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Notes to the Financial Statements(d) Acquisition of businessesIn addition to the acquisition of subsidiaries as disclosed in note 30, the UMB Bank registry business and Machine Dreams Inc.business were acquired during the year ended 30 June <strong>2008</strong>.<strong>2008</strong>$000The amounts of assets and liabilities acquired by major class are:Property, plant and equipment 104Other assets 176Intangible assets including goodwill on acquisition * 15,171Consideration paid and payable 15,451Less: consideration paid in prior periods /payable in future periods (1,999)Outflow of cash 13,452* Intangible asset valuations will be performed within 12 months of acquisition date.37. CONTINGENT LIABILITIESContingent liabilities at balance date, not otherwise provided for in these financial statements are categorised as follows:(a) Guarantees and IndemnitiesGuarantees and indemnities of US$750,000,000 (30 June 2007: AU$400,000,000) have been given to the consolidatedentity’s Australian Bankers by Computershare Limited, ACN 081 035 752 Pty Ltd, Computershare Investments (UK)(No. 3) Ltd,Computershare Finance Company Pty Ltd, and Computershare US under a Multicurrency Revolving Facility Agreement dated18 March 2005 (please refer to note 21 for further detail).Bank guarantees of AU$520,000 (2007: AU$520,000) have been given in respect of facilities provided to Computershare ClearingPty Ltd. Bank guarantees of AU$497,713 (2007: AU$497,713) have been given in respect of facilities provided to ComputershareLtd. A bank guarantee of AU$500,000 (2007: AU$500,000) has been given in respect of facilities provided to Sepon AustraliaPty Ltd. A bank guarantee of AU$213,050 (2007: AU$259,835) has been given in respect of facilities provided to ComputershareInvestor Services Pty Ltd. A bank guarantee of AU$106,350 (2007: AU$106,350) has been given in respect of facilities provided toComputershare Communication Services Pty Ltd. A bank guarantee of AU$20,000 (2007: AUD $20,000) has been given in respectof facilities provided to Computershare Plan Managers Pty Ltd. A bank guarantee of AU$20,000 (2007: AUD$ nil) has been given inrespect of facilities provided to Computershare Share Plans.A performance guarantee of Rand 15,000,000 (2007: Rand 15,000,000) has been given by Computershare Limited (South Africa) toprovide security for the performance of obligations as a Central Securities Depositor Participant.Bank guarantees totalling CA$ nil (2007: CA$1,800,000) have been given by Computershare Trust Company of Canada andComputershare Investor Services Inc in respect of standby letters of credit for the payment of payroll.Guarantees of US$3,436,943 (2007: US$5,844,006) have been given by Computershare US Services Inc. as security for healthcareadministration services in USA.Guarantees of Rand 565,000 (2007: Rand nil) have been given by Computershare South Africa (Pty) Ltd to provide for electricityservices.Guarantees of US$2,559,929 (2007: US$3,108,138) have been given by Computershare Investor Services LLC and ComputershareUS Services Inc. as security for bonds in respect of leased premises.A bank guarantee of HK$977,621 (2007: HK$977,621) has been given by Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited assecurity for bonds in respect of leased premises.A bank guarantee of Rand 850,000 (2007: Rand 850,000) has been given by Computershare South Africa (Pty) Ltd as security forbonds in respect of leased premises.Guarantees of EUR 3,263,000 have been given by Papa Lowe GmbH (Germany) as security for film promotion loans by Germangovernment.Guarantees of EUR 1,580,000 have been given by Am Schonberg GmbH (Germany) as security to creditors of the former owner ofAm Schonberg GmbHGuarantees of EUR 2,361,000 have been given by VEM Aktienbank AG (Germany) for redelivery liability from securities lending.Guarantees and indemnities of US$318,500,000 (2007: US$318,500,000) have been given to US Institutional Accredited Investorsby Computershare Limited, ACN 081 035 752 Pty Ltd, Computershare Finance Company Pty Ltd, Computershare US andComputershare Investments (UK)(No. 3) Ltd under a Note and Guarantee Agreement dated 22 March 2005.(b) Legal and Regulatory MattersDue to the nature of operations, certain commercial claims in the normal course of business have been made againstComputershare in various countries. An inherent difficulty in predicting the outcome of such matters exists, but in the opinion of theCompany, based on current knowledge and consultation with legal counsel, we do not expect any material liability to the Group toeventuate. The status of all claims is monitored on an ongoing basis, together with the adequacy of any provisions recorded in theGroup’s Financial Statements.PAGE 82 Computershare Annual Report <strong>2008</strong>

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