SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf


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Option Entry DescriptionDIRECT MULT MORETHAN ONE DIGITTENDER VALIDATIONY:AMT TENDEREDN:AMT OF SALEY or NY or NIf you allow direct multiplication of a preset PLU, youcan allow only single digit multiplication ormultiplication by more than one digit.Validation is allowed if an appropriate optional printeris connected to an RS-232C port. Here you can choosethe content of single line validationEUROPEAN ROUNDING Y or N Select Y to implement the rounding system that youenter on this page. For example, enter a range such as“.00 - .05” and then select the rounding value for therange.DISABLE NOT FOUNDPLUEMBEDED PRICE BARCODE TYPE 1/3/7CLERK INTERRUPTY or N Select N to allow the operator to enter PLU prices andother data when the entered PLU number is not foundin the PLU file.1, 3, or 7 Enables price embedded bar codes:1 = Type 1 embedded bar codes with a price checksum.3 = Type 3 embedded bar codes without a check sum.7 = Choose 7 if you are embedding a weight, ratherthan a price. Use weight when different items are soldin bulk, such as nut/bolts in a hardware store. When aweight embedded bar code is scanned the weight isdisplayed and must be extended by a price at the cashregister.Y or NPRG DESC BY CODE Y or N When N, program descriptors by pressing theappropriate key on the program overlay. When Y,program descriptors by typing the code for eachdescriptor character.AUTO CUTTER Y or N NOT USED.USE SPOOL Y or N Choose Y if the paper take-up spool is being used(single printer models only.)MCR CLERK SIGN ON Y or N Choose Y to activate the optional card reader for clerkoperations.USE TRACK 1&2USE TRACK 3&4RESERVED0 or 1 Select the tracks read by the card reader: 1 and 2 or 3and 4.STORE NAME 8 characters Stored files will be saved on SD/USB under a folderwith the store name. The default store name is“STORE_A”.MIX & MATCH ISTAXABLEY or NIf Y, mix and match discounts are taxable, resulting intax being applied to the net sale amount, rather than thegross amount.168 • Program Mode Programming <strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>300</strong> Operator's & Programming <strong>Manual</strong> v1.2

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