Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPK.9.2 Surface Soil SamplingSurface soil sampling will be used to address areas inaccessible to GWS data collection, toresolve hot spots identified by the GWS data, and to evaluate the presence, absence, and/or extentof surface contamination above CG w requirements based on GWS results.• Wetlands. It is highly likely that standing water will be present in the ponds/wetlandsthat prevent GWS data collection from those areas. Consequently, soil/sediment samplingwill be required for pond footprints and for any other areas where standing water preventsthe collection of GWS data.For every area where standing water or saturated soil conditions prevent GWS datacollection, systematic soil sampling will take place. For wetland areas less than 200 m 2 insize, one sample will be collected. For areas between 200 and 1,000 m 2 in size, onesample per 200 m 2 will be collected. For areas between 1,000 and 2,500 m 2 in size, fivesamples will be collected. For areas exceeding 2,500 m 2 in size, at minimum one samplewill be collected per 500-m 2 area. One sample will be collected from each locationrepresentative of a 0-15 cm depth interval. In the case where an area has more than onelocation, locations will be selected to provide systematic coverage of the area of interest.[contingent]• Hot Spots. If GWS data indicate the presence of contamination that possibly exceeds“hot spot” (CG emc ) standards or an isolated elevated area is identified that appearsindicative of a discrete release, then the location of concern will be sampled with a biasedsample. If biased samples are collected from a particular location, they will be collectedfrom two depth intervals: 0-15 cm, and 15 cm-1 m. Sufficient soil mass will be collectedto allow for the analysis of all 18 ROI. All samples will be analyzed for all 18 ROI. Onedown-hole gamma scan will be conducted from each soil biased location with staticmeasurements taken every 15 cm. The purpose of these samples is to resolve GWSanomalies and evaluate the appropriateness of the current ROI list. [contingent]• CG w Sampling. Surface soil sampling may be conducted after the GWS to further clarifyresults, with the level and nature of sampling dependent on GWS results. If GWS resultsindicate no evidence of contamination impacts above background levels, no additionalRev. 1 K-6

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPsurface soil sampling will be required other than to address areas too wet to perform agamma walkover survey.oIf GWS results indicate contamination impacts above background levels but thatsurface soil contaminant levels exceeding CG w requirements are unlikely, thearea of interest will be systematically sampled using a triangular grid with adensity of one sample per 400 m 2 . One sample will be collected from eachlocation representative of a 0-15 cm depth interval. Locations will be selected toprovide systematic coverage of the area of interest. The purpose is to documentthe maximum activity concentrations present in surface soils within WMA 12North. [contingent]oIf GWS results indicate surface soil contaminant levels exceeding CG wrequirements likely exist, one sampling location will be selected at the highestgross activity level to confirm CG w exceedances and another set of samplinglocations will be identified to spatially bound the extent of contamination (i.e.,along the boundary of what is considered likely above CG w requirements) if thisis not obvious from the GWS data. Two samples will be collected from thelocation targeting high gross activity levels, one representative of a 0-15 cmdepth interval, and one representative of a 15 cm-1 m depth interval. One samplewill be collected from each location intended to laterally bound contamination,representative of a 0-15 cm depth interval. In addition, the location targeting highgross activity levels will have one down-hole gamma scan conducted at thecenter of the location with static measurements taken every 15 cm. Locations willbe selected so that each representative area does not overlap. The purpose is todocument CG w requirement exceedances and bound the lateral extent ofcontamination. [contingent]oIf GWS results indicate areas with surface soil contamination impacts but it isunclear whether CG w requirement exceedances are present, at most five samplinglocations will be selected that systematically cover the areas of interest. Onesample will be collected from each location representative of a 0-15 cm depthinterval. Locations will be selected to provide systematic coverage of the area ofinterest with a maximum sample density of one sample per 200 m 2 area. TheRev. 1 K-7

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPsurface soil sampling will be required other than to address areas too wet to perform agamma walkover survey.oIf GWS results indicate contamination impacts above background levels but thatsurface soil contaminant levels exceeding CG w requirements are unlikely, thearea of interest will be systematically sampled using a triangular grid with adensity of one sample per 400 m 2 . One sample will be collected from eachlocation representative of a 0-15 cm depth interval. Locations will be selected toprovide systematic coverage of the area of interest. The purpose is to documentthe maximum activity concentrations present in surface soils within WMA 12North. [contingent]oIf GWS results indicate surface soil contaminant levels exceeding CG wrequirements likely exist, one sampling location will be selected at the highestgross activity level to confirm CG w exceedances and another set of samplinglocations will be identified to spatially bound the extent of contamination (i.e.,along the boundary of what is considered likely above CG w requirements) if thisis not obvious from the GWS data. Two samples will be collected from thelocation targeting high gross activity levels, one representative of a 0-15 cmdepth interval, and one representative of a 15 cm-1 m depth interval. One samplewill be collected from each location intended to laterally bound contamination,representative of a 0-15 cm depth interval. In addition, the location targeting highgross activity levels will have one down-hole gamma scan conducted at thecenter of the location with static measurements taken every 15 cm. Locations willbe selected so that each representative area does not overlap. The purpose is todocument CG w requirement exceedances and bound the lateral extent ofcontamination. [contingent]oIf GWS results indicate areas with surface soil contamination impacts but it isunclear whether CG w requirement exceedances are present, at most five samplinglocations will be selected that systematically cover the areas of interest. Onesample will be collected from each location representative of a 0-15 cm depthinterval. Locations will be selected to provide systematic coverage of the area ofinterest with a maximum sample density of one sample per 200 m 2 area. TheRev. 1 K-7

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