Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPon historical information; these footprints may change based on GWS data collection. Ifthe footprints change significantly, the number of samples described below may alsochange. The goal is to have one sampling location per 10 m stretch of streambed. Aminimum of three sampling locations per each stream stretch will be required regardlessof how long the finalized stretches are. 21 sampling locations currently are expected fromthe eastern portion of Erdman Brook that is of concern (approximately 10 m betweensamples). It is not expected that Franks Creek will require this sampling. Each samplinglocation will have two samples collected from the center line of the streambed, one froma depth of 0-15 cm and one from a depth of 15 cm – 1m. The purpose of this sampling isto determine the level and extent of sediment contamination above the sediment CG wrequirement. [required]• Historical direct gamma measurements did not identify significant contamination inFranks Creek sediments. Consequently only one sediment sample will be collected fromFranks Creek. This sample will be biased in its selection, based on GWS data. If GWSdata do not identify an obvious biased location, then the sample will be drawn from aportion of the streambed where deposition appears to have taken place. The sample willbe collected from a depth of 0-15 cm. The purpose of this sampling is to determinewhether contamination above sediment CG w requirements is potentially present in FranksCreek sediments. [required]• If the results from the Erdman Brook and/or Franks Creek sampling effort indicatesediment CG w exceedances that stretch into the area of the creek designated as unlikelyor very unlikely to have contamination above sediment CG w requirements, systematicsampling of those remaining stretches of the creeks where sediment CG requirementsapply will be conducted with a spacing of one sampling location per 30 m. The purposeof this sampling is to determine the level and extent of sediment contamination.[contingent]• If any 0-15 cm sediment sample result indicates contamination impacts abovebackground levels, a 15 cm-1 m sample will be collected from that location following theprotocols used for the original 0-15 cm sediment sample if one has not already beencollected. [contingent]Rev. 1 J-14

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• If a sediment sample indicates contamination impacts above background levels for the 15cm-1 m depth interval, an additional sample from a depth of 1-2 m will be collected andanalyzed from that location. This will be repeated, as necessary, until the vertical extentof contamination impact is bounded at that location. [contingent]J.9.5Drainage Feature SamplingFigure J.13 identifies those portions of Erdman Brook and Franks Creek where sediment CGrequirements apply. For the remaining portions of these streams within the WVDP premises aswell as other drainage features surface soil CG requirements apply. Some of these features lie inareas of WMA 12 South where contamination concerns are not significant (e.g. the far easternend of Franks Creek). There are other portions, however, where contamination impacts are likely.These include the western end of Erdman Brook and the ditches feeding Erdman Brook from thenorth and from WMA 7.• Samples representing a 0-15 cm depth interval will be collected from ditch sediments forthose ditches that have potential contamination concerns. Samples will be systematiclocated using a random start, separated by 30 m for those ditch portions that are morethan 30 m in length. [required]• If any 0-15 cm sample result indicates contamination impacts above background levels, a15 cm-1 m sample will be collected from that location following the protocols used forthe original 0-15 cm sample. [contingent]• If a sample indicates contamination impacts above background levels for the 15 cm-1 mdepth interval, an additional sample from a depth of 1-2 m will be collected and analyzedfrom that location. This will be repeated, as necessary, until the vertical extent ofcontamination impact is bounded at that location. [contingent]J.9.6Required Laboratory AnalysesAll samples will be submitted for analysis of all 18 ROI.Rev. 1 J-15

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPon historical information; these footprints may change based on GWS data collection. Ifthe footprints change significantly, the number of samples described below may alsochange. The goal is to have one sampling location per 10 m stretch of streambed. Aminimum of three sampling locations per each stream stretch will be required regardlessof how long the finalized stretches are. 21 sampling locations currently are expected fromthe eastern portion of Erdman Brook that is of concern (approximately 10 m betweensamples). It is not expected that Franks Creek will require this sampling. Each samplinglocation will have two samples collected from the center line of the streambed, one froma depth of 0-15 cm and one from a depth of 15 cm – 1m. The purpose of this sampling isto determine the level and extent of sediment contamination above the sediment CG wrequirement. [required]• Historical direct gamma measurements did not identify significant contamination inFranks Creek sediments. Consequently only one sediment sample will be collected fromFranks Creek. This sample will be biased in its selection, based on GWS data. If GWSdata do not identify an obvious biased location, then the sample will be drawn from aportion of the streambed where deposition appears to have taken place. The sample willbe collected from a depth of 0-15 cm. The purpose of this sampling is to determinewhether contamination above sediment CG w requirements is potentially present in FranksCreek sediments. [required]• If the results from the Erdman Brook and/or Franks Creek sampling effort indicatesediment CG w exceedances that stretch into the area of the creek designated as unlikelyor very unlikely to have contamination above sediment CG w requirements, systematicsampling of those remaining stretches of the creeks where sediment CG requirementsapply will be conducted with a spacing of one sampling location per 30 m. The purposeof this sampling is to determine the level and extent of sediment contamination.[contingent]• If any 0-15 cm sediment sample result indicates contamination impacts abovebackground levels, a 15 cm-1 m sample will be collected from that location following theprotocols used for the original 0-15 cm sediment sample if one has not already beencollected. [contingent]Rev. 1 J-14

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