SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-300 Series Operators Manual.pdf


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Saving Reports to an SD CardThe SD card can also be used to save reports. Reports saved are the current X1 readings.SD Report Notes When backing up and restoring data, the store name must be programmed on page 18of system options. The default store name is “STORE_A”.The <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>300</strong> will write the program files to different folders depending whether REPor CSV format is selected. For example:oo<strong>SPS</strong><strong>300</strong>/REPBACK/STORENAME/DATE (for REP format)<strong>SPS</strong><strong>300</strong>/CSVBACK/STORENAME/DATE (for CSV format) The date folder is in YYYYMMDD format (for example 20111116 is November 16,2011.)Each individual report is named with the time of the report. For example“CLK2332” represents a Clerk report taken at 23:32 (in a 24-hour time format.) Inthis manner, multiple reports backed up at different times in the same day will collectin the same “date” folder.To Save Reports1. Turn the control lock to the S position.2. From the second page of the Service Mode menu, select “9 SD CardOperation”.3. From the SD Card Operation menu select “3 Report Backup”. The displayoffers two format choices: Press 0 to save in REP format. REP format is proprietary and can beviewed using the <strong>SAM4s</strong> PC Utility Press 1 to save in CSV format. This format can be read without conversionby many PC applications, including Microsoft Excel.4. The register will print confirmation of the successful report upload with thename of the report “UPLOAD” for each report. If the save is unsuccessful, theregister will print an error message.<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>300</strong> Operator's & Programming <strong>Manual</strong> v1.2 S-Mode Programming • 129

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