SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf


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Option Entry DescriptionPRINT CLERK NAME Y or N Select N if you wish to delete the printing of the clerkname on the receipt.HOME CURRENCY SYM $ Users outside of the USA can designate a differentcurrency symbol. To select a different symbol, pressthe symbol you wish to use on the Alpha Keyboardoverlay. When this field is selected, press 00 to displaya list of optional symbols.PRINT Z COUNTER Y or N Select N if you wish to delete the printing of the resetcounter on Z reports.PRINT RECEIPT WHENSIGN ON/OFFPRINT GRAND TOTALON X REPORTON Z REPORTPRINT GROSS TOTALON X REPORTON Z REPORTPRINT SUBTOTAL W/OTAXTAX AMOUNT ISY:COMBINE N:ITEMIZEY or NY or NY or NY or NY or NSelect N if you do not wish to print a receipt whensigning on or off a clerk.Select N if you wish to delete the printing of the grandtotal on the financial report reading (X report) orfinancial report resetting (Z report).Select N if you wish to delete the printing of the grosssales total on the financial report reading (X report) orfinancial report resetting (Z report).If you hand-write credit card slips, you may find ituseful to print the merchandise subtotal. Select Y ifyou wish to print the subtotal without tax on thereceipt.Select Y if you are calculating and reporting more thatone sales tax rate separately and you wish to print justthe total of multiple taxes rather than itemize each taxon the receipt.PRINT TAX AMOUNT Y or N Select Y if you wish to delete the printing of the taxamount on the receipt.PRINT TAXABLE TOTAL Y or N Select Y if you wish to print the total of merchandiseeligible for each tax on the receipt.PRINT TAX % RATE Y or N If you are calculating a tax percentage (add-on orVAT), select Y if you wish to print the tax rate on eachreceipt.VAT BREAKDOWN Y or N If Y, a breakdown of the VAT eligible sale will print,the net amount and the VAT amount.INCLUDE VAT TAXIN TAX AMTPRINT TRAIN MODETITLE IN TRAIN MODEY or NY or NChoose Y to print the VAT tax amount on the receipt,and include the VAT tax amount with other taxes, ifapplicable.When in training mode, the message "TRAIN MODE"normally prints on each receipt. Select N if you wishto delete this message.<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>300</strong> Operator's & Programming <strong>Manual</strong> v1.2 Program Mode Programming • 175

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