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Compressors, Chillers & CondensersPART NUMBERING GUIDEHERMETICSCROLLCARLYLE/DANFOSSCARLYLE SCROLL COMPRESSORGUIDE TO PART NUMBERING SYSTEM:Tools &InstrumentsCompressors,Chillers, CondensersAccessories, Supplies& CommoditiesOils &ChemicalsThermostatsRefrigerationIndoor AirQualityHeatingComponentsElectricalMotorsB-17

Compressors, Chillers & CondensersPART NUMBERING GUIDEHERMETICSCROLLCARLYLE/DANFOSSDanfoss Serial Numbers Update(All compressors except Performer H series & MLM/ MLZ)Starting from January 2010, the serial number system for Danfoss Commercial Compressors products has been updated.This update mainly applies to the year code for which the old system ended at 2009.Example:Year codeAYear CodeBMonth Code12Plant assembly line code123456788 digits serial number1990 A 2000 L 2010 A 2020 L1991 B 2001 M 2011 B 2021 M1992 C 2002 N 2012 C 2022 N1993 D 2003 P 2013 D 2023 P1994 E 2004 Q 2014 E 2024 Q1995 F 2005 R 2015 F 2025 R1996 G 2006 S 2016 G 2026 S1997 H 2007 T 2017 H 2027 T1998 J 2008 U 2018 J 2028 U1999 K 2009 V 2019 K 2029 VMonth code January AFebruary BMarch CApril DMay EJune FPlant assembly line codeTrévoux, France 10, 23, 24Anse, France 11, 12. 13Lawrenceville, USA 14, 15, 26JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember8 Digit Serial number The serial number continues to increment from existing counters.Performer H series, &MLM/MLZGHJKLMWuqing ,China 25, 27Arkadelphia, USA 28The serial number system for Performer H series and MLM/MLZ is different from the above andremains unchanged.Compressors,Chillers, CondensersMotorsElectricalHeatingComponentsIndoor AirQualityThermostatsOils &ChemicalsAccessories, Supplies& CommoditiesExample:S 03 09 K 12345Scroll Production Week Production Year Arkadelphia Facility Incremental NumberTools &InstrumentsB-18Refrigeration

Compressors, Chillers & CondensersPART NUMBERING GUIDEHERMETICSCROLLCARLYLE/DANFOSSCARLYLE SCROLL COMPRESSORGUIDE TO PART NUMBERING SYSTEM:Tools &InstrumentsCompressors,Chillers, CondensersAccessories, Supplies& CommoditiesOils &ChemicalsThermostatsRefrigerationIndoor AirQualityHeatingComponentsElectricalMotorsB-17

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