Chem 0740 Extra Credit

Chem 0740 Extra Credit

Chem 0740 Extra Credit


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COURSES > 2081_10353 - CHEM 0320: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2 > COURSE DOCUMENTS > CHEM <strong>0740</strong> EXTRA CREDIT<strong>Chem</strong> <strong>0740</strong> <strong>Extra</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>EDIT VIEW<strong>Extra</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>Last Revised: 14 April 2007There will be no <strong>Extra</strong> <strong>Credit</strong> on exams this term; instead it is anticipated that all extra credit pointswill be available through this one and only assignment.Assignment:Prepare and present a poster on a commercial drug (i.e., a beneficial pharmaceutical) currently usedin the United States. The poster should focus on only ONE compound.Regulations:Each student must chose a different drug.Poster must contain no less than 12 and no more than 16 "8.5 x 11 inch slides".The first slide must contain, title, student's name and an abstract.All slides must be numbered.All slides should contain only material you generated (i.e., do NOT include copied tables, charts,mechanisms, or structures). The sole exception MIGHT be a complicated 3-D structure of a protein --but check with Prof. G before deciding to include such.It is expected that every reaction will be mass and charge balanced, and that there will be anadequate number of such equations.The documents must be submitted electronically (via the Discussion Board or Drop Box oncourseweb) on the dates noted below.Documents (max number of points; 40 possible):Due Jan. 26 (1 pt): The drug (trade name and common name), via the Discussion Board. Makesure you do not duplicate a previously posted drug.Due Feb 23 (3 pts): One-half to one page outline (no full sentences; 12-point font, 1-inch margins).Due Mar 31 (6 pts): Publishable abstract due (one paragraph, 4-5 sentences; do not includecitations).Due Apr 16 (30 pts): Electronic copy of poster, via Drop Box. You will also present your poster tothe class, in hardcopy form, sometime this week (be ready by 9:00am on Monday!). Each student willhave 8 minutes to make their presentation and two minutes to answer questions. Each student in theclass will be ready to ask one question after each presentation.Some Topics to Cover:In your poster, you will likely want to consider addressing the topics listed in the "Content" sectionbelow. Note, these are not all the questions you might want to consider, nor are you required to coverany or all of them. Your poster and presentation will be graded based on its/your ability tocommunicate understanding (not necessarily communicate just facts but they are certainly necessary)to an audience with the abilities, skills, talents, and interests of a Honors Orgo II class at the time oftheir final. Grading will be based on both the hard copy and your presentation (including grammar,verbosity, word choice, spelling, flow, graphics) as well as on the Organic <strong>Chem</strong>istry communicated.The class will assist in the grading of the public presentation.Content:What is the purpose of the drug? How is it made (in the lab; industrially)? What is its biologicalmechanism (mechanism defined as in Orgo) of action? How is it cleared from the organism? Why isit specific to that target (enzyme, species) or not? What chemical mechanisms cause side affects?How does it breakdown (chemical reactions/mechanisms) in the environment? What is the history ofthe drug? What has its impact been (economic; environmental; other)? What are the costs andbenefits of using/not using the compound. Please note, we are far more interested in the structureand properties of the drug, including its chemical basis of action, than in anything else.Answers to Some Questions:Q: "I am a little confused as to whether we are presenting via a Powerpoint Presentation or an actualposter. Can you please clarify what medium we are supposed to use for this presentation and anyrestrictions we have if we are presenting using a poster (like size requirements)."A: You will be presenting a "poster". This means only "object" will be presented, no bigger than 4-feet wide and 3-feet tall. This "object" can be one power point slide that is 4-feet x 3-feet andprojected. Or it can be 12 to 16 8.5 x 11 inch pages attached to a 4-foot x 3-foot poster board (thereare three unused ones outside my office, and I can get some more if more than 3 of you need themyet). Or it can be a 4-foot x 3-foot wide single sheet of paper (i.e., a one-page poster). It will NOT be

a series of power point slides (i.e., it will NOT be like we use powerpoint in lecture).Q: "Would it be possible to revisit the discussion about whether or not to present the posters...? Ihave talked to a number of people in the class and there is a large contingent of people, ... who wouldrather not present the posters."A: The poster presentation is completely optional -- it is <strong>Extra</strong> <strong>Credit</strong> from the presenter point of view.No one is obligated to prepare and present a poster. However, everyone needs to pay attention tothe presentations that are during class as that material will be considered "fair game" for inclusion onany remaining exams.

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