LIPPO-MAPLETREE - Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust - Investor ...

LIPPO-MAPLETREE - Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust - Investor ...

LIPPO-MAPLETREE - Lippo Malls Indonesia Retail Trust - Investor ...


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The Manager and corporate governance<strong>Lippo</strong> Capital Limited will, subject to certain conditions, indemnify the <strong>Trust</strong>ee against liabilities ordamage suffered by the <strong>Trust</strong>ee arising from any of the Singapore SPC Share Purchase Agreements.These agreements are more particularly described in “Certain Agreements Relating to LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> andthe Properties—Description of the Deeds of Indemnity”.• The <strong>Retail</strong> Mall <strong>Indonesia</strong>n SPCs, which will be indirectly owned by the <strong>Trust</strong>ee as at the Listing Date,have entered into the Existing Property Management Agreements with the Property Manager for theoperation, management, maintenance and marketing of the <strong>Retail</strong> <strong>Malls</strong>. These agreements are moreparticularly described in “Certain Agreements Relating to LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> and the Properties—Descriptionof the Existing Property Management Agreements”.The Manager considers that the Property Manager has the necessary expertise and resources toperform the retail management, lease management and marketing services for the <strong>Retail</strong> <strong>Malls</strong>.Based on its experience, expertise and knowledge of contracts, the Manager believes that the ExistingProperty Management Agreements were made on normal commercial terms and are not prejudicial tothe interests of LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> and the Unitholders.• The <strong>Trust</strong>ee, the Manager and the Property Manager have entered into the Master PropertyManagement Agreement pursuant to which the Property Manager was appointed to operate,maintain, manage and market all the properties of LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> located in <strong>Indonesia</strong> acquired afterthe Listing Date, subject to the overall management of the Manager. This agreement is more particularlydescribed in “Certain Agreements Relating to LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> and the Properties—Description of the MasterProperty Management Agreement”.The Manager considers that the Property Manager has the necessary expertise and resources toperform the operation, maintenance, management and marketing services for the properties of LMIR<strong>Trust</strong> located in <strong>Indonesia</strong> acquired after the Listing Date.Based on its experience, expertise and knowledge of contracts, the Manager believes that the MasterProperty Management Agreement was made on normal commercial terms and is not prejudicial to theinterests of LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> and the Unitholders.Save as disclosed in this Prospectus, the <strong>Trust</strong>ee has not entered into any other transactions with theManager or any related party of the Manager or the Property Manager in connection with the setting up ofLMIR <strong>Trust</strong>.Exempted agreementsThe Master Lease Agreements, the Operating Costs Agreements, the Existing Property ManagementAgreements and the Master Property Management Agreement, each of which constitutes a Related PartyTransaction, is deemed to have been specifically approved by the Unitholders upon subscription for theUnits and are therefore not subject to Rules 905 and 906 of the Listing Manual to the extent that there is nosubsequent change to the rates and/or bases of the fees charged thereunder which will adversely affectLMIR <strong>Trust</strong>. However, the renewal of such agreements will be subject to Rules 905 and 906 of the ListingManual.Future Related Party TransactionsAs a REIT, LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> is regulated by the Property Funds Guidelines and the Listing Manual. The PropertyFunds Guidelines regulate, among other things, transactions entered into by the <strong>Trust</strong>ee (for and on behalfof LMIR <strong>Trust</strong>) with an interested party relating to LMIR <strong>Trust</strong>’s acquisition of assets from or sale of assetsto an interested party, LMIR <strong>Trust</strong>’s investment in securities of or issued by an interested party and theengagement of an interested party as property management agent or marketing agent for LMIR <strong>Trust</strong>’sproperties. Depending on the materiality of transactions entered into by LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> for the acquisition ofassets from, the sale of assets to or the investment in securities of or issued by, an interested party, theProperty Funds Guidelines may require that an immediate announcement to the SGX-ST be made, andmay also require that the approval of the Unitholders be obtained.The Listing Manual regulates all interested person transactions, including transactions already governedby the Property Funds Guidelines. Depending on the materiality of the transaction, LMIR <strong>Trust</strong> may be206

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