Fields and Galois Theory MATH5246 - School of Mathematics

Fields and Galois Theory MATH5246 - School of Mathematics

Fields and Galois Theory MATH5246 - School of Mathematics


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<strong>Fields</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><strong>MATH5246</strong>Andrew Huberyahubery@maths.leeds.ac.uk

Chapter 1Introduction<strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> has its orgins in the study <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> polynomials. It is notconcerned with finding the roots, which can be done using, say, the Newton-Raphson Method (see also here for an analysis <strong>of</strong> various techniques used incomputing for finding square-roots); rather, <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> is interested in theform that the roots can take.In particular, we can ask which polynomials are solvable by radicals: givena polynomialf = X n + a 1 X n−1 + · · · + a n−1 X + a n ∈ Q[X],we say f is solvable by radicals if we can express a root <strong>of</strong> f using only the fieldoperations +, −, ×, ÷ <strong>and</strong> r√ .Some polynomials are always solvable by radicals. In school one learns that fora quadratic equationf = X 2 + 2pX + q,one can complete the square to write<strong>and</strong> hence has rootsf = (X + p) 2 + (q − p 2 ),−p ± √ p 2 − q.This was essentially known to the Babylonians (ca. 1600BC).Similarly, a polynomial <strong>of</strong> the formclearly has n √ a as a root.f = X n − aThe question thus becomes: is every polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree n solvable by radicals?If yes, is there a general formula giving a root <strong>of</strong> all polynomials <strong>of</strong> degree n? Ifno, can we determine which polynomials are solvable by radicals?1

In the sixteenth century, Ferro <strong>and</strong> Fontana (nicknamed Tartaglia because <strong>of</strong>his stutter) discovered a general formula which workes for all cubic polynomials.For example, the polynomialf = X 3 + 3X + 2has as a root the number√3−1 + √ 2 + 3√ −1 − √ 2.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, you should be careful what you wish for: this general methodgives, for the polynomialf = X 3 − 15X − 4,the root3√2 + 11i +3 √ 2 − 11i,which is a rather complicated way <strong>of</strong> expressing the number 4.Soon after, Ferrari gave a general method for solving quartic polynomials. Thesemethods were published by Cardano, Ferrari’s mentor, in his Ars Magna in 1545.This proved that all polynomials <strong>of</strong> degree four are solvable by radicals, <strong>and</strong> infact that there is a general formula which works for all such polynomials. It tookanother three hundred years until Abel showed in 1824 that there is no formulagiving a radical expression for the root <strong>of</strong> all quintic polynomials. His result wasbased on an incomplete pro<strong>of</strong> by Ruffini, <strong>and</strong> used the ideas <strong>of</strong> permutations,so was the beginning <strong>of</strong> group theory.Finally <strong>Galois</strong> in 1830 developed the ideas <strong>of</strong> group theory in order to decidewhich polynomials are solvable by radicals <strong>and</strong> which are not, <strong>and</strong> hence explainwhy there is no general method for finding roots <strong>of</strong> polynomials <strong>of</strong> degree five.His method allows one to prove, for example, that the polynomial X 5 − X − 1is not solvable by radicals.1.1 A Modern ApproachFrom a modern perspective, we replace the study <strong>of</strong> a polynomial by the study<strong>of</strong> the field extension generated by its roots. We then consider the group <strong>of</strong> allfield automorphisms <strong>of</strong> this field extension, called the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> the fieldextension. So, if K is a subfield <strong>of</strong> L, we consider the groupGal(L/K) := {field automorphisms σ <strong>of</strong> L fixing every element <strong>of</strong> K}.If f ∈ K[X] is a polynomial, <strong>and</strong> L is the field generated by all the roots <strong>of</strong> f,then we write Gal(f) for Gal(L/K).As a simple example, the roots <strong>of</strong> f = X 2 +1 ∈ R[X] are ±i ∈ C. Since C = R(i),we need to underst<strong>and</strong> the group <strong>of</strong> all field automorphisms <strong>of</strong> C which fix R.2

Any such automorphism σ is determined by σ(i), <strong>and</strong> since i 2 = −1, we musthave σ(i) 2 = −1, so σ(i) = ±i. In fact, both <strong>of</strong> these are allowed, soGal(X 2 + 1) = Gal(C/R) ∼ = Z/2Zis a cyclic group <strong>of</strong> order two. This group is generated by the automorphismσ : x + iy ↦→ x − iy, which is just complex conjugation.In other words we can construct C from R by ‘adding in’ a root <strong>of</strong> the polynomialX 2 + 1. From the point <strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> R, however, we cannot distinguish betweenthe two roots ±i, <strong>and</strong> in a sense this is why complex conjugation exists.As a more involved example, we can consider the polynomial f = X 3 −2 ∈ Q[X].This has roots 3√ 2, ω 3√ 2, ω 2 3 √ 2, where ω = 1 2 (−1 + i√ 3) is a primitive cube root<strong>of</strong> unity, so the field generated by the roots is Q( 3√ 2, ω).Now, any field automorphism σ must permute the roots; for if α 3 = 2, thenσ(α) 3 = 2. Also, since ω = ( ω 3√ 2 ) / ( 3 √ 2 ) is a quotient <strong>of</strong> two such roots, wesee that σ is completely determined by how it permutes the roots. This in factgives an injective group homomorphism from the <strong>Galois</strong> group to the symmetricgroup Sym 3 .Next, since exactly two <strong>of</strong> the roots are complex, we see that complex conjugationis a field automorphism, givingτ ∈ Gal(Q( 3√ 2, ω)/Q),3√2 ↦→3 √ 2, ω ↦→ ω 2 .On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the general theory will tell us that the map 3√ 2 ↦→ ω 3√ 2 canbe extending to a field automorphism, givingσ ∈ Gal(Q( 3√ 2, ω)/Q),3√2 ↦→3 √ 2, ω ↦→ ω.Looking at the corresponding permutations, we get that τ is a transposition,whereas σ is a 3-cycle. We know that these elements generate the full symmetricgroup, soGal(Q( 3√ 2, ω)/Q) ∼ = Sym 3 .If instead we had just added in one <strong>of</strong> the roots, say 3√ 2, then we wouldn’thave had enough symmetries. In fact, the only field automorphism <strong>of</strong> Q( 3√ 2)is the identity. This helps explain why we need to include all the roots <strong>of</strong> thepolynomial.1.2 <strong>Galois</strong>’ TheoremOne <strong>of</strong> the main theorems <strong>of</strong> this course will be the following.Theorem 1.1. A polynomial f is solvable by radicals if <strong>and</strong> only if the groupGal(f) is solvable.Moreover, there exists for each n an irreducible polynomial f ∈ Q[X] having<strong>Galois</strong> group Gal(f) = Sym n .3

Since Sym n is solvable if <strong>and</strong> only if n ≤ 4, we conclude that there exist quinticpolynomials which are not solvable by radicals. The polynomial X 5 − X − 1mentioned earlier is one such quintic.The <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> a field extension L/K tells us a lot about the internalstructure <strong>of</strong> the field L. In fact, in certain nice cases, there is an order-reversingbijection between the lattice <strong>of</strong> subfields <strong>of</strong> L containing K <strong>and</strong> the lattice <strong>of</strong>subgroups <strong>of</strong> Gal(L/K). This is called the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence. As aconsequence we see that in these cases there are only finitely many subfields <strong>of</strong>L containing K, a fact which is far from obvious.This passing between subgroups <strong>and</strong> subfields is an important <strong>and</strong> extremelyuseful observation. One should remark that group theory was in its infancy atthat time, <strong>and</strong> in fact the abstract notion <strong>of</strong> a group had yet to be given. <strong>Galois</strong>was one <strong>of</strong> the first to appreciate the fundamental importance <strong>of</strong> groups, <strong>and</strong>nowadays this idea <strong>of</strong> studying an object by first underst<strong>and</strong>ing its symmetriesis prevalent in modern mathematics <strong>and</strong> physics.Let us discuss our approach to proving <strong>Galois</strong>’ Theorem. Recall that a polynomialf is solvable by radicals if we can write a root <strong>of</strong> f using just +, −, ×, ÷ <strong>and</strong>r√. More generally, we say that a field extension L/K is a radical extensionif there exists a chain <strong>of</strong> subfieldsK = K 0 ⊂ K 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ K n = Lsuch that K i+1 is formed from K i by extracting an r-th root <strong>of</strong> an element inK i . In other words, we adjoin an element λ i such that λ r i ∈ K i. We observethat if L/K is radical, then every element <strong>of</strong> L can be obtained by repeated use<strong>of</strong> +, −, ×, ÷, r√ .The <strong>Galois</strong> correspondence now furnishes us with a chain <strong>of</strong> subgroups{id} = Gal(L/L) ≤ · · · ≤ Gal(L/K 1 ) ≤ Gal(L/K).We would like to say that if K i+1 /K i is formed by adjoining an r-th root,then Gal(K i−1 /K i ) is a cyclic group <strong>of</strong> order r. From this it would follow thatthe chain <strong>of</strong> subgroups described above is a subnormal series (each subgroupis normal in the next) with cyclic subquotients, <strong>and</strong> hence that Gal(L/K) is asolvable group.Unfortunately this is not true in general, but it is true once we assume that wehave enough roots <strong>of</strong> unity in the field K. We therefore have to apply a fewtechnical tricks to complete the pro<strong>of</strong>.4

Chapter 2Background Material2.1 Rings <strong>and</strong> AlgebrasAs mentioned in the introduction, <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> involves the study <strong>of</strong> automorphisms<strong>of</strong> fields. In fact, we <strong>of</strong>ten consider a field L containing another field Kas a subfield, <strong>and</strong> we want to underst<strong>and</strong> the field automorphisms <strong>of</strong> L which fixevery element <strong>of</strong> K. For example, complex conjugation is a field automorphism<strong>of</strong> C which fixes every element <strong>of</strong> R.The appropriate language is therefore that <strong>of</strong> algebras. Given a field K, a K-algebra is a ring R containing K as a subfield. A K-algebra homomorphismf : R → S is a ring homomorphism such that f(x) = x for all x ∈ K. We observethat every K-algebra is a fortiori a K-vector space, <strong>and</strong> that every K-algebrahomomorphism is a K-linear map. 1Examples include the polynomial ring K[X] <strong>and</strong> field extensions such as Q ⊂R or R ⊂ C. Also, if R is a K-algebra <strong>and</strong> I ⊳ RA a proper ideal, thenthe quotient ring R/I is again a K-algebra. For, we have a non-zero ringhomomorphism K → R → R/I, which is therefore injective since K is a field.We may subsequently identify K with its image inside R/I, giving the quotientR/I the structure <strong>of</strong> a K-algebra. In particular, if f ∈ K[X] is a non-constantpolynomial, then the quotient ring K[X]/(f) is a K-algebra.2.2 Polynomial RingsLet K be a field, <strong>and</strong> let K[X] be the ring <strong>of</strong> polynomials in one variable overK. The degree map on K[X] is given bydeg(f) = d provided f = a 0 X d + · · · + a 1 X + a d with a 0 ≠ 0,deg(0) = −∞.1 It is sometimes better to consider R together with a ring homomorphism ι R : K → R.Then a K-algebra homomorphism f : R → S is a ring homomorphism such that ι R = ι S f.5

This satisfiesdeg(fg) = deg(f) + deg(g) <strong>and</strong> deg(f) = 0 ⇔ f ∈ K × .Using this we see that K[X] is an integral domain (it has no zero-divisors), <strong>and</strong>also that the only units in K[X] are the non-zero constants, so elements <strong>of</strong> K × .Theorem 2.1. The polynomial ring K[X] is a principal ideal domain.In fact, every non-zero ideal is generated by a monic polynomial, <strong>and</strong> this polynomialis uniquely determined by the ideal.Pro<strong>of</strong>. The zero ideal (0) is clearly principal, so let I be a non-zero ideal inK[X] <strong>and</strong> let 0 ≠ f ∈ I have minimal degree. By dividing through, we mayfurther assume that f is monic. We will show that I = (f).Take g ∈ I. By the Division Algorithm we can write g = qf + r for some q <strong>and</strong>r with deg(r) < deg(f). Rearranging gives r = g − qf ∈ I, so by the minimality<strong>of</strong> f we must have r = 0, <strong>and</strong> hence g = qf ∈ (f). This proves that I ⊂ (f),<strong>and</strong> since f ∈ I we have equality.To see that f is unique, suppose that g is monic <strong>and</strong> I = (g). Swapping theroles <strong>of</strong> f <strong>and</strong> g in the above argument gives f = q ′ g, <strong>and</strong> so f = qq ′ f. Henceqq ′ = 1, so q, q ′ ∈ K × . Finally, since both f <strong>and</strong> g are monic <strong>and</strong> g = qf, wededuce that q = 1 <strong>and</strong> that f = g.We call a polynomial f irreducible provided that f is non-constant <strong>and</strong> wheneverf = gh, one <strong>of</strong> g or h is a unit. Similarly, we call a polynomial f primeprovided that f is non-constant <strong>and</strong> if f divides gh, then f divides one <strong>of</strong> g orh. Clearly every prime is irreducible, but in fact the converse also holds.Proposition 2.2. Every irreducible polynomial f is prime, <strong>and</strong> (f) is even amaximal ideal.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let f ∈ K[X] be irreducible, <strong>and</strong> suppose that (f) ⊂ (g). Then f = ghfor some h, <strong>and</strong> since f is irreducible, either g is a unit, in which case (g) = K[X],or else h is a unit, in which case (g) = (f). Thus (f) is a maximal ideal.To see that f is prime, suppose that f divides gh, but that f does not divideg. Since (f) is a maximal ideal <strong>and</strong> g ∉ (f) we must have that (f, g) = K[X].Thus there exist polynomials a <strong>and</strong> b with af + bg = 1. Multiplying by h givesafh + bgh = h, <strong>and</strong> since f divides gh, it divides the left-h<strong>and</strong> side, <strong>and</strong> hencef divides h.The next theorem states that K[X] is a unique factorisation domain.Theorem 2.3. Every non-zero polynomial f ∈ K[X] can be written as f =af 1 · · · f n , where a ∈ K × is a unit <strong>and</strong> the f i ∈ K[X] are monic <strong>and</strong> irreducible.Moreover, such an expression is unique up to the ordering <strong>of</strong> the f i .6

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let f ∈ K[X] be non-constant. If f is irreducible, then we can writef = af 1 , where f 1 is monic <strong>and</strong> a ∈ K × . Otherwise, if f is not irreducible, thenthere exists some expression f = gh with g <strong>and</strong> h non-constant polynomials.Now 0 < deg(g), deg(h) < deg(f), so by induction on degree we can expressboth g <strong>and</strong> h, <strong>and</strong> hence also f, in the desired form.Suppose now that f = af 1 · · · f m = bg 1 · · · g n , where a, b ∈ K × <strong>and</strong> f i , g j ∈K[X] are monic <strong>and</strong> irreducible. By comparing leading coefficients we see thata = b.From Proposition 2.2 we know that K[X]/(f 1 ) is a field. Writing ¯h for theimage <strong>of</strong> a polynomial h in K[X]/(f 1 ), we have that ¯f = 0, so ḡ 1 · · · ḡ n = 0 <strong>and</strong>hence ḡ i = 0 for some i. After reordering, we may assume that ḡ 1 = 0. Theng 1 ∈ (f 1 ), so g 1 = uf 1 for some u. Since g 1 is irreducible <strong>and</strong> f 1 is not a unit, umust be a unit. Finally, since f 1 <strong>and</strong> g 1 are both monic, u = 1 <strong>and</strong> so f 1 = g 1 .It follows that f 2 · · · f m = g 2 · · · g n , so by induction on degree we have m = n<strong>and</strong>, after reordering, f i = g i for all i.2.3 Roots <strong>of</strong> PolynomialsGiven α ∈ K, we have a K-algebra homomorphism ev α : K[X] → K sendingX ↦→ α. This is called the evaluation map. We write f(α) for the image<strong>of</strong> f in K <strong>and</strong> say that α is a root <strong>of</strong> a polynomial f ∈ K[X] provided thatf(α) = 0.Now, the evaluation map is surjective, so its kernel I is a maximal ideal. ClearlyX − α ∈ I, but by Proposition 2.2 the ideal (X − α) is also maximal, soI = (X − α). Therefore α is a root <strong>of</strong> f if <strong>and</strong> only if f ∈ (X − α), which is if<strong>and</strong> only if X − α divides f.Using that K[X] is a unique factorisation domain, Theorem 2.3, it now followsthat a polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree d has at most d roots in K, counted withmultiplicities.We say that a polynomial f splits over K provided that it has precisely d rootsin K, counted with multiplicities. Equivalently, f factorises as a product <strong>of</strong>linear polynomials in K[X].2.4 Irreducibility CriteriaWe now recall some facts about integer polynomials f ∈ Z[X].Analogous to the case <strong>of</strong> polynomials over fields, we can talk about divisibility<strong>of</strong> integer polynomials, <strong>and</strong> hence about irreducible <strong>and</strong> prime polynomials.The situation is slightly more complicated, however, since although Z[X] is stilla unique factorisation domain, it is no longer a principal ideal domain. Forexample, the ideal (2, X 2 + X + 1) is prime but not principal. In fact, thequotient ring Z[X]/(2, X 2 + X + 1) is a field with four elements.7

We therefore introduce a new concept. An integer polynomial f = a 0 X d +· · · + a d−1 X + a d ∈ Z[X] is said to be primitive if gcd(a 0 , a 1 , . . . , a d ) = 1. Inparticular, all monic polynomials are primitive.We recall the following three results concerning the irreducibility <strong>of</strong> integerpolynomials. Their pro<strong>of</strong>s are included in the h<strong>and</strong>out.Lemma 2.4 (Gauss’ Lemma). If f ∈ Z[X] is primitive, then it is irreducibleover Z if <strong>and</strong> only if it is irreducible over Q.Lemma 2.5 (Eisenstein’s Criterion). Let f = a 0 X d + · · · + a d−1 X + a d ∈ Z[X]be primitive. Suppose that there exists a prime p such that p|a i for i = 1, . . . , d,but p ∤ a 0 <strong>and</strong> p 2 ∤ a d . Then f is irreducible.Lemma 2.6 (Rational Root Test). Let f = a 0 X d + · · · + a d ∈ Z[X]. If α =p/q ∈ Q is a root <strong>of</strong> f such that gcd(p, q) = 1, then p|a d <strong>and</strong> q|a 0 .In general, it is difficult to determine whether a given polynomial is irreducibleor not, <strong>and</strong> to find its decomposition into irreducible factors. One can comparethis to the problem <strong>of</strong> determining whether a given number is prime, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>finding its prime factorisation.Let K be a field <strong>and</strong> f ∈ K[X]. Clearly if deg(f) = 1, then f is irreducible.Also, if deg(f) = 2 or 3, then f is irreducible if <strong>and</strong> only if it has no linearfactor, which is if <strong>and</strong> only if it has no root in K. If deg(f) = 4, though, itcould have a decomposition into two irreducible quadratic polynomials.Suppose K = Q. Clearing denominators, we may assume f ∈ Z[X] is primitive.Then by Gauss’ Lemma, f is irreducible over Q if <strong>and</strong> only if it is irreducibleover Z. Moreover, by the Rational Root Test, we know the possible rationalroots <strong>of</strong> f. In particular, if f is monic, then any rational root is in fact integral.For higher degrees, we can also use Eisenstein’s Criterion. This is particularlyuseful if we combine it with a suitable linear change <strong>of</strong> variables Y = X − a.For example, if p is a prime, then the polynomial f = X p−1 + · · · + X + 1 isirreducible. For, we have f = (X p − 1)/(X − 1), <strong>and</strong> so applying the linearchange <strong>of</strong> variables Y = X − 1 we see that( pf(Y ) = ((Y + 1) p − 1)/Y = Y p−1 + pY p−2 + · · · + Yr)r−1 + · · · + p.Since p is a prime, each binomial coefficient ( pr)for 0 < r < p is divisible byp. We can therefore use Eisenstein’s Criterion to deduce that f(Y ), <strong>and</strong> hencealso f(X), is irreducible.Another powerful method is reduction modulo a prime p. We write F p for thefield Z/pZ. Consider the surjective ring homomorphism Z[X] → F p [X], f ↦→ ¯f.If f = gh ∈ Z[X], then clearly ¯f = ḡ¯h ∈ F p [X]. Thus if ¯f is irreducible over F pfor some prime p, then f itself must be irreducible over Z.Variations <strong>of</strong> this idea can also be applied. For example, suppose that we aregiven f ∈ Z[X] <strong>of</strong> degree 4. Using the Rational Root Test, we may assume8

that f has no linear factors, so that if f = gh has a proper factorisation, thendeg(g) = deg(h) = 2. Now suppose that ¯f ∈ F p [X] factors as ¯f = rs with r, sirreducible, deg(r) = 1, deg(s) = 3. This is incompatible with any factorisationf = gh with deg(g) = deg(h) = 2, so f must itself be irreducible.Finally we remark that there are computer algorithms for factorising polynomials.Over the integers one can use the LLL algorithm, whereas over a finite fieldone can use the Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm. Both <strong>of</strong> these algorithms run inpolynomial time (viewed in terms <strong>of</strong> the degree <strong>of</strong> the polynomial).Examples1. f = X 2 − 2 ∈ Z[X]. Eisenstein tells us that f is irreducible over Z, soby Gauss’ Lemma, f is irreducible over Q. In other words, √ 2 is not arational number.2. f = 2 9 X5 + 5 3 X4 + X 3 + 1 3. Clearing denominators we have g = 9f =2X 5 + 15X 4 + 9X 3 + 3. We can use Eisenstein’s Criterion with p = 3 todeduce that g, <strong>and</strong> hence f, is irreducible.3. f = X 3 − 7X 2 + 3X + 3. The only possible rational roots are ±1, ±3.Checking, we see that f = (X−1)(X 2 −6X−3) as a product <strong>of</strong> irreducibles.4. f = X 4 + 15X 3 + 7. Working over F 2 , we have ¯f = X 4 + X 3 + 1. Thishas no linear factor, since neither 0, 1 are roots <strong>of</strong> ¯f over F 2 . Suppose¯f = (X 2 + aX + b)(X 2 + cX + d)= X 4 + (a + c)X 3 + (b + ac + d)X 2 + (ad + bc)X + bd.From the constant term we see that b = d = 1. Therefore the the coefficient<strong>of</strong> X gives a + c = 0, whereas the coefficient <strong>of</strong> X 3 gives a + c = 1, acontradiction. So ¯f is irreducible over F 2 , whence f is irreducible over Z.5. Consider f = X 4 + 1 <strong>and</strong> its factorisations over various finite fields:p ¯f p ¯f2 (X + 1) 4 7 (X 2 + 3X + 1)(X 2 − 3X + 1)3 (X 2 + X − 1)(X 2 − X − 1) 11 (X 2 + 3X − 1)(X 2 − 3X − 1)5 (X 2 + 2)(X 2 − 2) 13 (X 2 + 5)(X 2 − 5)Either f is irreducible or else the product <strong>of</strong> two irreducible quadratics,but the above data give no further information. However, making thesubstitution Y = X − 1 we get (Y + 1) 4 + 1 = Y 4 + 4Y 3 + 6Y 2 + 4Y + 2.Applying Eisenstein with p = 2 we see that f is irreducible.9

Chapter 3Field Extensions3.1 The Tower LawLet L be a field <strong>and</strong> K ⊂ L a subfield. We write L/K <strong>and</strong> call L a fieldextension <strong>of</strong> K. We observe that L is a K-algebra, so in particular a K-vectorspace. We denote its dimension by [L : K] <strong>and</strong> call this the degree <strong>of</strong> theextension. We say that L/K is a finite field extension if [L : K] is finite.Clearly L = K if <strong>and</strong> only if [L : K] = 1.Let M/L <strong>and</strong> L/K be field extensions. Then M/K is again field extension, <strong>and</strong>we call M/L/K a tower <strong>of</strong> fields.Theorem 3.1 (Tower Law). Let M/L/K be a tower <strong>of</strong> fields. Then[M : K] = [M : L][L : K].In particular, M/K is finite if <strong>and</strong> only if both M/L <strong>and</strong> L/K are finite.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let {α i : i ∈ I} be a K-basis <strong>of</strong> L <strong>and</strong> {β j : j ∈ J} an L-basis <strong>of</strong> M. Weclaim that the set <strong>of</strong> products {α i β j : (i, j) ∈ I × J} is a K-basis <strong>of</strong> M.Linear Independence. Suppose that we have a finite sum ∑ i,j λ ijα i β j = 0,where λ ij ∈ K. We can rewrite this as ∑ ( ∑j i λ )i,jα i βj = 0. Since thecoefficients <strong>of</strong> the β j lie in L we deduce that ∑ i λ i,jα i = 0 for all i, <strong>and</strong> thenthat λ i,j = 0.Spanning. Take θ ∈ M. We can write θ = ∑ j µ jβ j as a finite sum withcoefficients µ j ∈ L. Now write µ j = ∑ i λ ijα i as a finite sum with coefficientsλ ij ∈ K. Then θ = ∑ i,j λ ijα i β j as required.3.2 Algebraic <strong>and</strong> Transcendental ElementsLet L/K be a field extension. Given α ∈ L we have a K-algebra homomorphismev α : K[X] → L sending X ↦→ α, which we again call the evaluation map. We10

say that α ∈ L is a root <strong>of</strong> f ∈ K[X] provided that f(α) = 0; this is if <strong>and</strong> onlyif X − α divides f as polynomials in L[X]. As before, a polynomial f ∈ K[X]<strong>of</strong> degree d has at most d roots in L (with multiplicities).Changing perspective, we say that α ∈ L is algebraic over K provided it is theroot <strong>of</strong> some polynomial f ∈ K[X]; otherwise, we say that α is transcendentalover K. We call a field extension L/K algebraic provided that every α ∈ L isalgebraic over K.The image <strong>of</strong> the evaluation map ev α : K[X] → L is a subring <strong>of</strong> L, so anintegral domain, which we denote by K[α]. Moreover, since L is a field, thequotient field K(α) <strong>of</strong> K[α] is a subfield <strong>of</strong> L. We observe that K[α] is thesmallest subring <strong>of</strong> L containing both K <strong>and</strong> α, <strong>and</strong> similarly that K(α) is thesmallest subfield <strong>of</strong> L containing both K <strong>and</strong> α.Since the image <strong>of</strong> the evaluation map is an integral domain its kernel must bea prime ideal <strong>of</strong> K[X].Theorem 3.2. Let L/K be a field extension <strong>and</strong> α ∈ L. Then there are twopossibilities:1. (i) α is algebraic over K.(ii) Ker(ev α ) = (m α/K ) for some monic irreducible polynomial m α/K .(iii) K(α) = K[α].(iv) [K(α) : K] = deg(m α/K ) is finite.2. (i) α is transcendental over K.(ii) ev α injective.(iii) K(α) ≠ K[α].(iv) [K(α) : K] is infinite.Pro<strong>of</strong>. By definition, α is algebraic over K if <strong>and</strong> only if the kernel <strong>of</strong> theevaluation map ev α is non-zero, <strong>and</strong> then by Proposition 2.2 it is a maximalideal generated by a monic irreducible polynomial m α/K . This in turn impliesthat K[α] = K[X]/(m α/K ) is a field, so equals K(α), <strong>and</strong> hence [K(α) : K] =deg(m α/K ) is finite.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, α is transcendental over K if <strong>and</strong> only if the kernel iszero, or equivalently the evaluation map is injective. This in turn implies thatK[α] ∼ = K[X] is not a field, so K[α] ≠ K(α) <strong>and</strong> K(α) is infinite dimensionalover K.This proves that, for both cases, (i) is equivalent to (ii), <strong>and</strong> these imply both (iii)<strong>and</strong> (iv). Finally, if either K(α) = K[α] or [K(α) : K] is finite, then α cannotbe transcendental, so must be algebraic. Similarly, if either K(α) ≠ K[α] or[K(α) : K] is infinite, then α cannot be algebraic, so must be transcendental.For a field extension L/K <strong>and</strong> an element α ∈ L algebraic over K, we call themonic irreducible polynomial m α/K ∈ K[X] the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> αover K. It is uniquely determined by α <strong>and</strong> K.11

Corollary 3.3. Let L/K be a field extension, α ∈ L algebraic over K, <strong>and</strong>f ∈ K[X]. Then α ∈ L is a root <strong>of</strong> f if <strong>and</strong> only if m α/K divides f aspolynomials in K[X].Pro<strong>of</strong>. We know that α is a root <strong>of</strong> f if <strong>and</strong> only if f(α) = 0, which is if <strong>and</strong>only if f lies in the ideal Ker(ev α ) = (m α/K ).The next result is important since it allows us to construct field extensions <strong>of</strong>K without reference to any other field.Corollary 3.4 (Kronecker). Let f ∈ K[X] be non-constant. Then there existsa finite field extension L/K in which f has a root. In fact, we may assume that[L : K] ≤ deg(f).Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let g be a monic irreducible factor <strong>of</strong> f in K[X] <strong>and</strong> set L := K[X]/(g).Then L is a finite-dimensional K-algebra, <strong>of</strong> dimension deg(g) ≤ deg(f), <strong>and</strong>since (g) is a maximal ideal it is also a field. Thus L/K is a finite field extension.Set α to be the image <strong>of</strong> X in L. Then the evaluation map ev α/K has kernel(g), so contains f. In other words, α is a root <strong>of</strong> f in L.Examples1. C/R <strong>and</strong> i ∈ C. Then m i/R = X 2 + 1.2. C/Q <strong>and</strong> √ 2 ∈ C. Then m √ 2/Q = X2 − 2.3. C/R <strong>and</strong> √ 2 ∈ R. Then m √ 2/R = X − √ 2.4. C/Q <strong>and</strong> ζ = exp(2πi/5) ∈ C. Then m ζ/Q = X 4 + X 3 + X 2 + X + 1.5. π, e ∈ R are transcendental over Q (hard).In fact, Hilbert’s Seventh Problem, from his address to the ICM in 1900, posedthe following problem:If a <strong>and</strong> b are algebraic, with a ≠ 0, 1 <strong>and</strong> b irrational, then is a bnecessarily transcendental?This was proved in 1934, independently by Gelfond <strong>and</strong> Schneider. For example,the number √ 2√2is transcendental (but note that ((√2)√2) √2 = 2 is againrational).We remark that being algebraic or transcendental is a relative notion, since itdepends on the base field. For example, it is known that π ∈ R is transcendentalover Q, but it is clearly algebraic over R. In fact, for any field K, α ∈ K isalgebraic over K.12

3.3 Intermediate <strong>Fields</strong>Let L/K be a field extension. An intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K is a subfield E<strong>of</strong> L containing K, in which case L/E/K is a tower <strong>of</strong> fields.Given a subset S ⊂ L, we write K[S] for the smallest subring <strong>of</strong> L containingboth K <strong>and</strong> S, <strong>and</strong> K(S) for the smallest such subfield. Note that K[S] is anintegral domain <strong>and</strong> K(S) is its quotient field.This definition makes sense since if A i are subrings (respectively subfields) <strong>of</strong> Lcontaining K <strong>and</strong> S, then so too is their intersection ⋂ i A i.If S = {α 1 , . . . , α n } is a finite set, then we can describe K[S] = K[α 1 , . . . , α n ]as the image <strong>of</strong> the K-algebra homomorphismK[X 1 , . . . , X n ] → L, X i ↦→ α i .This extends the case discussed above <strong>of</strong> a single element K[α].We say that L/K is finitely generated provided L = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ) for somefinite set <strong>of</strong> elements α 1 , . . . , α n . Every finite field extension is finitely generated,since if α 1 , . . . , α n is a K-basis for L, then clearly L = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ). IfL = K(α), then we say that the field extension L/K is simple, <strong>and</strong> call α aprimitive element for the field extension.If E <strong>and</strong> F are two intermediate fields <strong>of</strong> L/K, then we define their compositumEF to be the smallest subfield <strong>of</strong> L containing both <strong>of</strong> them. In thenotation above we have EF = E(F ) = F (E).We remark that in all <strong>of</strong> the above constructions we need the ambient fieldL. In particular, if we are given two field extensions E/K <strong>and</strong> F/K, there isno natural way to construct a field extension L/K containing both E <strong>and</strong> F ;we can only talk about the compositum EF when both E <strong>and</strong> F are alreadysubfields <strong>of</strong> some larger field L.RemarkThe definition <strong>of</strong> a compositum <strong>of</strong> two fields requires an ambient field. If E<strong>and</strong> F are field extensions <strong>of</strong> K, we could instead consider the tensor productE ⊗ K F <strong>and</strong> take a maximal ideal I. Then E ⊗ K F/I is again a field <strong>and</strong> we haveembeddings E, F → E ⊗ K F/I. The problem is that this definition depends onthe choice <strong>of</strong> I.For example, ifthenE ∼ = F ∼ = Q[X]/(X 3 − 2) ∼ = Q( 3 √2),E ⊗ K F ∼ = Q[X, Y ]/(X 3 − 2, X 3 − Y 3 )∼= Q[X, Y ]/ ( X 3 − 2, (X − Y )(X 2 + XY + Y 2 ) ) .13

We have maximal idealsgiving fieldsI = (X 3 − 2, X − Y ) <strong>and</strong> J = (X 3 − 2, X 2 + XY + Y 2 ),E ⊗ K F/I ∼ = Q[X]/(X 3 − 2) ∼ = Q( 3 √2),E ⊗ K F/J ∼ = Q[X, Z]/(X 3 − 2, Z 2 + Z + 1) ∼ = Q( 3 √2, ω).Here we have made the substitution Z = Y/X <strong>and</strong> written ω for a primitivecube root <strong>of</strong> unity.We observe that[E ⊗ K F/I : Q] = 3 <strong>and</strong> [E ⊗ K F/J : Q] = 6,so the fields are not isomorphic.3.4 Primitive Element TheoremRecall that a field extension L/K is simple if there exists some α ∈ L such thatL = K(α), in which case we call α a primitive element for L/K. We now givea useful criterion showing when a finite field extension is simple.Theorem 3.5 (Primitive Element). Let L/K be a finite extension. Then L/Kis simple if <strong>and</strong> only if L/K has only finitely many intermediate fields.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose first that L = K(α) is a finite <strong>and</strong> simple field extension <strong>of</strong> K.Then α is algebraic over K, say with minimal polynomial m = m α/K ∈ K[X].Consider the map φ sending an intermediate field F <strong>of</strong> L/K to the polynomialm α/F , viewed as a polynomial over L. Since α is a root <strong>of</strong> m, we know thatm α/F divides m over F , <strong>and</strong> hence also over L. Thus φ(F ) is a monic polynomialdividing m over L, so the image <strong>of</strong> φ is a finite set.We also have a map ψ from the monic polynomials dividing m to the intermediatefields <strong>of</strong> L/K, sending the polynomial f = X n + a n−1 X n−1 + · · · + a 1 X + a 0to the field F = K(a 0 , a 1 , . . . , a n−1 ) generated over K by the coefficients <strong>of</strong> f.We wish to show that ψφ = id, so that ψ is a left inverse for φ, <strong>and</strong> hence that φis injective. Since the image <strong>of</strong> φ is finite we deduce that L/K has only finitelymany intermediate fields.Let F be an intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K <strong>and</strong> let f := φ(F ) = m α/F be theminimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over F . Then L = F (α), so [L : F ] = deg(f). Now letF ′ := ψ(f) be the intermediate field generated by the coefficients <strong>of</strong> f. Sinceeach coefficient <strong>of</strong> f lies in F we clearly have F ′ ⊂ F , <strong>and</strong> so [L : F ′ ] ≥ [L :F ] = deg(f). On the other h<strong>and</strong> we also have L = F ′ (α), <strong>and</strong> since α is a root<strong>of</strong> f ∈ F ′ [X] we must have [L : F ′ ] ≤ deg(f). Thus [L : F ′ ] = deg(f), so by theTower Law [F : F ′ ] = 1, whence F = F ′ . This proves that ψφ = id.14

For the other direction, we separate the pro<strong>of</strong> into two cases, depending onwhether or not K is an infinite field.Let L/K be a finite field extension having only finitely many intermediate fields.Suppose that K is an infinite field. We show that for any α, β ∈ L there existsλ ∈ K such that K(α, β) = K(α + λβ).For convenience set θ λ := α + λβ. Now, since L/K has only finitely manyintermediate fields, but K is infinite, there exist λ ≠ µ ∈ K with K(θ λ ) =K(θ µ ). Thus bothβ = θ λ − θ µλ − µ<strong>and</strong>α = λθ µ − µθ λλ − µlie in K(θ λ ), so that K(α, β) = K(θ λ ). This proves the claim.By induction, given α 1 , . . . , α n ∈ L, there exist λ 2 , . . . , λ n ∈ K such thatK(α 1 , . . . , α n ) = K(α 1 + λ 2 α 2 + · · · + λ n α n ).Since L/K is finite, it is finitely generated <strong>and</strong> hence simple.If, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, K is a finite field, then so too is L, <strong>and</strong> hence L × is acyclic group by the lemma below. Let α be a generator for this group. Thenclearly L = K(α), so L/K is simple.It remains to prove the following lemma.Lemma 3.6. Let G be a finite group such that, for all m ≥ 1, there are at mostm elements x ∈ G such that x m = 1. Then G is cyclic.In particular, if G is a finite subgroup <strong>of</strong> the multiplicative group K × <strong>of</strong> somefield K, then G is cyclic. If K is a finite field, then K × is a cyclic group.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Write θ(m) for the number <strong>of</strong> elements in G <strong>of</strong> order m. If θ(m) > 0,then there exists some element g ∈ G <strong>of</strong> order m, <strong>and</strong> so 〈g〉 ≤ G is a cyclicgroup <strong>of</strong> order m. This contains m elements, all <strong>of</strong> which satisfy x m = 1, so byour assumption on G these are the only such elements. We deduce that θ(m)equals the number <strong>of</strong> generators <strong>of</strong> this subgroup, which we know is given byEuler’s totient (or phi) function:φ(m) := |{1 ≤ d ≤ m : gcd(d, m) = 1}|.It follows that θ(m) is either zero or equals φ(m).Now, Lagrange’s Theorem tells us that every element in G has order dividingn := |G|, so n = ∑ m|nθ(m). On the other h<strong>and</strong>, by considering the case <strong>of</strong> acyclic group, we know that n = ∑ m|nφ(m). Since θ(m) ≤ φ(m) for all m|n, wededuce that θ(m) = φ(m) for all m|n. In particular, θ(n) = φ(n) > 0, so G hasan element <strong>of</strong> order n, so G is cyclic.If K is a field, then there are at most m solutions to the equation X m = 1 inK. Thus each finite subgroup <strong>of</strong> K × is cyclic. If K is a finite field, then K ×itself is a finite group, so cyclic.15

Chapter 4Field EmbeddingsLet L be a field. Recall that a field automorphism <strong>of</strong> L is a bijective ringhomomorphism σ : L → L. We denote the set <strong>of</strong> all field automorphisms <strong>of</strong> Lby Aut(L), <strong>and</strong> observe that this is a group under composition.Let G ≤ Aut(L) be a subgroup <strong>of</strong> field automorphisms <strong>of</strong> L. We define its fixedfield to beL G := {x ∈ L : σ(x) = x for all σ ∈ G}.Note that L G is indeed a subfield <strong>of</strong> L.Conversely, if K is a subfield <strong>of</strong> L, then we may consider the set <strong>of</strong> K-algebraautomorphisms, or simply K-automorphisms, <strong>of</strong> LGal(L/K) := {σ ∈ Aut(L) : σ(x) = x for all x ∈ K}.Note that this is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> Aut(L). We call Gal(L/K) the <strong>Galois</strong> group<strong>of</strong> the field extension L/K.More generally, let F/K be another field extension. We write Hom K (F, L) forthe set <strong>of</strong> K-algebra homomorphisms, or simply K-embeddings, F → LHom K (F, L) := {σ : F → L : σ(x) = x for all x ∈ K}.Recall that every such K-embedding is an injective linear map <strong>of</strong> K-vectorspaces. In particular, if L/K is finite, then Hom K (L, L) = Gal(L/K).The next proposition relates some <strong>of</strong> these concepts. As usual, given a group G<strong>and</strong> a subgroup H ≤ G, we write (G : H) for the set <strong>of</strong> left cosets <strong>of</strong> H in G, <strong>and</strong>[G : H] for the number <strong>of</strong> such cosets. Thus [G : H] = |G|/|H| by Lagrange’sTheorem.Proposition 4.1. Let L/F/K be a tower <strong>of</strong> field extensions.1. Composing with the inclusion F ↩→ L gives an injection Gal(F/K) ↩→Hom K (F, L), whose image is precisely those field embeddings having imageF ; that is, the set <strong>of</strong> σ : F → L with σ(F ) = F .16

2. Gal(L/F ) ≤ Gal(L/K) is a subgroup, <strong>and</strong> restriction to F gives an injection( Gal(L/K) : Gal(L/F ) ) ↩→ Hom K (F, L).Pro<strong>of</strong>. 1. Composition with the inclusion map ι is clearly injective, <strong>and</strong> ifσ ∈ Gal(F/K), then ισ clearly has image F . Conversely, if τ ∈ Hom K (F, L)has image F , then it restricts to a K-automorphism σ <strong>of</strong> F , so τ = ισ <strong>and</strong>σ ∈ Gal(F/K).2. Since K ⊂ F , any F -automorphism <strong>of</strong> L is necessarily a K-automorphism,whence Gal(L/F ) ≤ Gal(L/K). Restriction to F now gives a map Gal(L/K) →Hom K (F, L). Moreover, σ <strong>and</strong> τ restrict to the same K-embedding if <strong>and</strong> onlyif σ −1 τ fixes F . This happens if <strong>and</strong> only if σ −1 τ ∈ Gal(L/F ), or equivalentlyτ ∈ σ Gal(L/F ), giving the required injective map from left cosets to fieldembeddings.4.1 Artin’s Extension TheoremLet F/K <strong>and</strong> L/K be finite field extensions. We saw above that we are interestedin K-embeddings F → L. One way <strong>of</strong> constructing these is to start withthe field embedding K → L, <strong>and</strong> then to iteratively ‘add in’ the elements <strong>of</strong> F .More precisely, suppose that F = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ), <strong>and</strong> set F i := K(α 1 , . . . , α i ).Then F i = F i−1 (α i ) is a simple field extension, so if we have constructed a fieldembedding σ i : F i → L, we just need to underst<strong>and</strong> when we can extend thisto a field embedding σ i+1 : F i+1 → L. This is the content <strong>of</strong> Artin’s ExtensionTheorem.We need some terminolgy. Let F/K be a field extension <strong>and</strong> ι: K → L a fieldembedding. We say that a field embedding σ : F → L extends ι provided thatσ(x) = ι(x) for all x ∈ K.Theorem 4.2 (Artin’s Extension Theorem). Let K(α)/K be a finite, simplefield extension.1. If L/K is another field extension, then the K-embeddings σ : K(α) → Lare in bijection with the roots <strong>of</strong> m α/K in L, the bijection being given byσ ↦→ σ(α).2. More generally, if ι: K → L is a field embedding, then the extensionsσ : K(α) → L <strong>of</strong> ι are in bijection with the roots <strong>of</strong> ι(m α/K ) in L.Pro<strong>of</strong>. For convenience set m := m α/K . We have a K-algebra isomorphismK[X]/(m) −→ ∼ K(α) via X ↦→ α. By the Factor Lemma we know that K-embeddings σ : K(α) → L are in bijection with K-algebra homomorphisms˜σ : K[X] → L such that ˜σ(m) = 0. Now, each K-algebra homomorphism˜σ : K[X] → L is completely determined by the element β := ˜σ(X), in whichcase ˜σ = ev β , <strong>and</strong> then ˜σ(m) = 0 if <strong>and</strong> only if β is a root <strong>of</strong> m.17

In particular, we can have a strict inequality in Proposition 4.1 (2).We observe that the field embedding ι 1 : F → L, √ 2 ↦→ √ 2, can beextended in two different ways to an automorphism <strong>of</strong> L, namely thetwo automorphisms 4√ 2 ↦→ ± 4√ 2. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the field embeddingι 2 : F → L, √ 2 ↦→ − √ 2 cannot be extended to an automorphism <strong>of</strong> L.This agrees with Artin’s Extension Theorem, since the minimal polynomial<strong>of</strong> 4√ 2 over F is X 2 − √ 2 (why?). Then ι 1 (X 2 − √ 2) = X 2 − √ 2, <strong>and</strong>this has two roots in L, namely ± 4√ 2. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, ι 2 (X 2 − √ 2) =X 2 + √ 2, <strong>and</strong> this has no roots in L, since both its roots are complex.5. Consider instead M = Q( 6√ 2). Then the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong>6√2 overF = Q( √ 2) is n := X 3 − √ 2. Then ι 1 (n) = n has exactly one root in M,namely 6√ 2, <strong>and</strong> ι 2 (n) = X 3 + √ 2 also has exactly one root in M, namely− 6√ 2. Thus ι 1 <strong>and</strong> ι 2 can both be extended uniquely to automorphisms<strong>of</strong> M.6. We now compute all embeddings Q(α, ω) → C, where α = 3√ 2 <strong>and</strong> ω =exp(2πi/3) as above. We begin by noting that [Q(α, ω) : Q] = 6. For,we know that [Q(ω) : Q] = 2 <strong>and</strong> that [Q(α) : Q] = 3. It follows fromthe Tower Law that both 2 <strong>and</strong> 3, <strong>and</strong> hence 6, divide [Q(α, ω) : Q].On the other h<strong>and</strong>, we know that α is a root <strong>of</strong> X 3 − 2 over Q(ω), so[Q(α, ω) : Q(ω)] ≤ 3, whence [Q(α, ω) : Q] ≤ 6.In particular, X 3 − 2 is the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over Q(ω).We have already computed all embeddings Q(ω) → C, namely the identity<strong>and</strong> complex conjugation τ : ω ↦→ ω 2 . Clearly both fix the minimal polynomialX 3 − 2 <strong>of</strong> α, <strong>and</strong> since this polynomial has three distinct roots inC, we see that both id <strong>and</strong> τ extend in three different ways to embeddingsQ(α, ω) → C.Finally, all <strong>of</strong> these embeddings restrict to automorphisms <strong>of</strong> Q(α, ω).Therefore we have in fact computed the <strong>Galois</strong> group Gal(Q(α, ω)/Q).We list these six automorphisms in the table below, showing their actionson α <strong>and</strong> ω.id σ σ 2 τ στ σ 2 τω ↦→ ω ω ↦→ ω ω ↦→ ω ω ↦→ ω 2 ω ↦→ ω 2 ω ↦→ ω 2α ↦→ α α ↦→ ωα α ↦→ ω 2 α α ↦→ α α ↦→ ωα α ↦→ ω 2 αNote that τ still denotes complex conjugation. Also, the names exhibitsome <strong>of</strong> the compositions in the <strong>Galois</strong> group. For example,σ 2 (ω) = σ(ω) = ω, σ 2 (α) = σ(ωα) = σ(ω)σ(α) = ω · ωα = ω 2 α.Similarly,στ(ω) = σ(ω 2 ) = σ(ω) 2 = ω 2 ,στ(α) = σ(α) = ωα.19

Corollary 4.4. Let L/K <strong>and</strong> F/K be field extensions, <strong>and</strong> assume that F/Kis finite. Then | Hom K (F, L)| ≤ [F : K].In particular, if L/K is finite, then | Gal(L/K)| ≤ [L : K].Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let x 1 , . . . , x n be a K-basis for F , <strong>and</strong> let σ 1 , . . . , σ m be distinct elements<strong>of</strong> Hom K (F, L). Form the matrix M := (σ i (x j )) ∈ M m×n (L), <strong>and</strong> view M t asa linear map M t : L m → L n . If m > n, then this has a non-zero kernel, so wecan find elements λ i ∈ L, not all zero, with∑λ i σ i (x j ) = 0 for all j.iSince the x j form a K-basis for F <strong>and</strong> the σ i fix K, we deduce that ∑ i λ iσ i (x) =0 for all x ∈ F , <strong>and</strong> hence that ∑ i λ iσ i = 0, contradicting the linear independence<strong>of</strong> the σ i . Thus m ≤ n, <strong>and</strong> hence | Hom K (F, L)| ≤ [F : K].21

Chapter 5<strong>Galois</strong> ExtensionsWe saw in the previous section that if L/K is a finite field extension, thenGal(L/K) is a finite group <strong>of</strong> size at most [L : K]. We call L/K a <strong>Galois</strong> extensionprovided | Gal(L/K)| = [L : K], which is to say that the field extensionL/K has the maximal amount <strong>of</strong> symmetry.We remark that in Section 4.1, Example (1) we proved that Q( √ 2)/Q is a<strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym 2 , <strong>and</strong> in Example (6) we proved thatQ( 3√ 2, ω)/Q is a <strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym 3 .On the other h<strong>and</strong>, Q( 3√ 2)/Q has no non-trivial automorphism by Example (3),but has degree 3, so is not <strong>Galois</strong>.We begin by showing that <strong>Galois</strong> extensions arise as fixed fields <strong>of</strong> field automorphisms.Proposition 5.1. Let L be a field <strong>and</strong> G ≤ Aut(L) a finite group <strong>of</strong> fieldautomorphisms <strong>of</strong> L. Set K := L G to be its fixed field. Then L/K is a <strong>Galois</strong>extension, <strong>and</strong> Gal(L/K) = G.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Clearly G ≤ Gal(L/K). We will show that |G| ≥ [L : K]; hence L/K isa finite extension, <strong>and</strong> since by Corollary 4.4 we have [L : K] ≥ | Gal(L/K)|, itfollows that L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> G = Gal(L/K).The pro<strong>of</strong> is similar in style to that <strong>of</strong> Theorem 4.3.Let G = {σ 1 , . . . , σ m } <strong>and</strong> take x 1 , . . . , x n ∈ L, linearly independent over K.Form the matrix M = (σ i (x j )) ∈ M m×n , <strong>and</strong> view it as a linear map M : L n →L m . If m < n, then this has non-trivial kernel, so there exist λ j ∈ L, not allzero, with∑λ j σ i (x j ) = 0 for all i.jTake such a solution having a minimal number <strong>of</strong> non-zero terms.through <strong>and</strong> renumbering, we may assume that λ n = 1.Dividing22

Now, the λ j cannot all lie in K, since otherwise σ i ( ∑ ∑j λ jx j ) = 0, whencej λ jx j = 0, contradicting the linear independence <strong>of</strong> the x j . So without loss<strong>of</strong> generality we may assume that λ 1 ∉ K. Next, since K = L G , we haveσ(λ 1 ) ≠ λ 1 for some σ ∈ G. Applying σ to our list <strong>of</strong> equations, <strong>and</strong> using thatG = {σσ i }, we get∑σ(λ j )σ i (x j ) = 0 for all i.jSubtracting then gives∑µ j σ i (x j ) = 0 for all i, where µ j := λ j − σ(λ j ).jSince µ n = 0, this has fewer non-zero terms, so by minimality µ j = 0 for all j.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, µ 1 ≠ 0, a contradiction.We conclude that m ≥ n, <strong>and</strong> so |G| ≥ [L : K].Corollary 5.2. Let L/K be a <strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group G.K = L G .ThenPro<strong>of</strong>. Since L/K is a <strong>Galois</strong> extension we have |G| = [L : K], <strong>and</strong> so G is afinite group. Then, by the proposition, |G| = [L : L G ]. Clearly K ⊂ L G , so theTower Law gives us that [L G : K] = 1, whence L G = K.We observe that L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> if <strong>and</strong> only if K is the fixed field <strong>of</strong> Gal(L/K).This condition is used by some authors as the definition <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Galois</strong> extension.5.1 The <strong>Galois</strong> CorrespondenceThe next theorem is <strong>of</strong> great importance: it states that intermediate fields <strong>of</strong><strong>Galois</strong> extensions correspond to subgroups <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Galois</strong> group. In particular,there are only finitely many intermediate fields.Theorem 5.3 (Fundamental Theorem <strong>of</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong>). Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong>with <strong>Galois</strong> group G. Then there exists a bijection{subgroups <strong>of</strong> G} ←→ {intermediate fields <strong>of</strong> L/K}H ↦−→ L HGal(L/F ) ←− FIn particular, for each intermediate field F , the extension L/F is <strong>Galois</strong>.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let H be a subgroup <strong>of</strong> G <strong>and</strong> set F := L H . Since H is a subgroup <strong>of</strong>G = Gal(L/K) we know that K ⊂ F , so that F is an intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K.Moreover, H is a finite group (since G is), so we can apply Proposition 5.1 to23

deduce that L/F is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group H. This proves that Gal(L/L H ) =H.Conversely, let F be an intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K <strong>and</strong> set H := Gal(L/F ).Since K ⊂ F , we see that H fixes K, <strong>and</strong> so H is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> G. Now, byCorollary 4.4 we know that [L : F ] ≥ |H| <strong>and</strong> [F : K] ≥ | Hom K (F, L)|, whereasby Proposition 4.1 we know that | Hom K (F, L)| ≥ [G : H]. We can now use theTower Law to deduce that[L : K] = [L : F ][F : K] ≥ |H|[G : H] = |G|.Since L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> we have |G| = [L : K], <strong>and</strong> so we must have equality above.It follows that |H| = [L : F ], <strong>and</strong> thus L/F is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group H.Hence H has fixed field F by Corollary 5.2.For convenience we record the following result, shown during the above pro<strong>of</strong><strong>and</strong> improving Proposition 4.1.Corollary 5.4. Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group G. Let F be an intermediatefield <strong>of</strong> L/K <strong>and</strong> set H := Gal(L/F ). Then there is a bijection(G : H) ∼ = Hom K (F, L), with both sides having size [F : K].The next result investigates the correspondence between subgroups <strong>and</strong> intermediatefields more closely.We need some terminology. If F is an intermediate field <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Galois</strong> extensionL/K, then we call Gal(L/F ) the <strong>Galois</strong> group associated to F .Theorem 5.5 (<strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence). Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> groupG. Let H, H i be subgroups <strong>of</strong> G, with fixed fields F, F i .1. H 1 ≤ H 2 if <strong>and</strong> only if F 1 ⊃ F 2 .2. H 1 ∩ H 2 has fixed field the compositum F 1 F 2 .3. F 1 ∩ F 2 has associated group 〈H 1 , H 2 〉.4. If σ ∈ G, then σ(F ) has associated group σHσ −1 .5. F/K is <strong>Galois</strong> if <strong>and</strong> only if σ(F ) = F for all σ ∈ G, which is if <strong>and</strong>only if H ⊳ G is a normal subgroup. In this case, F/K has <strong>Galois</strong> group(isomorphic to) G/H.Recall that if H 1 , H 2 ≤ G are subgroups, then we write 〈H 1 , H 2 〉 for the smallestsubgroup <strong>of</strong> G containing both H 1 <strong>and</strong> H 2 .Pro<strong>of</strong>. 1. If H 1 ≤ H 2 , then everything fixed by all elements <strong>of</strong> H 2 is necessarilyfixed by all elements <strong>of</strong> H 1 , so F 1 ⊃ F 2 . Conversely, if F 1 ⊃ F 2 , then everyautomorphism fixing all elements <strong>of</strong> F 1 necessarily fixes all elements <strong>of</strong> F 2 , soH 1 ≤ H 2 .24

2. Let H 1 ∩ H 2 have fixed field M, <strong>and</strong> let F 1 F 2 have associated <strong>Galois</strong> groupB. Since F 1 F 2 ⊃ F i we have B ≤ H i , <strong>and</strong> hence B ≤ H 1 ∩ H 2 . Conversely,since H 1 ∩ H 2 ⊂ H i we have M ⊃ F i , <strong>and</strong> hence M ⊃ F 1 F 2 . Applying (1) thengives H 1 ∩ H 2 ⊂ B. Thus B = H 1 ∩ H 2 <strong>and</strong> M = F 1 F 2 .3. This is similar. Let 〈H 1 , H 2 〉 have fixed field M, <strong>and</strong> let F 1 ∩ F 2 have associated<strong>Galois</strong> group B. Since F i ⊃ F 1 ∩ F 2 we have H i ≤ B, <strong>and</strong> hence〈H 1 , H 2 〉 ≤ B. Conversely, since H i ≤ 〈H 1 , H 2 〉 we have F i ⊃ M, <strong>and</strong> henceF 1 ∩ F 2 ⊃ M. Applying (1) then gives B ≤ 〈H 1 , H 2 〉. Thus B = 〈H 1 , H 2 〉 <strong>and</strong>M = F 1 ∩ F 2 .4. The <strong>Galois</strong> group associated to σ(F ) consists <strong>of</strong> all automorphisms τ suchthat τσ(x) = σ(x) for all x ∈ F , or equivalently σ −1 τσ(x) = x for all x ∈ F .Thus τ ∈ Gal(L/σ(F )) if <strong>and</strong> only if σ −1 τσ ∈ Gal(L/F ) = H, which is if <strong>and</strong>only if τ ∈ σHσ −1 .5. By (4) we know that H is a normal subgroup if <strong>and</strong> only if σ(F ) = F for allσ ∈ G. Next, by Corollary 5.4 we have a bijection (G : H) ∼ = Hom K (F, L), soevery K-embedding F → L is the restriction to F <strong>of</strong> some element in G. ThusH is normal if <strong>and</strong> only if every K-embedding σ : F → L has image F .On the other h<strong>and</strong> we have an inclusion ι: Gal(F/K) ↩→ Hom K (F, L) by Proposition4.1, whose image is precisely those σ satisfying σ(F ) = F . Therefore His normal if <strong>and</strong> only if ι is a bijection, <strong>and</strong> since | Hom K (F, L)| = [F : K] byCorollary 5.4, this is equivalent to | Gal(F/K)| = [F : K], <strong>and</strong> hence to F/Kbeing <strong>Galois</strong>.Finally, if this holds, then we have a (set-theoretic) bijection G/H ∼ = Gal(F/K).This sends a coset σH to its restriction σ : F → L, which we know has imageF so lies in Gal(F/K). An easy check shows that this bijection respects themultiplication <strong>and</strong> preserves the identity, so is a group isomorphism.RemarksThe first statement says that the bijection between subgroups <strong>of</strong> G <strong>and</strong> intermediatefields <strong>of</strong> L/K is inclusion-reversing. The next two statements saythat the bijection preserves the lattice structure.Later we will introduce the notion <strong>of</strong> a normal field extension, <strong>and</strong> then (5) saysthat H is a normal subgroup if <strong>and</strong> only if F/K is a normal field extension. Infact, this is the origin <strong>of</strong> the term normal subgroup.We have the following two pictures representing properties (2) <strong>and</strong> (3) above.25

L{1}F 1 F 2F 1correspondenceF 2 <strong>Galois</strong>F 1 ∩ F 2H 1 ∩ H 2H 1H 2〈H 1 , H 2 〉KGExampleSet α = 3√ 2 <strong>and</strong> ω = exp(2πi/3). We know that the field extension Q(α, ω)/Qis <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym 3 . Moreover, the automorphisms are given byid σ σ 2 τ στ σ 2 τω ↦→ ω ω ↦→ ω ω ↦→ ω ω ↦→ ω 2 ω ↦→ ω 2 ω ↦→ ω 2α ↦→ α α ↦→ ωα α ↦→ ω 2 α α ↦→ α α ↦→ ωα α ↦→ ω 2 αNow, the proper subgroups <strong>of</strong> Sym 3 are {id}, the group <strong>of</strong> order three 〈σ〉, <strong>and</strong>the three groups <strong>of</strong> order two 〈τ〉, 〈στ〉, 〈σ 2 τ〉.The subgroup 〈σ〉 has fixed field Q(ω). For, σ fixes ω, so Q(σ) is contained inthe fixed field. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the subgroup has index two, <strong>and</strong> Q(ω)/Qhas degree two, so we must have equality.The subgroup 〈τ〉 has fixed field Q(α). For, τ fixes α, <strong>and</strong> we can again argueby degrees.Similarly, the subgroup 〈στ〉 has fixed field Q(ω 2 α), <strong>and</strong> 〈σ 2 τ〉 has fixed fieldQ(ωα).We usually display this by drawing the lattices <strong>of</strong> subgroups <strong>and</strong> intermediatefields.{1}L = Q(α, ω)〈σ〉S 3〈τ〉 〈στ〉 〈σ 2 τ〉Q(ω)Q(α)QQ(ω 2 α) Q(ωα)Note that 〈σ〉 = Alt 3 is a normal subgroup, <strong>and</strong> that Q(ω)/Q is <strong>Galois</strong>.26

5.2 Transitive Group ActionsLet a group G act on a set X. We say that the action is transitive providedthat, for x, y ∈ X there exists g ∈ G with g(x) = y. We are going to showthat if L/K is a <strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group G, then for each α ∈ L itsminimal polynomial m α/K splits into distinct linear factors over L <strong>and</strong> G actstransitively on the roots.Proposition 5.6. Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group G. Let α ∈ L <strong>and</strong> setd = [L : K(α)]. Then∏ ( )X − σ(α) = (mα/K ) d .σ∈GMoreover, m α/K splits into distinct linear factors over L.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Set f := ∏ ( )σ∈G X − σ(α) . If τ ∈ G, then( ) ∏ ( )X − τσ(α) = X − σ(α) = f.τ(f) = ∏ σ∈Gσ∈GThus every coefficient <strong>of</strong> f is in the fixed field <strong>of</strong> G, so f ∈ K[X].Consider H := Stab(α) = {σ ∈ G : σ(α) = α}. Then clearly H = Gal(L/K(α)),so d := |H| = [L : K(α)] <strong>and</strong> [G : H] = [K(α) : K]. If we take coset representativesσ i for H in G, then f = m d , where m = ∏ i(X − σi (α) ) . Note that mis a monic polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree [G : H] = [K(α) : K], <strong>and</strong> splits into distinctlinear factors over L. Moreover, since each τ ∈ G just permutes the roots <strong>of</strong> f,the same is true for m. Thus τ(m) = m for all τ ∈ G, so m ∈ K[X]. Finally,since α is a root <strong>of</strong> m, we conclude that m = m α/K .We say that two elements α <strong>and</strong> β <strong>of</strong> L are K-conjugates if they have thesame minimal polynomial over K.Corollary 5.7. Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group G. Then α, β ∈ L areK-conjugates if <strong>and</strong> only if there exists σ ∈ G with σ(α) = β. In particular, Gacts transitively on the roots <strong>of</strong> m α/K .Pro<strong>of</strong>. We have just seen that m α/K = ∏ i(X − σi (α) ) , where σ i are cosetrepresentatives for Gal(L/K(α)) in G. Now, β is a K-conjugate <strong>of</strong> α if <strong>and</strong> onlyif it is a root <strong>of</strong> m α/K , which is if <strong>and</strong> only if it is <strong>of</strong> the form σ(α) for someσ ∈ G.27

Chapter 6Calculating <strong>Galois</strong> Groups6.1 Example 1Consider the irreducible polynomial f = X 4 − 2 ∈ Q[X] <strong>and</strong> set α := 4√ 2 ∈ R.Over the complex numbers f has roots ±α, ±iα. Set L = Q(α, i). We will showthat L/Q is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group D 8 , the dihedral group <strong>of</strong> order eight, orsymmetry group <strong>of</strong> a square.There are four embeddings Q(α) → L given by α ↦→ i m α for 0 ≤ m < 4. Also,since α ∈ R we see that i ∉ Q(α), <strong>and</strong> hence that i has minimal polynomialX 2 +1 over Q(α). By Artin’s Extension Theorem, each embedding α ↦→ i m α canbe extended in two ways by i ↦→ ±i. This gives the eight elements <strong>of</strong> Gal(L/Q)α ↦→ i m αi ↦→ i<strong>and</strong>α ↦→ i m αi ↦→ −i.Set σ to be the map α ↦→ iα, i ↦→ i <strong>and</strong> τ to be the map α ↦→ α, i ↦→ −i. Thenσ has order four, τ is complex conjugation, so has order two, <strong>and</strong> τσ = σ 3 τ.Hence Gal(L/Q) ∼ = D 8 , the dihedral group <strong>of</strong> order 8, or the symmetry group<strong>of</strong> a square.In fact, the four roots i m α <strong>of</strong> f in C form the four vertices <strong>of</strong> a square, withdiagonals along the real <strong>and</strong> imaginary axes. In this picture, σ is just therotation anticlockwise by π/2 <strong>and</strong> τ is reflection in the real axis.σiα−αατ−iα28

As usual we draw the lattices <strong>of</strong> subgroups <strong>and</strong> intermediate fields. Note thatall inclusions <strong>of</strong> subgroups have index 2.{1}L = Q(α, i)〈σ 2 τ〉 〈τ〉 〈σ 2 〉 〈στ〉 〈σ 3 τ〉Q(iα) Q(α) Q(α 2 , i) E F〈σ 2 , τ〉 〈σ〉 〈σ 2 , στ〉Q(α 2 ) Q(i) GD 8QTo find the fixed fields we can proceed as follows. Clearly σ fixes i, so Q(i) iscontained in the fixed field <strong>of</strong> 〈σ〉. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, 〈σ〉 has index two in D 8<strong>and</strong> Q(i)/Q has degree two, so Q(i) is the fixed field <strong>of</strong> 〈σ〉.Similar reasoning shows that 〈τ〉 has fixed field Q(α).We now apply the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence. Using that σ〈τ〉σ −1 = 〈στσ −1 〉 =〈σ 2 τ〉, we see that 〈σ 2 τ〉 has fixed field Q(σ(α)) = Q(iα).Next, the subgroup 〈τ, σ 2 τ〉 = 〈σ 2 , τ〉 has fixed field the intersection Q(α) ∩Q(iα). This equals Q(α 2 ), since we obviously have one inclusion <strong>and</strong> the degreescoincide. It now follows that the group 〈σ 2 〉 = 〈σ〉 ∩ 〈σ 2 , τ〉 has fixed fieldQ(α 2 , i).It remains to calculate the intermediate fields E, F <strong>and</strong> G.The subfield G is contained in Q(α 2 , i) = Q( √ 2, i), <strong>and</strong> we have seen such fieldextensions before. We deduce that G = Q(iα 2 ) = Q(i √ 2).Consider στ. Viewing the four roots i m α <strong>of</strong> f as the points <strong>of</strong> a square inC, we observe that στ swaps α <strong>and</strong> iα, <strong>and</strong> hence fixes the midpoint α(1 + i)<strong>of</strong> the side connecting α with iα. Now, α(1 + i) has four distinct conjugates±α(1+i), ±α(1−i), so Q(α(1+i))/Q has degree four, <strong>and</strong> hence E = Q(α(1+i)).Finally, we can conjugate by σ to deduce that F = σ(E) = Q(α(1 − i)).We seem to have lost some symmetry in our diagram <strong>of</strong> intermediate fields, butwe can reclaim this by applying some more thought to the fields E <strong>and</strong> F . Webegin by noting that the primitive eighth root <strong>of</strong> unity ζ := exp(2πi/8) can bewritten asζ = 1 + i √2= 1 + iα 2 .It follows that L = Q(α, ζ). Furthermore, ζ 2 = i <strong>and</strong> α 2 = ζ +ζ −1 , so Q(α 2 , i) =Q(ζ). Also, F is generated by2α(1 − i) = 1 + iα= αζ,29

<strong>and</strong> similarly E is generated by2α(1 + i) = α31 + i = αζ−1 = −αζ 3 .Observe thatσ(ζ) = 1 + i1 − i= −ζ <strong>and</strong> τ(ζ) =−α2 α 2 = ζ −1 .We can therefore rewrite the lattice <strong>of</strong> intermediate fields asQ(α, ζ)Q(αζ 2 ) Q(α) Q(ζ) Q(αζ 3 ) Q(αζ)Q(α 2 ) Q(ζ 2 ) Q(α 2 ζ 2 )QThe proper normal subgroups <strong>of</strong> D 8 are〈σ 2 , τ〉, 〈σ〉, 〈σ 2 , στ〉, 〈σ〉,<strong>and</strong> so their respective fixed fields are <strong>Galois</strong> over QQ(α 2 ), Q(i), Q(iα 2 ), Q(ζ).30

6.2 Example 2√Let α = (2 + √ 2)(3 + √ 3). We will show that L = Q(α) is <strong>Galois</strong> over Q <strong>and</strong>has <strong>Galois</strong> group Q 8 , the quaternion group.Observe that α 2 = (2 + √ 2)(3 + √ 3) = 6 + 3 √ 2 + 2 √ 3 + √ 6. Thus Q(α 2 ) ⊂Q( √ 2, √ 3), which we know is <strong>Galois</strong> over Q with <strong>Galois</strong> group V ∼ = (Z/2Z) 2 .We can write V = {1, ¯σ, ¯τ, ¯σ¯τ}, where¯σ( √ 2) = − √ 2¯σ( √ 3) = √ 3Consider the four conjugates <strong>of</strong> α 2<strong>and</strong>¯τ( √ 2) = √ 2¯τ( √ 3) = − √ 3.6 + 3 √ 2 + 2 √ 3 + √ 6, 6 − 3 √ 2 + 2 √ 3 − √ 66 + 3 √ 2 − 2 √ 3 − √ 6, 6 − 3 √ 2 − 2 √ 3 + √ 6.Since {1, √ 2, √ 3, √ 6} is a Q-basis for Q( √ 2, √ 3), we observe that these fourelements are all distinct. Thus α 2 is a primitive element for Q( √ 2, √ 3). Inparticular, Q(α 2 )/Q is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group V .Clearly [Q(α) : Q(α 2 )] ≤ 2, so to prove equality, we must show that α ∉Q(α 2 ) = Q( √ 2, √ 3). Suppose for a contradiction that α ∈ Q( √ 2, √ 3) <strong>and</strong>consider α¯τ(α). This must lie in the fixed field <strong>of</strong> 〈¯τ〉, namely Q( √ 2). On theother h<strong>and</strong>(α¯τ(α)) 2 = α 2¯τ(α 2 ) = (2 + √ 2)(3 + √ 3) · (2 + √ 2)(3 − √ 3) = 6(2 + √ 2) 2 .Thus ( ) 2 α¯τ(α)6 =2 + √ √ α¯τ(α)<strong>and</strong> hence 6 = ±22 + √ 2 ∈ Q(√ 2).This yields the required contradiction. Therefore [Q(α) : Q] = 8.We have shown that the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over Q(α 2 ) = Q( √ 2, √ 3) issimply X 2 − (2 + √ 2)(3 + √ 3). By Artin’s Extension Theorem we can extendeach <strong>of</strong> the four embeddings Q(α 2 ) → C, given by the elements <strong>of</strong> V , in twoways. This gives the eight possible embeddings Q(α) → C√α ↦→ ± (2 ± √ 2)(3 ± √ 3),where we can choose the signs independently <strong>of</strong> one another.Observe that we can now find the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over Q, since this isthe polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree eight having precisely these roots. We calculateNow,√2 − √ 2 =m := m α/Q = X 8 − 24X 6 + 144X 4 − 288X 2 + 144.√(2 − √ 2)(2 + √ 2)√2 +√2=√ √ √ √ √ √2 2 2 + 2 2 + 2√ √ =2 + 2 2 + √ =2 1 + √ 231

<strong>and</strong> similarlyTherefore√3 − √ √ √ √ √6 2 3 + 33 = √ √ =3 + 3 1 + √ .3√(2 − √ 2)(3 + √ α3) =1 + √ 2√(2 + √ 2)(3 − √ 3) = α√ 21 + √ 3√(2 − √ 2)(3 − √ 3) =√2√6α= 2√ 3α<strong>and</strong> since Q(α 2 ) = Q( √ 2, √ 3), we see that √ 2, √ 3, √ 6 ∈ Q(α), <strong>and</strong> hence each<strong>of</strong> the roots lies in Q(α). We conclude that each embedding Q(α) → C hasimage Q(α), so restricts to an automorphism <strong>of</strong> Q(α). Thus Gal(Q(α)/Q) hasorder eight <strong>and</strong> so Q(α)/Q is <strong>Galois</strong>.We now show that the <strong>Galois</strong> group is isomorphic to the quaternion group Q 8 .Define σ to be the following extension <strong>of</strong> ¯σσ : √ 2 ↦→ − √ √ √√2, 3 ↦→ 3, α ↦→ (2 − √ 2)(3 + √ α3) =1 + √ 2 .Similarly define τ to be the following extension <strong>of</strong> ¯ττ : √ 2 ↦→ √ 2,√3 ↦→ −√3, α ↦→√(2 + √ 2)(3 − √ 3) = α√ 21 + √ 3 .Thenσ 2 (α) =σ(α)σ(1 + √ 2) = α/(1 + √ 2)1 − √ = −α2τ 2 (α) = τ(α√ 2)τ(1 + √ 3) = 2α/(1 + √ 3)1 − √ = −α.3Hence σ 2 = τ 2 <strong>and</strong> σ 4 = 1. Also στ( √ 3) = − √ 3 <strong>and</strong>στ(α) = σ(α√ 2)σ(1 + √ 3) = −α√ 2/(1 + √ 2)1 + √ −α √ 2=3 (1 + √ 2)(1 + √ 3) = −2√ 3α ,so (στ) 2 (α) = −α. It follows from the discussion below that Gal(Q(α)/Q) ∼ = Q 8 .We recall that the quaternions are given asH := {a + bi + cj + dk : i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = ijk = −1,a, b, c, d ∈ R}.This is a non-commutative R-algebra. Note that ij = k, jk = i <strong>and</strong> ki = j,whereas ji = −k, kj = −i, ik = −j.32

The quaternion group Q 8 is given as the multiplicative subgroupThis has the presentationQ 8 := {±1, ±i, ±j, ±k} ⊂ H.Q 8 = 〈i, j : i 2 = j 2 = (ij) 2 , i 4 = 1〉,so Q 8∼ = Gal(Q(α)/Q) via i ↦→ σ <strong>and</strong> j ↦→ τ.We next compute all possible subgroups <strong>of</strong> Q 8 .The subgroup Z = 〈−1〉 is central, so normal, <strong>and</strong> the quotient group Q 8 /Zis isomorphic to the Klein four group V ∼ = (Z/2Z) 2 . The Third IsomorphismTheorem now tells us that the subgroups <strong>of</strong> Q 8 containing Z are in bijectionwith the subgroups <strong>of</strong> V . This yields the subgroups 〈i〉, 〈j〉 <strong>and</strong> 〈k〉, each <strong>of</strong>which is isomorphic to Z/4Z. In fact, together with Z, these are the only propersubgroups <strong>of</strong> Q 8 . For, let H ≤ Q 8 be a proper subgroup <strong>and</strong> take 1 ≠ h ∈ H.Then either h 2 = −1, or else h 2 = 1 <strong>and</strong> so h = −1. In either case we see that−1 ∈ H, so Z ⊂ H <strong>and</strong> H is on our list.We can now draw the lattices <strong>of</strong> subgroups <strong>and</strong> intermediate fields. Again, allinclusions <strong>of</strong> subgroups have index 2.{1}Q(α)〈σ 2 〉Q( √ 2, √ 3)〈τ〉 〈σ〉 〈στ〉Q( √ 2) Q( √ 3) Q( √ 6)Q 8QFor, we know that σ fixes √ 3, so by degrees Q( √ 3) is the fixed field <strong>of</strong> 〈σ〉.Similarly, 〈τ〉 has fixed field Q( √ 2) <strong>and</strong> 〈στ〉 has fixed field Q( √ 6). Finally,by the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence, the intersection 〈σ〉 ∩ 〈τ〉 = 〈σ 2 〉 has fixed fieldQ( √ 2, √ 3).Note that all subgroups are normal, so all intermediate fields are <strong>Galois</strong> over Q.33

Chapter 7Some ApplicationsWe now consider two particular cases <strong>of</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> extensions.7.1 Symmetric FunctionsLet k be a field. Let k[t 1 , . . . , t n ] be a polynomial ring over k with n indeterminates,<strong>and</strong> set L := k(t 1 , . . . , t n ) to be its quotient field. Alternatively wecan construct L via a sequence <strong>of</strong> simple transcendental field extensions: settingk i := k(t 1 , . . . , t i ) we see that k i = k i−1 (t i ) is a simple transcendental fieldextension.The symmetric group Sym n acts on the set {t 1 , . . . , t n } via σ(t i ) := t σ(i) . Thistherefore extends to a k-algebra automorphism <strong>of</strong> k[t 1 , . . . , t n ]. Note that Sym nacts faithfully, in the sense that σ(f) = f for all f implies σ = id.Using that L is the quotient field <strong>of</strong> k[t 1 , . . . , t n ] we deduce that Sym n acts on Las k-automorphisms. In other words we have an injective group homomorphismSym n → Gal(L/k). We can now apply Proposition 5.1 to deduce that L/L Sym nis a <strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym n . The fixed field L Sym n is calledthe field <strong>of</strong> symmetric functions.For 1 ≤ r ≤ n defineso that in particulars r :=∑i 1

the subfield <strong>of</strong> L generated over k by the elements s 1 , . . . , s n .Theorem 7.1 (Fundamental Theorem <strong>of</strong> Symmetric Functions). The extensionL/K is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym n . In particular, any symmetric function(a rational function <strong>of</strong> the t i which is fixed by Sym n ) can be expressed as arational function <strong>of</strong> the s i .Moreover, any symmetric polynomial (a polynomial in the t i which is fixed bySym n ) can be expressed as a polynomial in the s i . Hence the fixed ring <strong>of</strong>k[t 1 , . . . , t n ] is k[s 1 , . . . , s n ].Pro<strong>of</strong>. As observed above, L/L Sym n is a <strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> groupSym n , so [L : L Sym n ] = |Symn | = n!. We also have K ⊂ L Sym n , so [L : K] ≥ n!.It therefore suffices to prove that [L : K] ≤ n!, for then [L : K] = n!, <strong>and</strong> soK = L Sym n .Set K i := K(t 1 , . . . , t i ). Then K i = K i−1 (t i ), so by the Tower Law it is enoughto show that [K i+1 : K i ] ≤ n − i. Consider the polynomialf := (X − t 1 )(X − t 2 ) · · · (X − t n ) = X n − s 1 X n−1 + s 2 X n−2 + · · · + (−1) n s n .Then f ∈ K[X]. Moreover, since t 1 , . . . , t i ∈ K i we deduce thatf i := (X − t i+1 ) · · · (X − t n ) = f/(X − t 1 ) · · · (X − t i ) ∈ K i [X].Now, t i+1 is a root <strong>of</strong> the polynomial f i , so [K i+1 : K i ] = [K i (t i+1 ) : K i ] ≤deg(f i ) = n − i as required.This proves that [L : K] ≤ n!, <strong>and</strong> hence that K = L Sym n is the fixed field.To prove the second statement we set S := k[s 1 , . . . , s n ]. Then S is a subring<strong>of</strong> K, so an integral domain, <strong>and</strong> clearly K is the quotient field <strong>of</strong> S. Moregenerally, set S i := S[t 1 , . . . , t i ], so that S i is a subring <strong>of</strong> K i <strong>and</strong> has quotientfield K i .We saw above that f 0 = f ∈ S[X]. Moreover, since each polynomial (X −t 1 ) · · · (X − t i ) ∈ S i [X] is monic <strong>and</strong> divides f over K i , we must have thatf i = f/(X − 1) · · · (X − t i ) ∈ S i [X].We claim that any polynomial in k[t 1 , . . . , t n ] can be written as a sum <strong>of</strong> elements<strong>of</strong> the form gm, where g ∈ S <strong>and</strong>m ∈ M := {t a11 · · · tan n : 0 ≤ a i < n − i}.Take a polynomial h ∈ k[t 1 , . . . , t n ]. Since t n is a root <strong>of</strong> f n−1 ∈ S n−1 [X] <strong>and</strong>f n−1 has degree one, we can replace any occurrence <strong>of</strong> t n with an element <strong>of</strong>S n−1 . Similarly, since t n−1 is a root <strong>of</strong> f n−2 ∈ S n−2 [X] <strong>and</strong> f n−2 has degreetwo, we can replace all occurrences <strong>of</strong> t d n−1 for d > 1 by a linear polynomialin t n−2 with coefficients in S n−2 . Continuing in this way, we can use thatf i−1 ∈ S i−1 [X] to replace all occurrences <strong>of</strong> t d i for d > n − i by a polynomial <strong>of</strong>degree n − i in t i with coefficients in S i−1 . Doing this for all i = n, . . . , 1, wecan express h in the given form, proving the claim.35

It follows that the monomials in M form a K-basis <strong>of</strong> L. For, [L : K] = n! =|M|, so it is enough to show that they span. Any element in L can be writtenas a fraction g/h with g, h ∈ k[t 1 , . . . , t n ] <strong>and</strong> h ≠ 0. Set ¯h := ∏ σ≠id σ(g),so that H := h¯h is fixed by Sym n , so lies in K, <strong>and</strong> G := g¯h ∈ k[t 1 , . . . , t n ].Now, g/h = G/H <strong>and</strong> we have just shown that G can be written as a K-linearcombination <strong>of</strong> elements in M. Thus the same is true <strong>of</strong> G/H = g/h, so M isa spanning set as required.Finally, let h ∈ k[t 1 , . . . , t n ] be a symmetric polynomial. Then h ∈ K, <strong>and</strong> alsoh is an S-linear combination <strong>of</strong> elements in M. Since M is a K-basis, these twoexpressions must agree, so h ∈ S.It is instructive to see an example <strong>of</strong> this procedure. Take n = 3. We wish towrite the polynomial h := t 2 1t 3 + t 3 2 as an S-linear combination <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong>M, where S = k[s 1 , s 2 , s 3 ] <strong>and</strong> M = {1, t 1 , t 2 , t 2 1, t 1 t 2 , t 2 1t 2 }.We have the polynomialsf 0 = (X − t 1 )(X − t 2 )(X − t 3 ) = X 3 − s 1 X 2 + s 2 X − s 3f 1 = (X − t 2 )(X − t 3 ) = f 0X − t 1= X 2 − (s 1 − t 1 )X + (s 2 − s 1 t 1 + t 2 1)f 2 = X − t 3 = f 1X − t 2= X − (s 1 − t 1 − t 2 )It follows that we can make the following replacementsReplacing t 3 in h givesWe next observe thatt 3 = s 1 − t 1 − t 2t 2 2 = (s 1 − t 1 )t 2 − (s 2 − s 1 t 1 + t 2 1)t 3 1 = s 1 t 2 1 − s 2 t 1 + s 3h = s 1 t 2 1 − t 3 1 − t 2 1t 2 + t 3 2.t 3 2 = t 2 · t 2 2 = (s 1 − t 1 )t 2 2 − (s 2 − s 1 t 1 + t 2 1)t 2Substituting in gives= (s 1 − t 1 ) 2 t 2 − (s 1 − t 1 )(s 2 − s 1 t 1 + t 2 1) − (s 2 − s 1 t 1 + t 2 1)t 2= (s 2 1 − s 2 − s 1 t 1 )t 2 − (s 1 s 2 − s 2 1t 1 − s 2 t 1 + 2s 1 t 2 1 − t 3 1).h = (s 2 1 − s 2 − s 1 t 1 − t 2 1)t 2 + (−s 1 s 2 + s 2 1t 1 + s 2 t 1 − s 1 t 2 1)= −s 1 s 2 + (s 2 1 + s 2 )t 1 + (s 2 1 − s 2 )t 2 − s 1 t 2 1 − s 1 t 1 t 2 − t 2 1t 2 .36

7.2 The J-InvariantWe wish to define an action <strong>of</strong> the group Sym 3 on the field k(t). Recall thatSym 3 has the presentationSym 3 = 〈σ, τ : σ 3 = τ 2 = (στ) 2 = id〉.Consider the k-algebra homomorphismsσ, τ : k[t] → k(t), σ(t) := (1 − t) −1 , τ(t) := t −1 .Since (1 − t) −1 <strong>and</strong> t −1 are both transcendental over k, these k-algebra homomorphismsextend to k-embeddingsσ, τ : k(t) → k(t).Moreover, a quick check reveals that σ 3 = τ 2 = (στ) 2 = id, so we obtain thatSym 3 acts as on k(t) as k-automorphisms. In other words we have a grouphomomorphism Sym 3 → Gal(k(t)/k). Finally, computing g(t) for all g ∈ Sym 3shows that this action is faithful, so the group homomorphism is injective.Let L = k(t) <strong>and</strong> K = L Sym 3 . Then Proposition 5.1 tells us that L/K is <strong>Galois</strong>with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym 3 .Theorem 7.2. We have K = k(J), where J = (t2 − t + 1) 3t 2 (t − 1) 2 .Pro<strong>of</strong>. A short calculation gives that both σ(J) = J <strong>and</strong> τ(J) = J, so that Jlies in the fixed field K. Since L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym 3 we knowthat [L : K] = |Sym 3 | = 6, so [L : k(J)] ≥ 6. It is therefore enough to showthat [L : k(J)] ≤ 6. For this, we just observe that t is a root <strong>of</strong> the polynomial(X 2 − X + 1) 3 − JX 2 (X − 1) 2 ∈ k(J)[X].In other words, the set <strong>of</strong> functions f ∈ k(t) for whichf(t) = f((1 − t) −1 ) = f(t −1 )is precisely the field k(J) <strong>of</strong> functions in J.We remark that(X 2 − X + 1) 3 − JX 2 (X − 1) 2 = ∏g∈Sym 3(X − g(t)).For, t, <strong>and</strong> hence each g(t) for g ∈ Sym 3 , is a root <strong>of</strong> the left-h<strong>and</strong> side, whichis a monic polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree six.We can viewσ : t ↦→ (1 − t) −1 <strong>and</strong> τ : t ↦→ t −1as functions on C \ {0, 1}. In fact, we can even extend these to functions on theRiemann Sphere P 1 := C ∪ {∞}. This defines an action <strong>of</strong> Sym 3 on P 1 .37

Proposition 7.3. Two numbers λ, µ ∈ P 1 lie in the same Sym 3 orbit if <strong>and</strong>only if J(λ) = J(µ).Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since J is in the fixed field we have J(g(λ)) = J(λ) for all g ∈ Sym 3 .Conversely, suppose that J(µ) = J(λ) ≠ ∞. Then µ is a root <strong>of</strong> the polynomial(X 2 − X + 1) 3 − J(λ)X 2 (X − 1) 2 = ∏g∈Sym 3(X − g(λ)).Finally, if J(λ) = ∞, then λ ∈ {0, 1, ∞} <strong>and</strong> these three points form a singleSym 3 orbit.This action <strong>of</strong> Sym 3 on P 1 arises in the definition <strong>of</strong> the cross-ratio. Recallthat the cross-ratio <strong>of</strong> four complex numbers may be defined as[z 1 , z 2 ; w 1 , w 2 ] := (z 1 − w 1 )(z 2 − w 2 )(z 1 − w 2 )(z 2 − w 1 ) ∈ P1 := C ∪ {∞}.However, reordering the four complex numbers generally gives a different value.In fact, the symmetry group Sym 4 acts on the quadruple (z 1 , z 2 , w 1 , w 2 ) byplace-permutation. Since[z 1 , z 2 ; w 1 , w 2 ] = [z 2 , z 1 ; w 2 , w 1 ] = [w 1 , w 2 ; z 1 , z 2 ] = [w 2 , w 1 ; z 2 , z 1 ]we see that the subgroupV := {id, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}acts trivially. Now V ⊳ S 4 is a normal subgroup <strong>and</strong> the factor group is isomorphicto Sym 3 . If we define λ := [z 1 , z 2 ; w 1 , w 2 ], then[z 1 , w 1 ; w 2 , z 2 ] = (1 − λ) −1 = σ(λ) <strong>and</strong> [z 1 , z 2 ; w 2 , w 1 ] = λ −1 = τ(λ),so we recover the action <strong>of</strong> Sym 3 on P 1 .The function J is important in the study <strong>of</strong> elliptic curves.normal form <strong>of</strong> an elliptic curve E isThe LegendreY 2 = X(X − 1)(X − λ) with λ ∈ C \ {0, 1}.Moreover, two elliptic curves E, E ′ are isomorphic if <strong>and</strong> only if the numbersλ, λ ′ lie in the same Sym 3 -orbit, so if <strong>and</strong> only if J(λ) = J(λ ′ ). We thereforedefine J(E) := J(λ), <strong>and</strong> this parameterises the isomorphism classes <strong>of</strong> ellipticcurves. (It is common to define j(E) := 2 8 J(E) <strong>and</strong> declare this to be thej-invariant <strong>of</strong> the elliptic curve E.)For more interesting facts about cubics, elliptic curves <strong>and</strong> Sym 3 , try here.38

Chapter 8Normal ExtensionsRecall from Proposition 5.6 that if L/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, then for every α ∈ L, itsminimal polynomial over K splits over L. In this chapter we investigate thisproperty further.8.1 Splitting Field ExtensionsLet L/K be a field extension <strong>and</strong> f ∈ K[X] a non-constant polynomial. Wesay that f splits over L provided it factorises as a product <strong>of</strong> linear polynomialsover L; equivalently if f has deg(f) roots in L (counted with multiplicities).We say that L/K is a splitting field extension for f provided that f splitsover L, but not over a proper intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K.Lemma 8.1. Let L/K be a field extension, f ∈ K[X] <strong>and</strong> assume that f splitsover L. Then there is a unique intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K which is a splitting fieldextension for f, namely E = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ), where α 1 , . . . , α n are the distinctroots <strong>of</strong> f in L.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let F be an intermediate field <strong>of</strong> L/K. Then f splits over F if <strong>and</strong> onlyif F contains every root <strong>of</strong> f, which is if <strong>and</strong> only if F contains E. In particular,f splits over E, but not over any intermediate field <strong>of</strong> E/K, so that E/K is asplitting field extension for f.We can combine the previous lemma with Kronecker’s Theorem <strong>and</strong> induction toprove that splitting field extensions always exist, <strong>and</strong> then use Artin’s ExtensionTheorem to prove that they are unique up to isomorphism.Theorem 8.2 (Existence <strong>and</strong> Uniqueness <strong>of</strong> Splitting Field Extensions). Letf ∈ K[X] be non-constant. Then there exists a splitting field extension L/K <strong>of</strong>f, <strong>and</strong> [L : K] ≤ deg(f)!. Moreover, if L ′ /K is another splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> f, then there exists a K-isomorphism L ∼ −→ L ′ .39

More generally, let ι: K ∼ −→ K ′ be a field isomorphism, L/K a splitting fieldextension for f, <strong>and</strong> L ′ /K ′ a splitting field extension for ι(f). Then there existsa field isomorphism L ∼ −→ L ′ extending ι.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Existence. By Kronecker’s Theorem there exists a simple field extensionK(α 1 )/K <strong>of</strong> degree at most deg(f) such that α 1 is a root <strong>of</strong> f. This isconstructed by taking an irreducible factor m <strong>of</strong> f, forming the field extensionK[X]/(m) <strong>of</strong> K, <strong>and</strong> letting α 1 be the image <strong>of</strong> X.Now, over K(α 1 ), we can write f = (X − α 1 )g, <strong>and</strong> deg(g) = deg(f) − 1. Byinduction on degree there exists a splitting field extension L/K(α 1 ) for g, <strong>and</strong>[L : K(α 1 )] ≤ deg(g)!. It follows from the Tower Law that [L : K] ≤ deg(f)!.Let α 2 , . . . , α n be the roots <strong>of</strong> g in L. Since L/K(α 1 ) is a splitting field extensionfor g we must have by the previous lemma thatL = K(α 1 )(α 2 , . . . , α n ) = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ).Now, α 1 , . . . , α n are the roots <strong>of</strong> f in L, so by the previous lemma once morewe obtain that L/K is a splitting field extension for f.Uniqueness. We want to apply the same kind <strong>of</strong> induction argument to proveuniqueness, which is why we need the more general statement concerning isomorphismsextending ι, <strong>and</strong> not just K-isomorphisms.Suppose that ι: K ∼ −→ K ′ is a field isomorphism <strong>and</strong> that L ′ /K ′ is a splittingfield extension <strong>of</strong> f ′ := ι(f) ∈ K ′ [X].Let α ∈ L be a root <strong>of</strong> f, <strong>and</strong> let m = m α/K be the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> αover K. Then m ∈ K[X] is a factor <strong>of</strong> f, so ι(m) ∈ K ′ [X] is a factor <strong>of</strong> f ′ .Since f ′ splits over L ′ , so too does ι(m). Let α ′ ∈ L ′ be a root <strong>of</strong> ι(m). SetE := K(α) <strong>and</strong> E ′ := K ′ (α ′ ). By Artin’s Extension Theorem the map α ↦→ α ′induces a field isomorphism τ : E ∼ −→ E ′ extending ι.Now, over E, we can write f = (X −α)g <strong>and</strong> L/E is a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong>g. Similarly, over E ′ , we can write f ′ = (X − α ′ )g ′ <strong>and</strong> L ′ /E ′ is a splitting fieldextension <strong>of</strong> g ′ . Since τ(f) = f ′ <strong>and</strong> τ(α) = α ′ , we must have that τ(g) = g ′ .We therefore have a field isomorphism τ : E ∼ −→ E ′ , a splitting field extensionL/E <strong>of</strong> g ∈ E[X], <strong>and</strong> a splitting field extension L ′ /E ′ <strong>of</strong> g ′ := τ(g). Byinduction on degree we can extend τ to a field isomorphism σ : L ∼ −→ L ′ .Finally, since τ extends ι: K ∼ −→ K ′ , so too does σ.We can also define splitting field extensions <strong>of</strong> sets <strong>of</strong> polynomials S ⊂ K[X].This is a field extension L/K over which every f ∈ S splits, but where nointermediate field has this property.Corollary 8.3. Let S ⊂ K[X] be a finite subset. Then there exists a splittingfield extension for S over K, <strong>and</strong> this is unique up to isomorphism.Pro<strong>of</strong>. If S = {f 1 , . . . , f n }, then L/K is a splitting field extension for S if <strong>and</strong>only if it is a splitting field extension for f = f 1 · · · f n .40

A much harder result is that splitting field extensions exist <strong>and</strong> are unique upto isomorphism for arbitrary subsets S ⊂ K[X]. This follows from the existence<strong>of</strong> the algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> a field. See Chapter 14.8.2 Normal ExtensionsAn algebraic field extension L/K is called normal if, for all α ∈ L, its minimalpolynomial m α/K splits over L.We begin by relating normal extensions to the seemingly weaker condition <strong>of</strong>splitting field extensions.Theorem 8.4. A finite field extension L/K is normal if <strong>and</strong> only if it is asplitting field extension for some polynomial f ∈ K[X].Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose first that L/K is normal. Since L/K is finite, it is finitelygenerated, say L = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ). Let m i = m αi/K be the minimal polynomial<strong>of</strong> α i over K, <strong>and</strong> set f := m 1 · · · m n . Using that L/K is normal, we know thateach m i splits over L, so f also splits over L. As L is generated over K byroots <strong>of</strong> f, we can apply Lemma 8.1 to conclude that L/K is a splitting fieldextension for f.Conversely, let L/K be a splitting field extension for f ∈ K[X]. Take α ∈ L<strong>and</strong> let m = m α/K be its minimal polynomial. We need to show that m splitsover K. To this end, let M/L be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> m.Take β ∈ M a root <strong>of</strong> m. By Artin’s Extension Theorem we know that there isa K-isomorphism ι: K(α) ∼ −→ K(β), α ↦→ β.Now, let γ 1 , . . . , γ n be the roots <strong>of</strong> f in L. Since L/K is a splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> f, we know that L = K(γ 1 , . . . , γ n ). It follows thatL(β) = K(β, γ 1 , . . . , γ n ) = K(β)(γ 1 , . . . , γ n ),so that L(β)/K(β) is also a splitting field extension for f.We therefore have a K-isomorphism ι: K(α) ∼ −→ K(β), a splitting field extensionL/K(α) for f ∈ K[X], <strong>and</strong> a splitting field extension L(β)/K(β) for ι(f) = f.We can therefore apply Theorem 8.2 to obtain a field isomorphism σ : L ∼ −→ L(β)extending ι. In particular, since ι is a K-isomorphism, so too is σ. It followsthat [L : K] = [L(β) : K], so by the Tower Law we have [L(β) : L] = 1, <strong>and</strong>hence L(β) = L. In other words, β ∈ L, so every root <strong>of</strong> m lies in L, so m splitsover L.8.3 Normal ClosureOne has to be careful when dealing with normal extensions, since it is possibleto have a tower M/L/K <strong>of</strong> fields with both M/L <strong>and</strong> L/K normal, but M/Knot normal.41

For example, take K = Q, L = Q( √ 2) <strong>and</strong> M = Q( 4√ 2). Then L/Q is thesplitting field <strong>of</strong> X 2 − 2 <strong>and</strong> M/L is the splitting field <strong>of</strong> X 2 − √ 2. However,M/Q is not normal. For, the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> 4√ 2 over Q is m := X 4 − 2,which decomposes as (X − 4√ 2)(X + 4√ 2)(X 2 + √ 2) over M. Since M ⊂ R butthe roots <strong>of</strong> X 2 + √ 2 are complex, we see that m does not split over M.For this reason, we make the following definition. Let L/K be finite. A fieldextension M/L is called a normal closure <strong>of</strong> L/K if M/K is normal, butM ′ /K is not normal for a proper intermediate field <strong>of</strong> M/L. (Note the relevantbase fields.)Theorem 8.5 (Existence <strong>and</strong> Uniqueness <strong>of</strong> Normal Closures). Let L/K befinite. Then there exists a normal closure M/L <strong>of</strong> L/K, <strong>of</strong> finite degree, <strong>and</strong>unique up to isomorphism.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since L/K is finite, it is finitely generated, say L = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ). Letm i = m αi/K be the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α i over K, <strong>and</strong> set f := m 1 · · · m n .Let M/L be a field extension such that M/K is normal. Then each α i ∈ M, som i splits over M, <strong>and</strong> hence f splits over M.Conversely, let M/L be a splitting field extension for f. By Lemma 8.1, ifS ⊂ M is the set <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> f, then M = L(S). Since each α i is a root <strong>of</strong> f, wehave α i ∈ S, <strong>and</strong> so M = L(S) = K(α 1 , . . . , α n , S) = K(S). Therefore M/Kis a splitting field extension for f, by the same lemma, <strong>and</strong> hence is normal byTheorem 8.4.It follows that a field extension N/L is a normal closure for L/K if <strong>and</strong> onlyif it is a splitting field extension for f. The finiteness <strong>and</strong> uniqueness are nowimmediate consequences <strong>of</strong> Theorem 8.2.42

Chapter 9Finite <strong>Fields</strong>A finite field is a field with only finitely many elements. Examples include thefields F p := Z/pZ for each prime number p. In this chapter we will constructall finite fields, <strong>and</strong> compute the <strong>Galois</strong> groups <strong>of</strong> all field extensions involvingfinite fields. We will show that two finite fields are isomorphic if <strong>and</strong> only ifthey have the same number <strong>of</strong> elements, <strong>and</strong> that all field extensions <strong>of</strong> finitefields are <strong>Galois</strong> with cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> groups.Recall that the characteristic <strong>of</strong> a ring R is the integer n ≥ 0 generating thekernel <strong>of</strong> the (unique) ring homomorphism Z → R. The characteristic <strong>of</strong> a fieldis either 0 or a prime number.In particular, the characteristic <strong>of</strong> a finite field F is always a prime number p,so F has prime subfield F p . Moreover, if F/F p has degree n, then F has p nelements.Finally we shall need the derivative <strong>of</strong> a polynomial. Let K be any field. Thenthe linear mapD : K[X] → K[X], X n ↦→ nX n−1satisfies the product rule D(fg) = D(f)g +fD(g). We usually write f ′ for D(f)<strong>and</strong> call it the derivative.9.1 Frobenius HomomorphismLet K be any field <strong>of</strong> characteristic p > 0. The Frobenius homomorphismis defined to be the mapFr: K → K, x ↦→ x p .Lemma 9.1. The Frobenius homomorphism is a field homomorphism. In particular,it is injective.43

Pro<strong>of</strong>. We need to check that(x + y) p = x p + y p , (xy) p = x p y p , 0 p = 0 <strong>and</strong> 1 p = 1.The last three are obvious, so we just need to check that (x + y) p = x p + y p .Using the binomial formula, we havep∑( p(x + y) p = xr)r y p−r .r=0Since ( pr)= p!/r!(p − r)! <strong>and</strong> p does not divide r! for any 0 ≤ r < p, wededuce that p divides ( pfor each 0 < r < p. Since char(K) = p, we get(x + y) p = x p + y p as required.Note that, by induction, (x 1 + · · · + x n ) p = x p 1 + · · · + xp n.As usual we may extend the Frobenius homomorphism to the polynomial ringK[X] viaFr ( a 0 X n + · · · + a n−1 X + a n)= ap0 Xn + · · · + a p n−1 X + ap n.Lemma 9.2. Let f ∈ K[X]. Then Fr(f)(X p ) = f(X) p .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Write f = a 0 X n + · · · + a n−1 X + a n . As noted above, ( ∑ ) ∑i xp i =i xp i ,s<strong>of</strong>(X) p = a p 0 Xpn + · · · + a p n−1 Xp + a p n = Fr(f)(X p ).9.2 Finite <strong>Fields</strong>Consider the polynomial X p − X over F P . We know that 1 is a root <strong>of</strong> thispolynomial, <strong>and</strong> since(1 + · · · + 1) p = 1 p + · · · + 1 p = 1 + · · · + 1,we see that every element <strong>of</strong> F p is a root. This gives p distinct roots, soX p − X = X(X − 1)(X − 2) · · · (X − p + 1) = ∏α∈F p(X α ).Note that equating coefficients <strong>of</strong> X gives (p − 1)! ≡ (−1) p mod p, <strong>and</strong> since(−1) p ≡ −1 mod p for all primes p, we deduce Wilson’s Theorem, that (p−1)! ≡−1 mod p.Proposition 9.3. Let F/F p be a field extension <strong>of</strong> degree n. Then this extensionis <strong>Galois</strong> with cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> group generated by the Frobenius homomorphism,<strong>and</strong> the elements <strong>of</strong> F are precisely the roots <strong>of</strong> X pn − X, soX pn − X = ∏ α∈F(X − α).44

Pro<strong>of</strong>. We know that F is a finite field with p n elements. Now the Frobeniushomomorphism is a field endomorphism <strong>of</strong> F , so injective, <strong>and</strong> hence bijectivesince F is a finite set. Thus Fr is a field automorphism <strong>of</strong> F . The fixed field <strong>of</strong>Fr is the set <strong>of</strong> α ∈ F such that α p = α, so the set <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> X p − X, whichis just the prime subfield F p . Thus, by Proposition 5.1, F/F P is <strong>Galois</strong> with<strong>Galois</strong> group the cyclic group 〈Fr〉. Since this group has order [F : F p ] = n, wehaveGal(F/F p ) = 〈Fr〉 ∼ = Z/nZ.Next, we know that Fr n = id on F , so every element α ∈ F satisfies α pn = α, sois a root <strong>of</strong> X pn − X. Since F has p n elements, we deduce that this polynomialsplits over F asX pn − X =α∈F(X ∏ − α).Proposition 9.4. For each prime p <strong>and</strong> integer n ≥ 1 there exists a finite fieldwith p n elements. It is a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> X pn − X over F p , so isunique up to isomorphismPro<strong>of</strong>. Let F/F p be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> X pn −X. We first observe thatthe roots <strong>of</strong> f in F are all distinct. For, if α is a repeated root, then over Fwe can write f = (X − α) 2 g for some polynomial g. Taking derivatives gives−1 = (X − α) ( 2g + (X − α)g ′) , a contradiction by considering degrees.Now consider the fixed field <strong>of</strong> the cyclic group 〈Fr n 〉. This consists <strong>of</strong> thoseelements α ∈ F satisfying α pn = α, so equals the set <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> f in F . Thereforethe set <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> f form a subfield <strong>of</strong> F <strong>of</strong> size p n . Since F is a splitting fieldextension for f, it equals this fixed field, so F has size p n .Conversely, if F has p n elements, then the proposition tells us that F is asplitting field extension <strong>of</strong> X pn − X.Since all finite fields <strong>of</strong> size p n are isomorphic, we usually abuse notation <strong>and</strong>denote any such field by F p n.We can now apply the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence to deduce that the intermediatefields <strong>of</strong> F p n/F p are in bijection with the subgroups <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Galois</strong> group 〈Fr〉 ∼ =Z/nZ. The subgroups are given as 〈Fr r 〉 ∼ = Z/(n/r)Z for each r|n. This grouphas index r, so the fixed field <strong>of</strong> Fr r has degree r over F p , <strong>and</strong> hence is isomorphicto F p r.This yields the following result.Theorem 9.5. The finite field F p n contains F p r as a subfield if <strong>and</strong> only if rdivides n, in which case F p n/F p r is <strong>Galois</strong> with cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> group generatedby Fr r : x ↦→ x pr .In general we simplify notation by taking our base field to be F q for some primepower q = p r . Then each finite field extension <strong>of</strong> F q is <strong>of</strong> the form F q n/F q , <strong>and</strong>the <strong>Galois</strong> group is generated by Fr q : x ↦→ x q .45

Recall from Proposition 5.6 that if L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group G, <strong>and</strong> ifα ∈ L, then m α/K splits over L <strong>and</strong> has distinct roots. Moreover, the roots areall <strong>of</strong> the form σ(α) for some σ ∈ G.Corollary 9.6. Let f ∈ F q [X] be irreducible <strong>of</strong> degree n. Then F q [X]/(f) ∼ = F q nis a <strong>Galois</strong> extension, <strong>and</strong> the roots <strong>of</strong> f are <strong>of</strong> the form α qr for 0 ≤ r < n,where α ∈ F q [X]/(f) denotes the image <strong>of</strong> X.9.3 Irreducible Polynomials over Finite <strong>Fields</strong>Proposition 9.7. Let q = p r be a prime power. Over F q we have the factorisation∏X qn − X =f.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We have already seen thatX qn − X =f monic,irreddeg(f)|n∏α∈F q n(X − α).On the other h<strong>and</strong>, consider the product g <strong>of</strong> all monic irreducible polynomialsover F q <strong>of</strong> degree dividing n. Let f be an irreducible factor <strong>of</strong> g, <strong>of</strong> degree r.Then f splits into distinct linear factors over the subfield F q r <strong>of</strong> F q n, so alsoover F q n. Hence g splits into distinct linear factors over F q n. Since deg(g) =q n = |F q n| we get thatg =∏(X − α),proving that g = X qn − X.α∈F q nDefine ϕ d (q) to be the number <strong>of</strong> monic irreducible polynomials <strong>of</strong> degree d overF q . We wish to obtain a formula for ϕ d (q). For this we will need the Möbiusfunction µ(n), which is defined as follows:{(−1) r if n = p 1 · · · p r is a product <strong>of</strong> distinct primes;µ(n) :=0 if d 2 |n for some d ≥ 2.We immediately see that µ(1) = 1 <strong>and</strong> that µ(mn) = µ(m)µ(n) provided m <strong>and</strong>n are coprime (i.e. µ is a multiplicative function).The following is a fundamental result.Lemma 9.8.∑µ(d) =d|n{1 if n = 1;0 if n ≥ 2.46

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Set N(n) := ∑ d|nµ(d). Since µ is a multiplicative function, so too isN. In other words, if m <strong>and</strong> n are coprime, then N(mn) = N(m)N(n). We arereduced to the case <strong>of</strong> a prime power n = p r . Now N(1) = 1 whereas if r ≥ 1,then N(p r ) = µ(1) + µ(p) = 0.The importance is revealed by the next result, which allows us to invert formulaeinvolving sums over divisors.Lemma 9.9. Suppose we have functions f n <strong>and</strong> g n for all positive integers n.Thenf n = ∑ g d if <strong>and</strong> only if g n = ∑ µ ( )nd fd .d|nd|nWe now use this technique to obtain a formula for ϕ n (q).Theorem 9.10.ϕ n (q) = 1 ∑µ(d)q n/d .nd|nPro<strong>of</strong>. We have from Proposition 9.7 thatX qn − X = ∏ d|n∏f monic,irreddeg(f)=df.Comparing degrees we getq n = ∑ d|ndϕ d (q).Inverting this formula (with f n = q n <strong>and</strong> g n = nϕ n (q)), we obtain thatnϕ n (q) = ∑ d|nµ ( )nd q d = ∑ µ(d)q n/dd|nas required.ExamplesWe know that ϕ 1 (q) = q, <strong>and</strong> the irreducible polynomials <strong>of</strong> degree 1 over F qare just the linear polynomials X − α for α ∈ F q .Next we haveϕ 2 (q) = 1 2(q 2 − q ) , ϕ 3 (q) = 1 3(q 3 − q ) , ϕ 4 (q) = 1 (q 4 − q 2) .4We can compute the irreducible polynomials over F 2 or F 3 using the Sieve <strong>of</strong>Erastothenes, but taking irreducible polynomials over a finite field instead <strong>of</strong>prime numbers in the integers. (That this method works is due to the fact thatK[X], like Z, is a Euclidean domain.)47

We have the following irreducible polynomials over F 2 .X 2 + X + 1X 3 + X + 1, X 3 + X 2 + 1X 4 + X + 1, X 4 + X 3 + 1, X 4 + X 3 + X 2 + X + 1.Over F 3 we have three irreducible quadratics.X 2 + 1, X 2 + X − 1, X 2 − X − 1.48

Chapter 10Separable ExtensionsRecall from Proposition 5.6 that if L/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, then for every α ∈ L, itsminimal polynomial over K has distinct roots in L. In this chapter we investigatethis property further.10.1 Separable PolynomialsWe call an irreducible polynomial f ∈ K[X] separable over K if f has distinctroots in a splitting field extension. Since splitting field extensions are uniqueup to isomorphism, this definition depends only on f <strong>and</strong> K. We say that ageneral polynomial f ∈ K[X] is separable over K if each irreducible factor isseparable over K.Changing perspective, let L/K be an algebraic field extension <strong>and</strong> α ∈ L. Wesay that α is separable over K if its minimal polynomial m α/K is separable overK. We say that L/K itself is separable if each α ∈ L is separable over K.We start by giving a criterion for when an irreducible polynomial is separable.Theorem 10.1. Let f ∈ K[X] be irreducible. Then the following are equivalent.1. f is inseparable over K.2. gcd(f, f ′ ) ≠ 1.3. f ′ = 0.4. char(K) = p > 0 <strong>and</strong> f(X) = g(X p ) for some g ∈ K[X] (necessarilyirreducible).Pro<strong>of</strong>. (1) ⇒ (2) Let L/K be a splitting field extension for f. Since f has arepeated root in L, say α, we can can write f = (X − α) 2 g for some g ∈ L[X].Taking derivatives gives f ′ = (X − α) ( 2g + (X − α)g ′) , so that α is again a root<strong>of</strong> f ′ . Hence m α/K divides both f <strong>and</strong> f ′ over K, so gcd(f, f ′ ) ≠ 1.49

(2) ⇒ (3) Since f is irreducible, if gcd(f, f ′ ) ≠ 1, then it must equal f. Thereforef divides f ′ but deg(f) > deg(f ′ ). This can only happen if f ′ = 0.(3) ⇒ (4) Write f = ∑ n a nX n ∈ K[X]. Then 0 = f ′ = ∑ n na nX n−1 , sona n = 0 ∈ K for all n. If char(K) = 0, then a n = 0 for all n ≥ 1, so thatf = a 0 ∈ K is constant, contradicting the assumption that f is irreducible.Thus char(K) = p > 0 <strong>and</strong> a n = 0 unless p|n, so that f(X) = g(X p ) with g =∑r a prX r ∈ K[X]. To see that g is irreducible, suppose that g = g 1 g 2 ∈ K[X].Then f(X) = g(X p ) = g 1 (X p )g 2 (X p ) ∈ K[X], so f irreducible implies one <strong>of</strong>the g i is constant, <strong>and</strong> so g is irreducible.(4) ⇒ (1) Let char(K) = p > 0 <strong>and</strong> f(X) = g(X p ) ∈ K[X]. Let L/K be thesplitting field extension for f. If α ∈ L is a root <strong>of</strong> f, then 0 = f(α) = g(α p ), soα p is a root <strong>of</strong> g. Thus X − α p divides g over L, which implies that X p − α p =(X − α) p divides g(X p ) = f(X). Thus α is a repeated root <strong>of</strong> f in L, so f isinseparable.We call a field K perfect if every irreducible polynomial f ∈ K[X] is separable.We observe that all fields <strong>of</strong> characteristic 0 are separable. Also, all algebraicallyclosed fields are perfect (since all irreducible polynomials are linear). Finally, itfollows from Corollary 9.6 that all finite fields are perfect.It is instructive to see an example <strong>of</strong> an inseparable field extension.Lemma 10.2. Let K be a field <strong>of</strong> characteristic p > 0, <strong>and</strong> let α ∈ K. Thenthe polynomial X p − α is either irreducible, or else factors as (X − β) p .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let L/K be a splitting field extension for X p − α, <strong>and</strong> let β ∈ L bea root <strong>of</strong> this polynomial. Then β p = α, so over L we have the factorisationX p − α = (X − β) p . By unique factorisation in K[X], any irreducible factor <strong>of</strong>X p − α must be <strong>of</strong> the form (X − β) m for some 1 ≤ m ≤ p. In particular, theconstant term β m must lie in K.Suppose β m ∈ K for some 1 < m < p. Since p is prime there exist integers a, bwith ap + bm = 1. Then α a (β m ) b = β ap+bm = β ∈ K. Therefore either β ∈ K<strong>and</strong> X p − α = (X − β) p over K, or else X p − α is irreducible over K.Proposition 10.3. Consider the transcendental extension F p (x)/F p . Let y =x p . Then the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> x over F p (y) is X p − y, <strong>and</strong> the fieldextension F p (x)/F p (y) is inseparable <strong>of</strong> degree p.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Clearly x is a root <strong>of</strong> m = X p − y, so by the previous lemma we justneed to prove that x ∉ F p (y).Note that y is transcendental over F p . So, if x ∈ F p (y), then there exist polynomialsf, g ∈ F p [X] such that x = f(y)/g(y), or equivalently f(y) = g(y)x. Sincey = x p , this gives f(x p ) = g(x p )x. As x is transcendental over F p , this impliesf(X p ) = g(X p )X in F p [X], a contradiction by comparing degrees. 11 Alternatively, apply Exercise Sheet 4, Question (7).50

We next want to show that the set <strong>of</strong> separable elements in a field extensionL/K forms an intermediate field.Lemma 10.4. Let K be a field <strong>of</strong> characteristic p > 0, <strong>and</strong> let L/K be a fieldextension. For α ∈ L, algebraic over K, we have the following dichotomy.1. α is separable over K if <strong>and</strong> only if [K(α) : K(α p )] = 1.2. α is inseparable over K if <strong>and</strong> only if [K(α) : K(α p )] = p.Pro<strong>of</strong>. If α is separable over K, then it is separable over any intermediate fieldE <strong>of</strong> L/K. For, m α/E divides m α/K , so also has distinct roots in a splitting fieldextension. In particular, α is separable over K(α p ). On the other h<strong>and</strong>, theminimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over K(α p ) divides X p − α p , <strong>and</strong> by Lemma 10.2 thispolynomial is either irreducible, so α is inseparable over K(α p ), or else factorsas (X − α) p , so α ∈ K(α p ). We deduce that [K(α) : K(α p )] = 1.Conversely, if α is inseparable over K, then m α/K (X) = f(X p ) for some monicirreducible polynomial f ∈ K[X]. Since α p is a root <strong>of</strong> f, we see that f =m α p /K, so that [K(α p ) : K] = deg(f) <strong>and</strong> [K(α) : K] = deg(m) = p deg(f).Thus [K(α) : K(α p )] = p.Theorem 10.5. Let L/K be a field extension <strong>and</strong> write L sep/K for the set <strong>of</strong>elements α ∈ L which are separable over K. Then L sep/K is an intermediatefield <strong>of</strong> L/K, <strong>and</strong> is a separable field extension <strong>of</strong> K.Pro<strong>of</strong>. This is trivial when char(K) = 0, so let char(K) = p > 0. Clearly eachelement <strong>of</strong> K is separable over K, so K ⊂ L sep/K . It remains to show thatL sep/K is a closed under sums, products <strong>and</strong> inverses, so is a subfield <strong>of</strong> L. Inother words, we need to show that if α, β ∈ L sep/K with β non-zero, then α ± β<strong>and</strong> αβ ±1 are all separable over K.Let γ be any one <strong>of</strong> these elements. Then K(β, γ) = K(α, β), <strong>and</strong> by applyingthe Frobenius homomorphism we also have K(β p , γ p ) = K(α p , β p ). Now β isseparable over K, so it is also separable over any intermediate field E <strong>of</strong> L/K,<strong>and</strong> so E(β p ) = E(β) by the previous lemma. Similarly α is separable over K,so K(α p ) = K(α). Combining these results for E = K(α) gives K(α p , β p ) =K(α, β). We deduce that K(β p , γ p ) = K(β, γ), so by the Tower Law[K(γ) : K(γ p )] = [K(β, γ) : K(γp )][K(β, γ) : K(γ)]= [K(βp , γ p ) : K(γ p )].[K(β, γ) : K(γ)]Finally, let m be the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> β over K(γ). Applying the Frobeniushomomorphism we have Fr(m)(X p ) = m(X) p , so β p is a root <strong>of</strong> Fr(m).Since m ∈ K(γ)[X] we see that Fr(m) ∈ K(γ p )[X]. Therefore the minimalpolynomial n <strong>of</strong> β p over K(γ p ) divides Fr(m), so[K(β p , γ p ) : K(γ p )] = deg(n) ≤ deg(Fr(m)) = deg(m) = [K(β, γ) : K(γ)].Thus [K(γ) : K(γ p )] ≤ 1, so K(γ) = K(γ p ) <strong>and</strong> γ is separable over K.51

10.2 Characterisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> ExtensionsWe now come to an important result, which states that a finite field extensionis <strong>Galois</strong> if <strong>and</strong> only if it is separable <strong>and</strong> normal. This characterisation is <strong>of</strong>tentaken to be the definition <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Galois</strong> extension, but the approach we have takenhas the benefit <strong>of</strong> emphasising the symmetries <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Galois</strong> extension.Theorem 10.6. Let L/K be a field extension. The following are equivalent.1. L/K is <strong>Galois</strong>.2. L/K is finite, separable <strong>and</strong> normal.3. L/K is a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> a separable polynomial f ∈ K[X].Pro<strong>of</strong>. (1) ⇒ (2) Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong>. Then it is necessarily finite. Furthermore,we saw in Proposition 5.6 that for each α ∈ L, its minimal polynomial m α/Ksplits into distinct linear factors over L. Thus L/K is also separable <strong>and</strong> normal.(2) ⇒ (3) Let L/K be finite, separable <strong>and</strong> normal. Then it is a splitting fieldextension for some polynomial f ∈ K[X] by Theorem 8.4. Let m be a monicirreducible factor <strong>of</strong> f, <strong>and</strong> let α ∈ L be a root <strong>of</strong> m. Then m is necessarily theminimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over K, so is separable by assumption. Thus f is aseparable polynomial.(3) ⇒ (1) Let f ∈ K[X] be a separable polynomial, <strong>and</strong> let L/K be a splittingfield extension for f. We are going to prove that L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> by induction onthe degree [L : K]. Set G := Gal(L/K) <strong>and</strong> let E be the fixed field <strong>of</strong> G.Let α ∈ L \ K be a root <strong>of</strong> f, so m := m α/K is a separable polynomial. ThenL/K(α) is again a splitting field extension for f, but <strong>of</strong> smaller degree, so is<strong>Galois</strong> by induction. Then Gal(L/K(α)) ≤ G is a subgroup, so the fixed field<strong>of</strong> G is contained in the fixed field <strong>of</strong> Gal(L/K(α)); that is, E ⊂ K(α).Set n + 1 := [K(α) : K]. Given θ ∈ E ⊂ K(α) we can writeθ = a 0 α n + · · · + a n−1 α + a n for some a i ∈ K.Set g := a 0 X n + · · · + a n−1 X + (a n − θ) ∈ E[X].Let β ∈ L be a root <strong>of</strong> m. We claim that g(β) = 0. By Artin’s ExtensionTheorem there exists a K-isomorphism ι: K(α) ∼ −→ K(β), α ↦→ β. Now L/K(β)is also a splitting field extension for f = ι(f), so by Theorem 8.2 there exists afield automorphism σ <strong>of</strong> L extending ι. Since ι is a K-isomorphism, so too is σ,<strong>and</strong> hence σ ∈ Gal(L/K).By assumption σ fixes every element <strong>of</strong> E, <strong>and</strong> also that σ(α) = β. Thereforeso g(β) = 0 as required.θ = σ(θ) = a 0 β n + · · · + a n−1 β + a n ,Since m has n + 1 distinct roots but deg(g) ≤ n we deduce that g = 0, soθ = a n ∈ K. Thus E = K <strong>and</strong> L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> by Proposition 5.1.52

Corollary 10.7. Let L/K be a finite, separable field extension. Then L/K issimple. In particular, all <strong>Galois</strong> extensions are simple.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let L = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ), let m i be the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α i overK, <strong>and</strong> let m = m 1 · · · m n . Since L/K is separable, each α i is separable overK, so each m i is an irreducible separable polynomial. Hence m is a separablepolynomial.Now, if M/L is the normal closure for L/K, then M/K is a splitting field extensionfor m, so is <strong>Galois</strong> by the theorem. By the Fundamental Theorem,the intermediate fields <strong>of</strong> M/K are in bijection with the subgroups <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Galois</strong>group. Thus there are only finitely many intermediate fields <strong>of</strong> M/K, sothere can be only finitely many subfields <strong>of</strong> L/K. Hence L/K is simple by thePrimitive Element Theorem.In the exercises we will construct a finite field extension L/K which has infinitelymany intermediate fields, <strong>and</strong> hence is not simple.Another important consequence <strong>of</strong> the theorem is that we can view <strong>Galois</strong> groupsas transitive subgroups <strong>of</strong> symmetric groups. If f ∈ K[X] is a separable polynomial,we write Gal(f) for the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> a splitting field extension L/Kfor f. This is well-defined by Theorem 8.2.Proposition 10.8. Let f ∈ K[X] be a separable irreducible polynomial <strong>of</strong> degreen. Then the action <strong>of</strong> Gal(f) on the roots <strong>of</strong> f induces an injective grouphomomorphism Gal(f) ↩→ Sym n with image a transitive subgroup.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let L/K be a splitting field extension for f, so a <strong>Galois</strong> extension bythe theorem. If α 1 , . . . , α n are the roots <strong>of</strong> f in L, then L = K(α 1 , . . . , α n ),so the action <strong>of</strong> Gal(f) = Gal(L/K) is completely determined by its action onthe roots <strong>of</strong> f. This yields an injective group homomorphism Gal(f) ↩→ Sym n .Finally, Gal(f) acts transitively on the roots <strong>of</strong> f by Corollary 5.7, so its imagein Sym n must be a transitive subgroup.This result restricts the possible <strong>Galois</strong> groups quite considerably. For example,if f ∈ Q[X] is an irreducible cubic, then Gal(f) is isomorphic to either Z/3Z orSym 3 . If f ∈ Q[X] is an irreducible quartic, then Gal(f) is isomorphic to one<strong>of</strong>Sym 4 , Alt 4 , D 8 , Z/4Z, (Z/2Z) 2 .The group D 8 is the dihedral group with 8 elements, or the symmetry group<strong>of</strong> a square. We can view it as a transitive subgroup <strong>of</strong> Sym 4 by taking〈(1234), (12)(34)〉. The group V := (Z/2Z) 2 is <strong>of</strong>ten called the Klein four group(Kleinsche Vierergruppe), <strong>and</strong> can be viewed as a transitive subgroup <strong>of</strong> Sym 4by taking 〈(12)(34), (13)(24)〉.53

As an example <strong>of</strong> how useful this is, consider the following result.Proposition 10.9. Let p be a prime. The only transitive subgroup <strong>of</strong> Sym pcontaining a transposition is Sym p itself.In particular, if f ∈ Q[X] is an irreducible polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree p having preciselytwo non-real roots, then Gal(f) ∼ = Sym p .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let G ≤ Sym p be a transitive subgroup. Then G acts transitively on theset {1, 2, . . . , p}, so by the Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem, H = Stab G (1) has indexp in G. Thus p divides |G|, so G contains an element <strong>of</strong> order p, <strong>and</strong> hence ap-cycle σ, by Cauchy’s Theorem.Suppose further that G contains a transposition (1 a). Note that, for some1 ≤ r < p we have σ r = (1 a · · · ), <strong>and</strong> that this is again a p-cycle. Relabelling,we may assume that G contains (1 2) <strong>and</strong> (1 2 · · · p). Conjugating the transpositionshows that G also contains (i i + 1) for all i, <strong>and</strong> we know that thesetranspositions generate the full symmetric group. Thus G = Sym p .Now let f ∈ Q[X] be irreducible <strong>of</strong> degree p, <strong>and</strong> having precisely two complexroots. Then Gal(f) ≤ Sym p is a transitive subgroup. Moreover, complex conjugationfixes f, so permutes the roots <strong>of</strong> f, <strong>and</strong> hence acts as a transposition.Thus Gal(f) contains a transposition, so Gal(f) = Sym p .For example, the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> f = X 5 − 4X + 2 ∈ Q[X] is Sym 5 . For, f isirreducible by Eisenstein, <strong>and</strong> has precisely three real roots, as seen by drawingits graph. We can therefore apply the proposition.X 5 − 4X + 2−2 −1 0 1 210.3 Changing the Base FieldLet E <strong>and</strong> F be intermediate fields <strong>of</strong> a field extension L/K. It is <strong>of</strong>ten useful tobe able to translate results about the field extension E/K to the field extensionEF/F , which we call base change.54

Theorem 10.10. Let L/K be a field extension, <strong>and</strong> E, F intermediate fields.1. If E/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, then so is EF/F , <strong>and</strong> Gal(EF/F ) is isomorphic to thesubgroup Gal(E/E ∩ F ) <strong>of</strong> Gal(E/K).2. If both E/K <strong>and</strong> F/K are <strong>Galois</strong>, then so too are EF/K <strong>and</strong> E ∩ F/K.If E ∩ F = K, then Gal(EF/K) is isomorphic to the direct productGal(E/K) × Gal(F/K).Pro<strong>of</strong>. 1. Since E/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, it is a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> some separablepolynomial f ∈ K[X] by Theorem 10.6. Then EF/F is a splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> f, now viewed in F [X], so is <strong>Galois</strong> by the same theorem.Now let σ ∈ Gal(EF/F ). Then σ is completely determined by its action on theroots <strong>of</strong> f, <strong>and</strong> all <strong>of</strong> these lie in E. So σ restricts to a K-automorphism <strong>of</strong> E,inducing an injective map Gal(EF/F ) ↩→ Gal(E/K), which is easily seen to bea group homomorphism.Finally, let G ≤ Gal(E/K) be the image <strong>of</strong> Gal(EF/F ). Then x ∈ E is fixed byG if <strong>and</strong> only if x ∈ EF is fixed by Gal(EF/F ), which is if <strong>and</strong> only if x ∈ F .Thus the fixed field <strong>of</strong> G is E ∩ F , so G = Gal(E/E ∩ F ).2. Suppose that F/K is also <strong>Galois</strong>, so a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> some separablepolynomial g ∈ K[X]. Then EF/K is a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> fg,which is separable, so EF/K is <strong>Galois</strong>.Since EF/K is finite <strong>and</strong> separable, so too is E ∩ F/K. To see that the latterfield extension is also normal, <strong>and</strong> hence <strong>Galois</strong>, take γ ∈ E ∩ F . Then m γ/Ksplits over E, since E/K is normal, <strong>and</strong> similarly also over F/K. Therefore allthe roots <strong>of</strong> m γ/K necessarily lie in E ∩ F , so m γ/K splits over E ∩ F .Assume now that E ∩ F = K. As in (1), restriction to E yields a group homomorphismGal(EF/K) → Gal(E/K). For, E/K is a splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> f <strong>and</strong> any σ ∈ Gal(EF/K) must permute these roots, so σ restricts to anautomorphism <strong>of</strong> E. Similarly, F/K is a splitting field for g, so restriction to Fyields a group homomorphism Gal(EF/K) → Gal(F/K). Together these givea group homomorphismθ : Gal(EF/K) → Gal(E/K) × Gal(F/K).Since EF/K is a splitting field extension for fg, any σ ∈ Gal(EF/K) is completelydetermined by its action on the roots <strong>of</strong> f <strong>and</strong> g, so by its restrictionsto E <strong>and</strong> F . Thus θ is injective. Finally, by (1) we know that[EF : F ] = | Gal(EF/F )| = | Gal(E/E ∩ F )| = | Gal(E/K)| = [E : K],so by the Tower Law<strong>and</strong> hence[EF : K] = [EF : F ][F : K] = [E : K][F : K]| Gal(EF/K)| = | Gal(E/K)|| Gal(F/K)|.This implies that θ must be a bijection, <strong>and</strong> hence a group isomorphism.55

Corollary 10.11. Let L/K be a field extension, <strong>and</strong> E <strong>and</strong> F intermediatefields. If E/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, then [EF : F ] divides [E : K].Pro<strong>of</strong>. By part (1) <strong>of</strong> the theorem we have[EF : F ] = | Gal(EF/F )| = | Gal(E/E ∩ F )| = [E : E ∩ F ],which divides [E : K] by the Tower Law.This result is not true if E/K is not <strong>Galois</strong>. For example, let E = Q( 3√ 2) <strong>and</strong>F = Q(ω 3√ 2), where ω is a primitive cube root <strong>of</strong> unity. Then EF = Q( 3√ 2, ω),so [E : Q] = [F : Q] = 3 <strong>and</strong> [EF : Q] = 6, whence [EF : F ] = 2.56

Chapter 11Cyclotomic <strong>and</strong> CyclicExtensionsIn this chapter we shall examine two special types <strong>of</strong> field extensions — cyclotomicextensions, given by adjoining a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity, <strong>and</strong> cyclicextensions, given by adjoining an arbitrary n-th root under the assumptionthat the base field already contains a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Both <strong>of</strong>these cases are relatively easy to study, <strong>and</strong> have far reaching generalisations toabelian Kummer theory <strong>and</strong> class field theory.11.1 Cyclotomic ExtensionsRecall that ζ ∈ K is called a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity if ζ n = 1 butζ d ≠ 1 for all 1 ≤ d < n. For example we could take ζ = exp(2πi/n) ∈ C.Let ζ ∈ K be a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. We make the following observations.1. The n numbers ζ r for 1 ≤ r ≤ n are all distinct. For, if ζ r = ζ s with1 ≤ r < s ≤ n, then ζ s−r = 1 <strong>and</strong> 1 ≤ s − r < n, contradicting the factthat ζ was a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity.2. The set µ n := {ζ r : 1 ≤ r ≤ n} is a cyclic group under multiplication,generated by ζ. Hence µ n is isomorphic to the additive group Z/nZ.3. If 1 ≤ r ≤ n, then ζ r is a primitive n/d-th root <strong>of</strong> unity, where d =gcd(r, n).4. µ n contains µ d for all d|n. In particular, if ξ is an n/d-th root <strong>of</strong> unity,then ξ = ζ ds for some 1 ≤ s ≤ n/d.57

We define the n-th cyclotomic polynomial as∏∏Φ n (X) := (X − ζ r ) =1≤r≤ngcd(r,n)=1ξ primitive n-throot <strong>of</strong> unityWe therefore have the factorisationX n − 1 =1≤r≤n(X ∏− ζ r ) = ∏ Φ d (X).d|n(X − ξ).Note also that deg(Φ n ) = φ(n), where φ(n) is Euler’s totient (or phi) functionφ(n) = |{1 ≤ r ≤ n : gcd(r, n) = 1}|.Theorem 11.1. The polynomial Φ n (X) lies in Z[X] <strong>and</strong> is irreducible.If ζ ∈ C is a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity, then Q(ζ)/Q is <strong>Galois</strong> with abelian <strong>Galois</strong>group. In fact, Gal(Q(ζ)/Q) ∼ = (Z/nZ) × via σ r (ζ) := ζ r for r ∈ (Z/nZ) × .Pro<strong>of</strong>. We first observe that each Φ d (X) is monic. By induction we may assumeΦ d (X) ∈ Z[X] for d < n. Since ∏ d|n Φ d(X) = X n − 1, the Division Algorithmtells us Φ n (X) ∈ Q[X], <strong>and</strong> then Gauss’s Lemma gives that Φ n (X) ∈ Z[X].Now let f ∈ Q[X] be the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> ζ, a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong>unity. We claim that if ξ is any root <strong>of</strong> f, then so is ξ p for all primes p ∤ n. Itwill follow that ζ r is a root <strong>of</strong> f for all 1 ≤ r ≤ n with gcd(r, n) = 1, <strong>and</strong> hencethat Φ n (X) = f is irreducible.Since ζ is a root <strong>of</strong> X n − 1, we can write X n − 1 = f(X)g(X). Again, bothpolynomials are monic with rational coefficients, so Gauss’s Lemma tells usthat f, g ∈ Z[X]. Let ξ be a root <strong>of</strong> f, p a prime not dividing n <strong>and</strong> assumefor contradiction that ξ p is not a root <strong>of</strong> f. Then ξ p must be a root <strong>of</strong> g(X),so that ξ is a root <strong>of</strong> g(X p ). Since f is the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> ξ, it dividesg(X p ). Hence g(X p ) = f(X)h(X), <strong>and</strong> by Gauss’s Lemma once more we seethat h ∈ Z[X] <strong>and</strong> is monic.We now reduce coefficients modulo p. Denote by ¯f, ḡ <strong>and</strong> ¯h respectively theimages <strong>of</strong> f, g <strong>and</strong> h in F p [X]. By Lemma 9.2 we have ḡ(X) p = ḡ(X p ) =¯f(X)¯h(X). Thus gcd( ¯f, ḡ) ≠ 1. Since X n − 1 = ¯f(X)ḡ(X), we see that X n − 1has repeated roots. It follows that X n − 1 <strong>and</strong> its derivative nX n−1 have acommon divisor, but since p ∤ n this cannot happen, proving the claim.We have shown that Φ n (X) is the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> ζ over Q. Thus[Q(ζ) : Q] = deg(Φ n ) = φ(n). Since all n-th roots <strong>of</strong> unity (primitive or not)are powers <strong>of</strong> ζ, we see that Q(ζ)/Q is the splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> Φ n (orequivalently <strong>of</strong> X n − 1). Hence Q(ζ)/Q is <strong>Galois</strong>.Let G = Gal(Q(ζ)/Q), so |G| = φ(n). By Artin’s Extension Theorem theelements <strong>of</strong> G are in bijection with the roots <strong>of</strong> Φ n , so are all <strong>of</strong> the form σ r : ζ ↦→ζ r for some 1 ≤ r ≤ n coprime to n. Consider the bijection (Z/nZ) × → G,r ↦→ σ r . Since 1 ↦→ σ 1 = id <strong>and</strong> σ r σ s (ζ) = σ r (ζ) s = ζ rs , this map is a groupisomorphism.58

Recall from Proposition 9.3 that every finite extension <strong>of</strong> a finite field is <strong>Galois</strong>with cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> group.Theorem 11.2. Let K = F q be a finite field <strong>and</strong> L/K a splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> X n − 1. Then L contains a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity if <strong>and</strong> only if thecharacteristic <strong>of</strong> K does not divide n, in which case L/K has degree d, where dis the order <strong>of</strong> q modulo n, so Gal(L/K) ↩→ (Z/nZ) × .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose first that p := char(K) divides n, say n = pm. Let ζ ∈ L be ann-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Then ζ m is a root <strong>of</strong> X p − 1 = (X − 1) p , so ζ m = 1. HenceL cannot contain a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity.Conversely, suppose that p does not divide n. Then q ∈ (Z/nZ) × , so let d bethe order <strong>of</strong> q in this group. Note that Z/dZ ∼ = 〈q〉 ↩→ (Z/nZ) × . Let M/K bea field extension <strong>of</strong> degree e, so M has size q e . Now, X n − 1 is coprime to itsderivative, so has no repeated roots in a splitting field extension. Therefore, byProposition 9.7, X n − 1 splits over M if <strong>and</strong> only if X n − 1 divides X qe −1 − 1,which is if <strong>and</strong> only if n divides q e − 1, <strong>and</strong> hence if <strong>and</strong> only if d divides e.Therefore the splitting field extension L <strong>of</strong> X n − 1 must be F q d.Finally, we know from Lemma 3.6 that L × is cyclic, say with generator θ. Thusθ has order q d − 1 = mn, so ζ = θ m has order n, so is a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong>unity.Corollary 11.3. Let L/K be a field extension, <strong>and</strong> suppose ζ ∈ L is a primitiven-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Then K(ζ)/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, <strong>and</strong> Gal(K(ζ)/K) ↩→ (Z/nZ) × .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let k be the prime subfield <strong>of</strong> K. Then k(ζ)/k is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong>group a subgroup <strong>of</strong> (Z/nZ) × , by Theorem 11.1 in characteristic zero or byTheorem 11.2 in positive characteristic. Then K(ζ) is the compositum <strong>of</strong> K<strong>and</strong> k(ζ), so K(ζ)/K is <strong>Galois</strong> with Gal(K(ζ)/K) isomorphic to a subgroup <strong>of</strong>Gal(k(ζ)/k) by Theorem 10.10.Since we will need this result later, we now show that the compositum <strong>of</strong> twocyclotomic field extensions is again cyclotomic.Lemma 11.4. Let L/K be a field extension containing a primitive m-th root<strong>of</strong> unity ξ <strong>and</strong> a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity η. Set d := gcd{m, n} <strong>and</strong> l :=lcm{m, n}. Then L contains a primitive l-th root <strong>of</strong> unity ζ, <strong>and</strong> K(ξ, η) =K(ζ).Pro<strong>of</strong>. We begin by adjoining a primitive l-th root <strong>of</strong> unity ζ to L. Then ξ, η ∈K(ζ). Conversely, for some integers r <strong>and</strong> s we have ζ l/m = ξ r <strong>and</strong> ζ l/n = η s .By Euclid’s Algorithm we can find integers a <strong>and</strong> b such that am + bn = d.Then, using that mn = dl, we see that ξ br η as = ζ (am+bn)/d = ζ, so ζ ∈ K(ξ, η).Thus K(ξ, η) = K(ζ).59

11.2 Hilbert’s Theorem 90Let L/K be a <strong>Galois</strong> field extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group G. The trace <strong>and</strong> norm<strong>of</strong> α in L/K are given byTr L K(α) := ∑ σ∈Gσ(α) <strong>and</strong> N L K(α) := ∏ σ∈Gσ(α).We observe thatTr L K(α + β) = Tr L K(α) + Tr L K(β) <strong>and</strong> N L K(αβ) = N L K(α) N L K(β),so that Tr L K : L → K is an additive group homomorphism, <strong>and</strong> N L K : L × → K ×is a multiplicative group homomorphism.Theorem 11.5 (Hilbert’s Theorem 90). Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> groupGal(L/K) ∼ = Z/nZ. Let σ be a generator for Gal(L/K). Then for β ∈ L wehave N L K(β) = 1 if <strong>and</strong> only if there exists α ∈ L such that β = σ(α)/α.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose that β = σ(α)/α. ThenN L K(β) = βσ(β) · · · σ n−1 (β) = σ(α) σ 2 (α)α σ(α) · · · σ n (α)α n−1 (α) = σn (α)= 1.αConversely, suppose that N L K(β) = 1. Defineλ i := σ i (β) · · · σ n−1 (β) =1βσ(β) · · · σ i−1 (β) .By the Linear Independence <strong>of</strong> Characters the σ i are linearly independent overL. Hence there exists γ ∈ L such thatn−1∑α := λ i σ i (γ) ≠ 0.i=0Now, σ(λ i ) = βλ i+1 <strong>and</strong> λ 0 = λ n = 1. Thereforen−1∑n−1∑σ(α) = σ(λ i )σ i+1 (γ) = βλ i+1 σ i+1 (γ) = βi=0so β = σ(α)/α as required.i=0n∑λ i σ i (γ) = αβ,i=1Pythagorean TriplesAs a cute application <strong>of</strong> this we can prove that every Pythagorean triple (x, y, z),that is, integers x, y, z such that x 2 + y 2 = z 2 , is <strong>of</strong> the form(x, y, z) = c(a 2 − b 2 , 2ab, a 2 + b 2 ) a, b ∈ Z coprime, 2c ∈ Z.60

For, let us consider the field <strong>of</strong> Gaussian numbers Q(i). This is a quadraticextension <strong>of</strong> Q, so has <strong>Galois</strong> group Z/2Z, induced by complex conjugation,<strong>and</strong> Q contains a primitive second root <strong>of</strong> unity, namely −1.Note that the norm <strong>of</strong> β = x + yi (with x, y ∈ Q) is N(β) = (x + yi)(x − yi) =x 2 + y 2 .Therefore by Hilbert’s Theorem 90 we see that x 2 + y 2 = 1 if <strong>and</strong> only if thereexists α = a − bi withx + yi = a + bia − bi = (a2 − b 2 ) + 2abia 2 + b 2 .Therefore every rational solution to x 2 + y 2 = 1 is <strong>of</strong> the form(x, y) =( a 2 − b 2a 2 + b 2 , 2ab)a 2 + b 2 .Now, (x, y, z) is a Pythagorean triple if <strong>and</strong> only if (x/z) + (y/z)i has norm 1.Therefore there exist rational numbers a, b with x/z = (a 2 − b 2 )/(a 2 + b 2 ) <strong>and</strong>y/z = 2ab/(a 2 + b 2 ). Clearing denominators <strong>and</strong> removing common factors, wemay even assume that a, b ∈ Z are coprime. Therefore (x, y, z) is a Pythagoreantriple if <strong>and</strong> only if there exist coprime integers a, b <strong>and</strong> a rational number csuch that(x, y, z) = c(a 2 − b 2 , 2ab, a 2 + b 2 ).Finally, since x, y, z are integers, the denominator <strong>of</strong> c must divide both a 2 − b 2<strong>and</strong> a 2 + b 2 , <strong>and</strong> hence must divide their sum 2a 2 <strong>and</strong> difference 2b 2 . Since a<strong>and</strong> b are coprime we see that the denominator <strong>of</strong> c is at most 2, so 2c ∈ Z.11.3 Cyclic ExtensionsA <strong>Galois</strong> extension L/K is called cyclic if its <strong>Galois</strong> group is cyclic. We willnow study cyclic extensions under the assumption that the base field has enoughroots <strong>of</strong> unity.Proposition 11.6. Let L/K be a cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> extension <strong>of</strong> degree n, <strong>and</strong>assume that K contain a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Then L/K is a splittingfield extension <strong>of</strong> some X n − a ∈ K[X].Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let σ be a generator for the <strong>Galois</strong> group. If ζ ∈ K is a primitive n-throot <strong>of</strong> unity, then σ(ζ) = ζ, so N L K(ζ) = ζ n = 1. By Hilbert’s Theorem 90 thereexists α ∈ L with ζ = σ(α)/α. Thus σ(α) = ζα, so σ r (α) = ζ r α. Then α has nconjugates in L, so K(α)/K has degree n, <strong>and</strong> hence L = K(α). Moreover, theminimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> α over K ism α/K = ∏ r(X − ζ r α) = α n ∏ r((X/α) − ζ r ) = α n ((X/α) n − 1) = X n − α n .Therefore α n = a ∈ K <strong>and</strong> L/K is a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> X n − a.61

Importantly, the converse also holds.Proposition 11.7. Let L/K be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> some X n − a ∈K[X], <strong>and</strong> assume that K contains a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Then L/Kis <strong>Galois</strong> with cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> order dividing n.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let α ∈ L be a root <strong>of</strong> X n − a. Then the other roots are just ζ r α, whereζ ∈ K is a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Therefore L = K(α). Moreover, sinceX n − a has distinct roots it is a separable polynomial, so L/K is <strong>Galois</strong> byTheorem 10.6.Now, the minimal polynomial m <strong>of</strong> α over K divides X n − a, so the roots <strong>of</strong>m are given by ζ r α for r in some subset R ⊂ Z/nZ containing 0. By Artin’sExtension Theorem the elements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Galois</strong> group G = Gal(L/K) are <strong>of</strong>the form σ r : α ↦→ ζ r α for r ∈ R. Finally, σ r σ s (α) = ζ r+s α = σ r+s (α), <strong>and</strong>(α) = ζ −r α = σ −r (α). Therefore R ≤ Z/nZ is a subgroup, <strong>and</strong> the bijectionR → G, r ↦→ σ r , is a group isomorphism.σ −1rThis proves that the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> L/K is cyclic <strong>of</strong> order dividing n.62

Chapter 12Radical ExtensionsWe now come back to our motivating question <strong>of</strong> whether we can express theroots <strong>of</strong> an irreducible polynomial as radical expressions in the coefficients <strong>of</strong>the polynomial. This has a beautiful answer in terms <strong>of</strong> the structure <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Galois</strong> group: an irreducible polynomial f over a field <strong>of</strong> characteristic zero issolvable by radicals if <strong>and</strong> only if Gal(f) is a solvable group.The main difficulty in the pro<strong>of</strong> is that the base field usually does not containenough roots <strong>of</strong> unity. We therefore have to adjoin these in order to make ourdeductions. Finally we show that every root <strong>of</strong> unity has a radical expression,finishing the pro<strong>of</strong>.12.1 Radical ExtensionsInformally, if L/K is a field extension, then a radical expression <strong>of</strong> α ∈ L isone involving only the elements <strong>of</strong> K, the field operations +, −, ×, ÷ <strong>and</strong> n-throots. For example, the following elementis a radical expression for α over Q.α = 11√ 3 7 √ √2+ 93 √ 15 − 12 4 √1 + 5√ 6More precisely, we say that a field extension L/K is radical if there exists atowerK = K 0 ⊂ K 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ K r = Lsuch that each field extension K i /K i+1 is given by extracting an n i -th root, soK i = K i−1 (α i ) is simple <strong>and</strong> α nii ∈ K i−1 . We call such a tower a radical towerfor L/K. Note that all radical extensions are necessarily finite.Given a radical tower L = K r / · · · /K 1 /K 0 = K for L/K, there exists an integern such that each K i /K i−1 is given by extracting an n-th root. For, we knowthat K i = K i−1 (α i ) with α nii ∈ K i−1 . Let n = lcm(n 1 , . . . , n r ). Then n i divides63

n, so α n i ∈ K i−1 . We will call such an integer n an exponent for the radicalextension L/K. (N.B. This is non-st<strong>and</strong>ard terminology, but useful.)We will need two properties about radical extensions. The first concerns basechange, the second, normal closures.Lemma 12.1. Let L/K be a field extension, <strong>and</strong> E <strong>and</strong> F intermediate fields.If E/K is radical <strong>of</strong> exponent n, then so is EF/F .Pro<strong>of</strong>. LetK = K 0 ⊂ K 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ K r = Ebe a radical tower <strong>of</strong> exponent n. Write K i = K i−1 (α i ) where αinF i := F K i . Then F i = F i−1 (α i ) <strong>and</strong> αin ∈ F i−1. Hence∈ K i−1 . SetF = F 0 ⊂ F 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ F r = EFis a radical tower for EF/F <strong>of</strong> exponent n.Proposition 12.2. Let M/L be a normal closure <strong>of</strong> L/K. If L/K is radical <strong>of</strong>exponent n, then so is M/K.Pro<strong>of</strong>. LetK = K 0 ⊂ K 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ K r = Lbe a radical tower <strong>of</strong> exponent n. Write K i = K i−1 (α i ) with αin ∈ K i−1.Let M/L be a normal closure <strong>of</strong> L/K <strong>and</strong> set M i to be the normal closure <strong>of</strong>K i /K inside M. Observe that K i = K(α 1 , α 2 , . . . , α i ), so if m i is the minimalpolynomial <strong>of</strong> α i over K, then M i /K is the splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> f i :=m 1 m 2 · · · m i inside M. In particular, M i /M i−1 is the splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> m i inside M, so M i is generated over M i−1 by the roots <strong>of</strong> m i .We claim that each M i /M i−1 is radical <strong>of</strong> exponent n, so by concatenating theirradical towers we will obtain a radical tower for M/K <strong>of</strong> exponent n. In fact,we will show that if β i is any other root <strong>of</strong> m i , then β n i ∈ M i−1 .By Artin’s Extension Theorem there is a K-isomorphism ι: K(α i ) → K(β i )sending α i to β i . Since M i /K is the splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> f i , so tooare M i /K(α i ) <strong>and</strong> M i /K(β i ). Also, f i ∈ K[X], so ι(f i ) = f i . Therefore, byTheorem 8.2, there is a K-automorphism σ <strong>of</strong> M i extending ι.Finally, M i−1 /K is the unique splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> f i−1 inside M <strong>and</strong>σ(f i−1 ) = f i−1 . It follows that σ induces a K-automorphism <strong>of</strong> M i−1 . Thusβ n = σ(α n ) ∈ M i−1 as required.WarningIf L/K is radical <strong>and</strong> E is an intermediate field, then E/K is not in generalradical. This is not surprising: just because every element <strong>of</strong> E has a radical64

expression, we do not expect that every element which can be expressed usingthe same radicals necessarily lies in E.For this reason we make the following definition. A polynomial f ∈ K[X]is solvable by radicals if there exists a radical extension M/K containingevery root <strong>of</strong> f. Since normal closures <strong>of</strong> radical extensions are again radical,Proposition 12.2, we may even assume that M/K is normal, so contains asplitting field extension L for f. We do not require that L/K is itself radical.12.2 Solvable GroupsBefore we continue, we will need to recall some facts about solvable groups.Given a finite group G, a chain <strong>of</strong> subgroups {1} = G r ≤ · · · ≤ G 0 = G iscalled a subnormal series if G i ⊳ G i+1 for all i. The factor groups G i−1 /G iare called the subquotients <strong>of</strong> the subnormal series. A chain is called a normalseries if each G i is a normal subgroup <strong>of</strong> G. (Some authors call a subnormalseries a normal series, but then have no name for a normal series.)A finite group G is called solvable provided there exists a subnormal seriesfor G such that all subquotients are cyclic. We observe that a simple group issolvable if <strong>and</strong> only if it is cyclic <strong>of</strong> prime order.We say that a chain <strong>of</strong> subgroups {1} = G ′ n ≤ · · · ≤ G ′ 0 = G is a refinement<strong>of</strong> a chain {1} = G m ≤ · · · ≤ G 0 = G provided that each G i occurs as some G ′ j .Lemma 12.3. A group is solvable if <strong>and</strong> only if it has a subnormal serieswhose subquotients are all cyclic <strong>of</strong> prime order, which is if <strong>and</strong> only if it has asubnormal series whose subquotients are all abelian.Pro<strong>of</strong>. All finite abelian groups are direct products <strong>of</strong> cyclic groups, <strong>and</strong> allcyclic groups have a normal series whose subquotients are cyclic <strong>of</strong> prime order.Thus, given a subnormal series with abelian subquotients, we can refine it to asubnormal series whose subquotients are cyclic <strong>of</strong> prime order.The next two propositions show that subnormal series pass to subgroups <strong>and</strong>to quotient groups.Proposition 12.4. Let G be a finite group <strong>and</strong> let {1} = G r ⊳ · · · ⊳ G 0 = G bea subnormal series for G. If H ≤ G is a subgroup, then setting H i := H ∩ G igives a subnormal series {1} = H r ⊳· · ·⊳H 0 = H for H. Moreover, H i−1 /H i ≤G i−1 /G i .In particular, G solvable implies H solvable.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We have H i−1 ≤ G i−1 , G i ⊳ G i−1 <strong>and</strong> H i = H i−1 ∩ G i , so by the SecondIsomorphism Theorem, H i ⊳ H i−1 <strong>and</strong> H i−1 /H i∼ = (Hi−1 G i )/G i ≤ G i−1 /G i .For the second part we observe that subgroups <strong>of</strong> abelian (respectively cyclic)groups are again abelian (respectively cyclic).65

Proposition 12.5. Let G be a finite group <strong>and</strong> let {1} = G r ⊳ · · · ⊳ G 0 = Gbe a subnormal series for G. If H ⊳ G is a normal subgroup, then settingḠ i := (G i H)/H gives a subnormal series {1} = Ḡr ⊳ · · ·⊳Ḡ0 = G/H for G/H.Moreover, G i−1 /G i ↠ Ḡi−1/Ḡi.In particular, G solvable implies G/H solvable.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We first observe that G i H ⊳ G i−1 H is a normal subgroup. This can bedone using the Isomorphism Theorems, but it is just as easy to prove it directly.Let xy ∈ G i H, where x ∈ G i <strong>and</strong> y ∈ H. Similarly let gh ∈ G i−1 H, whereg ∈ G i−1 <strong>and</strong> h ∈ H. Then(gh)(xy)(gh) −1 = ghxyh −1 g −1 = (gxg −1 )g ( (x −1 hx)yh −1) g −1 .Since G i ⊳ G i−1 we have gxg −1 ∈ G i ; since H ⊳ G we have x −1 hx ∈ H,so (x −1 hx)yh −1 ∈ H, <strong>and</strong> hence g ( (x −1 hx)yh −1) g −1 ∈ H. This proves thatG i H ⊳ G i−1 H.It now follows from the Third Isomorphism Theorem that Ḡi = (G i H)/H is anormal subgroup <strong>of</strong> Ḡi−1 = (G i−1 H)/H, with quotientḠ i−1 /Ḡi ∼ = (G i−1 H)/(G i H).This in turn is isomorphic to G i−1 /(G i−1 ∩ (G i H)) by the Second IsomorphismTheorem, since G i−1 H = G i−1 (G i H).We therefore have an epimorphism G i−1 ↠ G i−1 /(G i−1 ∩ G i H) ∼ = Ḡi−1/Ḡi.As G i lies in the kernel, the First Isomorphism Theorem gives an epimorphismG i−1 /G i ↠ Ḡi−1/Ḡi as required.The second part follows as in the previous proposition, since quotients <strong>of</strong> abelian(respecively cyclic) groups are again abelian (respectively cyclic).Theorem 12.6. Let H ⊳ G be finite groups. Then G is solvable if <strong>and</strong> only ifboth H <strong>and</strong> G/H are solvable.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Using the propositions above, it only remains to prove that if H <strong>and</strong> G/Hare both solvable, then G is solvable. Denote by π : G → G/H the canonicalepimorphism.Let {1} = Ḡs ⊳ · · · ⊳ Ḡ0 = G/H be a subnormal series for G/H <strong>and</strong> let{1} = H r ⊳ · · · ⊳ H s = H be a subnormal series for H. Define G i := π −1 (Ḡi)for 0 ≤ i ≤ s <strong>and</strong> G i := H i for s ≤ i ≤ r. Since π −1 (Ḡs) = H, this definition isconsistent.Then {1} = G r ⊳· · ·⊳G 0 = G is a subnormal series for G. Moreover, G i−1 /G i∼ =H i−1 /H i for s < i ≤ r <strong>and</strong> G i−1 /G i∼ = Ḡ i−1 /Ḡi for 0 < i ≤ s. The first <strong>of</strong> theseis clear, <strong>and</strong> the second follows from the Third Isomorphism Theorem.In particular, if each H i−1 /H i <strong>and</strong> Ḡi−1/Ḡi is abelian (respectively cyclic), thenso is each G i−1 /G i . Hence if H <strong>and</strong> G/H are both solvable, then so is G.66

It is easy to show that every p-group for p a prime is a solvable group. In fact,any such group is nilpotent, meaning that we even have a normal series withabelian subquotients.Theorem 12.7. Let p be a prime <strong>and</strong> G a finite p-group. Then G is nilpotent,so solvable.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We recall that Z(G) is the centre <strong>of</strong> G, so the set <strong>of</strong> elements z commutingwith all g ∈ G. Then Z(G) ⊳ G is clearly a normal subgroup.Now, since G is a p-group, it has non-trivial centre. For, we let G act on itself byconjugation. The orbits <strong>of</strong> size one are given by the elements <strong>of</strong> the centre Z(G),<strong>and</strong> note that |Z(G)| ≥ 1 since 1 ∈ Z(G). Let X be a set <strong>of</strong> representatives forthe conjugacy classes <strong>of</strong> size at least 2. For x ∈ X let G x = Stab G (x) be thestabiliser <strong>of</strong> x, so by the Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem [G : G x ] = |Orb G (x)| > 1.Since G is a p-group, we see that p divides each [G : G x ]. Therefore |G| =|Z(G)| + ∑ x∈X [G : G x], so p divides |Z(G)|. In particular, G has non-trivialcentre.We can define a normal series <strong>of</strong> G by setting Z 0 := {1} <strong>and</strong> iteratively definingZ i+1 to be the preimage in G <strong>of</strong> Z(G/Z i ), so that Z 1 = Z(G). For, G/Z i is ap-group, so has non-trivial centre, so Z i < Z i+1 is a strict inclusion.More generally, we have the following famous theorem. John Thompson wasrecently awarded the Abel Prize for this <strong>and</strong> other work on finite groups.Theorem 12.8 (Feit-Thompson). Every finite group <strong>of</strong> odd order is solvable.In particular, if G is a finite simple group, then either G is cyclic <strong>of</strong> prime orderor else |G| is even.We shall need the following result, concerning the solvablility <strong>of</strong> the symmetric<strong>and</strong> alternating groups.Theorem 12.9. The alternating group Alt n is solvable if n ≤ 4 <strong>and</strong> simple ifn ≥ 5. In particular, the symmetric group Sym n is solvable if <strong>and</strong> only if n ≤ 4.Pro<strong>of</strong>. For n = 4 we have the normal series {1} ⊳ V ⊳ Alt 4 ⊳ Sym 4 , whereV = 〈(12)(34), (13)(24)〉 is the Klein four group. Since each quotient is abelian,we have the result. Moreover, since Sym 4 /V ∼ = Sym 3 , we also obtain that Sym 3is solvable.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if n ≥ 5, then Alt n is simple but not cyclic, so not solvable.Since Alt n ⊳Sym n , the full symmetric group Sym n is not solvable for n ≥ 5.12.3 Solvable <strong>Galois</strong> ExtensionsWe now come to one <strong>of</strong> the highlights <strong>of</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong>. We assume throughoutthat all fields have characteristic zero.67

Proposition 12.10. Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> radical. Then Gal(L/K) is solvable.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let L/K be radical <strong>of</strong> exponent n, say having a radical towerK = K 0 ⊂ K 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ K r = Lwith K i = K i−1 (α i ) <strong>and</strong> αin ∈ K i−1. Let M/L be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong>X n − 1, <strong>and</strong> let ζ ∈ M be a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity.Note that L/K <strong>and</strong> K(ζ)/K are both <strong>Galois</strong>, so their compositum L(ζ) = M is<strong>Galois</strong> over K by Theorem 10.10. By the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence we know thatGal(M/K(ζ)) is a normal subgroup <strong>of</strong> Gal(M/K) with quotient Gal(K(ζ)/K),<strong>and</strong> this latter group is abelian by Corollary 11.3. So, by Theorem 12.6,Gal(M/K) is solvable if <strong>and</strong> only if Gal(M/K(ζ)) is solvable.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, we similarly have that Gal(M/L) is a normal subgroup <strong>of</strong>Gal(M/K) with quotient Gal(L/K). So Gal(M/K) solvable implies Gal(L/K)solvable. Putting this together we see that Gal(M/K(ζ)) solvable impliesGal(L/K) solvable.Now, M = L(ζ), so Lemma 12.1 implies that M/K(ζ) is radical <strong>of</strong> exponent n.In fact, setting M i := K i (ζ), we obtain the radical towerK(ζ) = M 0 ⊂ M 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ M r = Mwith M i = M i−1 (α i ) <strong>and</strong> αin ∈ M i−1 . Since M i−1 contains ζ, a primitive n-throot <strong>of</strong> unity, we know from Proposition 11.7 that M i /M i−1 is <strong>Galois</strong> with cyclic<strong>Galois</strong> group (<strong>of</strong> order dividing n). It follows from the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondencethat, setting G i := Gal(M/M i ), we have a subnormal series{1} = G r ⊳ · · · ⊳ G 1 ⊳ G 0 = Gal(M/K(ζ))with cyclic subquotients G i−1 /G i∼ = Gal(Mi /M i−1 ). Hence Gal(M/K(ζ)) is asolvable group as required.The converse is slightly trickier, since we have not shown that each root <strong>of</strong> unityhas a radical expression. In fact, we prove this simultaneously.Proposition 12.11. Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with solvable <strong>Galois</strong> group. Then thereexists an extension M/L such that M/K is <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> radical.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let L/K have degree n. We shall prove by induction on n that thereexists a root <strong>of</strong> unity ζ such that L(ζ)/K is <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> radical. Note that thecase n = 1 is trivial.Consider K(η)/K, where η is a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. We know fromCorollary 11.3 that this field extension is <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>of</strong> degree dividing φ(n) withabelian <strong>Galois</strong> group. Therefore, by induction, there exists a root <strong>of</strong> unity ξsuch that K(ξ, η)/K is <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> radical. If ξ is a primitive m-th root <strong>of</strong> unity,68

then Lemma 11.4 tells us that K(ξ, η) = K(ζ), where ζ is a primitive l-th root<strong>of</strong> unity for l = lcm{m, n}.Now let L(ζ)/L be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> X l − 1, where ζ is a primitivel-th root <strong>of</strong> unity. Note that L/K <strong>and</strong> K(ζ)/K are both <strong>Galois</strong>, so their compositumL(ζ) is <strong>Galois</strong> over K by Theorem 10.10. Therefore it is enough toprove that L(ζ)/K(ζ) is radical, since then we can concatenate radical towersfor L(ζ)/K(ζ) <strong>and</strong> K(ζ)/K to deduce that L(ζ)/K is radical.By Theorem 10.10 once more we know that Gal(L(ζ)/K(ζ)) is isomorphic to asubgroup <strong>of</strong> Gal(L/K), so is solvable by Theorem 12.6 <strong>and</strong> has order dividingn. Let {1} = G r ⊳ · · · ⊳ G 0 = Gal(L(ζ)/K(ζ)) be a subnormal series forGal(L(ζ)/K(ζ)) with cyclic subquotients. Let M i be the fixed field <strong>of</strong> G i , soK(ζ) = M 0 ⊂ M 1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ M r = L(ζ)is a tower <strong>of</strong> field extensions. By the <strong>Galois</strong> Correspondence we have thatM i /M i−1 is <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group G i−1 /G i , so cyclic <strong>of</strong> order dividing n.Since M i−1 contains a primitive n-th root <strong>of</strong> unity, we can apply Proposition 11.6to get that M i = M i−1 (α i ) with αin ∈ M i−1. Hence L(ζ) = M r / · · · /M 0 = K(ζ)is a radical tower <strong>of</strong> exponent n. This proves that L(ζ)/K(ζ) is radical.We summarise this discussion in the following theorem.Theorem 12.12 (<strong>Galois</strong>). A <strong>Galois</strong> field extension L/K has solvable <strong>Galois</strong>group if <strong>and</strong> only if there exists an extension M/L with M/K <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> radical.In particular, a polynomial f ∈ K[X] is solvable by radicals if <strong>and</strong> only if Gal(f)is a solvable group.Pro<strong>of</strong>. The first part is immediate from the previous two propositions. For thesecond, let f ∈ K[X] <strong>and</strong> let L/K be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> f. Then fis solvable by radicals if <strong>and</strong> only if there exists an extension M/L such thatM/K is <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>and</strong> radical, which is equivalent to Gal(f) = Gal(L/K) being asolvable group.Corollary 12.13. There exist quintic polynomials f ∈ Q[X] which are notsolvable by radicals.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We saw at the end <strong>of</strong> Section 10.2 that f = X 5 − 4X + 2 ∈ Q[X] isirreducible <strong>and</strong> has <strong>Galois</strong> group Sym 5 . Therefore Gal(f) is not solvable, so fis not solvable by radicals.69

Chapter 13Cubics <strong>and</strong> QuarticsIn this chapter we apply the above considerations to cubic <strong>and</strong> quartic polynomials,<strong>and</strong> in so doing obtain radical expressions for their roots. In particular,we recover Cardano’s formula from Exercise Sheet 1, <strong>and</strong> motivate the constructionsinvolved. The formula for the quartic is due to Ferrari, a student <strong>of</strong>Cardano. We will assume throughout that K is a field <strong>of</strong> characteristic zero,though in fact it is enough to take characteristic different from 2 or 3.13.1 Solving the CubicLet f = X 3 −s 1 X 2 +s 2 X −s 3 ∈ K[X] be irreducible <strong>and</strong> let α i for i = 1, 2, 3 bethe roots <strong>of</strong> f in a splitting field extension L/K. Thus the s i are the elementarysymmetric functions in the rootss 1 = α 1 + α 2 + α 3 , s 2 = α 1 α 2 + α 2 α 3 + α 3 α 1 , s 3 = α 1 α 2 α 3 .Let G ≤ Sym 3 be the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> f. Recall that we have the subnormalseries {1} ⊳ Alt 3 ⊳ Sym 3 with cyclic subquotients <strong>of</strong> degrees 3 <strong>and</strong> 2. We needto compute the fixed field <strong>of</strong> G ∩ Alt 3 . Defineδ = ∏ i

This also gives a criterion for the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> an irreducible cubic f ∈ K[X].√∆Gal(f)not in K Sym 3in K Alt 3In order to obtain radical expressions for the roots we need to adjoin a primitivecube root <strong>of</strong> unity ω. So, from now on assume that ω ∈ K. Then by Proposition11.6 we have L = K(δ, u) with u 3 ∈ K(δ). In fact, if σ is a generator for Alt 3 ,say σ = (123), then σ(u) = ωu, <strong>and</strong> conversely any such u works. An obviouschoice isu := α 1 + ωα 2 + ω 2 α 3 .An easy calculation shows that u 3 equals(α 3 1 +α 3 2 +α 3 3)+6α 1 α 2 α 3 +3ω(α 2 1α 2 +α 2 2α 3 +α 2 3α 1 )+3ω 2 (α 1 α 2 2 +α 2 α 2 3 +α 3 α 2 1).Now, using the formulaeas well aswe can write(α 2 1α 2 + α 2 2α 3 + α 2 3α 1 ) + (α 1 α 2 2 + α 2 α 2 3 + α 3 α 2 1) = s 1 s 2 − 3s 3(α 2 1α 2 + α 2 2α 3 + α 2 3α 1 ) − (α 1 α 2 2 + α 2 α 2 3 + α 3 α 2 1) = δα 3 1 + α 3 2 + α 3 3 = s 3 1 − 3s 1 s 2 + 3s 3u 3 = s 3 1 − 9 2 s 1s 2 + 27 2 s 3 + 3 2 (ω − ω2 )δ = 1 2 (λ + 3(ω − ω2 )δ),where λ = 2s 3 1 − 9s 1 s 2 + 27s 3 . Note also that ω − ω 2 = √ −3.We can similarly form the sum v = α 1 + ω 2 α 2 + ωα 3 , so thatv 3 = 1 2 (λ − 3(ω − ω2 )δ) <strong>and</strong> uv = s 2 1 − 3s 2 .Finally we can solve for α i using the three expressionss 1 = ∑ iα i ,u = ∑ iω i−1 α i ,v = ∑ iω 2(i−1) α i .This givesα 1 = 1 3 (s 1 + u + v), α 2 = 1 3 (s 1 + ω 2 u + ωv), α 3 = 1 3 (s 1 + ωu + ω 2 v).Observe that u 3 <strong>and</strong> v 3 are the roots <strong>of</strong> the auxillary quadraticX 2 − λX + 1 4 (λ2 + 27∆) ∈ K[X].This recovers the formula from Exercise Sheet 1 when s 1 = 0 (except the u <strong>and</strong>v used there are one third <strong>of</strong> the u <strong>and</strong> v used above).71

13.2 Solving the QuarticNow let f = X 4 − s 1 X 3 + s 2 X 3 − s 3 X + s 4 ∈ K[X] be an irreducible quartic.Let L/K be a splitting field extension <strong>and</strong> let α i ∈ L for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 be theroots <strong>of</strong> f. Let G ≤ Sym 4 be the <strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> f. Note that the s i are againthe elementary symmetric functions in the rootss 1 = α 1 + α 2 + α 3 + α 4 , s 2 = α 1 α 2 + α 1 α 3 + α 1 α 4 + α 2 α 3 + α 2 α 4 + α 3 α 4 ,s 3 = α 1 α 2 α 3 + α 1 α 2 α 4 + α 1 α 3 α 4 + α 2 α 3 α 4 , s 4 = α 1 α 2 α 3 α 4 .Recall that Sym 4 has a normal series {id} ⊳ V ⊳ Alt 4 ⊳ Sym 4 with abeliansubquotients. In fact, for solving the quartic, the most important subgroup isV , since Sym 4 /V ∼ = Sym 3 . Therefore the fixed field <strong>of</strong> V corresponds to thesplitting field <strong>of</strong> a cubic, called the auxillary cubic. Since V ∼ = (Z/2Z) 2 it hasthree subgroups <strong>of</strong> order two, which we can then use, together with the roots <strong>of</strong>the auxillary cubic, to obtain radical expressions for the roots.Note that, under the isomorphism Sym 4 /V ∼ = Sym 3 , the preimage <strong>of</strong> Alt 3 isAlt 4 , <strong>and</strong> the preimages <strong>of</strong> the three subgroups <strong>of</strong> order two give three subgroups<strong>of</strong> Sym 4 containing V <strong>and</strong> isomorphic to D 8 . These have fixed fields generatedby the individual roots <strong>of</strong> the auxillary cubic.Fixed <strong>Fields</strong>We want to find the fixed fields <strong>of</strong> the subgroups G ∩ V <strong>and</strong> G ∩ Alt 4 . In fact,we will also need the fixed fields for G ∩ D <strong>and</strong> G ∩ T , where<strong>and</strong>D = {id, (12), (34), (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23), (1324), (1423)} ∼ = D 8T = {id, (12)(34)} ∼ = Z/2Z.Note that {1}⊳T ⊳V ⊳D is a subnormal series, with all subquotients isomorphicto Z/2Z.We will prove the following.subgroup G ∩ T G ∩ V G ∩ D G ∩ Alt 4fixed field F (α 1 + α 2 , α 1 α 2 ) F K(a) K(δ)The notation is as follows. As usual we have setδ = ∏ (α i − α j ) = ∑ασ(1) 3 α2 σ(2) α σ(3) −∑α σ(1) ασ(2) 2 α3 σ(3) ,i

Also, F = K(a, b, c), wherea := (α 1 + α 2 )(α 3 + α 4 ), b := (α 1 + α 3 )(α 2 + α 4 ), c := (α 1 + α 4 )(α 2 + α 3 )are the roots <strong>of</strong> the auxillary cubicg := X 3 − 2s 2 X 2 + (s 2 2 + s 1 s 3 − 4s 4 )X + (s 2 3 + s 2 1s 4 − s 1 s 2 s 3 ) ∈ K[X].We first compute the fixed field <strong>of</strong> G ∩ Alt 4 . Note that, as before, if σ ∈ G, thenσ(δ) = sgn(σ)δ. It follows that ∆ ∈ K <strong>and</strong> Gal(L/K(δ)) = G ∩ Alt 4 .Next consider G ∩ V . We have V = {id, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}, so it isnatural to look at the elements a, b, c given above. We calculate thata + b + c = 2s 2 , ab + bc + ca = s 2 2 + s 1 s 3 − 4s 4 , abc = −s 2 3 − s 2 1s 4 + s 1 s 2 s 3so that a, b, c are indeed the roots <strong>of</strong> the auxillary cubic g.Note that the roots a, b, c <strong>of</strong> g are all distinct (although g need not be irreducible).In fact, f <strong>and</strong> g have the same (non-zero) discriminant: for,a − b = −(α 1 − α 4 )(α 2 − α 3 ),b − c = −(α 1 − α 2 )(α 3 − α 4 ),a − c = −(α 1 − α 3 )(α 2 − α 4 ),so that(a − b)(a − c)(b − c) = − ∏ i

In particular, if α 1 α 2 ≠ α 3 α 4 , then α 1 + α 2 ∈ K(α 1 α 2 ). Similarlys 3 − 1 2 s 1s 2 + 1 8 s3 1 = ( α 1 + α 2 − 1 2 s 1)(s2 − a + 1 2 s 1(α 1 + α 2 − 1 2 s 2) − 2α 1 α 2),<strong>and</strong> recall that a = (α 1 + α 2 )(s 1 − α 1 − α 2 ). So, if α 1 + α 2 ≠ α 3 + α 4 , thenα 1 α 2 ∈ K(α 1 + α 2 ).These expressions seem to be new — at least I could not find them in thest<strong>and</strong>ard literature.<strong>Galois</strong> GroupWe can now calculate the <strong>Galois</strong> group G <strong>of</strong> f.g ∈ K[X]δ√s21 − 4a, √ (s 2 − a) 2 − 4s 4Gal(f)splitsVirreducible in K Alt 4irreducible not in K Sym 4root a both in K( √ ∆) Z/4Zroot a not both in K( √ ∆) D 8Recall that G is a transitive subgroup <strong>of</strong> Sym 4 , so is one <strong>of</strong>Sym 4 , Alt 4 , D 8 = 〈Z/4Z, V 〉, Z/4Z, V.Also, we saw above that G/(G ∩ V ) = Gal(g). So, if g splits over K, thenG = G∩V , <strong>and</strong> hence G = V . On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if g is irreducible, then Gal(g),<strong>and</strong> hence G, contains a 3-cycle. Since g <strong>and</strong> f have the same discriminant∆ = δ 2 , we see that either δ ∈ K, so Gal(g) = Alt 3 <strong>and</strong> G = Alt 4 , or elseδ ∉ K, so Gal(g) = Sym 3 <strong>and</strong> G = Sym 4 .Finally, suppose that g has a single root a ∈ K. Then also b + c, bc ∈ K, <strong>and</strong>δ = (a 2 − a(b + c) + bc)(b − c) ≠ 0. So δ ∈ K if <strong>and</strong> only if b − c ∈ K, whichis if <strong>and</strong> only if g splits over K. By assumption this does not happen, so wehave K < K(δ) = F . Therefore G > G ∩ Alt 4 = G ∩ V . It follows that G iseither D 8 or Z/4Z. Now, either α 1 + α 2 , α 1 α 2 are both in K(δ), in which caseG ∩ T = G ∩ V <strong>and</strong> G ∼ = Z/4Z, or else they are not both in K(δ), in which caseG ∩ T < G ∩ V <strong>and</strong> G ∼ = D 8 .Note that α 1 + α 2 , α 3 + α 4 are the roots <strong>of</strong> the quadratic X 2 − s 1 X + a, whereasα 1 α 2 , α 3 α 4 are the roots <strong>of</strong> the quadratic X 2 − pX + s 4 . These have respectivediscriminants s 2 1 − 4a <strong>and</strong> (s 2 − a) 2 − 4s 4 , so the result follows.74

Radical ExpressionsWe can also use this information to find radical expressions for the roots <strong>of</strong> f.We already know how to solve the cubicg = X 3 − 2s 2 X 2 + (s 2 2 − 4s 4 + s 1 s 3 )X − (s 1 s 2 s 3 − s 2 1s 4 − s 2 3),assuming thatK contains a primitive cube root <strong>of</strong> unity ω. We set<strong>and</strong> takewithλ = 2(2s 2 ) 3 − 9(2s 2 )(s 2 2 − 4s 4 + s 1 s 3 ) + 27(s 1 s 2 s 3 − s 2 1s 4 − s 2 3)= −2s 3 2 − 27s 2 3 − 27s 2 1s 4 + 72s 2 s 4 + 9s 1 s 2 s 3 .Then the roots <strong>of</strong> g areu 3 = 1 2 (λ + 3(ω − ω2 )δ),v 3 = 1 2 (λ − 3(ω − ω2 )δ)uv = (2s 2 ) 2 − 3(s 2 2 − 4s 4 + s 1 s 3 ) = s 2 2 + 12s 4 − 3s 1 s 3 .a = 1 3 (2s 2 + u + v), b = 1 3 (2s 2 + ω 2 u + ωv), c = 1 3 (2s 2 + ωu + ω 2 v).This gives the field F = K(a, b, c).There are now two possible approaches. The theory says we should take asquare root to get F (α 1 + α 2 , α 1 α 2 ), <strong>and</strong> then another square root to get L.Unfortunately, due to the technicality mentioned above, we do not know whichsquare root to take, either √ s 2 1 − 4a or √ (s 2 − a) 2 − 4s 4 .The alternative is to take three square roots <strong>and</strong> construct F (α 1 +α 2 ), F (α 1 +α 3 )<strong>and</strong> F (α 1 + α 4 ). Then L is the compositum <strong>of</strong> these three fields: for example,(α 1 + α 2 ) + (α 1 + α 3 ) + (α 1 + α 4 ) = 2α 1 + s 1 .We therefore solve the three quadraticsX 2 − s 1 X + a, X 2 − s 1 X + b, X 2 − s 1 X + c,but making sure that the square roots <strong>of</strong> the discriminants are chosen such thatβ 1 =β 2 =β 3 =√1((α1 + α 2 ) − (α 3 + α 4 ) )4 s2 1 − a = α 1 + α 2 − 1 2 s 1 = 1 2((α1 + α 3 ) − (α 2 + α 4 ) )√14 s2 1 − b = α 1 + α 3 − 1 2 s 1 = 1 2√14 s2 1 − c = α 1 + α 4 − 1 2 s 1 = 2( 1 (α1 + α 4 ) − (α 2 + α 3 ) ) .Note that, after relabelling the roots α i , we may assume that β 2 , β 3 are in thecorrect form. Thenβ 2 β 3 = s 2 − a + 1 2 s 1(α 1 + α 2 − 1 2 ) − 2α 1α 2 ,75

so (by our earlier computation relating α 1 + α 2 <strong>and</strong> α 1 α 2 ) the assumption onthe β i is equivalent to the compatibility conditionβ 1 β 2 β 3 = s 3 − 1 2 s 1s 2 + 1 8 s3 1.This in effect says that we only need take two square roots, since the third canthen be obtained using this expression. Having done this we can solve for α 1 :2α 1 = 1 2 s 1 + β 1 + β 2 + β 3 .SummaryIn summary, given a quarticf = X 4 − s 1 X 3 + s 2 X 2 − s 3 X + s 4 ∈ K[X],where K contains a primitive cube root <strong>of</strong> unity, we solve the auxillary cubicg = X 3 − 2s 2 X 2 + (s 2 2 + s 1 s 3 − 4s 4 )X + (s 2 3 + s 2 1s 4 − s 1 s 2 s 3 )to get the roots a, b, c. We then take square roots√1β 1 =4 s2 1 − a, β 2 =with signs chosen such thatThe roots <strong>of</strong> f are then given by√14 s2 1 − b, β 3 =β 1 β 2 β 3 = s 3 − 1 2 s 1s 2 + 1 8 s3 1.√14 s2 1 − c2α 1 = 1 2 s 1 + β 1 + β 2 + β 3 2α 3 = 1 2 s 1 − β 1 + β 2 − β 32α 2 = 1 2 s 1 + β 1 − β 2 − β 3 2α 4 = 1 2 s 1 − β 1 − β 2 + β 3 .Biquadratic PolynomialsAs a special case, consider a biquadratic polynomial 1f = X 4 + s 2 X 2 + s 4 ∈ K[X].When f is irreducible we have the following possibilities for Gal(f).⎧⎪⎨ V if s 4 is a square in KGal(f) ∼ = Z/4Z if s 4 (s⎪⎩2 2 − 4s 4 ) is a square in KotherwiseD 81 This is st<strong>and</strong>ard terminology, but a biquadratic extension is not a splitting field extension<strong>of</strong> a general biquadratic polynomial, but rather <strong>of</strong> two quadratic polynomials, for exampleQ( √ 2, √ 3)/Q.76

For, the auxillary polynomial isg = X(X 2 − 2s 2 X + (s 2 2 − 4s 4 )),so g always has the root a = 0 in K, <strong>and</strong> the discriminant is ∆ = 16s 4 (s 2 2−4s 4 ) 2 .Therefore δ ∈ K if <strong>and</strong> only if s 4 is a square in K, <strong>and</strong> then the splitting fieldextension <strong>of</strong> g is F = K( √ s 4 ) = F (δ). Finally, s 2 1 − 4a = 0, so we only need askwhether s 2 2 − 4s 4 is a square in K( √ s 4 ). Note here that since f is irreducible,s 2 2 − 4s 4 is not a square in K.We can now apply the previous criterion. If s 4 is a square in K, then g splitsover K <strong>and</strong> G = V . Assume a = 0 is the only root <strong>of</strong> g in K. Then G = Z/4Zif <strong>and</strong> only if s 2 2 − 4s 4 is a square in K( √ s 4 ), otherwise G = D 8 .Finally, s 2 2 − 4s 4 is a square in K( √ s 4 ) if <strong>and</strong> only if s 4 (s 2 2 − 4s 4 ) is a square inK. For, assume that s 2 2 − 4s 4 = (x + y √ s 4 ) 2 with x, y ∈ K. Multiplying out<strong>and</strong> equating coefficients gives that xy = 0. Since s 2 2 − 4s 4 is not a square in K,we cannot have y = 0. Therefore x = 0 <strong>and</strong> s 4 (s 2 2 − 4s 4 ) = (s 4 y) 2 is a squarein K. Conversely, suppose that s 4 (s 2 2 − 4s 4 ) is a square in K. Since s 2 2 − 4s 4 isnot a square in K, neither is s 4 , but then s 2 2 − 4s 4 is a square in K( √ s 4 ).77

Chapter 14Algebraically Closed <strong>Fields</strong>This chapter is non-examinable, <strong>and</strong> is included only for completeness.A field L is called algebraically closed if every non-constant polynomial f hasa root in L. In other words, the only irreducible polynomials are those <strong>of</strong> degreeone. An algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K is an algebraic field extension L/K with Lalgebraically closed.Algebraic closures are special cases <strong>of</strong> normal field extensions, or <strong>of</strong> splittingfield extensions.Lemma 14.1. L is an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K if <strong>and</strong> only if if is the splittingfield extension for the set <strong>of</strong> all polynomials in K[X].Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let L be an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K <strong>and</strong> take f ∈ K[X] non-constant.Then f factorises over L as a product <strong>of</strong> degree one polynomials; in otherwords, f splits over L. It follows that L/K contains a unique intermediate fieldF which is a splitting field extension for the set <strong>of</strong> all polynomials in K[X].For, we can take the intersection over all such intermediate fields. Since L/Kis algebraic, if α ∈ L \ F , then the minimal polynomial m α/K cannot split overF , a contradiction. Thus L = F .Conversely, let L/K be a splitting field extension for the set <strong>of</strong> all polynomialsin K[X]. Then L/K is necessarily generated by the set <strong>of</strong> all roots <strong>of</strong> all polynomialsin K[X], all <strong>of</strong> which are algebraic elements, so L/K is algebraic. Nowtake f ∈ L[X] <strong>and</strong> let α be a root <strong>of</strong> f in some extension <strong>of</strong> L. Then, by thetransitivity <strong>of</strong> algebraic extensions, Exercsie Sheet 7, Question 2, we know thatα is algebraic over K. By assumption m α/K ∈ K[X] splits over L, so α ∈ L.Therefore L is algebraically closed.Having made this connection, we can try <strong>and</strong> prove the existence <strong>and</strong> uniqueness<strong>of</strong> algebraic closures. As is <strong>of</strong>ten the case, we will need to replace the inductionpro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 8.2 with an application <strong>of</strong> Zorn’s Lemma.78

Before we begin, we make a further observation, which will simplify considerablythe construction <strong>of</strong> an algebraic closure.Proposition 14.2. Let L/K be algebraic. If every f ∈ K[X] has a root in L,then L is algebraically closed.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Take f ∈ L[X] <strong>and</strong> let α be a root <strong>of</strong> f in some field extension <strong>of</strong> L. Bythe transitivity <strong>of</strong> algebraic extensions, α is algebraic over K, say with minimalpolynomial m. Let L ′ /L be a splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> m, <strong>and</strong> let M ⊂ L ′be the splitting field extension <strong>of</strong> m over K. We want to show that M ⊂ L, sothat in particular α ∈ L.We know that M/K is finite <strong>and</strong> normal, so we can use the results from ExerciseSheet 7, Question 7; that is, let E = M sep/K <strong>and</strong> let F = M Gal(M/K) . Thenboth E/K <strong>and</strong> M/F are <strong>Galois</strong>, with isomorphic <strong>Galois</strong> groups, <strong>and</strong> both M/E<strong>and</strong> F/K are purely inseparable. Finally, M = EF is the compositum <strong>of</strong> E <strong>and</strong>F . Therefore, it is enough to show that both E <strong>and</strong> F are subfields <strong>of</strong> L.Since E/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, it is simple by Corollary 10.7, say E = K(β). ThenE = K(β ′ ) for any root β ′ <strong>of</strong> m β/K , <strong>and</strong> by assumption L contains a root <strong>of</strong>m β/K . This proves that E ⊂ L.Since F/K is purely inseparable, if γ ∈ F , then m γ/K = X q − γ q where q = p nis a power <strong>of</strong> the characteristic (or q = 1 in characteristic zero). This polynomialhas a unique root, namely γ, so again our assumption on L implies that γ ∈ L.It follows that F ⊂ L.Theorem 14.3 (Existence <strong>of</strong> Algebraic Closures). Every field K has an algebraicclosure.Pro<strong>of</strong>. For each non-constant polynomial f ∈ K[X] we take an indeterminateX f <strong>and</strong> form the ring R := K[{X f : f ∈ K[X] \ K}]. (In fact, it is enough totake just the monic irreducible polynomials.) Consider the ideal I ⊳R generatedby the elements f(X f ) ∈ R.We claim that I is a proper ideal, <strong>and</strong> hence is contained in a maximal idealJ ⊳ R by Theorem B.3 (which uses Zorn’s Lemma).It will follow that L := R/J is a field extension <strong>of</strong> K generated by the imagesx f <strong>of</strong> the X f . Since f(X f ) ∈ I we have f(x f ) = 0 in L, so each x f is algebraicover K <strong>and</strong> hence L/K is algebraic. Finally, each non-constant polynomialf ∈ K[X] has a root in L, namely x f . Therefore, by the previous proposition,L is an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K.It remains to prove the claim. If I is not proper, then it contains the identity,so we can write 1 = g 1 f 1 (X f1 ) + · · · + g n f n (X fn ) for some distinct non-constantpolynomials f i ∈ K[X] <strong>and</strong> some elements g i ∈ R. Now, each g j uses onlyfinitely many variables, so the expression above only uses finitely many variables,say X 1 , . . . , X m with the convention that X i = X fi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. We can nowwrite 1 = ∑ ni=1 g i(X 1 , . . . , X m )f i (X i ) ∈ K[X 1 , . . . , X m ].79

Let E/K be a finite extension in which each f i has a root, say f i (α i ) = 0. Setα i = 0 for n < i ≤ m. Applying the evaluation map K[X 1 , . . . , X m ] → E,X i ↦→ α i , give 1 = ∑ i g i(α 1 , . . . , α m )f i (α i ) = 0 in E, a contradiction. Thus Iis a proper ideal <strong>and</strong> the claim is proved.Before we continue, recall from Exercise Sheet 5, Question 7, that if L/K istranscendental, then there exist K-endomorphisms <strong>of</strong> L which are not automorphisms.We now show that this cannot happen when L/K is algebraic.Proposition 14.4. Let L/K be algebraic <strong>and</strong> let σ be a K-endomorphism <strong>of</strong>L. Then σ is a K-automorphism.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since σ is necessarily injective, we just need to show that σ is surjective.It will follow that σ −1 is a K-embedding, <strong>and</strong> hence that σ is K-automorphism.Let α ∈ L, say with minimal polynomial m = m α/K . Let α = α 1 , . . . , α n be thedistinct roots <strong>of</strong> m in L. (Note: we are not assuming that m splits over L, orthat it is separable.) Since σ(m) = m, we know that σ(α i ) is again a root <strong>of</strong> m,so σ(α i ) ∈ {α 1 , . . . , α n }. Since σ is injective, it induces an injective map from{α 1 , . . . , α n } to itself, which is necessarily a bijection. Thus each α i lies in theimage <strong>of</strong> σ. In particular, α ∈ σ(L), so σ is surjective.Theorem 14.5 (Uniqueness <strong>of</strong> Algebraic Closures). Let ι: K ∼ −→ K ′ be a fieldisomorphism, let L/K be algebraic, <strong>and</strong> let L ′ be an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K ′ .Then there exists a field embedding σ : L → L ′ extending ι.Moreover, if L is algebraically closed, then σ is an isomorphism.Pro<strong>of</strong>. To prove the existence <strong>of</strong> σ we shall use Zorn’s Lemma.Let S denote the set <strong>of</strong> all pairs (F, τ) such that F is an intermediate field <strong>of</strong>L/K <strong>and</strong> τ : F → L ′ is a field embedding extending ι. We endow S with apartial order by setting (E, ρ) ≤ (F, τ) if E ⊂ F <strong>and</strong> τ extends ρ. Clearly S isnon-empty, since it contains (K, ι). Moreover, every chain has an upper bound.For, if {(F i , τ i )} is a totally ordered subset, then F := ⋃ i F i is an intermediatefield <strong>of</strong> L/K <strong>and</strong> we can define τ : F → L ′ by setting τ(α) = τ i (α) for any isuch that α ∈ F i . Then (F, τ) is an upper bound for the chain {(F i , τ i )}.By Zorn’s Lemma, S contains a maximal element (F, σ). We claim that F =L. Otherwise, let α ∈ L \ F . Then α is algebraic over F , say with minimalpolynomial m = m α/F . Now σ(m) ∈ L ′ [X] has a root α ′ ∈ L ′ since L ′ isalgebraically closed. Therefore, by Artin’s Extension Theorem, we can extendσ to a field embedding τ : F (α) → L ′ via α ↦→ α ′ . Thus (F, σ) < (F (α), τ),contradicting the maximality <strong>of</strong> (F, σ). Therefore F = L <strong>and</strong> there exists a fieldembedding σ : L → L ′ extending ι.Now suppose that L is an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K. Then we have a field embeddingσ : L → L ′ extending ι, <strong>and</strong> a field embedding τ : L ′ → L extending ι −1 . Itfollows that στ is a K ′ -endomorphism <strong>of</strong> L ′ , so an automorphism by the previousproposition. In particular, σ is surjective, <strong>and</strong> hence an isomorphism.80

Since all algebraic closures <strong>of</strong> K are isomorphic, it is common to fix one <strong>of</strong> them<strong>and</strong> denote it by K.By the transitivity <strong>of</strong> algebraic extensions, it is easy to see that if L/K is a fieldextension with L algebraically closed, then K = L alg/K is an algebraic closure<strong>of</strong> K. For example, since C is algebraically closed, we have Q = C alg/Q .Another useful corollary concerns splitting field extensions <strong>of</strong> arbitrary subsetsS ⊂ K[X].Corollary 14.6. Let S ⊂ K[X] be an arbitrary subset. Then a splitting fieldextension <strong>of</strong> S over K exists, <strong>and</strong> is unique up to isomorphism.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let K be an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K. Then each f ∈ S splits over K, sothere is a unique intermediate field L, minimal with respect to this property.For, as usual, we take the intersection over all such intermediate fields.If ι: K ∼ −→ K ′ is a field isomorphism <strong>and</strong> K ′ an algebraic closure <strong>of</strong> K ′ , thenthere exists a field isomorphism σ : K ∼ −→ K ′ extending σ. Now, there is aunique splitting field extension L ′ <strong>of</strong> S ′ := ι(S) inside K ′ . Since σ(L) is also asplitting field extension <strong>of</strong> S ′ we must have that σ(L) = L ′ . In other words, σrestricts to an isomorphism L L −→ ′ extending ι.Using this we see that many results actually extend from the finite case to thealgebraic case. For example, normal field extensions are the same as splittingfield extensions, <strong>and</strong> normal closures <strong>of</strong> algebraic extensions always exist.81

Chapter 15Selected Topics15.1 The Normal Basis TheoremThe Normal Basis Theorem is due to Hensel (1888) in the case <strong>of</strong> finite fields,<strong>and</strong> Noether (1932) <strong>and</strong> Deuring (1933) for general <strong>Galois</strong> extensions. It statesthat for a <strong>Galois</strong> extension L/K, there is a K-basis <strong>of</strong> L given by a single orbit{σ(θ) : σ ∈ Gal(L/K)} <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Galois</strong> group.This basis has applications to cryptography, since it is easy to manipulate <strong>and</strong>is computationally very efficient.Theorem 15.1 (Normal Basis). Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong>. Then there exists anelement θ ∈ L such that the set {σ(θ) : σ ∈ Gal(L/K)} is a K-basis for L,called a normal basis.We shall split the pro<strong>of</strong> into two cases: when the field is infinite, or when the<strong>Galois</strong> group is cyclic (which includes all finite fields).15.1.1 Pro<strong>of</strong> for infinite fieldsRecall that, for an irreducible polynomial f ∈ K[X] with roots α 1 , . . . , α n , wehave the discriminant ∆(f) := (−1) (n 2) ∏ i≠j (α i − α j ). We can generalise thisnotion as follows.Let L/K be a <strong>Galois</strong> extension with <strong>Galois</strong> group G = {σ 1 , . . . , σ n }.{α 1 , . . . , α n } ⊂ L we define∆(α 1 , . . . , α n ) := det ( Tr L K(α i α j ) ) ∈ K.We observe that we can rewrite this as follows. SetA := ( σ i (α j ) ) ∈ M n (L).For82

Thenusing thatA t A = ( ∑σ i (α i α j ) ) = ( Tr L K(α i α j ) ) ∈ M n (K),iTr L K = ∑ σ i ,ias shown in Proposition 15.9. Therefore∆(α 1 , . . . , α n ) = det(A) 2 .This definition generalises the discriminant for f. For, let L/K be the splittingfield <strong>of</strong> f <strong>and</strong> let α 1 , . . . , α n be the roots <strong>of</strong> f in L. We may assume that the<strong>Galois</strong> group acts via σ i (α 1 ) = α i . Therefore, using the subset {1, α 1 , . . . , α1 n−1 },we obtain as above thatA := ( σ i (α j−11 ) ) = ( α j−1 )i .This is a Van der Monde matrix, sodet(A) = ∏ (α i − α j ), whence ∆(1, α 1 , . . . , α1 n−1 ) = det(A) 2 = ∆(f).i>jProposition 15.2. Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong>. Then {α 1 , . . . , α n } is a K-basis for Lif <strong>and</strong> only if ∆(α 1 , . . . , α n ) ≠ 0.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let Gal(L/K) = {σ i } <strong>and</strong> set A := (σ i (α j )) as before. Then A is nonsingularif <strong>and</strong> only if ∆(α 1 , . . . , α n ) ≠ 0.Suppose first that A is singular. Then there exists λ i ∈ L such that (λ i )A = 0,or in other words, ∑ i λ iσ i (α j ) = 0 for all j. If the α j were a K-basis, thenfor any θ ∈ L we could write θ = ∑ j µ jα j . Then ∑ ∑i λ iσ i (θ) = 0, so thati λ iσ i = 0, contradicting the Linear Independence <strong>of</strong> Characters. Hence theα i do not form a K-basis <strong>of</strong> L.Conversely, suppose that A is non-singular. Then the α i are linearly independentover K. For, if ∑ j λ jα j = 0 for some λ j ∈ K, then applying σ i yields that∑j σ i(α j )λ j = 0 for all i. Therefore A(λ i ) = 0. Since A is non-singular, wededuce that λ j = 0 for all i.We can now prove the Normal Basis Theorem for infinite fields.Let L/K be <strong>Galois</strong> with <strong>Galois</strong> group Gal(L/K) = {σ i }. By the PrimitiveElement Theorem, we can write L = K(α). Set f ∈ K[X] to be the minimalpolynomial <strong>of</strong> α. Over L we have f = ∏ i (X − σ i(α)), by Proposition 15.9. Forconvenience we assume that σ 1 = id <strong>and</strong> α 1 = α, <strong>and</strong> write α i = σ i (α).The idea is now to use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to obtainL[X]/(f) ∼ = L n , X ↦→ (α 1 , . . . , α n ) where n := deg(f) = [L : K].83

In particular, we have a complete set <strong>of</strong> pairwise orthogonal idempotents in L ngiven by e i having 1 in place i <strong>and</strong> 0 elsewhere.More explicitly, setg i := ∏ j≠iX − α jα i − α j.Then clearly g i (α j ) = 0 for i ≠ j <strong>and</strong> g i (α i ) = 1 (so that g i ↦→ e i ∈ L n ). Notealso that σ i (g 1 ) = g i . Furthermore, if i ≠ j, then each α l is a root <strong>of</strong> gh i g j , s<strong>of</strong> divides g i g j in L[X] (corresponding to e i e j = 0 for i ≠ j in L n ). Finally, wehave the polynomial identity ∑ i g i = 1 in L[X] (corresponding to 1 = ∑ i e i inL n ). For, the left h<strong>and</strong> side is a polynomial <strong>of</strong> degree at most n − 1, <strong>and</strong> takesthe value 1 at each α l ; therefore it is identically 1.Thus, in L[X], we have g i g j ≡ 0 mod f for i ≠ j, <strong>and</strong> g j = ∑ i g ig j ≡ gj 2 mod f.From this we obtain that, in K[X], we have Tr L K(g i g j ) ≡ 0 mod f for i ≠ j <strong>and</strong>Tr L K(gi 2) ≡ TrL K(g i ) = 1 mod f. This yields the polynomial identity∆(g i ) = det ( Tr L K(g i g j ) ) ≡ 1 mod f,since the <strong>of</strong>f-diagonal entries vanish, <strong>and</strong> the diagonal entries are all 1.We can now define a polynomial h ∈ K[X] via h(X) = ∆(g i ). As a polynomial,this is non-zero, since it is congruent to 1 modulo f. Since K is an infinite field,there exists some λ ∈ K such that h(λ) ≠ 0 (<strong>and</strong> h(λ) = ∆(g i (λ))). Settingθ := g 1 (λ), we have g i (λ) = σ i (θ), <strong>and</strong> hence ∆(σ i (θ)) = h(λ) ≠ 0. By theprevious Proposition, we deduce that {σ i (θ)} is a normal basis for L/K.As a simple example, consider Q(i)/Q. Then f = X 2 + 1, <strong>and</strong> g 1 = 1 2i(X + i)<strong>and</strong> g 2 = −12i(X − i). HenceTr(g 2 1) = − 1 4 Tr(X2 + 2iX − 1) = − 1 2 (X2 − 1) = 1 − 1 2 f.SimilarlyTr(g 2 2) = 1 − 1 2 f <strong>and</strong> Tr(g 1g 2 ) = 1 2 f,so thath(X) = det ( Tr(g i g j ) ) = 1 − f = X 2 .The result then says that {g 1 (λ), g 2 (λ)} = { 1 −12i(λ + i),2i(λ − i)} is a Q-basis if<strong>and</strong> only if λ ≠ Pro<strong>of</strong> for cyclic <strong>Galois</strong> groupsLet σ ∈ Gal(L/K) be a generator for the <strong>Galois</strong> group. We observe that anynormal basis for L/K is <strong>of</strong> the form {θ, σ(θ), . . . , σ n−1 (θ)}, where n = [L : K].Recall that L is a K-vector space <strong>of</strong> dimension n <strong>and</strong> that σ is a K-linear endomorphism<strong>of</strong> L. In particular, we can talk about the characteristic polynomial84

χ <strong>of</strong> σ, <strong>and</strong> also its minimal polynomial m. Clearly σ n = 1, so that the minimalpolynomial m divides X n − 1. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, by the Linear Independence<strong>of</strong> Characters, we know that 1, σ, . . . , σ n−1 are linearly independent, so that σdoes not satisfy any polynomial relation <strong>of</strong> degree less then n. Since [L : K] = nwe deduce that m = χ = X n − 1.The normal basis theorem therefore follows from the a general result in linearalgebra. Let V be a K-vector space <strong>of</strong> dimension n <strong>and</strong> let S ∈ End K (V ).A cyclic vector for S is a vector v ∈ V such that {v, S(v), · · · , S n−1 (v)} is aK-basis <strong>of</strong> V .Theorem 15.3. The endomorphism S has a cyclic vector if <strong>and</strong> only if itsminimal polynomial equals its characteristic polynomial.The pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> this is essentially a special case <strong>of</strong> the rational normal form formatrices. (The rational normal form is a generalisation <strong>of</strong> the Jordan normalform which works for arbitrary fields, not just algebraically closed fields.) Ourapproach will be via polynomials.Let χ = p r11 · · · prs s be the characteristic polynomial <strong>of</strong> S, where p i ∈ K[X] arepairwise coprime, monic irreducible polynomials. Again, the Chinese RemainderTheorem tells us thatK[X]/(χ) ∼ = K[X]/(p r11 ) × · · · × K[X]/(prs s ).We again have a complete set <strong>of</strong> pairwise orthogonal idempotents e i having 1in the i-th factor <strong>and</strong> 0 elsewhere.Explicitly, setf i := ∏ j≠ip rjj= m/p rii .Then gcd(f 1 , . . . , f s ) = 1, so there exist g i with ∑ i g if i = 1. We observethat χ divides f i f j for i ≠ j. Hence f j = ∑ i g if i f j ≡ g j fj 2 mod (χ), so that(g i f i ) 2 ≡ g i f i mod (χ). In summary,(Thus ˜P i ↦→ e i .)˜P i := g i f i , ˜Pi ˜Pj ≡ 0 mod (χ) for i ≠ j, ˜P2i ≡ ˜P i mod (χ).Set P i := ˜P i (S) = g i (S)f i (S). By the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, we know thatχ(S) = 0 on V . Thus∑Pi 2 = P i , P i P j = 0 for i ≠ j, <strong>and</strong> P i = id.Using this we can writeiV = ⊕ iV i , where V i = Im(P i ).85

For, we know that v = ∑ i P i(v). On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if P i (v) = P j (w) for somev, w ∈ V <strong>and</strong> some i ≠ j, then P j (w) = P 2 j (w) = P jP i (v) = 0. This shows thatthe sum is direct.Note that V i = Ker(p i (S) ri ), so that the V i are generalised eigenspaces. For,if v = P i (w) ∈ V i , then since p rii f i = χ, we have p i (S) ri P i = 0, so v ∈Ker(p i (S) ri ). Conversely, if p i (S) ri (v) = 0, then writing v = ∑ j P j(v) <strong>and</strong>using that p rii divides f j for i ≠ j, we see that P j (v) = 0 for all j ≠ i. Hencev = P i (v) ∈ V i .Next we note that each V i is S-invariant; i.e. if v ∈ V i , then S(v) ∈ V i . For,P i S = SP i , which follows from the fact that P i = g i (S)f i (S) is a polynomialin S. Therefore S can be represented as a block diagonal matrix S =diag(S 1 , . . . , S s ), where S i represents the induced action <strong>of</strong> S on V i .We can now reduce to the case when V = V i for some i. For, if v i ∈ V i is acyclic vector for S i for each i, then v = ∑ i v i ∈ V is a cyclic vector for S. Tosee this, we just note that v i = P i (v) ∈ W := Span{v, S(v), S 2 (v), . . .}. ThusV i ≤ W for each i, whence W = V . Also, the characteristic polynomial χ i <strong>of</strong> S ion V i is just p rii , whereas if the minimal polynomial <strong>of</strong> S equals m = pa1 1 · · · pas swith 1 ≤ a i ≤ r i , then the minimal polynomial m i <strong>of</strong> S i equals m i = p aii . Som = χ if <strong>and</strong> only if a i = r i for all i, which is if <strong>and</strong> only if m i = χ i for all i.Therefore it is enough to prove the result when χ = p r for some monic irreduciblepolynomial p.Suppose first that m ≠ χ. Then for each vector v ∈ V the subspace W :=Span{v, S(v), S 2 (v), . . .} has dimension at most deg(m) < deg(χ) = dim V .Therefore V cannot have a cyclic vector. (As a trivial example, think <strong>of</strong> S = id,which has minimal polynomial X − 1 <strong>and</strong> characteristic polynomial (X − 1) n .If n ≥ 2, then S does not have a cyclic vector.)Now suppose that m = χ, <strong>and</strong> consider p r−1 . By definition, p(S) r−1 ≠ 0, sothere exists v ∈ V such that p(S) r−1 (v) ≠ 0. We claim that such a vectoris a cyclic vector for S. Again, set W := Span{v, S(v), S 2 (v), . . .}. We knowthat W ≤ V is an S-invariant subspace. It follows from the First IsomorphismTheorem that S induces an action on the quotient V/W . In particular, we canrepresent S as an upper-triangular block matrix( )S1 SS =3, where S0 S 1 = S| W ∈ End K (W ), S 3 = ¯S ∈ End K (V/W ).2Therefore χ = χ 1 χ 2 , where χ i is the characteristic polynomial <strong>of</strong> S i . (We havealready mentioned this fact in the Remark following Theorem 15.4 about thenorm <strong>and</strong> trace.) Since χ = p r is a power <strong>of</strong> an irreducible polynomial, we deducethat χ 1 = p a for some 1 ≤ a ≤ r. By the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem once more,we know that p(S) a = 0 on W , whereas by construction p(S) r−1 (v) ≠ 0. Thusa ≥ r, so that a = r <strong>and</strong> dim W = deg(p r ) = dim V , so that V = W .This completes the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 15.3, <strong>and</strong> hence the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the NormalBasis Theorem when the <strong>Galois</strong> group is cyclic.86

15.2 The Norm <strong>and</strong> TraceLet L/K be a finite field extension <strong>and</strong> α ∈ L. Then multiplication by αinduces a K-linear endomorphism A <strong>of</strong> L. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem saysthat every endomorphism satisfies its own characteristic equation χ A (X) =det(X − A) ∈ K[X]; that is, χ A (A) is the zero-map on L. We observe thatA r (β) = α r β for all β ∈ L, so that χ A (A) acts on L as multiplication by χ A (α).Therefore α is a root <strong>of</strong> the polynomial χ A (X).Note that the characteristic polynomial χ A (X) is a monic polynomial <strong>and</strong> isindependent <strong>of</strong> the choice <strong>of</strong> basis, so depends only on α <strong>and</strong> L/K. We denoteit by χ L α/K<strong>and</strong> call it the field equation <strong>of</strong> α/K with respect to L.Theorem 15.4. Let L/k be a finite field extension <strong>and</strong> let α ∈ L. Thenχ k(α)α/k = m α/k <strong>and</strong> χ L α/k = (m α/k) [L:k(α)] .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose first that L = k(α). Since α is a root <strong>of</strong> the polynomial χ L α/k ,we know that m α/k divides χ L α/k. Since they are both monic polynomials <strong>of</strong>degree [k(α) : k], they must be equal. This proves the first result.Now let K = k(α) (or more generally any subfield <strong>of</strong> L containing k(α)). Let{u i } i be a K-basis <strong>of</strong> L <strong>and</strong> {v p } p a k-basis <strong>of</strong> K. Then {u i v p } (i,p) is a k-basis<strong>of</strong> L. Let A: L → L <strong>and</strong> B : K → K be the k-linear maps corresponding tomultiplication by α. Let B = (b pq ) be the matrix with respect to {v p } <strong>and</strong>A = (a ipjq ) the matrix with respect to {u i v p }. Then∑a ipjq u i v p = αu j v q = u j αv q = ∑ pi,pb pq u j v p .Hence a ipjq = δ ij b pq , so A can be written in block-diagonal form, with [L : K]copies <strong>of</strong> B on the diagonal. This proves the second statement.Remark. A different pro<strong>of</strong> can be constructed using the following general resultfrom linear algebra: if V is a k-vector space, A: V → V a k-linear endomorphism<strong>of</strong> V <strong>and</strong> U ≤ V a subspace such that A(U) ⊂ U, then A induces endomorphismsB : U → U <strong>and</strong> C : V/U → V/U. Choosing a basis for U <strong>and</strong> extending to abasis for V , we can write the matrix for A in block form, with the matrices forB <strong>and</strong> C on the diagonal, <strong>and</strong> zero in the bottom left corner. Thus χ A = χ B χ C .Let L/K be a finite field extension, α ∈ L <strong>and</strong> A the K-linear automorphism<strong>of</strong> L induced by multiplication by α. We define the norm <strong>of</strong> α in L/K to beN L K (α) := det(A) <strong>and</strong> the trace <strong>of</strong> α in L/K to be TrL K(α) := Tr(A).Proposition 15.5. Let L/K be a finite field extension <strong>and</strong> α, β ∈ L. Then1. N L K : L∗ → K ∗ is a group homomorphism between multiplicative groups.In particular, N L K (αβ) = N L K (α)N L K (β).87

2. Tr L K : L → K is a group homomorphism between additive groups. In particular,Tr L K(α + β) = Tr L K(α) + Tr L K(β).Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let A <strong>and</strong> B be the K-linear automorphisms <strong>of</strong> L induced by multiplicationby α <strong>and</strong> β respectively. Then AB corresponds to multiplication by αβ,soN L K(αβ) = det(AB) = det(A) det(B) = N L K(α)N L K(β).If α ∈ L is non-zero, then A is invertible, so that NK L (α) = det(A) ≠ 0. Ifα = 1, then A = id L so that NK L(1) = 1. This shows that N K L : L∗ → K ∗ is agroup homomorphism.Similarly, A + B corresponds to multiplication by α + β, soTr L K(α + β) = Tr(A + B) = Tr(A) + Tr(B) = Tr L K(α) + Tr L K(β).If α = 0, then A = 0 so Tr L K(0) = 0. Thus Tr L K : L → K is a group homomorphism.Theorem 15.6. Let L/K/k be finite field extensions. ThenN L k = N K k ◦ N L K <strong>and</strong> Tr L k = Tr K k ◦ Tr L K.A pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> this is outlined in the exercises, although we will provide a differentpro<strong>of</strong> later on using <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> in the special case when L/k is separable.15.3 Norm <strong>and</strong> Trace RevisitedIn this section we relate the minimal polynomial <strong>and</strong> the field equation <strong>of</strong> anelement α to its conjugates σ(α). This is <strong>of</strong>ten easier to work with than theoriginal definition.We begin with a useful observation, which generalises Theorem ?? (6). LetL/K be finite, with normal closure M/L. Let E denote the set <strong>of</strong> K-embeddingsL → M. We let Gal(M/K) act (on the left) on E via σ·τ : L → M, x ↦→ σ(τ(x)).Note that σ · id = σ| L .Proposition 15.7. Gal(M/K) acts transitively on E, <strong>and</strong> the stabiliser <strong>of</strong> id ∈E equals Gal(M/L). In particular, the map Gal(M/K) → E, σ ↦→ σ| L inducesa natural bijection between the cosets <strong>of</strong> Gal(M/L) in Gal(M/K) <strong>and</strong> E.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let τ ∈ E. By Theorem ??, we can extend τ to σ ∈ Gal(M/K). Inparticular, σ · id = σ| L = τ, so Gal(M/K) acts transitively on E. Clearlyσ · id = id if <strong>and</strong> only if σ ∈ Gal(M/L), so by the Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem themap σ ↦→ σ · id = σ| L induces a bijection between the cosets <strong>of</strong> Gal(M/L) inGal(M/K) <strong>and</strong> E as required.88

We observe that the number |E| <strong>of</strong> distinct K-embeddings L → M equals theindex <strong>of</strong> Gal(M/L) in Gal(M/K). If L/K is separable, then M/K is <strong>Galois</strong>, so|E| = [L : K] by the Fundamental Theorem <strong>of</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong>. This proves thenext corollary.Corollary 15.8. Let L/K be finite <strong>and</strong> separable, with normal closure M/L.Then there are precisely [L : K] distinct K-embeddings L → M.[In fact, this has a converse: L/K is separable if <strong>and</strong> only if there are precisely[L : K] distinct K-emebddings L → M. This leads some authors define L/Kto be separable if there are [L : K] distinct K-embeddings L → M.]Proposition 15.9. Let L/K be finite <strong>and</strong> separable, with normal closure M/L.Let σ 1 , . . . , σ n be the distinct K-embeddings L → M. Then for α ∈ L we haveIn particular,χ L α/K = ( X − σ 1 (α) ) · · · (X− σ n (α) ) .N L K(α) = ∏ jσ j (α) <strong>and</strong> Tr L K(α) = ∑ jσ j (α).Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let M/K be <strong>Galois</strong>, say with <strong>Galois</strong> group G := Gal(M/K). For anintermediate field L let σ 1 , . . . , σ n be the distinct K-embeddings L → M. Weknow that n = [L : K] by Corollary 15.8. For α ∈ L definenfα/K L := ∏ (X − σi (α) ) .We wish to show that fα/K L = χL α/Kfor all L <strong>and</strong> all α ∈ L.We observe thatfα/K M = ∏ ( )X − σ(α) ,σ∈Gi=1whereas by Artin’s Extension Theoremf K(α)α/K= m α/K,since the distinct K-embeddings K(α) → M are in bijection with the roots <strong>of</strong>m α/K .For α ∈ L we can apply Proposition 15.7 to deduce that f M α/K = ( f L α/K) [M:L].For, the value <strong>of</strong> σ(α) depends only on the restriction σ| L . In particular, forL = K(α) we have fα/K M = ( ) [M:K(α)],m α/K so fMα/K= χ M α/Kby Theorem 15.4.From this it follows that( )χL [M:L]α/K = χMα/K = fα/K M = ( fα/KL ) [M:L].Therefore χ L α/K = f α/K L by unique factorisation in L[X].By definition, if χ L α/K = Xn − a 1 X n−1 + · · · + (−1) n a n , then Tr L K(α) = a 1 <strong>and</strong>N L K (α) = a n.89

Note that, by Proposition 15.7, ∑ j σ j(α) <strong>and</strong> ∏ j σ j(α) are fixed by Gal(M/K),so these elements really do lie in K. Also, we may write Tr L K = ∑ j σ j as a linearcombination <strong>of</strong> the characters σ j .As promised, we can now prove transitivity <strong>of</strong> norm <strong>and</strong> trace for separableextensions.Theorem 15.10. Let L/K/k be finite, separable extensions. Then for α ∈ Lwe haveNk L (α) = NkK (NLK (α) ) Tr L k (α) = Tr K (k TrLK (α) ) .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let M/L be the normal closure <strong>of</strong> L/K <strong>and</strong> consider the chain <strong>of</strong> subgroupsGal(M/L) ≤ Gal(M/K) ≤ Gal(M/k). Let σ j be coset representatives<strong>of</strong> Gal(M/L) in Gal(M/K), <strong>and</strong> let τ i be coset representatives <strong>of</strong> Gal(M/K) inGal(M/k). Thus 1 ≤ i ≤ [K : k] <strong>and</strong> 1 ≤ j ≤ [L : K].We claim that the τ i σ j are coset representatives for Gal(M/L) in Gal(M/k).[This is actually quite general, applying to all finite groups.] For, supposeτ i σ j = τ r σ s . We know that σ j Gal(M/L) ⊂ Gal(M/K). Since the τ i Gal(M/K)are distinct inside Gal(M/k), we must therefore have i = r. Then since theσ j Gal(M/L) are distinct in Gal(M/K), we must have j = s. Therefore theτ i σ j represent distinct cosets. Since there are [L : K][K : k] = [L : K] <strong>of</strong> them,we are done.Now, using Proposition 15.7, we can writeNkK (NLK (α) ) = ∏ ( ∏τ i σ j (α) ) = ∏ (τ i σj (α) ) = ∏ (τ i σ j )(α) = Nk L (α),i ji,ji,j<strong>and</strong> similarly for Tr.15.4 Infinite <strong>Galois</strong> ExtensionsIn general we call a field extension L/K <strong>Galois</strong> provided it is normal <strong>and</strong> separable.Then Gal(L/K) is a pr<strong>of</strong>inite group, which we endow with the (Krull) topology.The Fundamental Theorem <strong>of</strong> <strong>Galois</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> then describes a inclusionreversingbijection between the lattice <strong>of</strong> intermediate fields <strong>and</strong> the lattice <strong>of</strong>closed subgroups <strong>of</strong> Gal(L/K).15.5 Theorems <strong>of</strong> Frobenius <strong>and</strong> TchebotarevTake f ∈ Z[X] be monic <strong>and</strong> irreducible <strong>of</strong> degree n <strong>and</strong> let G = Gal(f) be the<strong>Galois</strong> group <strong>of</strong> f over Q. As usual we can view G as a subgroup <strong>of</strong> Sym n .Frobenius’s Theorem states that if p is a prime <strong>and</strong> ¯f ∈ F p [X] factorises as aproduct <strong>of</strong> irreducible polynomials <strong>of</strong> degrees d 1 , d 2 , . . . (with ∑ i d i = n), then90

G contains an element <strong>of</strong> cycle type (d 1 , d 2 , . . .). This is proved using algebraicnumber theory, <strong>and</strong> requires lifting the Frobenius homomorphism (whichnecessarily has this cycle type) to an element <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Galois</strong> group G.Much harder is Tchebotarev’s Theorem, which states that, given a set <strong>of</strong> numbersd 1 , d 2 , . . . with ∑ i d i = n, the frequency with which these numbers occuras the degrees <strong>of</strong> the irreducibles in the factorisation modulo p as we take alarger <strong>and</strong> larger number <strong>of</strong> primes p coincides with the proportion <strong>of</strong> elements<strong>of</strong> G which have this cycle type.A special case is given by considering f = X 2 − q for a prime number q. ThenG = Z/2Z, so half its elements have cycle type (2), <strong>and</strong> the other half have cycletype (1, 1).Now, modulo p, either ¯f is irreducible, which is if <strong>and</strong> only if ( qp)= −1, or( else ¯f factorises as a product <strong>of</strong> two linear polynomials, which is if <strong>and</strong> only ifq)p = 1.Suppose for simplicity that q ≡ 1 mod 4. then by the Law <strong>of</strong> Quadratic Reciprocitywe have ( qp)=( pq). Then Tchebotarev’s Theorem reduces to the statementthat, as we take larger <strong>and</strong> larger numbers <strong>of</strong> primes, approximately half<strong>of</strong> them are quadratic residues modulo q.Now, the weaker version <strong>of</strong> Dedekind’s Theorem on primes in arithmetical progressionssays that for each 1 ≤ a < q, there are infinitely many primes pcongruent to a modulo q. The stronger version <strong>of</strong> this theorem then states that,as we take larger <strong>and</strong> larger numbers <strong>of</strong> primes p, they are approximately evenlydistributed between the different residue classes, so that approximately 1/(q−1)primes are congruent modulo q to any give a (with gcd{a, q} = 1). Since thereare as many quadratic residues as there are non-residues, we finally obtain thisspecial case <strong>of</strong> Tchebotarev’s Theorem.The same ideas can be used to prove the result for a general quadratic extension<strong>of</strong> Q, so taking f = X 2 − d for an arbitrary non-square integer d.91

Appendix ABackgroundThis is a summary <strong>of</strong> some background material about groups <strong>and</strong> rings.A.1 GroupsA group is a set G together with a map G × G → G, (a, b) ↦→ a · b, called thegroup law, satisfyingassociative a · (b · c) = (a · b) · c for all a, b, c ∈ G.unital there exists e ∈ G with e · a = a = a · e for all a ∈ G.admits inverses for each a ∈ G there exists b ∈ G with a · b = e = b · a.The cardinality |G| is called the order <strong>of</strong> the group.We <strong>of</strong>ten write the group law as multiplication, so we write ab instead <strong>of</strong> a · b,1 for the unit, <strong>and</strong> a −1 for the inverse <strong>of</strong> a.A group is called abelian, or commutative, provided a·b = b·a for all a, b ∈ G.In this case we sometimes write the group law as addition, so we write a + binstead <strong>of</strong> a · b, 0 for the unit, <strong>and</strong> −a for the inverse <strong>of</strong> a.A subset H ⊂ G is a subgroup, denoted H ≤ G, provided it isnon-empty e ∈ H.closed under multiplication ab ∈ H for all a, b ∈ H.closed under inverses a ∈ H implies a −1 ∈ H.It follows that the group law on G restricts to a group law on H, so that H isitself a group.Clearly G is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> itself; all other subgroups are called proper. Thesubset {e} is always a subgroup, called the trivial subgroup.Let H ≤ G be a subgroup. We define an equivalence relation on G by settinga ∼ b if a −1 b ∈ H. The equivalence classes aH := {ah : h ∈ H} are called theleft cosets <strong>of</strong> H. The set <strong>of</strong> all left cosets is denoted (G : H); its cardinalityis denoted [G : H] <strong>and</strong> called the index <strong>of</strong> H in G. A complete set <strong>of</strong> coset92

epresentatives is a subset S ⊂ G such that the cosets aH for a ∈ S aredistinct, <strong>and</strong> every coset is <strong>of</strong> this form.Theorem A.1 (Lagrange). Let H ≤ G be a subgroup <strong>and</strong> let a ∈ G. Then themap H → aH, h ↦→ ah is a bijection. It follows that [G : H] = |G|/|H|.If H, H ′ ≤ G are subgroups, then so too is their intersection H ∩ H ′ . It followsthat there is a smallest subgroup <strong>of</strong> G containing any given subset A ⊂ G, calledthe subgroup generated by A <strong>and</strong> denoted 〈A〉; for we can define it to be theintersection <strong>of</strong> all subgroups <strong>of</strong> G containing A. In particular the subgroups <strong>of</strong>G form a lattice with respect to inclusions.As a special case we have the subgroup 〈a〉 generated by a single element, calleda cyclic subgroup. The order <strong>of</strong> an element a ∈ G is the order <strong>of</strong> the subgroupit generates.If H ≤ G is a subgroup <strong>and</strong> a ∈ G, then aHa −1 = {aha −1 : h ∈ H} is again asubgroup <strong>of</strong> G, called a conjugate <strong>of</strong> H. We call a subgroup normal, denotedH ⊳ G, provided that it is equal to all <strong>of</strong> its conjugates; that is, aHa −1 = H forall a ∈ G, or equivalently aH = Ha for all a ∈ G.For a normal subgroup H ⊳ G we can define a group law on the set <strong>of</strong> cosets(G : H) via aH · bH := abH. The resulting group is denoted G/H <strong>and</strong> calledthe quotient group <strong>of</strong> G by H.A map f : G → G ′ between groups is called a group homomorphism providedthat itrespects the multiplication f(ab) = f(a)f(b) for all a, b ∈ G.preserves the unit f(1) = 1.The image Im(f) := {f(a) ∈ G ′ : a ∈ G} <strong>of</strong> f is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> G ′ ; conversely,if H ≤ G is a subgroup, then the inclusion map ι: H ↩→ G is a grouphomomorphism.The kernel Ker(f) := {a ∈ G : f(a) = 1} <strong>of</strong> f is a normal subgroup <strong>of</strong> G;conversely, if N ⊳ G is normal, then the canonical map π : G ↠ G/N is a grouphomomorphism.If g : G ′ → G ′′ is another group homomorphism, then the composition gf : G →G ′′ is again a group homomorphism. We say that f is an isomorphism providedthat there exists a group homomorphism g : G ′ → G such that gf = id G <strong>and</strong>fg = id G ′.Lemma A.2. Let f : G → G ′ be a group homomorphism. Then1. f is injective if <strong>and</strong> only if Ker(f) is trivial.2. f is an isomorphism if <strong>and</strong> only if it is bijective.Lemma A.3 (Factor Lemma). Let N ⊳ G be a normal subgroup. Then theset <strong>of</strong> group homomorphisms G/N → G ′ is in bijection with the set <strong>of</strong> grouphomomorphisms f : G → G ′ with N ⊂ Ker(f).93

Theorem A.4 (Isomorphism Theorems). 1. Let f : G → G ′ be a group homomorphism.Then f induces an isomorphism G/ Ker(f) −→ ∼ Im(f).2. Let H ≤ G be a subgroup, <strong>and</strong> N ⊳ G a normal subgroup. Then HN :={hn : h ∈ H, n ∈ N} is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> G. Moreover, N ⊳HN <strong>and</strong> H∩N ⊳Hare normal subgroups, <strong>and</strong> there is an isomorphism H/H ∩ N ∼ −→ HN/N.3. Let M, N ⊳ G be normal subgroups with M ⊂ N. Then N/M ⊳ G/M is anormal subgroup, <strong>and</strong> there is an isomorphism (G/M)/(N/M) ∼ −→ G/N.Group ActionsGiven a set X we can consider the set Sym X <strong>of</strong> all bijections σ : X → X. ThenSym X is a group under composition. If X = {1, . . . , n} we usually write Sym n<strong>and</strong> call this the symmetric group.A k-cycle in Sym n is a permutation <strong>of</strong> the form σ = (a 1 a 2 · · · a k ), denotingthe functiona i ↦→ a i+1 for 1 ≤ i < k, a k ↦→ a 1 , all other elements fixed.A 2-cycle is also called a transposition. There is a group homomorphismsgn: Sym n → {±1}, called the sign map, sending each k-cycle to (−1) k−1 .The kernel Alt n <strong>of</strong> the sign map is called the alternating group.We say that a group G acts on X if there exists a group homomorphism f : G →Sym X . Equivalently, we can regard this as a map G × X → X, (a, x) ↦→ axwhich isassociative a(bx) = (ab)x for all a, b ∈ G <strong>and</strong> x ∈ X.unital 1x = x for all x ∈ X.It is clear that G acts on itself by left multiplication, (a, b) ↦→ ab. We also havethat G acts on itself by conjugation, (a, b) ↦→ aba −1 . If H ≤ G is a subgroup,then G acts on the set <strong>of</strong> cosets (G : H) by (a, bH) ↦→ abH.The orbit <strong>of</strong> x ∈ X is the subset Orb(x) := {ax : a ∈ G} <strong>of</strong> X. The stabiliser<strong>of</strong> x is the subgroup Stab(x) := {a ∈ G : ax = x} <strong>of</strong> G. We observe thatStab(ax) = aStab(x)a −1 , which is a conjugate <strong>of</strong> the subgroup Stab(x).We have the following theorem, generalising Lagrange’s Theorem in the case <strong>of</strong>the action <strong>of</strong> G on the set <strong>of</strong> cosets (G : H).Theorem A.5 (Orbit-Stabiliser). Let a group G act on a set X, <strong>and</strong> let x ∈ X.Then the map G → X, a ↦→ ax induces a bijection (G : Stab(x)) ∼ −→ Orb(x). Itfollows that |Orb(x)||Stab(x)| = |G|.We say that an action <strong>of</strong> G on X is faithful if the group homomorphism G →Sym X is injective, which is the same as saying that if ax = x for all x ∈ X,then a = 1. We say that the action is transitive provided that for all x, y ∈ Xthere exists a ∈ G with ax = y.94

Examples1. The integers form an abelian group under addition. This is cyclic, generatedby either 1 or −1. For each n ∈ Z we have the cyclic subgroup〈n〉 = nZ = {· · · , −n, 0, n, 2n, · · · }. The factor group Z/nZ has cosetrepresentatives 0, 1, . . . , n − 1.2. The non-zero complex numbers form an abelian group under multiplication.For each n we have the cyclic subgroup µ n := 〈exp(2πi/n)〉 ={exp(2πik/n) : k ∈ Z}.3. There is a group homomorphism Z → µ n , k ↦→ exp(2πki/n). This isonto with kernel nZ, so induces an isomorphism Z/nZ ∼ −→ µ n . Notethat the group law on the left is written additively, whereas it is writtenmultiplicatively on the right.4. The symmetric group Sym n is generated by all transpositions. The alternatinggroup Alt n is generated by all 3-cycles.5. The set <strong>of</strong> symmetries <strong>of</strong> a geometric figure is a group with respect tocomposition, <strong>and</strong> the subset <strong>of</strong> all rotations is a normal subgroup. Thisfits nicely with the idea that conjugation can be thought <strong>of</strong> as a change <strong>of</strong>point <strong>of</strong> view.A.2 RingsAn (associative, unital) ring is a set R together with two operations R×R → R,(a, b) ↦→ a + b (addition) <strong>and</strong> (a, b) ↦→ ab (multiplication), satisfyingaddition R is an abelian group under addition.multiplication the multiplication is associative <strong>and</strong> unital.distributivity a(b + c) = ab + ac, (a + b)c = ac + bc for all a, b, c ∈ R.A ring is called commutative provided that the multiplication is commutative.From now on we will only consider commutative rings, <strong>and</strong> so shall simply callthem rings. A ring R is called trivial if 1 = 0, in which case R = {0}.A subset S ⊂ R is a subring, denoted S ≤ R, provided that itadditive subgroup a + b, −a ∈ S for all a, b ∈ S.contains the unit 1 ∈ S.closed under multiplication ab ∈ S for all a, b ∈ S.It follows that the ring structure on R restricts to a ring structure on S.If S, S ′ ≤ R are subrings, then so too is their intersection S ∩ S ′ . It followsthat there is a smallest subring <strong>of</strong> R containing any given subset A ⊂ G, calledthe subring generated by A <strong>and</strong> denoted 〈A〉; for we can define it to be theintersection <strong>of</strong> all subrings <strong>of</strong> R containing A. In particular the subrings <strong>of</strong> Rform a lattice with respect to inclusions.The prime subring <strong>of</strong> R is the smallest subring <strong>of</strong> R.95

A subset I ⊂ R is an ideal, denoted I ⊳ R, provided that itadditive subgroup a + b, −a ∈ I for all a, b ∈ I.closed under multiplication by R ab ∈ I for all a ∈ R <strong>and</strong> b ∈ I.Clearly R is an ideal <strong>of</strong> itself; all other ideals are called proper. The subset{0} is an ideal, called the trivial ideal, or zero ideal.If I, I ′ ≤ R are ideals, then so too is their intersection I ∩ I ′ . It follows thatthere is a smallest ideal <strong>of</strong> R containing any given subset A ⊂ G, called the idealgenerated by A <strong>and</strong> denoted (A); for we can define it to be the intersection<strong>of</strong> all ideals <strong>of</strong> R containing A. In particular the ideals <strong>of</strong> R form a lattice withrespect to inclusions.As a special case we have the ideal (a) generated by a single element, called aprincipal ideal.Let I ⊳ R be an ideal. Then I is an additive subgroup, hence normal, so we canform the quotient R/I as an additive group. We may now define a multiplicationon R/I by (a+I)·(b+I) := ab+I, making R/I into a ring, called the quotientring <strong>of</strong> R by I.A map f : R → R ′ between two rings is called a ring homomorphism providedthat itrespects the addition f(a + b) = f(a) + f(b) for all a, b ∈ R.respects the multiplication f(ab) = f(a)f(b) for all a, b ∈ R.preserves the zero <strong>and</strong> unit f(0) = 0 <strong>and</strong> f(1) = 1.In particular, f is an additive group homomorphism.The image Im(f) := {f(a) ∈ R ′ : a ∈ R} <strong>of</strong> f is a subring <strong>of</strong> R ′ ; conversely, ifS ≤ R is a subring, then the inclusion map ι: S ↩→ R is a ring homomorphism.The kernel Ker(f) := {a ∈ R : f(a) = 0} <strong>of</strong> f is an ideal <strong>of</strong> R; conversely, ifI ⊳ R is an ideal, then the canonical map π : R ↠ R/I is a ring homomorphism.If g : R ′ → R ′′ is another ring homomorphism, then the composition gf : R →R ′′ is again a ring homomorphism. We say that f is an isomorphism providedthat there exists a ring homomorphism g : R ′ → R such that gf = id R <strong>and</strong>fg = id R ′.Lemma A.6. Let f : R → R ′ be a group homomorphism. Then1. f is injective if <strong>and</strong> only if Ker(f) is trivial.2. f is an isomorphism if <strong>and</strong> only if it is bijective.Lemma A.7 (Factor Lemma). Let I ⊳ R be an ideal. Then the set <strong>of</strong> ringhomomorphisms R/I → R ′ is in bijection with the set <strong>of</strong> ring homomorphismsf : R → R ′ with I ⊂ Ker(f).Theorem A.8 (Isomorphism Theorems). 1. Let f : R → R ′ be a ring homomorphism.Then f induces an isomorphism R/ Ker(f) −→ ∼ Im(f).2. Let S ≤ R be a subgroup, <strong>and</strong> I ⊳ R an ideal. Then S + I := {a + b : a ∈S, b ∈ I} is a subring <strong>of</strong> R. Moreover, I ⊳ S + I <strong>and</strong> S ∩ I ⊳ S are ideals,<strong>and</strong> there is an isomorphism S/S ∩ I ∼ −→ (S + I)/I.96

3. Let I, J ⊳ R be ideals with I ⊂ J. Then J/I ⊳ R/I is an ideal, <strong>and</strong> thereis an isomorphism (R/I)/(J/I) ∼ −→ R/J.Principal Ideal DomainsWe write R × := {a ∈ R : ∃b ∈ R with ab = 1} for the set <strong>of</strong> units <strong>of</strong> a ring R.Note that R × is an abelian group under multiplication. We call two elements a<strong>and</strong> b associates if they differ by a unit, so a = ub for some unit u. Equivalently(a) = (b) as ideals.A field is a non-trivial ring K such that every non-zero element is a unit, soK × = K \ {0}. More generally, an integral domain is a non-trivial ring Rwith no zero-divisors, i.e. ab = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0. Equivalently, R hascancellation, so that if ax = bx for some x ≠ 0, then a = b.If R is an integral domain, then we can form the field <strong>of</strong> fractions Quot(R) <strong>of</strong> Rin exactly the same way that the field <strong>of</strong> rational numbers Q is constructed fromthe ring <strong>of</strong> integers Z. We first define an equivalence relation on R × (R \ {0})by (a, b) ∼ (c, d) if ad = bc. The equivalence class <strong>of</strong> (a, b) is denoted by a/b.We can now define a ring structure <strong>of</strong> the set Quot(R) <strong>of</strong> all equivalence classesbyab + c ad + bc:=d bdadnab · c ac:=d bd .We identify R with the subring {a/1 : a ∈ R} <strong>of</strong> Quot(R).The field <strong>of</strong> fractions satisfies the following universal property: if R is an integraldomain, K a field, <strong>and</strong> f : R → K a ring homomorphism, then there is a uniquefield homomorphism ˆf : Quot(R) → K extending f; that is, ˆf(a/1) = f(a) forall a ∈ R.We say that an ideal I ⊳ R ismaximal if I is proper, <strong>and</strong> I ⊂ J ⊳ R implies J = I or J = R.prime if xy ∈ I implies x ∈ I or y ∈ I.Proposition A.9. Let R be a ring <strong>and</strong> I ⊳ R an ideal <strong>of</strong> R. Then1. R/I is a field if <strong>and</strong> only if I is maximal. Equivalently R is a field if <strong>and</strong>only if (0) <strong>and</strong> R are the only ideals <strong>of</strong> R.2. R/I is an integral domain if <strong>and</strong> only if I is prime. Equivalently R is anintegral domain if <strong>and</strong> only if (0) is prime.3. I maximal implies I prime. Equivalently, if R is a field, then it is anintegral domain.In particular, if f : K → R is a ring homomorphism from a field K to a nontrivialring R, then f is injective.A principal ideal domain is an integral domain R for which every ideal isprincipal, so <strong>of</strong> the form (a) for some a ∈ R.97

Proposition A.10. The ring <strong>of</strong> integers Z is a principal ideal domain. In fact,the ideal generated by two integers a <strong>and</strong> b equals the ideal generated by theirgreatest common divisor d.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let I ⊳ Z be a non-zero ideal, <strong>and</strong> let a > 0 be minimal such that b ∈ I.Let b ∈ I. By the Euclidean Algorithm, there exist integers q, r with a > r ≥ 0such that b = qa + r. Now, r = b − qa ∈ I, so the minimality <strong>of</strong> a gives r = 0<strong>and</strong> b = qa. Thus I = (a).Let R be a non-trivial ring. Then there exists a unique ring homomorphismf : Z → R. We define the characteristic <strong>of</strong> R to be char(R) := n whereKer(f) = (n) <strong>and</strong> n ≥ 0.By an analogous argument using the division algorithm, one can show that thepolynomial ring K[X] is also a principal ideal domain.We say that an element a ∈ R divides b, written a|b, if there exists x ∈ R suchthat b = ax. Equivalently, b ∈ (a), or (b) ⊂ (a). Note that 1 divides every otherelement, <strong>and</strong> each element divides 0.If R is an integral domain, then a|b <strong>and</strong> b|a if <strong>and</strong> only if there exists a unitu ∈ R × such that b = au. For, there exist u, v ∈ R such that b = au <strong>and</strong>a = bv. If b = 0 then a = 0. Otherwise, since b = buv, we have uv = 1, so thatu, v ∈ R × are units.Let R be an integral domain <strong>and</strong> a ∈ R non-zero <strong>and</strong> not a unit. We call aprime if a|xy implies a|x or a|y.irreducible if a = xy implies x is a unit or y is a unit.Proposition A.11. Let R be an integral domain <strong>and</strong> a ∈ R non-zero <strong>and</strong> nota unit.1. a is prime if <strong>and</strong> only if (a) is a prime ideal.2. a prime implies a irreducible. The converse holds if R is a principal idealdomain, in which case (a) is a maximal ideal.Pro<strong>of</strong>. 1. Let a be prime <strong>and</strong> suppose that xy ∈ (a). Then a|xy, whence a|xor a|y. In other words, x ∈ (a) or y ∈ (a), so that (a) is a prime ideal. Theconverse is similar.2. Let a be prime <strong>and</strong> suppose that a = xy. Without loss <strong>of</strong> generality a|x, sothat x = ab for some b. Now a = xy = aby, so by = 1 <strong>and</strong> y is a unit. Thus a isirreducible.Now suppose that R is a principal ideal domain <strong>and</strong> let a be irreducible. Supposethat (a) ⊂ (x). Then a = xy for some y, <strong>and</strong> since a is irreducible, either x is aunit, in which case (x) = R, or else y is a unit, in which case (a) = (x). Hence(a) is a maximal ideal.98

Unique Factorisation DomainsAn integral domain R is called a unique factorisation domain if every elementcan be written uniquely as a product <strong>of</strong> irreduciblesexistence each a ∈ R which is non-zero <strong>and</strong> not a unit can be writtenas a product <strong>of</strong> irreducibles a = x 1 · · · x m .uniqueness if a = x 1 · · · x m <strong>and</strong> a = y 1 · · · y n with each x i <strong>and</strong> y j irreducible,then m = n <strong>and</strong> (after re-ordering) x i <strong>and</strong> y i areassociates (so y i = u i x i for some unit u i ∈ R × ).Clearly if R is a unique factorisation domain, then every irreducible element isprime. For, if a is irreducible <strong>and</strong> xy ∈ (a), then xy = ab for some b. Since ais irreducible <strong>and</strong> factorisations are unique, a must occur in the factorisation <strong>of</strong>either x or y, whence x ∈ (a) or y ∈ (a).One important result is that if R is a unique factorisation domain, then so toois the ring <strong>of</strong> polynomials R[X]. To see this we first prove the special case whenR is a field; in fact, we show that every principal ideal domain. The generalcase then follows from Gauss’s Lemma.Theorem A.12. Every principal ideal domain is a unique factorisation domain.1Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let R be a principal ideal domain. We first show that every increasingsequence <strong>of</strong> ideals stabilises (so that R is Noetherian).Suppose we have an increasing sequence <strong>of</strong> ideals I 1 ⊂ I 2 ⊂ · · · . Then the unionI := ⋃ i I i is again an ideal, <strong>and</strong> since R is a principal ideal domain we can writeI i = (a i ) <strong>and</strong> I = (a). Now, a ∈ ⋃ i I i, so a ∈ I i for some i. Therefore I ⊂ I i , soI = I i , <strong>and</strong> hence I = I n for all n ≥ i.Now take a 1 ∈ R non-zero <strong>and</strong> not a unit, <strong>and</strong> suppose for contradiction thata 1 cannot be written as a product <strong>of</strong> irreducibles. Then a 1 is not irreducible, sowe can write a 1 = a 2 a ′ 2 with neither a 2 nor a ′ 2 a unit. If both a 2 <strong>and</strong> a ′ 2 can beexpressed as a product <strong>of</strong> irreducibles, then the same would be true <strong>of</strong> a 1 , so wemay assume that a 2 cannot be written as a product <strong>of</strong> irreducibles. Repeatingthe argument yields an increasing sequence <strong>of</strong> ideals (a 1 ) ⊂ (a 2 ) ⊂ · · · . Also,by construction, (a i−1 ) ≠ (a i ), since a i−1 = a i a ′ i <strong>and</strong> a′ i is not a unit. Thereforethis sequence <strong>of</strong> ideals does not stabilise, contradicting the above result.To see that this expression is unique, let a = x 1 · · · x m = y 1 · · · y n with each x i<strong>and</strong> y j irreducible. Since (x 1 ) is a prime ideal (in fact maximal), R/(x 1 ) is anintegral domain (in fact a field) <strong>and</strong> ȳ 1 · · · ȳ n = ā = 0 in R/(x 1 ). Thus, afterre-ordering, ȳ 1 = 0. Hence y 1 ∈ (x 1 ), say y 1 = u 1 x 1 . Since both x 1 <strong>and</strong> y 1 areirreducible, u 1 must be a unit. Therefore (x 1 ) = (y 1 ) <strong>and</strong> x 2 · · · x m = u 1 y 2 · · · y n .Since y ′ 2 := u 1 y 2 is irreducible <strong>and</strong> (y ′ 2) = (y 2 ), the result follows by inductionon m + n.1 In fact, if R is a Noetherian integral domain, then R is a unique factorisation domain if<strong>and</strong> only if all irreducible elements are prime. The pro<strong>of</strong> is the same, but using the Noetherianproperty to deduce that the ascending chain <strong>of</strong> ideals stabilises.99

For the remainder <strong>of</strong> this section, R will denote a unique factorisation domain<strong>and</strong> K its field <strong>of</strong> fractions.Lemma A.13. Any two elements in R have a greatest common divisor,<strong>and</strong> this is unique up to associates.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Given a <strong>and</strong> b, write ab = ux m11 · · · x mnn for some unit u <strong>and</strong> pairwisenon-associate irreducible elements x i (so (x i ) ≠ (x j ) for i ≠ j). We can nowwrite a = u ′ x r11 · · · xrn n <strong>and</strong> b = u ′′ x s11 · · · xsn n for some units u ′ , u ′′ . Note thatm i = r i + s i . Set gcd(a, b) := x l11 · · · xln n , where l i := min(r i , s i ).Clearly gcd(a, b) divides both a <strong>and</strong> b, <strong>and</strong> any other element which divides botha <strong>and</strong> b must divide gcd(a, b) by unique factorisation.Given a non-zero polynomial f = a n X n +· · ·+a 0 ∈ R[X], we define its contentcont(f) to be the greatest common divisor <strong>of</strong> the coefficients a i . We call fprimitive if cont(f) is a unit. Note that, if 0 ≠ d ∈ R, then cont(df) =d · cont(f).More generally, let f ∈ K[X] be non-zero. By clearing denominators, there exists0 ≠ d ∈ R such that df ∈ R[X]. We therefore define cont(f) := cont(df)/d ∈K. To see that this is well-defined let 0 ≠ d ′ ∈ R also satisfy d ′ f ∈ R[X]. Thend ′ · cont(df) = cont(dd ′ f) = d · cont(d ′ f),so that cont(df)/d = cont(d ′ f)/d ′ . It follows as before that if d ∈ K × <strong>and</strong>f ∈ K[X], then cont(df) = d · cont(f).Lemma A.14. Let f, g ∈ K[X] be non-zero.1. f/cont(f) ∈ R[X] <strong>and</strong> is primitive. Conversely, if c ∈ K × is such thatf/c ∈ R[X] is primitive, then c = cont(f) (up to a unit <strong>of</strong> R).2. cont(f) ∈ R if <strong>and</strong> only if f ∈ R[X].3. cont(fg) = cont(f)cont(g).Pro<strong>of</strong>. 1. Suppose first that f ∈ R[X] <strong>and</strong> has coefficients a i . Since cont(f) =gcd(a i ) we know that a i /cont(f) ∈ R <strong>and</strong> that these elements are coprime. Thusf/cont(f) ∈ R[X] is primitive.Now let f ∈ K[X]. Taking 0 ≠ d ∈ R such that df ∈ R[X] we see thatf/cont(f) = df/cont(df) ∈ R[X] is primitive.Finally, let c ∈ K × be such that f/c ∈ R[X] is primitive. Then 1 = cont(f/c) =cont(f)/c, so that c = cont(f).2. By (1) we can write f = cont(f)f ′ for some f ′ ∈ R[X] primitive, so cont(f) ∈R implies f ∈ R[X]. The converse is immediate.3. Set c := cont(f) <strong>and</strong> d := cont(g). By (1) we can write f = cf ′ <strong>and</strong> g = dg ′for some f ′ , g ′ ∈ R[X] primitive. Then fg = cdf ′ g ′ <strong>and</strong> f ′ g ′ ∈ R[X], so if wecan show that f ′ g ′ is primitive, then cont(fg) = cd as required.100

Let p ∈ R be prime <strong>and</strong> consider the quotient ring (R/(p))[X]. Since R/(p) isan integral domain, so too is (R/(p))[X]. Since f ′ <strong>and</strong> g ′ are primitive, we knowthat p does not divide every coefficient <strong>of</strong> f ′ or g ′ , so f ′ <strong>and</strong> g ′ are non-zero in(R/(p))[X]. Thus f ′ g ′ = f ′ · g ′ is non-zero, so p does not divide cont(f ′ g ′ ).It follows that cont(f ′ g ′ ) is not divisible by any irreducible element <strong>of</strong> R, henceis a unit, <strong>and</strong> f ′ g ′ is primitive.Lemma A.15 (Gauss’s Lemma). If f ∈ R[X] is irreducible over R, then it isirreducible over K. The converse holds when f is primitive.Pro<strong>of</strong>. We prove the contrapositive. Suppose f = gh ∈ K[X]. Since cont(f) =cont(g)cont(h) we can factorise f over R asf = cont(f) · (g/cont(g)) · (h/cont(h)).Conversely let f ∈ R[X] be primitive <strong>and</strong> suppose that f is irreducible over K.Let f = gh be a factorisation over R. Since f is irreducible over K we mayassume without loss <strong>of</strong> generality that g is a unit in K[X], so deg(g) = 0 <strong>and</strong>hence g ∈ R. Therefore g divides cont(f), which is a unit since f is primitive.Hence g is a unit, so f is irreducible over R.Theorem A.16. The polynomial ring R[X] is again a unique factorisationdomain. The units <strong>of</strong> R[X] are the units <strong>of</strong> R. The irreducible elements <strong>of</strong>R[X] are the irreducible elements <strong>of</strong> R together with the primitive irreduciblepolynomials.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since R is an integral domain, we can consider leading terms <strong>of</strong> polynomialsto deduce that R[X] is also an integral domain <strong>and</strong> that the units <strong>of</strong>R[X] are just the units <strong>of</strong> R. Also, by considering degrees, we see that eachirreducible in R remains irreducible in R[X].Let f ∈ R[X] be non-constant. Since K[X] is a principal ideal domain, itis a unique factorisation domain, so we can write f = g 1 · · · g r with each g iirreducible in K[X]. Set c i := cont(g i ), c := c 1 · · · c r <strong>and</strong> f i := g i /c i , so f i ∈R[X] is a primitive irreducible polynomial by Gauss’s Lemma <strong>and</strong> f = cf 1 · · · f r .Then c = cont(f) ∈ R, so can be written as a product <strong>of</strong> irreducibles in R. Thuseach polynomial can be written as a product <strong>of</strong> irreducible elements.To see that this expression is unique, suppose that f = cg 1 · · · g r <strong>and</strong> f =dh 1 · · · h s with c, d ∈ R <strong>and</strong> g i , h j ∈ R[X] primitive irreducible polynomials.Then g i , h j ∈ K[X] are irreducible by Gauss’s Lemma, so using that K[X]is a unique factorisation domain we deduce that, after reordering, r = s <strong>and</strong>h i = u i g i for some u i ∈ K × . Then u i = cont(h i ) ∈ R × , so g i <strong>and</strong> h i areassociates. Finally, setting u := u 1 · · · u r ∈ R × gives that c = ud ∈ R, so c <strong>and</strong>d are associates. Since R is a unique factorisation domain, we are done.We finish with some methods to investigate the irreducibility <strong>of</strong> polynomials inR[X] for a unique factorisation domain R.101

Theorem A.17 (Eisenstein’s Criterion). Let f = a 0 X d + · · · + a d−1 X + a d ∈R[X] be primitive. Suppose that there exists a prime p ∈ R such that p|a i for1 ≤ i ≤ d, but p ∤ a 0 <strong>and</strong> p 2 ∤ a d . Then f is irreducible.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Since p is prime we know that R/(p) is an integral domain. Let F be itsfield <strong>of</strong> fractions.Suppose that f = gh for some non-constant polynomials g, h ∈ R[X]. Writeg = b 0 X r + · · · + b r <strong>and</strong> h = c 0 X s + · · · + c s , so that d = r + s, a 0 = b 0 c 0 ,a d = b r c s <strong>and</strong> r, s ≥ 1. Consider ḡ¯h = ¯f = ā 0 X d ∈ (R/(p))[X]. Since F [X] isa unique factorisation domain we must have that ḡ = ¯b 0 X r <strong>and</strong> ¯h = ¯c 0 X s inF [X], so also in (R/(p))[X]. In particular, p divides b i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ r <strong>and</strong> c jfor all 1 ≤ j ≤ s. Thus p 2 divides b r c s = a d , a contradiction.Theorem A.18 (Rational Root Test). Let f = a 0 X d + · · · + a d ∈ R[X] <strong>and</strong>suppose that α ∈ K is a root <strong>of</strong> f. Write α = p/q with p, q ∈ R coprime. Thenq|a 0 <strong>and</strong> p|a d .Pro<strong>of</strong>. We have the equality0 = q d f(p/q) = a 0 p d + a 1 p d−1 q + · · · + a d−1 pq d−1 + a d q d .Thus p divides a d q d <strong>and</strong> q divides a 0 p d . Since gcd(p, q) = 1 we conclude thatp|a d <strong>and</strong> q|a 0 .This theorem is <strong>of</strong>ten used in the following form.Corollary A.19. Let f = X n + a n−1 X n−1 + · · · + a 0 ∈ R[X] be a monicpolynomial. Then any root α ∈ K <strong>of</strong> f actually lies in R <strong>and</strong> is a divisor <strong>of</strong> a 0 .Examples1. C × C with component-wise addition <strong>and</strong> multiplication is a ring, withzero (0, 0) <strong>and</strong> unit (1, 1), but is not an integral domain. Why not?2. If R is a ring, then we can form the polynomial ring R[X]. Its elementsare the polynomials f(X) = a 0 X n + a 1 X n−1 + · · · + a 0 with coefficientsa i ∈ R, on which we have the usual addition <strong>and</strong> multiplication. We writedeg(f) = max{n : a n ≠ 0} if f ≠ 0, <strong>and</strong> set deg(0) := −∞.If R is an integral domain, then so too is R[X]. Moreover the units <strong>of</strong>R[X] are just the units <strong>of</strong> R.If I ⊳ R, then there is a surjective ring homomorphism R[X] → (R/I)[X],aX n ↦→ āX n . This has kernel I[X], the set <strong>of</strong> polynomials, all <strong>of</strong> whosecoefficients lie in I, so giving a ring isomorphism R[X]/I[X] ∼ = (R/I)[X].3. More generally, if {X i } is a (possibly infinite) set <strong>of</strong> indeterminates, thenR[{X i }] is a ring whose elements are finite R-linear combinations <strong>of</strong> monomials,where each monomial is a finite product <strong>of</strong> powers <strong>of</strong> the X i .102

4. Z, Z[X] <strong>and</strong> Z[X, Y ] are all unique factorisation domains, but only Z is aprincipal ideal domain. For example, (2, X) ⊳ Z[X] is not principal.If K is a field, then K, K[X] <strong>and</strong> K[X, Y ] are all unique factorisationdomains, but only K <strong>and</strong> K[X] are principal ideal domains. For example,(X, Y ) ⊳ K[X, Y ] is not principal.5. Z[ √ −2] = {a + b √ −2 : a, b ∈ Z} is a principal ideal domain, in fact aEuclidean domain (there is a version <strong>of</strong> the Euclidean Algorithm). Theonly units are ±1.With a little bit more theory one can describe the primes in Z[ √ −2]. Ifp ∈ Z is an odd prime, then either p ≡ 1, 3 mod 8, in which case p is primein Z[ √ −2], or else p ≡ 5, 7 mod 8, in which case we can solve a 2 + 2b 2 = p<strong>and</strong> a + b √ −2 is prime. The only other prime element is √ −2 itself.Z[ √ −5] is not a unique factorisation domain, since 1 + √ −5 is irreduciblebut not prime. Can you prove this?103

Appendix BZorn’s LemmaThis chapter is non-examinable.A partially ordered set, or poset, (S, ≤) is a set with a relation ≤ satisfyingReflexivity a ≤ a for all a.Antisymmetry a ≤ b <strong>and</strong> b ≤ a imply a = b.Transitivity a ≤ b <strong>and</strong> b ≤ c imply a ≤ c.The poset (S, ≤) is totally ordered if, for all a, b ∈ S, either a ≤ b or b ≤ a.A maximal element <strong>of</strong> S is an element a ∈ S such that if a ≤ b, then a = b.If (S, ≤) is a poset, then a chain in S is a non-empty subset which is totallyordered by ≤. If C ⊂ S is a subset, then an upper bound for C is an elementa ∈ S such that c ≤ a for all c ∈ C.Zorn’s Lemma. Let (S, ≤) be a non-empty poset in which every chain has anupper bound. Then S has a maximal element.Zorn’s Lemma is logically equivalent in Zermelo-Fraenkel Set <strong>Theory</strong> to theAxiom <strong>of</strong> Choice, which says that if S i are sets, then the product ∏ i S i isnon-empty. In other words, we can make an infinite number <strong>of</strong> arbitrary choices.We <strong>of</strong>ten use Zorn’s Lemma when proving statements for infinte sets when wewould have used induction for finite sets.Typical examples are the following three results, the first <strong>of</strong> which uses theAxiom <strong>of</strong> Choice; the latter two, Zorn’s Lemma.Theorem B.1. Every surjective map between sets has a right inverse.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let f : X → Y be a surjective map between two sets. A right inverse g<strong>of</strong> f is a map g : Y → X such that fg = id Y . Therefore, to construct g, we needto choose an element in the fibre f −1 (y) ⊂ X for each element y ∈ Y . Thus,if Y is infinite, we need to make an infinite number <strong>of</strong> arbitrary choices, hencerequire the Axiom <strong>of</strong> Choice.104

Theorem B.2. Every vector space has a basis.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let S be the collection <strong>of</strong> linearly independent subsets <strong>of</strong> a non-zerovector space V over a field K. This is non-empty, since each non-zero vectoris linearly independent. We endow S with the partial order ⊂ coming frominclusion.Let C = {B i } be a chain in S. Then C has an upper bound, namely the unionB = ⋃ i B i. For, consider a finite linear relation ∑ j λ jb j = 0 with λ j ∈ K <strong>and</strong>b j ∈ B. Since there are only finitely many b j in this relation, they all lie insome B i , so are linearly independent. Thus λ j = 0 for all j <strong>and</strong> B is linearlyindependent.Zorn’s Lemma implies that S has a maximal element B. We claim that B is aspanning set for V , <strong>and</strong> thus a basis. For, if not, then there exists some v ∈ Vwhich cannot be written as a finite linear combination <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> B. ThusB∪{v} is a linearly independent set, which contradicts the maximality <strong>of</strong> B.Theorem B.3. Every proper ideal <strong>of</strong> a ring is contained in a maximal ideal.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let R be a ring. Let S be the set <strong>of</strong> proper ideals <strong>of</strong> R, ordered byinclusion ⊂. This is non-empty, since (0) ⊳ R. Let C = {I i } be a chain in S.Then I = ⋃ i I i is an upper bound for C. We need to check that I is a properideal. It is an ideal, since if x, y ∈ I, then x, y ∈ I i for some i. Hence x + y<strong>and</strong> rx for r ∈ R are both contained in I i ⊂ I. To see that I is proper, supposeotherwise. Then we can write 1 = ∑ j r jx j as a finite linear combination withr j ∈ R <strong>and</strong> x j ∈ I. Since there are only finitely many x j in this relation, theyall lie in some I i . Hence 1 ∈ I i , a contradiction since I i was assumed to beproper. Hence I ⊳ R is proper.Zorn’s Lemma implies that S has a maximal element I, which is necessarily amaximal ideal.One should remark that, although generally assumed to hold, Zorn’s Lemma,or equivalently the Axiom <strong>of</strong> Choice, also yield several ‘paradoxes’, for examplethe Banach-Tarski Paradox.For some nice quotations on the Axiom <strong>of</strong> Choice, visit here.105

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