HUALAPAI VALLEY SOLAR an effluent-supported solar project that ...

HUALAPAI VALLEY SOLAR an effluent-supported solar project that ...

HUALAPAI VALLEY SOLAR an effluent-supported solar project that ...


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<strong>HUALAPAI</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>SOLAR</strong><strong>an</strong> <strong>effluent</strong>-<strong>supported</strong> <strong>solar</strong> <strong>project</strong><strong>that</strong> never happenedWilliam R. VictorPrincipal / Hydrogeologist1

Project Overview Hualapai Valley Solar (HVS), subsidiary ofMohave Sun Power 340 MW (largest <strong>solar</strong> <strong>project</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ned then) Selected proven utility-scale technologies 2008-2009:• Public hearings <strong>an</strong>d open houses• Selected wet-cooled CSP with <strong>solar</strong> troughs <strong>an</strong>dmolten salt thermal storage• Utilities identified to purchase energy generated• Preliminary design <strong>an</strong>d DOE funding application6

Project Overview (continued) 2010:• Permitting• Effluent source identified• Key ACC permit process ended October 2010 Project infeasible as approved by ACC Deadlines not met for DOE funding Project died7

Permits <strong>an</strong>d Authorizations EIS under NEPA for tr<strong>an</strong>smission line Air Permit from ADEQ Comply with all regulations of ADWR Certificate of Environmental Compli<strong>an</strong>ce(CEC) from ACC Amendment to Mohave County GeneralPl<strong>an</strong> (county <strong>supported</strong> <strong>project</strong>) APP from the ADEQ8

Environmental Aspects Baseline studies identified no fatal flaws for:Air Quality Health, Safety, <strong>an</strong>d NoiseBiologyRecreationCulturalSocioeconomicsGeology <strong>an</strong>d Soils Visual ResourcesL<strong>an</strong>d Use Water Resources Water resources was a public concern voiced by a smallgroup of local citizens9

Socioeconomic Benefits 1,500 jobs over 2.5-3 year construction period 100+ full-time jobs for pl<strong>an</strong>t operation Additional benefits:• Goods <strong>an</strong>d services purchased for the Project• Taxes generated by employment• Property taxes• Other taxes paid to state/local governments10

HVS Natural Water Supply Groundwater stored in thick basin-fill alluvial deposits Must be treated to high purity, generated brine would beevaporated in onsite surface impoundments Average raw water dem<strong>an</strong>d = 2,400 AF/yr (1,500 gpm) Projected life of <strong>solar</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>t = 30 yrs Total groundwater use over time = 72,000 AF / 30 yrs Groundwater recharge/discharge <strong>an</strong>d storage in basin• Natural Recharge = Discharge = 3,800 AF/yr• Storage above depth of 1,200 feet = 15.8 million AF(Half of this occurs in Red Lake sub-basin)11

HVS Effluent Supply Effluent from City of Kingm<strong>an</strong> Hilltop WWTP~ 20 miles away WWTP produces about 1,800 AF/yr or ~75% oftotal HVS water dem<strong>an</strong>d No current competition for <strong>effluent</strong> 25-35 mile pipeline required to deliver water Mayor <strong>an</strong>d City m<strong>an</strong>agement <strong>supported</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>12

M&A Model Development MODFLOW <strong>an</strong>d Groundwater Vistas Characterized hydrogeologic conditions• Compiled all available hydrologic <strong>an</strong>d geologic data• Data for more th<strong>an</strong> 800 wells• Geophysical data (gravity & borehole logs) ADWR integral to model development <strong>an</strong>d vetting• Hydrology reviewed over several months with muchinteraction <strong>an</strong>d resolution with M&A on key model inputs• 2007 approval• Analysis of Adequate Water Supply issued for 70,000AF/yr groundwater for 5 residential developments13

Location MapSite location <strong>an</strong>d wellsN-NW trending structural basin66 mi x 18 mi (~1,200 sq. mi.)3 sub-basins:Kingm<strong>an</strong> sub-basin (south)Red Lake sub-basinGregg sub-basin (north)14

2005-2006Water LevelsGood calibration to WLs Steady-state 1965-1970 Tr<strong>an</strong>sient model 1971-2005 Predictive model 2006-2042Groundwater divideSurface water divideGroundwater flows north3,800 AF/yr outflow to lakeRecharge simulated atmountain fronts (70%) <strong>an</strong>dmajor washes (30%)15

Geologic FeaturesBasin boundariesSite locationDepth to bedrock contours3 sub-basinsBuried salt depositsAquifer boundaryLines of sectionGroundwater in storage27.7 million AF total (abovesalt in middle sub-basin)15.8 million AF abovedepth of 1,200 feet16

Hydrogeologic Section A – A Water table 3 sub-basins Salt deposits Well data17

Stable Water Levels Since 1950s18

HVS-only in 2042Pumping simulated: HVS at 3,000 AF/yr Kingm<strong>an</strong> 3% per year Domestic = 34 AF/yr OCD = 9,763 AF/yr Mardi<strong>an</strong> R<strong>an</strong>ch & RhodesHomes 50-yr build outstarts in 2012 (50,459 AF/yr in 2042) Total (90,884 AF/yr) moreth<strong>an</strong> 3 times <strong>that</strong>estimated by County Pl<strong>an</strong>Maximum drawdown at HVSsite 63 ftRapidly diminishing withdist<strong>an</strong>ce

HVS-only in 2017(first 5 years)Complies with stringent wellimpact criteria of AMAs forexisting wells

Water Resource FindingsCurrent water use is a minute fraction of groundwater in storageProjected drawdown met AMA criteria for well impacts (not <strong>an</strong> AMA)After 30 years, small <strong>project</strong>ed impact of HVS pumping;

ACC Process J<strong>an</strong>uary 2010: Power Pl<strong>an</strong>t & Tr<strong>an</strong>s. Line Siting Comm.• 10 to 0 vote in favor of <strong>project</strong>• Two local citizens did not comply with requirements asinterveners, but were allowed to speak at length <strong>an</strong>d askcommittee members questions to ask HVS April 2010: ACC gr<strong>an</strong>ted a conditional CEC to HVS• CEC subjected to <strong>an</strong> immediate stay to reopen the matter• Requests for intervention gr<strong>an</strong>ted to 2 local citizens <strong>an</strong>dMohave County June 2010: ACC Evidentiary Hearing in Kingm<strong>an</strong> July 2010: HVS filed application to lift stay on CEC October 2010: ACC Open Meeting• Chairm<strong>an</strong> added condition to CEC requiring HVS to use nogroundwater despite the minimal impacts testimony• Chairm<strong>an</strong>s condition passed by a 3 to 2 vote• Conditioned CEC approved by a 4 to 1 vote22


ADWR Report,September 2009Gravity data shows newbedrock (BR) surfacePreliminary ADWR dataused in model in 2007Color coded Blue = model BRdeeper Red = ADWR BRdeeperSimilar in Red Lake subbasin,which most affectsmodel results for HVSpumpingEffect of differences notsubst<strong>an</strong>tial, especially inRed Lake sub-basin (~5%)25

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