Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPcontaminating subsurface soils between the boundary of WMA 2 and Erdman Brook along thefootprints of Lagoons 2 and 3.The data collection plans for WMA 12 South as described below, do not explicitly address thepossibility of subsurface soil contamination that is overlain by clean soils. The only areas wherethis is believed to be a plausible possibility are along the boundary with WMA 2, resulting fromactivities within WMA 2. Soil sampling to depth will also be taking place in WMA 2 along theboundary with WMA 12 South to address this possibility. If subsurface soil contamination thatextends into WMA 12 South is encountered as part of that effort, sampling will continue intoWMA 12 South until it is spatially bounded.Because both Erdman Brook and Franks Creek are primarily eroding features in this area of thesite, one would not expect to see sediment contamination extending more than one meter into thesubsurface. One would expect to find “bathtub ring” contamination along banks deposited byhigh flows that mobilize and transport contaminated soils and sediments.The limited historical groundwater data available for WMA 12 South show low level tritium andSr-90 impacts, predominately along the border with WMA 2, and to a lesser degree along theborder with WMA 7. Groundwater flow from the boundaries is likely inwards towards the centerof WMA 12 South, with discharges likely occurring to Erdman Brook and Franks Creek.There are no surface soil historical samples within WMA 12 South that exceed surface soil CG wrequirements. However, two surface soil samples (SS-08 and SS-04) come close, and may haveexceeded a Sum of Ratios (SOR) of unity if all 18 ROI had been analyzed. In addition, some ofthe most elevated areas identified by direct exposure readings were not sampled. Based on theexisting data, Figure J.12 indicates where contamination is expected to possibly exist above Phase1 CG w standards in soils, where measurable impacts are not likely to be above CG w standards,and where contamination is very unlikely to be above CG w standards.There is historical evidence of sediments exceeding sediment CG w requirements. Figure J.13shows the portions of Erdman Brook and Franks Creek where sediment CG requirements applyand the likelihood that contamination might be present above sediment CG w requirements. Basedon the very limited data available, Cs-137 appears to be the primary concern in WMA 12 Southsoils and sediments, followed by Sr-90.Rev. 1 J-8

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPJ.8 WMA 12 South-Specific Characterization Goals• Evaluate appropriateness of the current list of ROI• Verify absence of additional ROI• Determine extent of surface contamination• Determine level and extent of sediment contamination• Identify soil waste stream characteristics• Obtain data to support Phase 2 planning• Determine contamination status of various gullies and seeps that feed Erdman Brook andFranks Creek.J.9 CSAP Pre-Remediation Data Collection and Associated Decision-MakingCSAP pre-remediation data collection will consist of a number of components described in moredetail below.J.9.1Gamma Walkover Survey DataThe purpose of performing a gamma walkover survey of the WMA 12 area is to identify the leveland extent of surface contamination. This includes both general trends in average activityconcentrations pertinent to the CG w requirement, as well as the identification of isolated, moreelevatedanomalies that might be indicative of discrete releases and/or CG emc concerns.A complete (100%) logged gamma walkover survey (GWS) will be conducted for accessibleareas within WMA 12 South including exposed soils/sediments associated with Erdman Brookand Franks Creek. Examples of areas that would not be accessible are areas where standing wateris present in wetlands or ponds. Based on the GWS results, surface soil and sediment areas withinWMA 12 South will be divided into four categories: (1) surface soils where GWS data indicatecontamination above CG w requirements; (2) surface soils where GWS data indicatecontamination, but it is not clear if contamination exceeds surface soil CG w requirement; (3)surface soils where GWS indicate impacts, but those impacts are not expected to exceed surfacesoil CG w standards; and (4) surface soils where there is no indication of impacts abovebackground conditions. The purpose of this data collection is to provide insights into the spatialRev. 1 J-9

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPcontaminating subsurface soils between the boundary of WMA 2 and Erdman Brook along thefootprints of Lagoons 2 and 3.The data collection plans for WMA 12 South as described below, do not explicitly address thepossibility of subsurface soil contamination that is overlain by clean soils. The only areas wherethis is believed to be a plausible possibility are along the boundary with WMA 2, resulting fromactivities within WMA 2. Soil sampling to depth will also be taking place in WMA 2 along theboundary with WMA 12 South to address this possibility. If subsurface soil contamination thatextends into WMA 12 South is encountered as part of that effort, sampling will continue intoWMA 12 South until it is spatially bounded.Because both Erdman Brook and Franks Creek are primarily eroding features in this area of thesite, one would not expect to see sediment contamination extending more than one meter into thesubsurface. One would expect to find “bathtub ring” contamination along banks deposited byhigh flows that mobilize and transport contaminated soils and sediments.The limited historical groundwater data available for WMA 12 South show low level tritium andSr-90 impacts, predominately along the border with WMA 2, and to a lesser degree along theborder with WMA 7. Groundwater flow from the boundaries is likely inwards towards the centerof WMA 12 South, with discharges likely occurring to Erdman Brook and Franks Creek.There are no surface soil historical samples within WMA 12 South that exceed surface soil CG wrequirements. However, two surface soil samples (SS-08 and SS-04) come close, and may haveexceeded a Sum of Ratios (SOR) of unity if all 18 ROI had been analyzed. In addition, some ofthe most elevated areas identified by direct exposure readings were not sampled. Based on theexisting data, Figure J.12 indicates where contamination is expected to possibly exist above Phase1 CG w standards in soils, where measurable impacts are not likely to be above CG w standards,and where contamination is very unlikely to be above CG w standards.There is historical evidence of sediments exceeding sediment CG w requirements. Figure J.13shows the portions of Erdman Brook and Franks Creek where sediment CG requirements applyand the likelihood that contamination might be present above sediment CG w requirements. Basedon the very limited data available, Cs-137 appears to be the primary concern in WMA 12 Southsoils and sediments, followed by Sr-90.Rev. 1 J-8

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