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33. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURESKey management personnel disclosures are included in note 31.(a) Directors’ shareholdingsShares issuedby the parent entity<strong>2008</strong> 2007Ordinary shares held at the end of the financial year 101,315,867 102,510,193Ordinary dividends received during the year in respect of those ordinary shares $17,359,916 $12,284,168Ordinary shares acquired by directors during the financial year 24,824 99,498Ordinary shares disposed of by directors during the financial year 1,251,890 2,618,000Ordinary shares granted to directors 32,740 -(b) Other transactions with key management personnel *C.J. Morris is a director and owner of Portsea Hotel which provides conference facilities to the Companyin the ordinary course of business on ordinary commercial terms and conditions. Fees received by thePortsea Hotel are: - 8,808Total payments to key management personnel - 8,808* Computershare as a matter of Board approved Policy maintains a register of all transactions between employees and the Company and itssubsidiaries. It is established practice for any Director to recuse himself or herself from discussion and voting upon any transaction in which thatDirector has an interest. The Company has a Board-approved Ethics Policy governing many aspects of workplace conduct, including managementand disclosure of conflicts of interest.(c) Wholly owned Group – intercompany transactions and outstanding balancesThe parent entity and its subsidiaries entered into the following transactions during the year within the wholly owned Group:> Loans were advanced and repayments received on loans and intercompany accounts (notes 8 and 20)> Fees were exchanged between entities (note 2)> Interest was charged between entities (note 2)> The parent entity and its Australian subsidiaries have entered into a tax sharing deed, which includes a tax fundingarrangement (note 5)> Dividends were paid between entities (note 2)These transactions were undertaken on commercial terms and conditions. No provisions for doubtful debts were raised during thefinancial year (2007: $nil).(d) Ultimate controlling entityThe ultimate controlling entity of the consolidated entity is Computershare Limited.<strong>2008</strong>$2007$02-13Overview14-36Governance37-88Financials89-92Reports(e) Ownership interests in related partiesInterests in subsidiaries are set out in note 30. Interests held in associates and joint ventures are disclosed in notes 40 and 41 of thefinancial statements.(f) Transactions with other related partiesComputershare Technology Services Pty Ltd has a receivable of $518,976 (2007: $457,154) from Chelmer Limited. This receivablehas been fully provided for.Computershare New Zealand Ltd has a receivable of $1,523,348 (2007: $1,523,348) from Chelmer Limited. This receivable has beenfully provided for.Computershare New Zealand Ltd has a payable of $1,975 (2007: $nil) to Chelmer Limited.Computershare Investor Services New Zealand has made purchases of $21,352 (2007: $18,932) from Chelmer Limited.Computershare Investor Services New Zealand has made sales of $2,623 (2007: $nil) to Chelmer Limited.Computershare Pepper Germany has a receivable of $831,782 (2007: $877,231) from Netpartnering Limited. The current yearprovision made is $nil (2007: $nil).Computershare Pepper Germany had sales of $3,614,520 (2007: $1,853,084) with Netpartnering Limited.Computershare Pepper Austria had sales of $447,945 (2007: $nil) with Netpartnering Limited.93-96Further InformationPAGE 77

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