Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPFor field or on-site methods deployed as part of Phase 1 CSAP data collection, the following arethe minimum generic performance verification requirements:• Precision. Precision is a measure of the degree of variability or “error” in a method’sresults. Precision is usually expressed either as a standard deviation or as a relativepercentage error. Precision is typically a function of contaminant concentration. Theprecision of field and on-site laboratory methods will be established for contaminantlevels that are of significance from a decision-making perspective.• Accuracy. Accuracy refers to how close a reported result from a method is to the truevalue. Accurate methods are methods with acceptable precision and an absence of bias.Bias is evaluated by comparing average reported results with known values for repeatedmeasurements of standard reference materials.• Reproducibility. Reproducible results refer to results that can be replicated, typicallywithin a specified percentage of the original value. Acceptable percentages aretechnology/application-specific. In the case of detectors, reproducibility is demonstratedby replicate measurements. For analytical methods, reproducibility is demonstrated bysplit sample analyses.• Completeness. Completeness is a measure of how often data are rejected or lost due tomethod problems and/or data quality issues. Methods must be shown to produce useable(i.e., satisfying data quality requirements) data sets at least 80% of the time.Method performance can also be evaluated by the level of decision-making error associated witha method’s data sets. For example, if the decision was whether contamination was present orabsent at a location, errors would include falsely identifying contamination when it was notpresent at levels of concern or missing contamination when, in fact, it was present at levels ofconcern.6.11.1 NaI Gamma Walkover Survey Detector PerformanceThere are a variety of NaI detector geometries that can potentially be used for GWS. Because oflow-energy gamma emitting radionuclides that are ROI, a Field Instrument for Detection of LowRev. 1 46

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPEnergy Radiation (FIDLER) will be used. A 2 in. × 2 in. NaI detector may also be used toenhance the detectability of Cs-137 at CG w levels, if necessary. To evaluate FIDLER detectorperformance and to determine whether a 2×2 or 3×3 NaI detector is necessary, the following datacollection activities will be performed:• A reference area will be established with a portion (100 m 2 ) used for detector evaluation(see Section 8 for more details). Each gross gamma activity detector used in support ofPhase 1 activities for logged surveys will be evaluated by surveying and logging the datafor this area. Key parameters will include average response of the detector and thevariability in data results observed. Data density will be at least one reading per squaremeter; data will be collected in a manner that results in relatively uniform coverage forthe area.• At least 20 locations will be selected from the WVDP premises for comparative samplecollection. The key characteristics desired for each location are as follows: indications ofelevated surface activity at levels that would likely be near or above CG w requirementsfor Cs-137, an area likely affected primarily by Cs-137 impacts, an absence of any shineconcerns, no surface cover (e.g., pavement, gravel, asphalt, and the like), relative constantgross activity readings over a small area (2 to 3 m 2 ), and an area that will unlikely beimmediately affected by Phase 1 remediation activities. WMAs most likely to have theseconditions are the northern portion of WMA 10, the northern portions of WMA 5, and thewestern portions of WMA 4. Under ideal conditions, the 20 locations would span grossactivity levels ranging from slightly above background through approximately three timesbackground gross activity levels.• Each location selected will be flagged and marked in a manner that allows it to berecovered exactly. Each detector type (e.g., FIDLER, 2×2, 3×3) planned for use as part ofPhase 1 activities will have, at minimum, a static 30-second reading obtained at a heightof 15 cm above the location prior to soil sampling. Detector measurements will not takeplace if soil moisture conditions may adversely affect results (i.e., immediately afterheavy rains or in the presence of saturated or near-saturated surface soil conditions).• After detector measurements have been made, each location will be sampled. Sampleswill be representative of a 0-to 15-cm soil depth.Rev. 1 47

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPEnergy Radiation (FIDLER) will be used. A 2 in. × 2 in. NaI detector may also be used toenhance the detectability of Cs-137 at CG w levels, if necessary. To evaluate FIDLER detectorperformance and to determine whether a 2×2 or 3×3 NaI detector is necessary, the following datacollection activities will be performed:• A reference area will be established with a portion (100 m 2 ) used for detector evaluation(see Section 8 for more details). Each gross gamma activity detector used in support ofPhase 1 activities for logged surveys will be evaluated by surveying and logging the datafor this area. Key parameters will include average response of the detector and thevariability in data results observed. Data density will be at least one reading per squaremeter; data will be collected in a manner that results in relatively uniform coverage forthe area.• At least 20 locations will be selected from the WVDP premises for comparative samplecollection. The key characteristics desired for each location are as follows: indications ofelevated surface activity at levels that would likely be near or above CG w requirementsfor Cs-137, an area likely affected primarily by Cs-137 impacts, an absence of any shineconcerns, no surface cover (e.g., pavement, gravel, asphalt, and the like), relative constantgross activity readings over a small area (2 to 3 m 2 ), and an area that will unlikely beimmediately affected by Phase 1 remediation activities. WMAs most likely to have theseconditions are the northern portion of WMA 10, the northern portions of WMA 5, and thewestern portions of WMA 4. Under ideal conditions, the 20 locations would span grossactivity levels ranging from slightly above background through approximately three timesbackground gross activity levels.• Each location selected will be flagged and marked in a manner that allows it to berecovered exactly. Each detector type (e.g., FIDLER, 2×2, 3×3) planned for use as part ofPhase 1 activities will have, at minimum, a static 30-second reading obtained at a heightof 15 cm above the location prior to soil sampling. Detector measurements will not takeplace if soil moisture conditions may adversely affect results (i.e., immediately afterheavy rains or in the presence of saturated or near-saturated surface soil conditions).• After detector measurements have been made, each location will be sampled. Sampleswill be representative of a 0-to 15-cm soil depth.Rev. 1 47

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