Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThe limited Cs-137 data that are available are, in general, consistent with the historicaldirect reading data for this area. The same spatial pattern observed in direct readings forErdman Brook is replicated in sediment samples, with the highest Cs-137 activityconcentrations occurring at the northern fence line and coincident with the highest directreadings. Erdman Brook sediment Cs-137 activity concentrations drop as one moves upthe stream channel, mirroring the direct exposure readings.• A hot spot was identified in 1990 about 75 feet below the confluence of Erdman Brookand Franks Creek. As described in the footnote on page 4-49 of the Phase 1 DP, in 1990,a sample from a hot spot in Erdman Brook that measured 3000 μR/h during the groundlevelsurvey showed 0.01 μCi/g (10,000 pCi/g) Cs-137. This was a screening analysisthat may have been performed on a wet sample; it was not validated. This area oflocalized contamination was described as about six inches by six inches located onemeter from the edge of the water. Limited investigation indicated that the contaminationextended more than seven inches below the streambed surface (WVDP-EIS-007,Appendix C).• There are sixteen historical groundwater sampling locations within WMA 12 South(Figure J.11) that have historical sample results within ELIMS. These include eight alongthe WMA 2 border on the north side of WMA 12 South, and another six along the WMA7/WMA 8 border on the south side of WMA 12 South. The detection limits for Sr-90 andtritium varied widely among ELIMS samples. 10 pCi/L and 500 pCi/L were selected asthresholds for Sr-90 and tritium, respectively, because based on ELIMS data resultsabove these activity concentrations were consistently above method detection limits andso indicative of contamination impacts rather than simply measurement error.All of the shallow groundwater sampling locations along the WMA 2 boundary showtritium impacts, and most show low levels of Sr-90 as well (although not all wereanalyzed for Sr-90). In general, Sr-90 activity concentrations increase as one moves eastalong the border. Likely sources of this contamination are the lagoons and the NorthPlateau Groundwater Plume. Along the southern boundary, one well, WNNDADR, hadelevated Sr-90 impacts. Shallow groundwater movement within WMA 12 South is likelycontrolled by surface topography and Franks Creek and Erdman Brook. In general oneRev. 1 J-6

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPwould expect groundwater to move from the northern and southern boundaries towardsthe center of the WMA, and from west to east.J.6 Planned Phase 1 DP ActivitiesThere are no planned Phase 1 decommissioning activities for WMA 12 South.J.7 Conceptual Site ModelBased on the available information, the conceptual site model (CSM) for WMA 12 South is asfollows. No environmental releases of contamination within WMA 12 South are believed to haveoccurred. However, environmental media within WMA 12 South have been affected to somedegree by releases elsewhere at the WVDP site. This has resulted in surface soil contaminationfor at least portions of WMA 12 South (as evidenced by historical direct gamma surveys andlimited soil samples), potential subsurface contamination along the northeastern boundary ofWMA 12 South along WMA 2, and also in more significant streambed sediment contaminationresulting in releases of contaminated water from the Lagoon 3 discharge weir. In the case of thelatter, Erdman Brook has the bulk of these impacts. The impacts increase as one movesdownstream to the WVDP fence line, likely due to historical releases from WMA 2.Contamination in stream sediments is significant enough that eastern portions of Erdman Brookhave been designated radiological control areas by WVDP (see Figure J.1)In addition, historical activities within WMA 7 may have led to the release of contaminated soilsinto drainage features that crossed into WMA 12 South. The radiological control area defined forWMA 7 does currently extend into WMA 12 South (see Figure J.1).Because there have not been significant historical soil disturbance activities for the majority ofWMA 12 South, subsurface soil contamination is not expected to be present in most of the area.The exceptions to this is an area immediately adjacent to WMA 2 that appears to have been apush-out area active in 1960s, and that exhibited elevated gamma readings in 1990-1991. Anysoil contamination present is expected to be limited to surface soils (i.e., top one meter of soils)with the possible exception of soils immediately adjacent to WMA 2 along the historical wastestorage lagoons. Also, within WMA 2, Lagoons 2 and 3 are unlined. Contaminated groundwatermay have migrated through the subsurface with discharge via seeps to Erdman Brook, potentiallyRev. 1 J-7

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThe limited Cs-137 data that are available are, in general, consistent with the historicaldirect reading data for this area. The same spatial pattern observed in direct readings forErdman Brook is replicated in sediment samples, with the highest Cs-137 activityconcentrations occurring at the northern fence line and coincident with the highest directreadings. Erdman Brook sediment Cs-137 activity concentrations drop as one moves upthe stream channel, mirroring the direct exposure readings.• A hot spot was identified in 1990 about 75 feet below the confluence of Erdman Brookand Franks Creek. As described in the footnote on page 4-49 of the Phase 1 DP, in 1990,a sample from a hot spot in Erdman Brook that measured 3000 μR/h during the groundlevelsurvey showed 0.01 μCi/g (10,000 pCi/g) Cs-137. This was a screening analysisthat may have been performed on a wet sample; it was not validated. This area oflocalized contamination was described as about six inches by six inches located onemeter from the edge of the water. Limited investigation indicated that the contaminationextended more than seven inches below the streambed surface (WVDP-EIS-007,Appendix C).• There are sixteen historical groundwater sampling locations within WMA 12 South(Figure J.11) that have historical sample results within ELIMS. These include eight alongthe WMA 2 border on the north side of WMA 12 South, and another six along the WMA7/WMA 8 border on the south side of WMA 12 South. The detection limits for Sr-90 andtritium varied widely among ELIMS samples. 10 pCi/L and 500 pCi/L were selected asthresholds for Sr-90 and tritium, respectively, because based on ELIMS data resultsabove these activity concentrations were consistently above method detection limits andso indicative of contamination impacts rather than simply measurement error.All of the shallow groundwater sampling locations along the WMA 2 boundary showtritium impacts, and most show low levels of Sr-90 as well (although not all wereanalyzed for Sr-90). In general, Sr-90 activity concentrations increase as one moves eastalong the border. Likely sources of this contamination are the lagoons and the NorthPlateau Groundwater Plume. Along the southern boundary, one well, WNNDADR, hadelevated Sr-90 impacts. Shallow groundwater movement within WMA 12 South is likelycontrolled by surface topography and Franks Creek and Erdman Brook. In general oneRev. 1 J-6

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