Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


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WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThe detection limit capability for rapid screening of Cs-137 and Sr-90 is the same as that forstandard off-site laboratory analyses as described in Section 12. These detection limits may not berequired for all samples analyzed on-site, but the on-site analytical capacity must exist formeeting these detection limits when necessary.The accuracy and precision of on-site methods will be determined and monitored through the useof certified standards.Of particular concern is the ability of an on-site laboratory to adequately prepare and homogenizesoil samples for analysis. Soil sample preparation protocols will be developed as part of theoverall standard laboratory operating procedures. The goal of soil sample preparation is that theerror introduced by residual within-sample heterogeneity should be no more than themeasurement error associated with the analytical procedure at the relevant CG w . Conformancewith this goal will be evaluated through the use of replicate subsampling and analysis of soilsamples. The soil samples selected for replicate subsampling and analysis will be soil samplesthat exhibit activity concentrations for either Cs-137 or Sr-90 within the immediate range of therelevant CG w requirement (i.e., from one half of the CG w to three times the CG w ).6.12 Develop an Inventory of Buried InfrastructureBuried infrastructure is important to Phase 1 decommissioning activities for a number of reasons.Buried infrastructure has the potential to be associated with subsurface soil and groundwatercontamination, as a source (e.g., leaking lines), because of contaminated backfill, or because theburied infrastructure provides preferential flow paths for the movement of contaminatedgroundwater. Buried infrastructure is a consideration from a safety and engineering perspectivefor intrusive CSAP characterization work and for planned Phase 1 remediation activities thatinvolve excavation of subsurface soils.CSAP data collection will develop an inventory of buried infrastructure within the WVDPpremises. The details of the strategy for developing this inventory are described in Section 5 ofthis plan. DOE will maintain this inventory through the life cycle of Phase 1 activities, updatingand amending the inventory as necessary and appropriate.Rev. 1 50

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