.• To organize safe shutdown of plant, if necessary.• To organize all support services like operation of the firepumps, sprinkler system etc.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-10MaintenanceTeamFire FightingTeamAutoTeamBaseCommunication TeamSecurity TeamAdministration TeamSafety TeamMedical TeamMonitoringTeam• Attend to all emergency maintenance jobs on top priority.• To take steps to contain or reduce the level of hazard createddue to disaster.• To organize additional facilities as desired.• To rush to fire sport and extinguish fire.• To seek help from outside fire fighting agencies.• To evacuate persons effected.• To make the auto base vehicles ready to proceed for evacuationor other duties, when asked for,• To send at least one mechanic at the site of incidence where hemay help in attending minor defects in ambulance, fire tendersor other vehicles.• To arrange petrol / diesel supply.• Make all arrangements regarding transportation.• To maintain the communication network in working condition.• To attend urgent repairs in the communication system, ifrequired.• To arrange messengers for conveying urgent messages whenneeded.• To help NTPC Authorities to communicate with external orinternal authorities / officials.• To man all gates.• To ban entry of unauthorized persons.• To permit, with minimum delay, the entry of authorizedpersonnel and outside agencies, vehicles etc. who have come tohelp.• To allow the ambulance / evacuation vehicles etc. to gothrough the gates without normal checks.• To rescue the casualties on priority basis.• To transport casualties to first aid post, safe places or medicalcenters.• To account the personnel.• To help in search for missing personnel.• To pass information to the kith and kin of fatal or seriousinjured persons.• To arrange required safety equipment.• To record accidents.• To collect and preserve evidences in connection with accidentinjuries.• To guide authorities on all safety related issues.• To arrange first aid material / stretchers immediately and reachsite of incident.• To arrange for immediate medical attention.• To arrange for sending the casualties to various hospitals andnursing homes etc.• To ask for specific medical assistance from outside throughMedial Specialist in consultation with MC / IC.• To measure gas concentrations at various places, in case of gasleakage.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-11Essential StaffIn plant area immediately affected or likely to be affected, as decided by the Main<strong>Control</strong>ler, efforts will be needed to make shut down and make process units safe.This work will be carried out by plant supervisors and essential operators providedthey can do it without exposing themselves to undue risk. Some workers / supervisorswill also be required to help the above works, for example- Attendants, Messengers,Drivers, First Aiders, and Steno-Typists etc. These will be Essential Staff and it is theresponsibility of the Incident <strong>Control</strong>lers to identify the essential staff from a taskforce and ask them to report at defined plant control centers so that they can be readilycontacted. It is also the responsibility of the Work incident <strong>Control</strong>ler to remove allnon-essential staff to assembly points.First InformationThe first person who observes / identifies the emergency shall inform by shouting andby telephone to the shift engineer and fire station about the hazard. The shift engineerwill inform to Main <strong>Control</strong>ler, Incident <strong>Control</strong>ler and also telephone operator, whoshall communicate it to all key officers about the emergency.6.4.4 Evaluation of Functioning of Disaster PlanIn order to evaluate the functioning and effectiveness of procedures laid in DisasterManagement Plan, regular mock drills are conducted. The Mock drills are carried outstep by step as stated below:First StepSecond StepThird StepFourth StepFifth StepTest the effectiveness of communication system.Test the speed of mobilization of the plant emergency teams.Test the effectiveness of search, rescue and treatment ofcasualties.Test emergency isolation and shut down and remedial measurestaken on the system.Conduct a full rehearsal of all the actions to be taken during anemergency.There are two types of mock drills recommended in Disaster Management Plan – FullMock Drill (to be conducted at least once in 6 months) and Disaster ManagementEfficacy Drill (to be conducted at least once in 3 months). The details of these drillsare presented in following sections.Full Mock DrillThis shall be conducted with Plant Head as Chairman; Head of O&M as ViceChairman; Heads of Operation, Maintenance, Medical, Personnel, CISF, Auto Baseand Materials as Members and Head of Safety as Convener and it shall test thefollowing:♦ Functioning of Emergency <strong>Control</strong> Center, specifically availability of allfacilities etc as mentioned in the DMP and its functional healthiness.♦ To evaluate communication of the DMP to all segments of employees, tofamiliarize them about their responsibilities in case of any disaster includingChapter 6.0 Additional Studies

♦♦♦<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-12evaluation of behaviour of employees and others.To ensure that all facilities as required under the plan from within or fromnearby industries / aid center under mutual assistance scheme or otherwise areavailable.To ensure that the necessities under material assistance scheme is properlydocumented and the concerned employees are fully aware in this regard.To ensure that employees are fully aware to fight any emergency like sealing ofchlorine leakage, fire fighting other such cause.Disaster Management Efficacy DrillThis shall be conducted with Head of O&M as Chairman and Heads of Personnel,Communication, CISF and Medical as Members and Head of Safety as Convener andit shall test the following:♦ All employees are trained about their responsibilities / duties. They all areaware about evacuation routes, direction of evacuation, equipment to be usedduring evacuation or the method of evacuation.♦ All employees are fully trained to rescue their colleagues, who may be affecteddue to cause of disaster. In case they are unable to rescue their colleagues, theyshould know to whom they have to inform about such persons.♦ All employees are fully trained in first aid & use of desired equipmentsincluding breathing apparatus. First Aid boxes etc are available at the desiredlocation.♦ All warning alarms are functional. Public Address System is in healthycondition.♦ All telephone lines / communication systems are provided in control rooms andthere is no removal of the facilities (as prescribed) for the control rooms.♦ It is very clear amongst the concerned managers who shall call for assistanceunder mutual aid scheme or the facilities from within.♦♦It is clear at the plant, who shall declare emergency.It is clear at the plant, who shall inform the District Authorities, StateAuthorities and Corporate Center.The Disaster Management Plan shall be periodically revised based on experiences gainedfrom the mock drills.6.4.5 Off Site Emergency PlanIn BTPS, the following conditions can ordinarily constitute an off-site emergency:♦ Heavy release of chlorine, due to rupture of valve or rupture of the shell,explosion in chlorine cylinder due to fire, terrorist activities or otherwise;resulting in its spread to neighbouring areas.♦Major fire involving combustible materials like oil, and other facilities.Under the Environmental Protection Act, the responsibility of preparation of Off-SiteEmergency Plan lies with the State Government. The Collector / Deputy Collectorare ordinarily nominated by State Government to prepare Off-Site Emergency Plan.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-13The District Collector or his nominated representative would be the team leader ofplanning team, who shall conduct the planning task in a systematic manner. Themembers of planning team for off site emergencies are Collector / Deputy Collector,District Authorities, In-charge of Fire Services, Police and members drawn fromMedical Services, Factory Inspectorate, <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Board, Industries andTransport. In addition to these members, there are co-opted members from districtauthorities concerned, civil defence, publicity department, Municipal Corporation,and non officials such as elected representative (MPs, MLAs, voluntary organization,non-governmental organizations etc).6.4.6 Post Emergency Relief to the VictimsThe Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 provides for the owner who has control overhandling hazardous substances to pay specified amount of money to the victims asinterim relief by taking insurance policy for this purpose. The District Collector hasdefinite role in implementation of this act. After proper assessment of the incident,he shall invite applications for relief, conduct an enquiry into the claims and arrangepayment of the relief amount to the victims.6.4.7 Disaster Prevention and ReductionNTPC recognizes, and accepts its responsibility for establishing and maintaining asafe working environment for all its employees. This responsibility arises from:♦ Company’s moral responsibility to its employees, to provide the best practicableconditions of work from the point of view of health and safety.♦ The obligation to consult with its staff and their representative to implementpolicies and procedures developed as a result of discussions.♦ Statutory responsibility in respect of health, safety and welfare of employeesemanating from relevant legislations such as the Factories Act. The IndianElectricity Act. The Explosive Act, the Boiler Act etc.Responsibilities of the NTPCNTPC shall take all such steps which are reasonably practicable to ensure bestpossible conditions of work, and with this end in view the company shall do thefollowing :-♦ To allocate sufficient resources to provide and maintain safe and healthyconditions of work♦ To take steps to ensure that all known safety factors are taken into account in thedesign, construction, operation and maintenance of plants, machinery andequipment.♦ To ensure that adequate safety instructions are given to all employees.♦ To provide wherever necessary protective equipment, safety appliances andclothing, and to ensure their proper use.♦ To inform employees about materials, equipment or processes used in theirwork which are known to be potentially hazardous to health or safety.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-15Responsibility for Implementation♦ The ultimate responsibility for ensuring the implementation of the policy onhealth and safety at work rests on the NTPC Management - Corporate HumanResources Division at the corporate level and the concerned General Managers atthe Project/Station level. The Officers in charge of Safety will be functionallyresponsible to the Corporate Center for ensuring that the policy is promulgated,interpreted and carried out in the manner expected.♦ Immediate responsibility for safety at work is that of the Manager/ Executives ofeach department/section who are primarily responsible to prevent accidentsinvolving members of their staff and other persons. It is their responsibility toissue clear and explicit working instructions, compliance with which will ensuresafe working and to require the effective use of approved equipment.♦ Accepted rules, procedures and codes of practice which are formulated withproper regard to health and safety consideration must be strictly observed by allconcerned. Contracting Agencies executing works should be made responsible,through various measures including appropriate provisions in the contract, fordischarging their safety obligations.♦ In designated areas of particular hazard the concerned executives are required toauthorize, in writing, the commencement of any work and, before doing so,personally satisfy themselves that all necessary safety precautions have beencarried out. Such executives must themselves be authorized, in writing ascompetent to perform these duties.♦ Safety Officers are appointed to advise management on questions of safety atwork including advice on the application in particular local situations of thesystem of work, implementation of Company’s Rules and Relevant Codes ofPractices in consultation with Area Engineer. They will be consulted in theinterpretation of rules and codes being formulated by the corporate managementand shall advise management in the investigation and analysis of accidents andcirculation of appropriate statistics.6.4.8 Major Site IncidentsThe General Manager at each Project/Station is required to ensure that plans aredevised for action in the event of fire, major site incident or necessity for evacuationprocedure. These plans must be communicated to all staff and rehearsed from time totime.♦ Fire fighting training and the formation of fire-fighting team on a voluntary basiswill be encouraged by the Project/Station Management.♦ All accidents and dangerous occurrences will be reported immediately to theGeneral Manager who will implement an established procedure to ensure that aninvestigation takes places and recommendations are made to prevent recurrence.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 6-166.4.9 <strong>Report</strong>ing of Accidents and Dangerous OccurrencesWith a view to ensure prompt reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrences tocomply with requirements/obligations under different statutes; and to inform theconcerned authorities within the organization for keeping complete information ofaccidents for record and analysis and to take necessary preventive actions, aprocedure for reporting of accidents dangerous occurrences has been framed. Separateprocedures have been formulated for accidents causing injuries/ fatalities and fordangerous occurrences.Chapter 6.0 Additional Studies

Chapter 7.0Project Benefits

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 7-1Chapter 7.0Project Benefits7.1 Improvement in Power SupplyCommissioning of <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW) will improve the power supply position in NCR which is vital for economicgrowth as well as improving the quality of life. The improved power supply willreduce the dependence of general public and commercial establishments on DG Setsthereby reducing the noise pollution as well as air pollution at local levels.7.2 Improvement in InfrastructureEstablishment of large developmental projects improve the availability of the physicalinfrastructures (like approach roads, drainage, communication and transportationfacilities etc.) and social infrastructures (like education and health care system).However, as the project is already in existence for more than a decade, this effect willbe marginalNTPC may take up some community welfare activities under Corporate SocialResponsibility.7.3 Employment Potential<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I shall provide employment potential underunskilled, semi-skilled and skilled categories. The employment potential shallincrease with the start of construction activities, reach a peak during constructionphase and then reduce with completion of construction activities. During operationphase also there will be employment opportunities, mainly in service sector, althoughits magnitude will be much less.The direct employment opportunities with NTPC Limited are extremely limited andthe opportunities exist mainly with the contractors and sub-contractors. Theseagencies will be persuaded to provide the jobs to local persons on a preferential basiswherever feasible.Chapter 7.0 Project Benefits

Chapter 8.0Environmental MonitoringProgramme

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 8-1Chapter 8.0Environmental Monitoring ProgrammeRegular monitoring of critical environmental parameters is of immense importance toassess the status of environment during plant operation. The monitored data can serveas an indicator for any change in environmental quality due to operation of the plantwith respect to baseline environmental conditions, so that suitable mitigatory stepscould be taken in time to safeguard the environment. An environmental monitoringprogramme for BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II units has already been implemented atsite. The monitoring programme shall be strengthened to include new units aftercommissioning of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I.The monitoring plan for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I has been drawn with thefollowing broad objectives:• Assess the changes in environmental conditions, if any, during operation of theProject.• Monitor the effective implementation of mitigatory measures envisaged for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I.• Warning of any significant deterioration in environmental quality so that additionalmitigatory measures may be planned in advance.Proposed pollution monitoring programme is presented in Table 8.1.1. A briefdescription of the plan is given in the following sections.8.1 Monitoring of Environmental Parameters8.1.1 MeteorologyA full fledged meteorological station shall be set-up at site to generate on-sitemeteorological data as per Table Ambient Air QualityContinuous ambient air quality is presently being monitored at three locations aroundBTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II, selected on the basis of mathematical modelling fordispersion of atmospheric emissions. The monitoring shall be continued at theselocations. The parameters and frequency of monitoring are presented in Table 8.1.1.Chapter 8.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme

Area ofMonitoring<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 8-2Table 8.1.1Proposed Environmental Monitoring Programme for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-INumber ofSamplingStationsFrequency ofSamplingMeteorology One Continuous/DailyAmbient AirQualityNoiseStackEmissionLiquidEffluentsWater Quality3 Stations Twice a week;24 hourly5 (two within plant Once in apremises and three year for 24outside plant hourspremises)Parameters to be AnalyzedWind speed and direction,Max. and Min. Temperature,Humidity, Solar Insolation,Atm. Pressure, RainfallPM 2.5 , PM 10 , SO 2 and NO x,O 3 and HgAmbient Equivalentcontinuous Sound PressureLevels (Leq) at day andNight time.All the Stacks Fortnightly PM, SO 2 and NO xMain PlantEffluentsSanitary EffluentsAgra Canal(2 locations)MonthlyQuarterlyMonthlyQuarterlyMonthlypH, Temp, Cond., TSS,TDS, BOD, O&G, PhenolicsHeavy MetalspH, Temp, Cond., TSS,TDS, BOD, O&G, PhenolicsHeavy MetalspH, Temp, Cond., TSS,TDS, BOD, O&GGround Water(4 Locations)QuarterlyQuarterlySoil 10 locations Once in fiveyearsHeavy metalspH, Temp, Cond., TSS,TDS, BOD, O&GHeavy metalsPhysico-chemical properties,Nutrients8.1.3 Stack EmissionsStack emissions will be monitored continuously during plant operation at arepresentative point in the stack. Operational monitoring of stack emissions shallcomprise monitoring the levels of: Oxides of Nitrogen; Sulphur Dioxide; and PM.The automatic monitoring system used will be linked in the control room to an alarmsystem to warn when emission limits for each pollutant are being approached.Concentrations will be recorded as hourly rolling averages and reports on stackemissions monitoring will compare recorded emissions against stipulated limits.<strong>Report</strong>s will be submitted to the DPCC, CPCB, MoEF and any other concernedauthority on an annual basis (or as required).Chapter 8.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 8-3Provision for manual sampling of stack emissions has also been made for jointsampling and analysis by NTPC and DPCC.8.1.4 Water QualityThe water quality of Agra Canal (upstream of intake point and downstream ofdischarge points) shall be regularly monitored, on a monthly basis while the analysisof heavy metals shall be conducted on a quarterly basis.8.1.5 Effluent QualityMain plant effluents comprising of boiler blow down shall be passed through a centralmonitoring basin (CMB). The CMB will act as equalisation chamber for both flow aswell as quality of effluent. The final effluent shall be corrected for pH and thendischarged through plant drains. Physico-chemical parameters (e.g. pH, temperature,conductivity, TSS, TDS, TRC, Oil & Grease etc.) as well as pollution parameters(BOD, Oil and Grease, Heavy Metals etc.) shall be monitored on a regular basis.Monitoring of impacts of the power plant on the aquatic environment will includemonitoring of the quality of the discharge water, and benthic sediments, ambientwater quality and the impact on aquatic flora and fauna. In order to monitor theeffective functioning and efficiency of the sewage treatment plant, the effluent shallbe monitored on monthly basis.8.1.6 SoilThe physico-chemical characteristics and nutrient content of soil shall be monitoredonce in five years at ten locations near ash pond area and ambient air quality stationsw.r.t. the coal based units.8.1.7 NoiseHigh noise areas inside the power plant and industrial, commercial, residential andsilence zones around the plant will be monitored with a frequency of once in a year.8.1.8 Waste MonitoringWastes generated on site and collected for disposal by skilled firms will bereferenced, weighed and recorded. Environmental audits will be undertaken whichwill assess the quality and suitability of on and off-site waste managementprocedures.8.2 Institutional Setup for MonitoringThe Environmental Management Group at site coordinates monitoring of allenvironmental parameters. Generally operation and maintenance - chemistry groupundertakes the monitoring at site. However, depending on the manpower requirementand availability and also the parameters of monitoring, the work may be conductedthrough external consultant/monitoring agency.Chapter 8.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 8-4Monitoring data will be analyzed and reviewed at regular intervals and compared withprescribed standards and MoEF/CPCB guidelines. Records of monitoring results willbe kept in a suitable format and will be reported (in summary format with anyexceptions identified) to the concerned regulatory bodies or any other concernedauthority as required. As a result, the project company, in discussion with the MoEF,CPCB, the DPCC or any other concerned authority, will review the need toimplement any additional mitigation features, such as provision of further watertreatment facilities on site and also on the need to continue monitoring. The requiredmonitoring data is regularly furnished to the MoEF, <strong>Delhi</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong>Committee (DPCC) as well as Corporate EMG. The data is scrutinized by theCorporate EMG and if trend of likely violation of any standard is observed, the matteris referred to the Operation Services/Engineering Departments for timely correctiveactions.The status of implementation of mitigatory measures is regularly monitored duringProject Review Meetings held at projects every month. Dedicated groups foroperation and maintenance of major systems like Electrostatic Precipitators, AshHandling Plant, Coal Handling Plant, Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants etc.,are formed during operation phase. These groups will ensure effective functioning ofthe system and the same will be monitored during Operation Review Meetings held atproject.Chapter 8.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme

Chapter 9.0Environmental ManagementPlan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-1Chapter 9.0Environmental Management Plan9.0 Environmental Management Plan - An OverviewEnvironmental Management Plan (EMP) reviews the adequacy of various pollutioncontrol measures envisaged for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (presented inChapter 2.0) in mitigating various environmental impacts identified and assessed inChapter 4.0. Additional mitigatory measures, if required to ensure sustainable powerdevelopment are also suggested. EMP has been prepared separately for constructionand operation phases. It describes administrative aspects of ensuring that mitigatorymeasures are implemented and their effectiveness is monitored. It also includes greenbelt development plan. EMP also ensures that the project implementation is carriedout in accordance with the design by taking appropriate mitigative measures to reduceadverse environmental impacts during its life cycle. The plan outlines existing andpotential problems that may adversely impact the environment and recommendsnecessary measures where required. Environmental Monitoring Programme hasalready been presented in Chapter 8.0.Each of the mitigatory measure has been assessed with respect to• Adoption of state of art technological measures• Identification of human resources for its effective implementation• Allocation of financial resources for its effective implementation and• Effectiveness of mitigatory measure in mitigation of impactsEMP includes four major elements;• Commitment and Policy: The proposed project management will strive to provideand implement the Environmental Management Plan that incorporates all issuesrelated to air, noise, land, and water.• Planning: This includes identification of environmental impacts, legal requirementsand setting environmental objectives. The various potential impacts of project arediscussed in Chapter 4.0.• Implementation: This comprises of resources available to the developers,accountability of contractors, training of operational staff associated withenvironmental control facilities and documentation of measures to be taken.• Measurement & Evaluation: This includes monitoring, corrective actions, and recordkeeping.EMP specifies various technological measures for pollution prevention, wasteminimization, end-of-pipe treatment, attenuation etc. proposed to be undertaken tomitigate the environmental impacts on each sector of environment during each phaseof the project, i.e. construction phase and operation phase. The responsibility forimplementation for all mitigatory measures rests with NTPC Limited. Most of themitigatory measures are integral part of the main plant package and are commissionedsimultaneously with the main plant packages. However, at this stage, it is not possibleto give a detailed physical and financial plan for individual measures.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-29.1 Mitigation Measures for Construction PhaseThe impacts of construction activities would be temporary in nature and will reducegradually with the completion of the construction activities. Various mitigationmeasures proposed to be implemented during construction phase are described in Table9.1.1.Mitigation MeasuresProposed & Responsibilityfor ImplementationAir EnvironmentWater sprinkling invulnerable areas (NTPC+Contractor)Proper maintenance ofvehicles and constructionequipment (NTPC+Contractor)Transportationofconstruction material incovered trucks, whereverpossible (NTPC+ Contractor)Noise EnvironmentProper maintenance ofvehicles, equipment andmachinery (contractor)Provision of acoustic covers/enclosures on equipment andmachinery, wherever possible(contractor)Provision of earmuffs/earplugs to the workers inhigh noise areas andenforcement of its use(contractor).Water EnvironmentChannelization of effluentsfrom construction areathrough existing network ofdrains (NTPC)Construction of temporarysedimentation tanks for theeffluents from constructionarea (NTPC+ contractor)Table 9.1.1:Mitigation Measures Proposed to be implementedduring Construction PhaseRegulation Targets to Achieve Risks andConsequence ofFailure, if any- <strong>Control</strong> of fugitive dustfrom construction areasIncreaseparticulateemissions- <strong>Control</strong> of NOx Emissions Nil- <strong>Control</strong> of fugitive dustfrom construction areas- <strong>Control</strong> of ambient and inplantnoise levels- <strong>Control</strong> of ambient and inplantnoise levelsMoEFNotificationdated19.05.1993MoEFNotificationdated19.05.1993IncreaseparticulateemissionsinmatterinmatterIncrease in noiselevelsIncrease in noiselevelsProtection of workers Health effects onindividual workers.<strong>Control</strong> of suspendedsolids in effluents fromconstruction area<strong>Control</strong> of suspendedsolids in effluents fromconstruction areaIncrease in totalsuspended solids ineffluentsIncrease in totalsuspended solids ineffluentsChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-3Mitigation MeasuresProposed & Responsibilityfor ImplementationSocio-Economic EnvironmentProvision of environmentallysafe camping area for themigrant laborers (NTPC/Contractor)Arrangements for watersupply and sanitation (NTPC/Contractor)Regulation Targets to Achieve Risks andConsequence ofFailure, if any- To provide clean & healthyliving environment to workforceTo reduce stress onsurrounding populationUnhealthy livingconditions, spread ofdiseasesStress on existingutilities, conflictswith local peopleSolid Waste ManagementDisposal of constructiondebris- <strong>Control</strong> of pollution Air/ Water <strong>Pollution</strong>Reclaming of unbuilt areawith appropriate vegetation/land scaping- Create a good visualenvironmentUnpleasantsurroundings9.2 Mitigation Measures for Operation PhaseTable 9.2.2 describes various mitigation measures proposed to be implemented duringoperation of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I and Table 9.2.3 describes the mode ofimplementation and allocation of human resources for the same. A cost provision of169.50 Crores has been made for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I, forenvironmental protection measures. The break- up of the cost of environmentalprotection measures is given in Table 9.2.1.Table 9.2.1Cost Provision for Environmental Protection Measures,Sl. No. Description Cost ( Crores)1 HRSG Stack 36.002 <strong>Control</strong> of fire & explosion hazards 6.003 DM plant waste treatment systems 2.004 Cooling Tower 120.005 Sewerage collection, treatment & disposal 0.356 Effluent Treatment Plant 3.807 Environmental lab, equipment 1.008 Green Belt 0.259 Afforestation 0.10Total 169.50Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-4Table 9.2.2Mitigation Measures Proposed to be implemented during Operation PhaseMitigationMeasuresProposed andResponsibility forImplementationAir EnvironmentDry Low NOx (DLN)combustiontechnology whilefiring RLNG/NaturalGas and steam/waterinjection while firingliquid fuel70.0 m Tall Stack(WHRB)70.0 m Tall Stack perHRSGFuel qualitymonitoring on regularbasis and online fluegas monitoring andflue gas flow rate andtemperature for all thestacksRegulation Targets to Achieve Risks andConsequence ofFailure, if anyMoEF Notificationdated 22.12.1998Water EnvironmentCooling Towers MoEF Notification(NTPC + Vendor for dated 02.01.1999Cooling Tower)Main Plant EffluentTreatment Plantincluding CentralMonitoring Basin(NTPC + Vendor forMain Plant)Sewage TreatmentPlant (NTPC)MoEF Notificationdated 19.05.1993MoEF Notificationdated 19.05.1993To reduce NOx emission Increase in NOxemissionsWider dispersion of NOxfrom each module ofWaste Heat RecoveryBoiler that shall beprovided with a chimneyProper dispersal of hotwaste gasesMonitoring of H 2 Scontent in normalcondition and sulphurcontent in emergencyoperation and monitoringof flue gas constituents(NOx, CO, CO 2 )Cooling of hot watercoming out of condenserand auxiliary coolingsystems for recycleRemoval of suspendedsolids, oil & grease andNeutralization of pH, toconform to regulatorystandards for discharge ofeffluents.NilNilNilIncrease in temp. ofwater coming out ofcooling systemsIncrease in parameters.Removal of suspended Increase in parameterssolids, oil and grease andorganic matter to conformto regulatory standards fordischarge of effluents intoinland surface watersChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-5MitigationMeasuresProposed andResponsibility forImplementationNoise EnvironmentDesign of equipment(NTPC + EquipmentSupplier)Provision of acousticenclosures/ barriers/shields to reduce noise(NTPC+ EquipmentSupplier)Provision of personalprotective equipmentslike ear plugs and earmuffs (NTPC)Solid Waste ManagementUse of Re-gassifiedLiquefied Natural Gas(RLNG)/Natural Gasas primary fuel andHSD as secondary fuelTownship Solid Waste(NTPC)OthersAfforestation andGreenBeltDevelopment (NTPC)<strong>Control</strong> of Fire andExplosion Hazards(NTPC + Vendor forMain Plant)Regulation Targets to Achieve Risks andConsequence ofFailure, if anyCPCB GuidelinesCPCB GuidelinesEnclosures of GTG andand STG will be designedfor noise attenuation toreduce noise levels to 90dB(A) at 1 m distance.The ambient noise levelat 120m from any part ofthe plant (far field)inclusiveofGTG/HRSG/STG moduleshall not exceed 60 dB(A)Attenuation of noise insource receptor pathway- Protection of sensitivereceptor- Environmentally safe -No solid waste generationdue to operation of powerplant_ Environmentally safedisposal of municipalwaste from township- Ecological improvementAttenuation of airpollutants (PM 2.5 , PM 10,SO 2 and NOx) and noisein source receptorpathwayIncrease in in-plantand ambient noiselevelsIncrease in in-plantand ambient noiselevelsHealth impact onworkers in high noiseareas-Air and waterpollution, spread ofdisease vectorsShall be undertaken asper the CPCBGuidelines- Safety Increased risk of fireand explosionChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-6Table 9.2.3Mode of Implementation and Allocation of Resources for Mitigation Measures forOperation PhaseMitigation MeasuresAir EnvironmentDry Low NOx (DLN) combustiontechnology for firing RLNG/NaturalGasHRSG and Waste Heat RecoveryMode ofImplementationIntegral Part of MainPlant PackageCivil ConstructionBoilerPackageStack Online Flue Gasmonitoring , flow ratesand temperatureWater EnvironmentCooling Towers Part of Main PlantPackageIdentification of HumanResourcesOperationMaintenance GroupOperationMaintenance GroupOperationMaintenance GroupO&M Group at SiteMain Plant Effluent Treatment Plant Part of Main Plant O&M (Water Treatmentincluding Central Monitoring Basin PackagePlant) Group at SiteSewage Treatment Plant To be constructed Township AdministrationGroup at SiteNoise EnvironmentDesign of equipmentIncluded in Technical -Specification- -Provision of acoustic enclosures/barriers/ shields to reduce noiseProvision of personal protective - -equipments like ear plugs and earmuffsSolid Waste ManagementTownship Solid Waste Installation of STP Township AdministrationGroupOthersAfforestation and Green BeltDevelopment<strong>Control</strong> of Fire and ExplosionHazardEnvironmental Lab. equipment- Horticulture group at sitePart of Main PlantPackageEstablishment ofLaboratorySafety Group at SiteChemistry Group at Siteandandand9.3 Air EnvironmentAn Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is required to mitigate the adverseenvironmental impacts during construction and operation phase of the project. This isfurther discussed in subsequent sections.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-79.3.1 Construction PhaseSite PreparationEnvironmental impacts during construction phase will be mainly due to civil workssuch as site preparation, RCC foundation, construction etc., material and machinerytransportation, fabrication and erection etc. The construction phase impacts aretemporary and localized phenomenon except the permanent change in local landscapeand land use pattern at the project site. However, they require due consideration withimportance during project execution and also wherever applicable detailed proceduresshall be implemented to prevent/mitigate adverse impacts and occupational hazards.To mitigate the impact of SPM (dust) during the construction phase of the proposedproject, the following measures are recommended for implementation:• A dust control plan;• Procedural changes to construction activities; and• Construction material management.i) Dust <strong>Control</strong> PlanA dust control plan, specific to construction activities is given in Table 9.3.1.Fugitive DustSource CategoryEarth-movingDisturbedareascompletedareas)surface(exceptgradingDisturbed surfaceareas (completedgrading areas)Inactive disturbedsurface areasUnpaved roadsOpen storage pilesTrack-out controlTable 9.3.1Dust <strong>Control</strong> PlanDust <strong>Control</strong> ActionsFor any earth moving which is more than 30 m from all propertylines, conduct watering as necessary to prevent visible dustemissions from exceeding 100 m in length in any direction.• Apply dust suppression in a sufficient quantity and frequency tomaintain a stabilized surface;• Areas, which cannot be stabilized, as evidenced by wind drivendust, must have an application of water at least twice per day toat least 80 percent of the unstabilized area.Apply water to at least 80% of all inactive accessible disturbedsurface areas on daily basis when there is evidence of wind drivenfugitive dust.• Apply water in sufficient quantity and frequency to maintain astabilized surface; OR• Utilize any combination of control actions or such that, in total,they apply to all inactive disturbed surface areas.• Water all roads used for any vehicular traffic atleast twice perday of active operations; or• Water all roads used for any vehicular traffic once daily andrestrict vehicle speed to 15 mph.• Apply water to at least 80 percent of the surface areas of allopen storage piles on a daily basis when there is evidence ofwind driven fugitive dust; OR• Install a three-sided enclosure with walls with no more than50% porosity that extends, at a minimum, to the top of the pile.Downwash of trucks (especially tyres) prior to departure from site.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-8Water would be used as the dust suppressant. It can be applied using water trucks,handheld sprays and automatic sprinkler systems.ii) Procedural Changes to Construction ActivitiesIdling Time Reduction- Construction equipment is commonly left idling while theoperators are on break or waiting for the completion of another task. Emissions fromidling equipment tend to be high, since catalytic converters cool down, thus reducingthe efficiency of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide oxidation. Existing idling controltechnologies, which automatically shut the engine off after a preset time can reduceemissions, without intervention from the operators.Improved Maintenance- Recognizing that significant emission reductions can beachieved through regular equipment maintenance, contractors will be asked to providemaintenance records for their fleet as part of the contract bid and at regular intervalsthroughout the life of the contract. A monetary incentive/disincentive provision willbe established to encourage contractors to comply with regular maintenancerequirements.Reduction of On-site Construction Time- Rapid on-site construction would reducethe duration of traffic interference and therefore, reduce emissions from traffic delay.iii) Construction Material ManagementThe major construction material to be used for construction include bricks, coarseaggregates, cement, coarse sand, reinforcement steel, structural steel, aluminiumdoors and windows, granite and vitrified tiles for flooring and other water supply andsanitary fittings. The material will be loaded and unloaded by the engaged labour onsite.The duties of the contractor will include monitoring all aspects of constructionactivities, commencing with the storing, loading of construction materials andequipment in order to maintain the quality. The work should be completed as per thefinal construction schedule. Bricks should be stacked neatly at designated place ofstorage yard. Cement should be stored in stacks. Other material like aggregate,reinforcement and consumables should also be tidily stored in place and released foruse without causing litter around.The contractor shall be responsible for management of such construction materialduring entire construction period of the project. Sufficient quantity of materials shouldbe available before starting the each activity. The contractor should test all thematerials in the Government labs or Government approved labs in order to ensure thequality of materials before construction. This is also the responsibility of thecontractor, which would be clearly mentioned in the contractor’s agreement.As soon as the construction activity is over, the surplus earth shall be utilized to fill upthe low-lying areas, if any. All stationary machines / D.G. sets emitting the pollutantsshall be inspected weekly for maintenance and will be fitted with exhaust pollutioncontrol devices.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-99.3.2 Operation PhaseDuring normal operation phase of the proposed project pollution impacts areenvisaged on air, noise and land/biological components. In order to ensure thepredicted impact levels and to further mitigate the impacts wherever possible fromproposed project on individual environmental components, the following measuresare recommended.During operational phase, the major air pollutants are expected from burning of fuel,fugitive emissions from HSD storage and natural gas purification skids and oxides ofnitrogen from stack emissions. NOx is major and SO 2 the minor pollutants duringnormal and emergency operations, while CO and unburnt HCs (UHCs) emissionsshall be in traces/negligible quantity through stacks. The other sources being vehiculartraffic generated due to implementation of the project.Stack Emission <strong>Control</strong>s and AlternativesTo ensure the estimated levels of stack emissions and predicted ground level impactsand also to control emissions during operation phase, the following measures arerecommended:• Online flue gas monitors including NOx, CO, HCs, CO 2 etc. (flue gasconstituents) as well as flue gas flow rates and temperature shall be provided forall stacks• Fuel quality monitoring on regular basis with special reference to H 2 S content innormal operation and sulphur content in emergency operation• Portholes and sampling facilities shall be provided for all stacks as perDPCC/CPCB guidelines to enable stack monitoring by statutoryauthorities/environmental audit team/periodical check of stack emissions etc.• Each module shall be provided with a chimney for wider dispersal of gaseousemissions from Waste Heat Recovery Boiler. The height of the stack shall be 70.0m.• Furnaces/fuel combustion facilities shall be operated with optimum quantity of airso that fuel consumption as well as emission of NOx is minimized. Followingoptions shall be considered to mitigate NOx emissions from fuel combustion.• Dry Low NOx burners (DLN) shall be used in gas turbine modules so as to reduceNOx emissions from the stack. With this control, NOx level in exhaust gas fromthe stacks is expected to be within 75 ppm under all operating conditions.Therefore, no additional NOx reduction measures are envisaged for the project.To control fugitive emissions of HCs and their impacts in the vicinity, followingmeasures are recommended:• Provision of mechanical seals in pumps• Preventive maintenance of valves flanges/joints, mechanical seals, floating roofseals etc. and other equipment especially at natural gas skids• 70.5 m tall stack per HRSG shall be provided for proper dispersion of pollutants.Continuous on-line monitoring of NOx emission shall be provided.• Adequate stack height of 70.0 m shall be provided to keep the air pollutants wellwithin the prescribed limits; hence no additional emission control measures havebeen suggested.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-10Vehicle Emission <strong>Control</strong>s and AlternativesParking Provisions: Adequate parking shall be provided for the operational staff ofthe plant and the workers. Car/scooter parking areas shall have concrete paving. Acast in situ RCC roof supported on RCC columns shall be provided. A covered cyclestand shall also be provided.Proper Road Network: A proper road network shall be constructed within the plantboundary for approach to various equipment/ installations in the plant. Two types ofroads shall be constructed, one for double lane traffic and the other for single lanetraffic. The road leading from main gate to the main plant area shall be double lane,whereas the rest of the plant area/ switchyard etc shall have single lane roads. Doublelane roads shall be designed for medium traffic density and single lane roads shall bedesigned for light traffic density.Footpaths, Bicycle Lanes, and Pedestrian Ways: Adequate footpaths, bicycle paths,and pedestrian ways shall be provided at the site to encourage non-polluting methodsof transportation.Greenbelt Development: Increasing vegetation in the form of greenbelt is one of thepreferred methods to mitigate air pollution. Plants serve as a sink for pollutants, act asa barrier to break the wind speed as well as allow the dust and other particulates tosettle out there. It also helps to reduce the noise level to some extent. Hence, propergreen belt development of sufficient width having density of 1500 trees/hectare (33%)shall be ensured to mitigate air and noise pollution. The greenbelt will be plannedsuch that the land available for greenbelt development within site is covering aboutone third of the total plot area.Since the vegetation provides enormous surface area for impingement of airpollutants, species selected for plantation will be semi-tolerant, fast growing, windfirm,deep-rooted and evergreen. In view of the local conditions prevailing in the areanative species will be preferable.9.4 Noise Environment9.4.1 Construction PhaseDuring the construction phase, there would be a temporary increase in ambient noiselevels due to construction machinery operation and movement of constructionvehicles.Exposure to continuous and intermittent noise levels louder than 115 dB(A) will notbe permitted. Following mitigation / management measures will be adopted duringconstruction period:• Special acoustic enclosures will be provided for individual noise generatingconstruction equipment like D.G. sets. The Special acoustic enclosures may beprovided by way of noise shields.• For protection of construction workers, earplugs should be provided to thoseworkers who will be working very close to noise generation source.• Strict adherence to maintenance schedule of generators, as specified by vendors,shall be observed. Servicing of all construction vehicles and machinery shall beChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-11done regularly and during routine servicing operations, the effectiveness ofexhaust silencers shall be checked and if found defective will be replaced.Vehicles hired for bringing construction materials at sight shall conform to thenoise emission standards and shall be operated during non peak hours.• Shifts of workers employed in high noise areas will be rotated. Earplugs/muffs,or other hearing protective wear will be provided to those working very close tothe noise generating machinery.• Smooth flow of traffic should be ensured on the internal road to avoid idling andhonking of vehicles.• Ambient noise level measurement shall be conducted at suitable locations atperiodic intervals during construction phase to conform to the stipulatedstandards both during day and night time. Data shall be reviewed and analyzedby the project manager for adhering to any strict measure.• Noise levels will also be monitored at point sources for occupational noiseexposure and ensuring health risk.9.4.2 Operation PhaseNoise is expected to be generated from all rotating machines and high velocity flowsystems of the plant. It is also essential that vibration should be mitigated. Typicalnoise producing areas requiring attenuation measures will be:• Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine Generators, Air Intake and Exhaust Gas plenum.• Boiler feed pumps• Other rotating equipment like, major and large pumps, air compressor, D.G. sets,ventilation fans• Exhaust from steam line safety valves etc.To mitigate the impacts of noise arising during operation phase following measuresare recommended:• Manufacturers/Suppliers of major noise generating machines/equipments like airfiltration systems, compressors, feed pumps, GTs, STs, HRSG, D.G. Sets, boilersetc. shall be insisted to make required design modifications wherever possiblebefore supply and installation, in view of multiple units proposed to be installedat one phase to mitigate the cumulative noise generation and to complynational/international regulatory norms with respect to noise generation fromindividual equipment. Proper precaution shall be taken to keep noise level withinprescribed limits. The enclosure of GTG & STG shall be designed for noiseattenuation to reduce noise level to 85 dB (A) at 1 meter distance. The ambientnoise level at 120 meters from any part of the plant (far field) inclusive ofGTG/HRSG/STG module shall not exceed 60 dB (A).• It would be ensured that low noise equipment are procured wherever feasible,• Acoustic design with sound proof glass panelling shall be provided for criticaloperators cabins/control rooms of individual modules as well as central controlfacilities,• Use of personal protective devices such as ear-muffs, ear-plugs etc. should bestrictly enforced for the workers engaged in high noise areas, viz. compressorhouse, blowers,Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-12• Feed pumps, HRSG boiler units, turbo generator area, cooling tower etc.,• Either acoustic barriers/ shelters shall be developed in noisy workplaces oracoustic enclosures shall be provided for the high noise generating equipment.Implementation of green belt, landscaping with horticulture (noise barriers) etc. areexpected to reduce noise impacts within the project premises. Species such asAzadirechta indica, Ficus elastica, Sweitania mahogony, Mangifera indica (Aam) andDalbergia sissoo (Shisham) will be used for greenbelt development.Tree plantation at vehicle parking areas and along approach roads are recommendedwithin the project premises.Mitigation of Vibration Impacts: It is also essential to control noise pollution due tovibrations of various industrial processes. Some of the mitigation measures tominimize the adverse affects of vibrations are as follows:• The necessary spacing between individual power modules shall be provided as perthe requirement to subside the vibrations generated at individual units,• Low vibration generating machines/equipment would be selected for the indentpurpose with rugged bases to minimize propagation of vibrations,• Personnel working near the vibrating machines in different units would beprovided with well designed vibration resistant hand gloves/foot wares,• Vibration generating sources and their platforms would be maintained properly tomitigate vibrations,• Regular check-up of workers who are subjected to hand-arm vibrations and bodyvibrations are essential. Training of personnel is recommended to generateawareness about damaging effects of vibrations.9.5 Water Environment9.5.1 Construction PhaseTo prevent degradation and to maintain the quality of the water source, adequatecontrol measures have been proposed to check the surface run-off, as well asuncontrolled flow of water into any water body. Following management measures aresuggested to protect the water quality during the construction phase:• Avoid excavation during monsoon season,• Care should be taken to avoid soil erosion,• Community toilets with temporary septic tanks shall be constructed on the siteduring construction phase to prevent wastewater from entering the water bodies,• Any area with loose debris within the site shall be planted,• To prevent surface and ground water contamination by oil/grease, leak proofcontainers should be used for storage and transportation of oil/grease. The floorsof oil/grease handling area should be kept effectively impervious. Any wash offfrom the oil/grease handling area or workshop shall be drained throughimpervious drains, clarifiers or oil/water separators shall be constructed andeffluent should be treated appropriately before releasing it,Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-13• Construction activities generate disturbed soil, concrete fines, oils and otherwastes,• On-site collection and settling of storm water, prohibition of equipment washdowns, and prevention of soil loss and toxic releases from the construction siteare necessary to minimize water pollution,• All stacking and loading areas should be provided with proper garland drainsequipped with baffles to prevent run off from the site to enter any water body.9.5.2 Operation PhaseThe management of water environment covers two aspects namely wastewatermanagement and water conservation.Wastewater Management: During operation phase, the primary source of waterpollutants shall be:• Blow down from HRSG units containing silica and dosing chemicals,• Effluent from neutralizing pit of DM Plant,• Blow down from cooling water system,• Effluent water from plant drains, sewage treatment plant etc.Various measures to be adopted for wastewater management so as to control waterpollution are as follows:• During backwash, acidic and alkaline effluent will be generated periodically. Theeffluents shall be collected in a neutralizing pit where the acidic and alkalineeffluents will be neutralized with each other or by adding acid/alkali suitably toneutralize the effluent. The neutralized effluent shall be sent to CMB of ETP forreuse/disposal.• Blow down from HRSG HP/IP drums will be routed to the CMB.• Recirculation of Filter Backwash to Sewage and Pretreatment Plant.• Neutralisation of D.M. plant regeneration waste and disposal through centralmonitoring basin.• Reuse of part of C. W. Blow down for Fire Fighting and Service Water System.• Recirculation of effluents from service water system (after treatment in plateseparator/ tube settlers).• Oil water separators for oily wastes from main plant and fuel oil areas and reuseof treated effluent in service water system after further treatment in Tube Settlers.• Treatment of clarifier sludge and tube settler sludge through Sludge Thickener/Filter Press and discharge of clear water through Central Monitoring Basin.• The effluent carrying oil spillage etc. shall be taken to oil/water separation. Floordrains and Fuel Oil Area drains will be treated in API separators and recoveredoil or sludge will be disposed off separately. Clear water complying withCPCB/DPCC norms will be routed to CMB.• Cooling Tower blow down will be routed to CMB• Collected effluents at CMB shall be treated, as required, to control the pH, BODand COD. Treated effluent from CMB/ Guard Pond will be used for plantation /greenbelt.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-14• Effluent from Sewage Treatment Plant will be disinfected and will be used fordevelopment of greenbelt / landscape.Water Conservation: The following measures are recommended to minimize theimpacts on water environment:• Necessary measures shall be implemented and maintained to conserve fresh waterand minimize wastewater generation from the individual units.• The proposed plant will maintain cycle of concentration (COC) at 4 and thus willhelp in minimizing water consumption.• Project proponent will explore the possibility and implement necessary measureson long run to enhance reuse of treated effluent and minimize final discharge toconserve water resource through possible methods like increased efficiency inheat cycle, capacity of reuse of treated effluent in the process, for green belt etc.• Comprehensive plans for storm water management as well as rainwater harvestingshall be delineated and implemented at the project site.• Suitable surface runoff/drainage system shall be implemented at project site withsufficient capacity and proper connectivity to natural drains/canals outside theproject premises to avoid flood situation in surrounding agriculture fields/villages.Rain Water Harvesting: Water source development shall be practiced by installationof scientifically designed Rainwater harvesting system. The water can be used forsupply of potable water after treatment or recharge of aquifers. Rainwater harvestingpromotes self-sufficiency and fosters an appreciation for water as a resource.Storm Water Management: Network of open drains shall be provided all over thearea to carry the surface runoff, which would run along the sides of the roads and leadto the final disposal area. During detailed engineering stage the possibility ofrainwater harvesting shall also be looked into.Size of the drains shall be designed to cater surface runoff corresponding to maximumintensity of rainfall expected during the life of the project and slopes shall bedetermined to avoid any silting.Contamination of storm water is possible from the following sources:• Diesel and oil spills in the Diesel power generator and fuel storage area,• Waste spills in the Solid/ hazardous waste storage area,• Oil spills and leaks in vehicle parking lots,• Silt from soil erosion in gardens,• Spillage of sludge from sludge drying area of sewage treatment plan.A detailed “Storm Water Management Plan” will be developed which will considerthe above sources. The run-off from landscaped, roof top would be used forrecharging the deep strata from which groundwater is to be extracted in the proposedsite. The design of pits would be done taking into consideration retention time for therun-off water in the harvesting pit.The plan will incorporate best management practices which will include following:• Regular inspection and cleaning of storm drains.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-15• The oil contaminated water from Workshop/garage areas will be diverted to ETPafter separating the oil.• Cover waste storage areas.• Avoid application of pesticides and herbicides before wet season.• Secondary containment and dykes in fuel/oil storage facilities.• Conducting routine inspections to ensure cleanliness.• Preparation of spill response plans, particularly for fuel and oil storage areas.• Provision of silt traps in storm water drains.• Good housekeeping in the above areas.9.6 Land Environment9.6.1 Construction PhaseWaste generated from construction activity includes construction debris, biomassfrom land clearing activities, waste from the labour tents and hazardous waste.Following section discusses the management of each type of waste. Besides wastegeneration management of top soil is an important area for which managementmeasures are required.Construction Debris: Construction debris is bulky and heavy and re-utilization andrecycling is an important strategy for management of such waste. As concrete andmasonry constitute the majority of waste generated, recycling of this waste byconversion to aggregate can offer benefits of reduced landfill space and reducedextraction of raw material for new construction activity. This is particularly applicableto the proposed project site as the construction is to be completed in a phased manner.Metal scrap from structural steel, piping, concrete reinforcement and sheet metal workshall be removed from the site by construction contractors. A significant portion ofwood scrap can be reused on site. Recyclable wastes such as plastics, glass fibreinsulation, roofing etc. shall be sold to recyclers.Hazardous waste: Construction sites are sources of many toxic substances, such aspaints, solvents, wood preservatives, pesticides, adhesives and sealants. Hazardouswaste generated during construction phase shall be stored in sealed containers,labelled, and disposed of as required by the MoEF.Some management practices to be developed are:• Herbicides and pesticide will not be over applied (small-scale applications) andnot applied prior to rain;• Paintbrushes and equipment for water and oil based paints shall be cleaned withina contained area and shall not be allowed to contaminate site soils, watercourses,or drainage systems.• Provide adequate hazardous waste storage facilities, hazardous waste collectioncontainers are conveniently located, and designate hazardous waste storage areasare away from storm drains or watercourses.• Segregate potentially hazardous waste from non-hazardous construction sitedebris.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-16• Clearly label all hazardous waste containers with the waste being stored and thedate of generation.• Educate workers and subcontractors on hazardous waste storage and disposalprocedures.• Instruct workers and subcontractors in identification of hazardous and solid waste.Even with careful management, some of these substances are released into air, soiland water, and many are hazardous to workers. For these reasons, the best choice is toavoid their use as much as possible by using low-toxicity substitutes and low VOC(volatile organic compound) materials.<strong>Control</strong> of <strong>Pollution</strong> from Labour Camps during Construction: The contractorwill make necessary arrangement for water supply, sewerage (provision of septictank) and solid waste management facilities in the labour camp. Septic Tanks will beprovided for sewerage disposal from labour camps. The septic tanks shall beabandoned and filled with earth after the labour camps are evacuated on completionof work. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to provide proper sanitationfacilities and discontinue the septic tanks after use, without causing environmentaldegradation.Solid Waste from Labour Tents: Although the domestic solid waste duringconstruction from labour camps on site will be limited and most of the inorganicconstruction waste will be recycled and reused in construction, but still some solidwaste will remain which will require collection and disposal. This will include; foodwaste of workers at site, empty containers of paints and other chemicals, packaging oftiles and glass, sweepings from office etc.Following measures will be adopted during construction for management of solidwaste:• Covered garbage bins shall be provided all around the construction site includingoffice for collection of food and other waste. These bins shall be emptied dailyinto a bigger container and the waste finally put collection bin, nearby. The wastebins shall be washed regularly every week.• Inorganic waste shall be segregated and kept in different heaps as far as possibleso that their further gradation and reuse is facilitated.• Material, which can be recycled and reused for the purpose of construction, shallbe kept in separate heaps from those, which are to be sold or disposed off.• Empty containers, which may contain some toxic substances such as paints,solvents, adhesives and sealants shall be returned to the manufacturers or disposedappropriately as the case may be. Till such time they should be stored safely.Fuel Supply in Labour Camps: The necessary fuel requirement for labour campswill have to be met through supply of kerosene to avoid cutting/ felling of trees duringconstruction phase.Top Soil Management: To minimize disruption of soil and for conservation oftopsoil, the contractor shall take the topsoil out separately and stockpile it. After theChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-17construction activity is over, topsoil shall be utilized for landscaping activity. Othermeasures, which would be followed to prevent soil erosion and contaminationinclude:• Maximize use of organic fertilizer for landscaping and green belt development,• To prevent soil contamination by oil/grease, leak proof containers should be usedfor storage and transportation of oil/grease and wash off from the oil/greasehandling area shall be drained through impervious drains and treated appropriatelybefore disposal,• Removal of as little vegetation as possible during the development andrevegetation of bare areas after the project,• Working in a small area at a point of time (phase wise construction),• Construction of erosion prevention troughs/berms.9.6.2 Operation PhaseThe Environmental Management Plan for the solid waste focuses on three majorcomponents during the life cycle of the waste management system i.e. collection,transportation and treatment.Solid waste management: The collection and transportation of the solid wastegenerated during the operational phase of the project will be as follows:The generation of solid waste from the proposed plant will be from water pretreatmentplant and sewage treatment plant but the waste is not hazardous in nature.The sludge generated from Water Pre-treatment Plant is basically from clarifier,which will be further treated in sludge press. Solid waste from Sewage treatment Plantwill be organic in nature and thus suggested to be used as manure for green beltdevelopment.Sanitary Sewer System: The waste will also be generated from the residential colonyoutside plant for the operational staff. It is proposed that the sanitary sewage shall becollected through underground pipelines by gravity. The slope of the pipelines shallnot be less than 1 vertical to 150 horizontal. Manholes shall be provided at all bends,intersections and in straight lines at 30 meter. Sanitary sewage system within thebuilding shall be developed as per the standards and shall be connected to the externalsewage system.9.7 Ecological AssessmentLandscaping/peripheral multilayered green belt with density of more than 1500trees/hectare will be planted with the primarily native species. Increased vegetation inthe form of greenbelt will not only enhance the aesthetics of the site but will alsomitigate air pollution and reduce noise pollution.9.7.1 Construction Phase• Restrictions on location of labour camps and offices for project staff near theproject area to avoid human induced secondary additional impacts on the left overflora and fauna species of the surrounding areas.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-18• Cutting, uprooting of trees or small trees present in and around the project site forcooking, burning or heating purposes by the labourers shall be prohibited andsuitable alternatives for this purpose shall be made available.• Along with the major construction work, the multi layered peripheral green beltshall be developed with native plant species.9.7.2 Operation PhaseTemporary stabilization barriers should be used as required to prevent erosion duringplant growth. These barriers may include hay bales, erosion control blankets,temporary seeding, nurse crops, and erosion control netting.Green Belt DevelopmentThe green belt will be provided around the proposed facilities to cover all the vacantareas. Vacant areas within the facilities will be covered with lawns and gardens.Although availability of land within the premises is limited, extreme care shall betaken to utilize all the available areas for afforestation. The utility of the green beltpredominantly lies in its capacity to attenuate the effect of gases due to fugitiveemissions and spillage. The main objectives of the proposed green belt developmentprogram are as follows:• To control air pollution due to fugitive emissions and spillage.• To attenuate noise generated by various machines.• To attenuate the effect of accidental release of toxic gases.• To reduce the effect of fire and explosion.• To improve the general appearance and aesthetics of the area.• To provide food and habitat for wildlife.• To control soil erosion.• To obscure the proposed facilities from general view.Selection of Plant Species for Greenbelt DevelopmentThe selection of plant species for the development depends on various factors such asclimate, elevation and soil. The plants should exhibit the following desirablecharacteristics in order to be selected for plantation. The plant species should beplanted those are already planted in the green belt, parks and gardens.• The species should be fast growing and providing optimum penetrability.• The species should be wind-firm and deep rooted.• The species should form a dense canopy.• As far as possible, the species should be indigenous and locally available.• Species tolerance to air pollutants like SPM, SO 2 and NOx should be preferred.• The species should be permeable to help create air turbulence and mixing withinthe belt.• There should be no large gaps for the air to spill through.• Trees with high foliage density, leaves with larger leaf area and hairy on both thesurfaces.• Ability to withstand conditions like inundation and drought.• Soil improving plants (Nitrogen fixing, rapidly decomposable leaf litter).• Attractive appearance with good flowering and fruit bearing.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

,<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-19• Bird and insect attracting tree species.• Sustainable green cover with minimal maintenance.The plant species preferred for greenbelt development are listed in Table 9.7.1.Table 9.7.1Plant species to be planted for Greenbelt DevelopmentPlant Species Vernacular Frequency Ethanobotanical ValueNameAzardirachta indiaca Neem Very Frequent Medicinal, Timber, FuelPolyalthia longifolia Ashok Frequent Aesthetic/RecreationalDalbergia sissoo Shisham Very frequent Timber, FuelDelonix regia Gulmohar Frequent Aesthetic, RecreationalEucalyptus hybrid Safeda Very frequent Timber, FuelAccasia nilotica Kikar Very frequent Medicinal, Timber, FuelAccasia leucophloea Babul Frequent Timber, FuelAlbizia lebbeck Siras Frequent Timber, FuelProsopis juliflora Kabuli kikar Frequent Timber, FuelPongamia glabra Karanj Frequent Medicinal, Timber, FoodFicus religiosa Pipal Frequent Mythological, TimberFicus bengalensis Bargad Frequent Timber, FuelMorus alba Shahatoot Very frequent Food, TimberMangifera indica Aam Frequent Mythological, Timber, FuelSyzygium cumini Jamun Occasional Food, TimberTerminalia belerica Bahera Occasional Medicinal, Timber,Avenue plantation (along the roads within the site)• Trees with broad canopy with attractive flowering,• Trees with branching at 10 feet and above,• Trees with medium spreading branches to avoid obstruction to the traffic,• Fruit trees to be avoided because children may obstruct traffic.BTPS is already carrying out plantation activities in the plant, township area and onash dyke. The details of afforestation and plantation activities in BTPS are givenbelow:• Parks: BTPS is presently having eight parks in the township and in the plant one -exclusively for roses (20 varieties). All parks are planted with Australian dooband small height shrubs with different flower bed where seasonal flowers areplanted.• Garden Cover: BTPS has developed garden cover along roadside from BTPS GateNo.1 to Gate No. 4 both side. Nearly five lakh saplings of Ipomoea spp. have beenplanted in the ash dyke during 2009-10.• The ash dyke has a thick green coverage of trees and shrubs such as Ipomoea,Shisam, Popular, Jungli Jalebi, Neem, Peepal, Kabali Kikar etc.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

Activity<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-20• Nursery: Presently BTPS is having two nurseries, one inside the plant and anotherin township. All seasonal flowers, saplings are being developed for furtherplantation.• Two beautiful Gardens with 1200 sq. Mt. lawn area fully developed in Additionaland New Township having thick green grass and beautiful landscaping with Herbsand Bushes for children.• On the eve of World Environment Day 2009, 300 nos. tree saplings of differentspecies such as Ficus benjamine and Popular spp. were planted in AdditionalTownship Area (Behind GM Banglow).• On the eve of Van Mahotsav 2009 (in the months of July & August) and in themonth of March, 2010 nearly 10,000 nos. of Jatropha and Pongamia saplingsplanted in the ash dyke area.The details of afforestation/plantation activities carried out till 2009-2010 and plannedfor 2010-11 is given in Table 9.7.2 and Table 9.7.3 respectively.Table 9.7.2Year-wise Status of Plantation ActivitiesS.No. Plantation Nos. of Trees Cumulative SurvivedYear Planted Nos. of Trees1 2006-07 10500 1,85,198 1,67,1562 2007-08 15180 2,00,378 1,79,3363 2008-09 8453 2,08,831 1,87,3664 2009-2010 10300 2,19,131 1,97,666Table 9.7.3Afforestation/Plantation carried out during year 2009-2010 and planned for2010-11Target of2009-10Actual During2009-10Cumulativetill31.03.2010Survivedtill31.03.2010Plan for2010-11Plantation 10000 nos. Total :10300 2,19,131 1,97,666 10000Bio-fuel Plantation onAsh Dyke: Jatropha spp.Plantation on Ash Dyke:OthersPlantation in Plant &Township Area:Total expenditure onNew Plantation /Horticulture activitiesExpenditure onmaintenance activities----- 5000 30000 atAsh Dyke25080----- 5000 95000trees/shrubs81000------ Ficus94131 91586benjamine: 200Popular spp.:1003,00,000 3,27,0006,00,00 5,58,600 forthree yearsChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-219.8 Human Health and Safety Management PlanThe objective is to ensure that health and safety of on-site personnel is proactivelymanaged during the construction stage of the project. Below are given the proposedproject related Human Health and Safety environmental concerns and itsmanagement.• The primary concern on potential health risks for the construction workers andother employees on site during construction are associated with drinking waterquality. The project would ensure safe potable water supply to the workers on-site.• Adequate space needs to be provided for construction of temporary sheds forconstruction workers to avoid unhygienic conditions.• Construction site will be provided with a readily available first aid kit including anadequate supply of sterilized dressing materials and appliances. Suitable transportto take injured or sick person to the nearest hospital will be immediately provided.• The project will ensure the safe working of all workers. Each construction workerwill be provided with safety gadgets and made to wear during the constructionwork. This will include protective footwear, helmets, and gloves to all workersemployed for the work on mixing, cement, lime mortars, concrete etc.; thewelder’s protective eyeshields to workers who are engaged in welding works;earplugs to workers exposed to loud noise; safety belts to the labours working athigher platforms; and masks to avoid dust.• The project will strictly follow the statutory Child Labour Act. The project willalso ensure that no paint containing lead or lead products is used except in theform of paste or readymade paint. Facemasks will be provided for use of theworkers when paint is applied in the form of spray. Adequately safety measureswill be ensured for workers during handling of materials at site. The project willcomply with all regulations regarding safe scaffolding, ladders, workingplatforms, gangway, stairwells, excavations and safe means of entry and exit.• The project will take adequate precautions to prevent danger from electricalequipments. No material will be so stacked or placed so as to cause danger orinconvenience to any person or the public. All necessary fencing and lights will beprovided to protect the public. All machines to be used in the construction willconform to the relevant India Standard Codes, will be free from patent defect, willbe kept in the good working order, will be inspected and properly maintained asper IS provision.• Work spots will be maintained clean and provided with optimum lighting.9.9 Energy Conservation and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Sustainable power generation has been one of the prime objectives of NTPC Limitedsince inception. Towards achieving this objective, various measures have beenintroduced to ensure minimum degradation of the environment due to the operation ofthe power stations. As a part of agreement under Kyoto Protocol, the CDM has beenintroduced to enable trading of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) between thedeveloped countries and the developing countries. It is envisaged to take up NTPC’sproposed <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> Stage – III, Phase - I (1050 MW) Advance class GasChapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-22Turbines as a CDM project. Adoption of state of art technology will improve powerplant efficiency and thereby reduction in CO 2 emissions.CDM revenue is one of the prime considerations for the project. It is likely toameliorate the Internal Rate of Return and will help overcoming the various barriersrelated to the project. The project is an ideal case for CDM benefits, beingenvironmentally benign with less emission of green house gases (GHG).The project under reference is a natural gas based project equipped with highefficiency gas turbine thus reducing GHG emission in the atmosphere, and thereforequalifies for consideration under Clean Development Mechanism as per KyotoProtocol.As the proposed project is replacing the old coal/oil fired units with the natural gasfired <strong>CCPP</strong> units, the Project Fuel Switch Project from Coal to Natural Gas (ProjectActivity) will be proved additional by the following steps:• Identification of alternatives to the project activity consistent with current lawsand regulations.• Investment analysis.9.10 Environmental Management System and Monitoring PlanFor the effective and consistent functioning of the proposed power plant, anEnvironmental Management System (EMS) should be established at the site. TheEMS should include the following:• An Environmental Management Cell• Environmental Monitoring• Personnel Training• Regular Environmental Audits and Corrective Action• Documentation – Standard operating procedures Environmental Managementplans and other records9.10.1 Environmental Management CellApart from having an Environmental Management Plan, it is also necessary to have apermanent organizational setup charged with the task of ensuring effectiveimplementation of mitigation measures and to conduct environmental monitoring.Institutional Set-up for Environmental ManagementAs per the present set-up the environmental groups in NTPC have a three-tierorganization structure, as shown in Table 9.10.1.The responsibility of environmental management of an operating station lies mainlywith Environmental Management Groups at site, which acts as coordinator forenvironmental matters. This group acts as a nodal agency for various groups atproject, regional headquarters and corporate level as well as outside agencies like<strong>Delhi</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Committee (DPCC).Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-23However, this group draws support from Environmental Engineering Group,Environmental Management Group and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Groups atCorporate Centre. The major duties and responsibilities of EnvironmentalManagement Cell shall be as given below:• To implement the environmental management plan,• To assure regulatory compliance with all relevant rules and regulations,• To ensure regular operation and maintenance of pollution control devices,• To minimize environmental impacts of operations as by strict adherence to theEMP,• To initiate environmental monitoring as per approved schedule,• Review and interpretation of monitored results and corrective measures in case• monitored results are above the specified limit,• Maintain documentation of good environmental practices and applicable• environmental laws as ready reference,• Maintain environmental related records,• Coordination with regulatory agencies, external consultants, monitoringlaboratories.• Maintaining the log of common complaints and the action taken.,Table 9.10.1Organization Structure of NTPC for Environmental ManagementCorporate Engineering Environmental EngineeringCenter Operations Environmental ManagementHumanResourcesRehabilitation & ResettlementHorticultureMedical & Public HealthSafetyRegional Environmental As CoordinatorHeadquartersProjectsManagementCoordinatorOperation &MaintenanceHumanResourcesEnvironmental ManagementChemistryHRSG & WHRB MaintenanceSafetyCommunity DevelopmentGroupHorticultureMedical & Public Health9.10.2 Functions of Environmental Groups at Corporate Center9.10.2.1 Environmental Engineering Group (EEG)• Associating in-site selection for new projects with engineering services.• <strong>EIA</strong> studies for new project sites and obtaining clearances.• <strong>Final</strong>ization of specification of equipment for pollution monitoring.• Special studies relating to environmental problems.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9-24• Interaction with MoEF, State <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Boards and funding agencies fornew projects.• Provide assistance to sites in overcoming specific technical problems related toenvironment. Environment Management Group (EMG)• Coordination and monitoring with stations, regions, Engineering Division andother concerned agencies on all environmental matters concerning operatingstations.• Maintenance of an environment data base, trend analysis of pollution monitoringdata and prepare exception reports.• Environmental Audit of Power Stations.• Providing operational feedback to Engineering for carrying out necessarymodifications in existing / future systems, overseeing implementation ofmodification / improvement programmes.• Providing corporate support to stations through organization of meetings onEnvironmental Management, obtaining management approvals.• Organizing Training workshops, Seminars etc. Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Group• Socio-economic studies• R&R aspects of <strong>EIA</strong>, finalization of R&R plans for new projects.• Policy review and ensuring implementation.• Collection and collation of various statistics on R&R measures.• Providing these statistics to various agencies.• <strong>Final</strong>ization of the training programme in R&R.9.10.3 Functions of Environmental Groups at site9.10.3.1 Environment Management Group• Obtaining Consent order from SPCBs.• Environmental monitoring.• Analysis of environment data, reports, preparations and transmission of report tostatutory authorities, Corporate Center etc.• Compliance with guidelines and statutory requirements.• Coordination with statutory bodies, functional groups of the station, regional headquarters, Corporate EMG / Engineering etc.• Interaction for evolving and implementation of modification in programs toimprove the availability / efficiency of pollution control devices / systems.• Environmental Appraisal (Internal) and Environmental Audit.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 9- Rehabilitation and Resettlement Group• Preparation, implementation and follow-up of Rehabilitation Action Plan andRemedial Action Plan.• To strengthen the public image of the company in respect of social aspects andmaintain good relationship with the community in the vicinity.9.10.4 Institutional Set-up at <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>The proposed Environmental Management Group at <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> would be headedby Dy. General Manager and consist of executives and supporting staff and report toGeneral Manager of the Project. During the construction of the project, Project ReviewTeam (PRT) meetings will be held every month wherein officials from the project andcorporate centre will participate and discuss the progress and problems related toimplementation of schedules of activities for construction, completion andcommissioning. It will be ensured that all pollution control measures identified areimplemented in a coordinated manner, linking the overall project implementationplans.Once the construction is completed, the monthly Operation Review Team (ORT)meetings for the project will be held. In these meetings in addition to routineoperation and maintenance (O&M) problems issues related to environment will also bediscussed.Dedicated groups for operation & maintenance of major systems like Gas Turbine andAuxiliaries, GT Exhaust Gas System, HRSG Boilers, Waste Heat Recovery Boiler,Stack, Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants etc. shall be formed during operationphase. These groups will ensure effective functioning of the system and the same willbe monitored during Operation Review Meetings held at project.The issues related to the compliance of environmental norms including problemsassociated with the mitigation measures identified will be included in the agenda forquarterly review meetings, wherein action plan for remedial measures will be drawnand monitored.Chapter 9.0 Environmental Management Plan

Chapter 10.0Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-1Chapter 10.0Summary and Conclusions1.0 IntroductionNTPC Limited is the largest thermal power generating company of India. It wasincorporated in the year 1975 as a Public Sector company to accelerate powerdevelopment in the country. NTPC’s core business is engineering, construction andoperation of power generating plants and also providing consultancy to power utilitiesin India and abroad. As on date the installed capacity of NTPC is 32694 MW throughits 15 coal based (25375 MW), 7 Gas Based (3955 MW) and 5 Joint Venture Projects(3364 MW).NTPC is operating <strong>Badarpur</strong> Thermal Power Station (BTPS) with a capacity of 705MW comprising of 3x95 MW units under Stage-I and 2x210 MW units under Stage-IIat <strong>Badarpur</strong>, New <strong>Delhi</strong>. It is proposed to augment the capacity of BTPS by additionof 1050 MW (nominal) gas based combined cycle power project under Stage-III,Phase-I within the existing premises. After commissioning of the gas based units inthis phase, the presently operating 95 MW units shall be de-commissioned and theimplementation of gas based units in the area occupied by 95 MW units shall be takenup as Phase-II of the BTPS expansion. The project is proposed to be commissionedduring early 12 th Plan.Salient features of proposed <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I are as follows:LocationIn the premises of <strong>Badarpur</strong> ThermalPower Station, near <strong>Badarpur</strong>Border on <strong>Delhi</strong>-Mathura RoadLatitude28 0 29’ 51.33”N to 28 0 30’ 41.41” NLongitude77 0 18’ 09.63”E 77 0 18’ 40.01” EElevation211 m AMSLNearest Railway station Tughlakabad Railway Station,1.2 km and New <strong>Delhi</strong> Railwaystation at a distance of about 16.8kmDistrictSouthState<strong>Delhi</strong>Nearest AirportIndira Gandhi International Airport,19.8 kmLand Requirement No additional Land is requiredWater RequirementFuel Requirement-Regassified LiquefiedNatural Gas(RLNG)/Natural Gas2038.32 m 3 /hr5.32 Million Standard Cubic MetrePer Day (MMSCMD)Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-22.0 InputLand RequirementThe Stage-III units shall be accommodated within the existing premises of <strong>Badarpur</strong>Thermal Power Station. Therefore, no additional land is proposed to be acquired for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW). The units under Main Plant of theStage-III shall be accommodated within the land acquired under BTPS, Stage-I andStage-II.Fuel-Source, Requirement and AvailabilityRegassified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG)/Natural Gas have been considered asprimary fuel for the project. The power plant will utilize natural gas as its primaryfuel. The average natural gas requirement for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I(1050 MW) shall be 5.32 MMSCMD. <strong>Delhi</strong> Govt. in January 2010 had also requestedMinistry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP & NG) for priority allocation ofdomestic gas for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>. In response, Secretary, MOP & NG vide letterdated 05.03.2010 informed that demand for natural gas for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> would beconsidered as and when the plant is ready.Source, Requirement and Availability of WaterThe water requirement for Stage-III of the project shall be 20 cusecs (2038.32 m 3 /hr).The water requirement for this stage of the project shall be drawn from 60 cusecsAgra canal which draws water from Yamuna river near Okhla Barrage. The totalconsumptive water requirement of the station including expansion modules shall bewithin the available water commitment of 70 cusecs.3.0 Project Description<strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) shall be aRLNG/Natural Gas fired power project with following configuration. The maincomponents of the proposed project include:♦ Gas Turbine and Auxiliary Units♦ HRSG Boilers♦ Steam Turbine♦ Closed Cycle Cooling System with Cooling Towers♦ Water & Effluent Treatment System♦ Fire Protection System♦ Air Conditioning & Ventilation System♦ Stacks♦ Electrical Systems: Generator Bus Duct, Transformers, Switchgears, Switch Yardetc.The power plant will incorporate a closed circuit cooling system with Induced <strong>Draft</strong>Cooling Towers (IDCT) using water abstracted from the Agra Canal that shall beadopted for auxiliaries of Gas turbine, HRSG and Steam turbine using pH correctedDM water, which in turn will be cooled by circulating water in plate type heatexchangers. The make-up to the primary side closed loop would be from DM makeupsystem. For the secondary side, cooling water would be tapped from the respectiveChapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-3CW inlet to condenser and hot water shall be let into the discharge duct after thecondenser.4.0 Environment Impact Assessment StudyIn order to identify the environmental impacts due to construction and operation of<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I, and its associated facilities and draw a suitableenvironmental management plan to mitigate adverse impacts, if any, EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Study has been undertaken. MoEF vide its letter dated 12.03.2010accorded the approval of TOR (Refer Annexure-1). NTPC Limited have retained M/sVogue Construction and Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., New <strong>Delhi</strong> to carry outEnvironmental Impact Assessment (<strong>EIA</strong>) Study for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I vide letter No. 01/CS-1540-717-9-CY-LOA-54683 dated 26 th March 2010. Thebaseline environmental data generation was initiated in the month of May 2010. The<strong>EIA</strong> Study covers baseline data generation, predictions and evaluation of impact onvarious environmental components and formulation of Environmental ManagementPlan and Disaster Management Plan.5.0 Baseline Environmental Scenario5.1 Land UseAs per the interpretation of Satellite imagery, the area under vegetation is 8.20%while settlement covers about 41.60% of the land area. 2.30% of the land is waterbody. It reflects that the area is predominantly urban and most of the land is occupiedby settlement. Agricultural is carried out in the eastern part of the study area in theflood plain area of Yamuna River.5.2 Demography and Socio-EconomicIt was observed that study area is predominantly urban in nature with a totalpopulation of about 23.98 lakh (with 96.3% urban population), as per census data of2001. The population of <strong>Delhi</strong> (91.6%) and Faridabad (7.9%) constitute majorpopulation of the study area. The percentages of male, female population and sex ratioas per the Census records of 2001 are are 55.53%, 44.47% and 1000 (Males): 800(females) respectively. The Schedule Caste (SC) population within the study area is17.32% of the total population while Schedule Tribe (ST) population is nil. The totalnumber of literates within the study area is 16.63 lakh, which is 69.3% of totalpopulation. The percentage of male and female literacy to the total literate populationis 60.6% and 39.4%, respectively. In the year 1991, the population of the study areawas 18.51 lakhs, which increased to 23.98 lakhs in the year 2001, showing an increaseof about 30% during the decade. The schedule caste population showed almostnegligible change from 1991 to 2001. There is no schedule tribe in the study area. Theliteracy rate of the study area has gone up by 3.77% during the last decade. The totalworkers in the study area, as per Census Data of 2001 are 8.25 lakhs (34.40%). Themarginal workers are those workers who are engaged in some work for a period lessthan six months during the reference year prior to the census survey. The marginalworkers of the study area are 0.5 lakh (2.06%). The non-workers include thoseengaged in unpaid household duties, students, retired persons, dependants, beggarsetc. The non-workers workers of the study area are 15.73 lakhs (65.59%).

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-4Total cultivators in study area are 0.24% of total population while agriculturallabourers are about 0.12 % of total population. The workers other than cultivators oragricultural labourers are 31.4% of the total population. The study area being part ofthe NCR, shows high level of infrastructure.5.3 HydrologyThe study area is mainly drained by Yamuna river at a distance of 3.6 km from<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> flowing from North-west to South-east direction. The Active FloodPlain Aquifer System occupies an area of 97 and stretches about 35 Km alongriver Yamuna. The Agra Canal lies at a distance of 1km in East direction from the<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>.Yamuna River BasinThe river Yamuna, a major tributary of river Ganges, originates from the Yamunotriglacier near south western slopes of Banderpoonch peaks in the Mussourie range ofthe lower Himalayas at an elevation of about 6387 meters above mean sea level indistrict Uttarkashi (Uttranchal). It travels a total length of 1,376 kilometers(855 miles) and has a drainage system of 366,223 km 2 , 40.2% of the entire GangesBasin, before merging with the Ganges at Triveni Sangam, Allahabad. In its first 170km stretch, the tributaries Rishi Ganga Kunta, Hanuman Ganga, Tons and Giri jointhe main river.Distinguished Independent Segments of River YamunaSegment River Stretch Distance (Km)Himalayan Segment From origin to Tajewala Barrage 172Upper Segment Tajewala Barrage to Wazirabad Barrage 224<strong>Delhi</strong> Segment Wazirabad Barrage to Okhla Barrage 22Eutriphicated Segment Okhla Barrage to Chambal Confluence 490Diluted Segment Chambal Confluence to Ganga Confluence 468The catchment of Yamuna river system covers parts of Uttar Pradesh, Uttranchal,Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & <strong>Delhi</strong> states. Thecatchment area of Yamuna river basin is given below:Course of Yamuna, in the Indo-Gangetic PlainStateCatchment area (km 2 ) % of catchment areaUttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand 74,208 33.8Himachal Pradesh 5,799 2.6Haryana 21,265 9.7Rajasthan 102,883 46.8Madhya Pradesh 14,023 6.4<strong>Delhi</strong> 1,485 0.7Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-5River Yamuna enters <strong>Delhi</strong> from Palla Village. The salient features of Yamuna riverin <strong>Delhi</strong> stretch are given below:LengthWidthFlood Plain AreaPolluted stretch within CityNumber of Drains falling intoYamuna48 km1.5 km to 3.0 km97 Sq Km22 Km (from Wazirabad to Okhla)22 (18 major drains fall directly intoriver and 4 through Agra and Gurgaoncanal)5.4 Water QualityYamuna river is the major surface water body in the study area. It is flowing at adistance of 3.6 km from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> flowing from North-west to South-eastdirection. The Agra Canal lies at a distance of 1km in East direction from the<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>.The surface water quality was monitored at three locations, one in Okhla Barrage-atthe emergence point of Agra Canal, one location in Agra Canal at the upstream ofintake point and one location in downstream of discharge point in Agra Canal.Ground water quality was monitored at two locations.pH of water of Okhla Barrage varied between 7.5 to 8.1 while that of Upstream ofIntake Point and Downstream of discharge point in Agra Canal varied between 7.32to 8.2 which is within the acceptable range of 6.5-8.5. The TDS content varied 236mg/l to 410 mg/l in all the water samples which is well within permissible limit of1500 mg/l. Total suspended solids ranged from 13.1-36 mg/l. Dissolved oxygen levelsvaried between 3.2 to 5.3 mg/l. BOD levels ranged between 17.6 to 30.6 mg/l. Nitrateand phosphate content were marginal. Iron content ranged between 0.08 to 0.22 mg/l.Total coliform counts varied in the range of 5700-10450 MPN/100 ml. Oil & Greaseand phenolic compounds contents were below detection limit. The degree of hardnessvaried from 179 to 198 mg/l, which is within permissible limit of 300 mg/l.The results of physico-chemical analysis of water samples of Okhla Barrage andupstream of intake point and in downstream of discharge point of Agra Canalindicates marginal variation in water quality. The water in Okhla Barrage and AgraCanal shows organic pollution reflecting high BOD and low DO content.The range of values observed for various physico-chemical and microbiologicalparameters for ground water at two sampling locations are presented in Table 3.7.4.pH varied from 7.1 to 9.2. TDS content varied between 397 to 510 mg/l. Degree ofhardness ranged from 114 to 248 mg/l. Calcium varied between 21.5 to 59.3 mg/lwhich is below the permissible limit of 100 mg/l. BOD varied from 1.0 to 1.8 mg/land COD varied from 2.0 to 8.0 mg/l. The chloride level (28 to 390 mg/l) wasobserved to be higher. The sulphate level varied between 157 to 198 mg/l. TheChapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-7Sampling Location PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx Ozone(O 3 )TUGHLAKABAD Minimum 36 58 8.2 12.4 15.0RAILWAY COLONY Maximum 65 327 14.7 34.9 26.0(AAQ3)Average 47.7 127.5 10.4 16.5 20.798 %tile 61.9 324.8 13.5 26.2 25.8LAKADPUR (AAQ4) Minimum 36 60 8.4 12.5 10.0Maximum 65 324 14.5 34.7 27.0Average 47.3 127.6 10.6 16.7 19.098 %tile 61.9 323.4 13.3 25.9 26.9Overall Area(May, 2010-Nov., 2010)PM 2.5 PM 10 SO 2 NOx Ozone(O 3 )Minimum 35 56 8.1 11.5 9.0Maximum 65 327 14.7 34.9 29.0Average 47.1 128.2 10.3 16.3 18.798 %tile 62.2 316.8 13.0 25.3 26.35.7 EcologyThe floristic and faunal description of the study area is based on field survey andfrom Forest Department of Govt. of NCT of <strong>Delhi</strong>. <strong>Delhi</strong> has 111 sq. km of forestcover and 40 sq. km. of tree cover against the geographical area of 1483 sq. km,representing only 10.2% of total land area of the city. The green cover is notuniformly distributed in <strong>Delhi</strong> as some parts have considerable greenery than theothers. The New <strong>Delhi</strong> and South Districts are much greener compared to otherDistricts.The flora of <strong>Delhi</strong> comprises nearly 1,000 species of flowering plants belonging tosome 120 families. Sixty per cent of the species are either indigenous or naturalizedand the remaining introduced. More than 50 percent of the indigenous flora representsthe tropical species. Nearly eight percent is from tropical Africa less than 50 percentfrom the New World, and two per cent from the temperate region.As a consequence of urbanization, much of the naturally existing vegetation has beencleared over the years. The city level forests, the Ridge, the protected and reservedforests have surviving pockets of natural vegetation in <strong>Delhi</strong>. The other open spacesare an admixture of indigenous and exotic species project.Vegetation of <strong>Delhi</strong> is typical Northern Tropical Thorn Forest Type (Champion &Seth 1968). Among trees, species of Acacia such as A. nilotica, A. leucophloea, A.catechu, A. modesta, Butea monosperma (Dhak), Cassia fistula (Amaltas), Salvadorapersica. Good patches of Anogeissus latifolia and abundance of Prosopis juliflora areobserved.Among the city’s residential area, the ones in the area are amply dotted withtrees andshrubs. The area is covered by roadside plantations, private and public gardens aswell as plantations done by the institutions and housing colonies.Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-95.9 Noise(A) Study Area-Outside the PlantThe ambient noise level was measured at ten locations in the study area and inside theplant in the post-monsoon season. The overall Leq value varied between 50.7 dB(A)to 60.9 dB(A) in all locations. Day time and night time Leq value varied between 47.4dB(A) to 58.2 dB(A) and 45.2dB(A) to 51.3 dB(A) respectively. The highest Leqvalue 60.9 dB(A) was recorded at Railway Colony due to vicinity of the train trafficand the lowest Leq value 50.7 dB(A) was recorded at Madanpur Khadar. The highestL day 58.2 dB(A) was recorded at Railway Colony and lowest value of L day 47.4 dB(A)at Madanpur Khadar. The highest value of L night 51.3 dB(A) was also recorded atRailway Colony and lowest 45.2 dB(A) at Jaitpur village. It is noted that the noiselevels were within the permissible limit of the National Ambient Air QualityStandards with respect to noise both during day time and night time at most of thelocations.(B) Inside the PlantThe Leq value varied between 70.3 dB (A) to 87.6 dB (A) at all the locations. HighestLeq was observed in Turbine Hall. The noise levels were within the permissible limitwith respect to Damage Risk Criteria for Hearing Loss Occupational Safety andHealth Administration (OSHA).6.0 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures6.1 Land UseAs no additional land is proposed to be acquired for plant there will be no directimpact on existing land use pattern due to the project.The land for the proposed site is flat. The site selected has some old redundant naturaldraft cooling towers and old residential quarters, which will be removed. There is noforestland in the vicinity of the proposed site. Since there is no possibility ofdestruction of agriculture fields, villages, reserved forests, sanctuaries etc, hence theimpacts due to proposed project will be negligible.6.2 Water EnvironmentThe water requirement for Stage-III of the project shall be 20 cusecs (2038.32 m 3 /hr).The water requirement for this stage of the project shall be drawn from 60 cusecsAgra canal which draws water from Yamuna River near Okhla Barrage. The totalconsumptive water requirement of the station including expansion modules shall bewithin the available water commitment of 70 cusecs.Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has already given in-principle commitment for makingavailable 70 cusecs of water for BTPS, Stage-I and Stage-II. The CW system shall beoperated at 4 cycles of concentration (COC).The oily wastes from fuel oil handling area and main plant area shall be treated usingoil water separator and the treated water shall be led to the tube settler provided forservice wastewater for further treatment and reuse in service water system.Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-10The clarified water shall be used as make-up for the re-circulating type CW system. ACW pump house comprising of six (6) no. of CW pumps each of 13000 m 3 /hr shall beprovided. The clarified water shall be supplied from the Water Pre-Treatment plant tothe cold channel of CW system which will enter the CW pump house through trashracks at low velocity to filter out debris.The sewage from plant and township shall be led to sewage treatment plant. It isprovided with appropriate biological treatment system to control Bio-chemicalOxygen Demand (BOD) and suspended solids. The treated effluent conforming toprescribed standards shall be either utilized for plantation purposes or discharged inAgra Canal through natural water course.6.3 Demography and Socio-EconomicDuring the construction period, there will be a huge requirement of workers thusproviding opportunities for employment. The proposed project will provideemployment to local residents. Besides this, local building material industries willsupply cement, sand, stone and other materials. The construction of project willincrease the movement of workers and people in the area, providing a greaterexchange of technology and business opportunities. Generation of additionaleconomic activity is expected to create employment opportunities for the localpopulation during operation phase.6.4 Ambient Air QualityThe maximum predicted incremental ground level concentrations (glc’s) for NOx dueto operation of the project is 18.23 µg/m 3 respectively and this is predicted to occur inthe East at distance of about 0.9 Km. The maximum resultant glc’s for NO x afterimplementation of the project (53.13 µg/m 3 respectively) is estimated to be within theNAAQS.NOx emission from the units shall be controlled by employing Dry Low NOx (DLN)combustion technology while firing RLNG/ Natural gas and steam/water injectionwhile firing liquid fuel. The NOx emissions shall be controlled within the applicableemission standards, stipulated vide EPA Notification, GSR 7 dated 22.12.1998.Mitigation measures for control of air pollution from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-Iinclude the following:• Combustion <strong>Control</strong> for NOx• Three nos of Stacks each of 70.0 m height for wider dispersion of the pollutants• Green belt around project and afforestation within the project.• Water sprinkling during the construction to control fugitive emission6.5 SoilNatural gas, a clean fuel, is used for proposed <strong>CCPP</strong>. During operation of theproposed <strong>CCPP</strong>, the soils within the deposition zone of pollutants may undergophysico-chemical changes due to washout of gases (NOx) during the rains. Theimpacts on soil due to gaseous emissions (NOx) from operation of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>,Stage-III are likely to be negligible.Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-116.6 NoiseThe project is expected to have large scale construction activities, mostly mechanized,related to creation of large scale surface water reservoirs (raw water storage, treatedeffluent storage, Central Monitoring basin etc.), foundations, RCC structures, roadconstruction etc.The noise generation during such large-scale construction activities would beconsiderable. The impacts during construction phase are temporary and would bemarginal on the surrounding communities/villages.During normal operation phase, there are two types of noise generation sources:Stationary sources: Gas Turbine & Steam Turbine Generators, Air Intake and ExhaustGas plenum, Boiler feed pumps, other rotating equipment like, major and largepumps, air compressor, D.G. sets, ventilation fans, exhaust from steam line safetyvalves etc.Mobile sources vehicular traffic for staff mobilization, material transport, liquid fueltransport to project site etc.SourcesTypical Noise SourcesGas Turbine (GT) 85Steam Turbine (ST) 85Boiler Feed Pump (BFP) 85Heat Recovery Steam Generator(HRSG) 85DG sets (used for emergencypower supply)Effective Noise Level dB(A)with enclosure at 1 m distance75 (without enclosure)In a gas based power plant, moderate noise will be generated from gas turbines, steamturbines, cooling towers, transformers, compressors, pumps etc. The noise emissionstandards, for these units are prescribed in the comprehensive Industry Document andNational Environmental Standards for Gas based Thermal Power Plants published byCentral <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Board (CPCB), September 1996. The prescribed limits areas follows:90 dB(A) at 1 m from the turbine 60 dB(A) at 120 m from the turbineHowever, enclosures of GT & ST shall be designed for noise attenuation to reducenoise level to 85 dB(A) at 1 meter distance. The ambient noise level at 120 metersfrom any part of the plant (far field) inclusive of GT/HRSG/ST module shall notexceed 60 dB (A).The impact assessment due to above-mentioned noise sources has been performedusing DHAWANI noise model. The result of the modeling indicates that themaximum incremental noise at a distance of 1 m is 85 dB(A) due to aforesaidsources. However, the incremental noise level is reduced to 58 dB(A) at a distance ofabout 120 m from the source location. Thus, it can be concluded that the resultantnoise level is well within the prescribed limit (8 hourly exposure) of 85 dB(A) asprescribed by CPCB.Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-12Adequate protective measures in the form of ear muffs/ear plugs to the workersworking in high noise areas need to be provided. In addition reduction in noise levelsin the high noise machinery areas shall be achieved by adoption of suitable preventivemeasures such as use of enclosures with suitable absorption material, etc. Further, inaddition to the in-plant noise control measures, all the open areas within the plantpremises and all along the plant boundary will be provided with adequate green belt todiffuse the noise.6.7 Ecological EnvironmentTerrestrial EcologyOxides of Nitrogen is the major air pollutant of a gas based power plant. The impacton the terrestrial ecosystem due to operation of a <strong>CCPP</strong> may occur from depositionand absorption of air pollutant on flora and soil surfaces.However, the impact of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I is envisaged to benegligible, as incremental ground level concentration of NOx due to emissions from<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I is predicted to be 18.23 µg/m 3 only. This is wellwithin the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Since most of the tree speciesoccurring in the area are deciduous, they have high Air <strong>Pollution</strong> Tolerance Index(APTI), and therefore impact of NOx will not be significant.Aquatic EcologyA recirculating condenser cooling water system with induced draft cooling towers hasbeen proposed for the plant. The water circulation system will draw water from theAgra Canal, fish may tend to get entrapped and impinged in the intake system.Smaller organisms as phytoplanktons, zooplanktons are entrainable in the coolingsystem. The entrained organisms would be subjected to a combination of physicochemicaland mechanical stresses, leading to their destruction.The quantity of treated effluents from <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III (industrial effluents:450 m 3 /hr), conforming to regulatory standards shall be discharged into natural drainsleading to Agra Canal in the down stream. However, as the quantity is negligiblysmall as compared to flow of Agra Canal in the lean season and the effluents shall befully treated, the water quality of the Agra Canal is not likely to change significantly.Therefore, no tangible impact on the aquatic eco-system of Agra Canal is expected.7.0 Green Belt Development PlanThe green belt will be provided around the proposed facilities to cover all the vacantareas. Vacant areas within the facilities will be covered with lawns and gardens.Although availability of land within the premises is limited, extreme care shall betaken to utilize all the available areas for afforestation. The utility of the green beltpredominantly lies in its capacity to attenuate the effect of gases due to fugitiveemissions and spillage.BTPS is already carrying out plantation activities in the plant, township area and onash dyke. The details of afforestation and plantation activities in BTPS are givenbelow:Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-13Afforestation/Plantation carried out during year 2009-2010 and planned for2010-11ActivityTarget of2009-10Actual During2009-10CumulativetillSurvivedtillPlan for2010-1131.03.2010 31.03.2010Plantation 10000 Total :10300 2,19,131 1,97,666 10000Bio-fuel Plantation ----- 5000 30000 at 25080on Ash Dyke:Jatropha spp.Ash DykePlantation on Ash ----- 5000 95000 81000Dyke: OthersPlantation in Plant& Township Area:Total expenditureon New Plantation/ HorticultureactivitiesExpenditure onmaintenanceactivities------ Ficus benjamine:200Popular spp.:1003,00,000 3,27,0006,00,00 5,58,600 for threeyearstrees/shrubs94131 915868.0 Environmental Monitoring ProgrammeAn environmental monitoring programme is already under implementation at BTPS,for the units of Stage-I and Stage-II and the data is submitted to DPCC regularly. Theexisting monitoring plan shall be strengthened to include the new units aftercommissioning of <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I.9.0 Risk Assessment and Disaster Management PlanRisk assessment study has been carried out taking into account the maximuminventory of storage of hazardous materials at site at any point of time. It includes thefire explosion due to storage and use of fuel. Based on the risk contours, safeguardmeasures has been proposed and details are incorporated in Chapter-6.0The <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong> includes a Disaster Management Plan covering elements ofemergency planning like organization, communication, coordination, procedure,accident reporting, safety review checklist, on-site emergency plan and off-siteemergency plan. A Disaster Management Plan (DMP) for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> has beenprepared specifying responsibilities at various levels to be discharged in case of anemergency.Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 10-1410.0 Project BenefitsCommissioning of <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Power Project, Stage-III, Phase-I(1050 MW) will improve the power supply position in NCR which is vital foreconomic growth as well as improving the quality of life. The improved powersupply will reduce the dependence of general public and commercial establishmentson DG Sets thereby reducing the noise pollution as well as air pollution at locallevels.In addition, construction and operation of the project would benefit local peoplewith respect to the following:♦ Increase in employment opportunity in skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilledcategories.♦ Increase in employment/ self employment avenues in service sector.11.0 Environmental Management PlanEnvironmental Management Plan (EMP) has been formulated considering theadequacy of various pollution control measures envisaged for the project (presentedin Chapter 2.0) in order to mitigate various environmental impacts identified andassessed in Chapter 4.0. EMP has been prepared separately for construction andoperation phases. It describes administrative aspects of ensuring that mitigatorymeasures are implemented and their effectiveness is monitored. A cost provision of169.50 Crores has been made for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I, forenvironmental protection measures.Chapter 10.0 Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 11.0Disclosure of the Consultant

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 11-1Chapter 11.0Disclosure of the ConsultantFor the <strong>EIA</strong> Study for <strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW), M/s VogueConstruction and Consultancy Services Pvt. Limited, New <strong>Delhi</strong> has been engaged asConsultants. A brief resume of the consultants is as follows:Name of the Firm:Status:Address:Vogue Construction & Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.,New <strong>Delhi</strong>Private Limited company, registered at New <strong>Delhi</strong> inthe year 1986 under the Indian Company Act (1956)601-Hemkunt House,6-Rajendra Place, New <strong>Delhi</strong> – 110 008Telephone Nos.: 011-41539290/41539291/25861462Fax: 011-25751601E-mail Id:spjainvcc@rediffmail.comIn-charge ofEnv. Division:Nature of ConsultancyServices Rendered:Prof. V. K. Verma, DirectorField Monitoring, Secondary Data Collection, ImpactAssessment and Preparation of <strong>EIA</strong> DocumentsTotal Period of 16 months from 26 th March 2010Consultancy Assignment:Brief Profile of the ConsultantVogue Construction and Consultancy (VCC) Services Pvt. Ltd., is a private limitedcompany, registered at New <strong>Delhi</strong> in 1986 under the Indian Company Act (1956) andis also registered as approved consultants with The World Bank Group, whichincludes IBRD, IFC, IDA and MIGA (DACON Registration Number 97) and AsianDevelopment Bank. Besides, VCC is also empanelled with NTPC Limited forcarrying out Environmental Impact Assessment Studies and other environmentalconsultancy work, all the Zonal Railways, National Highway Authority of India,Ministry of Surface Transport and various State <strong>Pollution</strong> <strong>Control</strong> Boards in India andother Government/Public sector organizations.VCC is a professionally managed firm of consultants administered by a Board ofDirectors consisting of eminent professionals, engineers, scientists, technocrats,administrators with vast experience in their respective fields. Recently, Professor V.K.Verma, Director (Environment Division) has been conferred with the distinct honourof the “Outstanding Professional Award” by the Governing Board of Editors of theAmerican Biographical Institute for his exceptional deeds and dedication to goals.VCC is in the filed of environmental studies since 1991, when it took first <strong>EIA</strong>/EMPstudies for the new BG Railway line between Migrendisa to Ditokeherra for NFChapter 11.0 Disclosure of Consultants

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: 11-2Railway. Since 1991, VCC has independently completed a number of <strong>EIA</strong>/EMPstudies in different parts of the country from coastal to plain, difficult hilly terrain ofJharkhand/ Orissa to Thar Desert of Rajasthan.Key Personnel/Experts Associated with the StudySl. In houseField of ExpertiseNo.1. Prof. V.K.Verma Director- Environment Division, Geologist.Eminent Scientist of International repute.2. Dr. Rajeev Kumar Director, Expert of Ecology, has undertakenmore than 30 <strong>EIA</strong> Studies3. Prof. P.N. Pathak Expertise in Hydrological Study,4. Dr.J.K.Moitra Mathematical Modelling for Air and Noise. Occupational Safety and DisasterManagement Plan. Risk Assessment and Disaster ManagementPlan.5. Dr. A.P.Singh Land use pattern with remote sensing andinterpretation of satellite imageries.6. V K Singh Coordination with various project site,preparation of report and liaison with MoEF andSPCB, Prepared more than 45 <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s anddefended before Expert Appraisal Committee ofMoEF.7. Nishtha Gupta <strong>Report</strong> writing, compilation of data, expertise inecology and land use classification based onsatellite imagery.8. Manoj Kr. Sharma Demographic Survey ,Socio-Economic Studiesand land use9. Hariom Tyagi Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology10. V.D.Tyagi Soil Sampling and Analysis11. Vipin Kr Pandey Baseline data collection12. Manoj Kumar Jha Sr. Computer OperatorChapter 11.0 Disclosure of Consultants


<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-1Annexure-1Terms of ReferenceAnnexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-2Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-3Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-4Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-5Annexure-2Compliance to TORSl.No. Stipulations Compliance to TOR(i) Status of compliance of environmental Shall be submitted.conditions for the existing units (asapplicable) shall be submitted.(ii) Conformity of the site with the prescribedguidelines in terms of distance of 500 mfrom HFL of the river, highways, railwayline shall be shown on the study area map.(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)The coordinates of the proposed siteincluding location of the ash pond shall besubmitted along with toposheet.Detailed hydrogeological study shall beconducted from an institute/organizationof repute to assess impact on ground andsurface water regime. Specific mitigationmeasures shall be spelt out and actionplan for implementation of the same shallbe provided.Action plan for identification of localemployable youth for training in skillsrelevant to the project for eventualemployment in the project itself shall beformulated.Layout indicating break-up of plant, greenbelt, infrastructure, roads etc. shall beprovided.Land use based on satellite imagery orauthenticated map indicating drainage,cropping pattern, waterbodies (rivers,nallahs, ponds, etc.), location of nearestvillages, creeks, rivers, reservoirs,national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, tigerreserves, biosphere reserves, heritage sitesetc. in the study area shall be provided.Location of any National Park, Sanctuary,Elephant / Tiger Reserve (existing as wellas proposed), migratory birds, if any,within 10 km of the project site shall bespecified and marked on the map dulyauthenticated by the ChiefWarden.WildlifeHas been shown in Exhibit 1.2.1 and Exhibit1.2.1 (A) in Chapter 1.0 in the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Has been shown in Exhibit 1.2.1 (A) inChapter 1.0 in the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.The study is in progress. It shall beincorporated in the <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.It shall be incorporated in the <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.The layout of the plant is given in Section 2.6and shown in Exhibit 2.6.1 of Chapter 2.0 ofthe <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Please refer Section 3.1.1, Chapter 3.0 of the<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-6Sl.No. Stipulations Compliance to TOR(viii) Study on land use pattern in the study areashall be carried out, includingidentification of common propertyresources available for conversion intoproductive land and action plan forabatement and compensation for damageto agricultural land/common property land(if any) in the nearby villages, due toproposed project shall be prepared.(ix)(x)(xi)(xii)Detailed socio-economic study shall becarried out for the study area comprisingof 10 km from the plant site.CSR component shall be prepared basedon need based assessment study to becarried out in the study area. Incomegenerating measures which can help inupliftment of poor section of societywhich is consistent with the traditionalskills of the people shall be identified. Theprogramme can include activities such asdevelopment of fodder farm fruit bearingorchards, vocational training etc. Inaddition, vocational training forindividuals shall be imparted so that poorsection of society can take up selfemployment and jobs. Separate budget forcommunity development activities andincome generating activities shall bespecified. Financial allocation to be takenup under CSR activities and 1/5 th of thisone time investment as recurring cost perannum till the operation of the plant.Possibility for adopting nearest threevillages shall be explored and details ofcivic amenities such as roads, drinkingwater, power etc. Proposed to be providedat the company’s expenses shall besubmitted.Detailed study on the impact on riverecology due to proposed discharge oftreated wastewater into the river shall becarried out and submitted along with the<strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.The Stage-III units shall be accommodatedwithin the existing premises of <strong>Badarpur</strong>Thermal Power Station. Therefore, noadditional land is proposed to be acquired for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW). Hence, there shall not be any damageto the agricultural land/common propertyland in the nearby villages.Please refer Section 3.2 of Chapter 3.0 of the<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.The study is in progress. The findings of thestudy shall be incorporated in the <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Shall be covered in CSR activities which willbe incorporated in the <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.The treated effluent conforming to prescribedstandards shall be either utilized forplantation purposes or discharged in AgraCanal through natural water course. Pleaserefer Section 4.3.3 of Chapter 4.0 of the <strong>Draft</strong><strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-7Sl.No. Stipulations Compliance to TOR(xiii) Land requirement for the project shall beoptimized. Item wise break up of landrequirement and its availability to befurnished. It should also include land to beacquired, if any, for coal transportationsystem as well as for lying of pipelineincluding ROW. It may clearly beconfirmed that the land including ROW isfree from all encumbrances. The issuesrelating to land acquisition and R & Rshould be clearly discussed in the <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.(xiv)(xv)(xvi)(xvii)Location of intake and outfall points (withcoordinates) should be given. Theselocations should be selected based ondetailed modeling studies. Details ofmodeling and results obtained from thereshould be furnished.Topography of the area should be givenclearly indicating whether the site requiresany filling. If so, details of filling,quantity of fill material required, itssource, transportation etc. should begiven.One season site-specific meteorologicaldata shall be provided.One complete season AAQ data (exceptmonsoon) to be given along with the datesof monitoring. The parameters to becovered shall include RSPM (PM 10 ,PM 2.5 ), SO 2 , NOx and Ozone (groundlevel). The location of the monitoringstations should be so decided so as to takeinto consideration the predominantdownwind direction, population zone andsensitive receptors including reservedforests. There should be at least onemonitoring station in the upwind and inthe pre-dominant downwind direction at alocation where maximum ground levelconcentration is likely to occur.The Stage-III units shall be accommodatedwithin the existing premises of <strong>Badarpur</strong>Thermal Power Station. Therefore, noadditional land is proposed to be acquired for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW).Please refer Section 1.2 and Section 2.1.2 ofthe <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Different formation levels are proposed toeconomise cutting and filling within the plantarea and considering discharge of drainage tothe nearest natural drainage system bygravity. This shall require part of the earth tobe borrowed from the nearby availablesources. Kindly refer Exhibit 2.6.1 of the<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Complied.Complied.Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-8Sl.No. Stipulations Compliance to TOR(xviii) Detailed plan for raising Green Beltof 100 m width and consisting ofatleast 3 tiers around plant boundarywith tree density not less than 2500trees per acre shall be submitted.(xix)(xx)(xxi)(xxii)(xxiii)(xxiv)Impact of the project on AAQ of thearea. Details of the model used andthe input data used for modelingshould also be provided. The airquality contours may be plotted on alocation map showing the location ofthe project site, habitation, nearbysensitive receptors, if any. The windroses should also be shown on thismap.Fuel analysis to be provided. Detailsof auxiliary fuel, if any, including itsquantity, quality, storage etc. shouldalso be given.Quantity of fuel required, its sourceand transportation. A confirmed fuellinkage should be provided.Source of water and its availability.Commitment regarding availability ofrequisite quantity of water from thecompetent authority.Details of rainwater harvesting andhow it will be used in the plant.Feasibility of zero discharge shall beexamined and detailed justificationshall be submitted in case the same isnot feasible. Proposed discharge (ifany), its quantity, quality and point ofdischarge, users downstream etc.should be provided.Kindly refer Section 9.7.2 of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Kindly refer Section 4.5 of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Kindly refer Section 2.1.3 of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Regassified Liquefied Natural Gas(RLNG)/Natural Gas have been consideredas primary fuel for the project.The average natural gas requirement for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong>, Stage-III, Phase-I (1050MW) shall be 5.32 MMSCMD. <strong>Delhi</strong>Govt. in January 2010 had also requestedMinistry of Petroleum and Natural Gas forpriority allocation of domestic gas for<strong>Badarpur</strong> project. In response, Secretary,MOP & NG vide letter dated 05.03.2010informed that demand for natural gas for<strong>Badarpur</strong> <strong>CCPP</strong> would be considered asand when the plant is ready.The water requirement for Stage-III of theproject shall be 20 cusecs (2038.32 m 3 /hr).The water requirement for this stage of theproject shall be drawn from 60 cusecs Agracanal which draws water from Yamunariver near Okhla Barrage.Details of rainwater harvesting and it useare given in Section 9.5.2 of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.The feasibility of zero discharge has beenexamined. The quantity of waterrequirement has been minimized to theextent feasible by recycle and reuse ofliquid effluents. Please refer Section 2.1.2,of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Annexure

<strong>Draft</strong> Environmental Impact Assessment Doc. No.: 1530/999/GEG/S/001<strong>Report</strong> for <strong>Badarpur</strong> Combined Cycle Rev. No.: 0Power Project,Rev. Date: 14.12.2010Stage-III, Phase-I (1050 MW) Page No.: A-9Sl.No. Stipulations Compliance to TOR(xxv) Optimization of COC for waterconservation. Other waterconservation measures proposed in theproject should also be given. Quantityof water requirement for the projectshould be optimized.(xxvi)Details of water balance having intoaccount reuse and re-recirculation ofeffluents.(xxvii) Details regarding infrastructurefacilities such as sanitation, fuel,restroom, medical facilities, safetyduring construction phase etc. to beprovided to the labour force duringconstruction as well as to the casualworkers including truck drivers duringoperation phase(xxviii) Impact of the project on localinfrastructure of the area such as roadnetwork and whether any additionalinfrastructure would need to beconstructed and the agencyresponsible for the same with timeframe.(xxix)(xxx)EMP to mitigate the adverse impactsdue to the project along with item wisecost of its implementation.Risk assessment including fire andexplosion issues due to storage anduse of fuel should be carried out. Itshould take into account the maximuminventory of storage at site at anypoint in time. The risk contours shouldbe plotted on the plant layout mapclearly showing which of the proposedactivities would be affected in case ofan accident taking place. Based on thesame, proposed safeguard measuresshould be provided. Measures toguard against fire hazards should alsobe provided.(xxxi) Details of litigation pending orotherwise with respect to project inany courts, tribunal etc. shall beprovided.A COC of 4 has been envisaged inFeasibility <strong>Report</strong>. For details, pleaserefer Section 2.7.1, Chapter 2.0 of the<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Please refer Section 2.1.2, Chapter 2.0of <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Kindly refer Section 9.5.1 and Section9.6.1 of the <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Please refer Section 4.9, Chapter 4.0 of<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Please refer Chapter 9.0 of <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong><strong>Report</strong>.Please refer Section 6.3, Chapter 6.0 of<strong>Draft</strong> <strong>EIA</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Not Applicable.Annexure

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