SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf


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Option Entry DescriptionCLERK IS Y:POP-UPN:STAY-DOWNDRAWER NEEDS TO BESHUT TO OPERATEACTIVATE OPENDRAWER ALARMSECONDS TO ALLOWDRAWER OPENY or N Select Y for pop-up clerks, select N for stay downclerks. With pop-up clerks, you must sign on for eachtransaction. With stay down clerks, the same clerkremains signed on until sign off.Y or N Select Y to enforce closed drawer for registeroperations.Y or N Select Y if you want the error tone to automaticallysound when the drawer stays open longer than the timeset in the following field.1-99 If you enable the open drawer alarm above, you can setthe length of time (1-99 seconds) before the alarmsounds.ALLOW POST TENDER Y or N Select Y to allow re-tendering should a second changecalculation be necessary. Re-enter the tendered amountand press the CASH key to show the new changecomputation.OPEN DRAWER ONPOST TENDERALLOW MULPTIPLERECEIPTCASH DECLARATIONREQ BEFORE REPORTSMGR CONTROL TOTEND.NEGATIVE BALANCEZERO BALANCERESET TRANSACTION #ON Z REPORTRESET GRAND TOTALAFTER Z REPORTOPEN DRAWER WHENREPORTS ARE RUNOPEN DRAWERDURING TRAIN MODEY or NY or NY or NY or NY or NY or NY or NY or NIf you enable post tendering, select N to not open thecash drawer after the second tender.Set to Y if you wish to issue more than one copy of atransaction receipt.Select Y to enforce a cash declaration function before afinancial, clerk, or cash in drawer report can begenerated.Select Y if you wish to control negative transactions(when cash is removed from the drawer). Whenselected the control lock must be in the X position tofinalize the transaction.Select Y if you wish to reset the transaction number(often called the receipt counter) to zero after thefinancial report is reset.Select Y if you wish to reset the grand total to zeroafter the financial report is reset.Select N to stop the drawer from opening when reportsare run.Select N if you do not want the cash drawer to openduring training mode operations.DECIMAL PLACE 0-3 Enter a digit to place the decimal point the selectednumber of positions from the right.DATE FORMAT IS0:MDY 1:DMY 2:YMD0, 1, or 2 Select 0 for MMDDYY, select 1 for DDMMYY, orselect 2 for YYMMDD date printing format.<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>300</strong> Operator's & Programming <strong>Manual</strong> v1.2 Program Mode Programming • 165

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