Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Lagoon 3 (in WMA 2) periodically has discharged effluent to Erdman Brook through theLagoon 3 permitted outfall. Of particular historical note were the relatively large releases thattook place during NFS operations, such as in 1969 when 108 curies of gross beta activitywere released (WVDP-EIS-006). Small amounts of permitted activity continue to bereleased into Erdman Brook through batch releases from Lagoon 3.J.4.4Sewage Treatment System ContaminationPotentially Affected Media:Potentially Affected WMAs:subsurface soil, groundwater, sediment1, 6, 12 (southern portion) (Erdman Brook)Historically, the Process Building (in WMA 1) was connected to the Old Sewage Treatment Plant(in WMA 6) via an underground wastewater line. A 1970 to 1971 investigation of unexpectedtritium and gross beta contamination in Erdman Brook led to the discovery of contamination inthe sanitary sewer system. It was discovered that the underground wastewater line had failed nearthe southwest side of the Process Building. The resultant leak allowed contaminated groundwaterin the area to enter the Old Sewage Treatment Plant. An estimated 0.5 Ci gross beta and 0.05 Ciof Sr-90 was released. The Old Sewage Treatment Plant and its outfall drainage werecontaminated to 1 mR/h, with effluent concentrations subsiding after the leak was repaired.Affected outfalls were located in WMA 6 with eventual discharge to Erdman Brook (in WMA 12South) (DOE 2009 Table 2-17; DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).In addition, during the 1960s and 1970s, the Old Sewage Treatment Plant experienced severalcontamination events, some of which were expressed as radioactivity increases in the treatedeffluent. The Old Sewage Treatment Plant outfall drainage extends approximately 650 feet southof a culvert near the Old Warehouse (also in WMA 6), and flows into the first culvert under therailroad tracks on the South Plateau (in WMA 6), and then to Erdman Brook (in WMA 6 andWMA 12 South). Actions were taken to find and repair a suspected sewage line leak, but whenthe line near the south side of the Process Building was excavated, radiation levels from soilcontamination hampered the project.J.5 Existing DataExisting data sets for this area include:Rev. 1 J-4

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• In 1982 static direct exposure readings were collected across the WVDP premises.Within WMA 12 South these focused on Erdman Brook and Franks Creek(WVNSCO 1982). Figure J.5 shows these results color-coded by the exposure readingsencountered. These data show very distinct spatial trends associated with gross activityimpacts in surface soils/sediments, ranging from near background or at backgroundconditions at the eastern end of Franks Creek to significantly elevated activity levels inErdman Brook alongside and downstream of WMA 2 and its lagoons.• In 1990 and 1991 a second static direct exposure measurement program was conductedacross the WVDP premises (WVNSCO 1992). In the case of WMA 12 South, this effortprovided systematic coverage of its area on a 10-m grid. Unlike the 1982 program, thisdata collection did not target the streambeds specifically and it used differentinstrumentation/protocols than the 1982 study, so the results are not quantitativelycomparable. However, the 1990-1991 data collection effort did provide insights intosurface soil contamination across the WMA 12 South area (Figure J.6). Surface soilimpacts are evident in soils along the western portion of WMA 12 South. These impactsappear to fade to background conditions towards the eastern side of WMA 12 South.• There have been several soil/sediment sampling activities in WMA 12 South resulting indatasets contained in ELIMS. Environmental monitoring via soil/sediment sampling hastaken place since 1991 to the present at location SNSP0006. In 1993, sediment samplesfrom Erdman Brook and Franks Creek were collected (ST series locations in Figure J.7),as well as a handful of surface soil samples along the perimeter of WMA 12 South (SSseries locations in Figure J.7). Table J.1 identifies the number of samples analyzed foreach of the 18 primary radionuclides of interest (ROI). As is clear from Table J.1, themajority of sample results pertain to Cs-137 and Sr-90, with very little coverage for someof the other ROI. Figure J.8 shows the locations of subsurface soil cores in the vicinity ofWMA 12 South; as is clear from this figure, very little subsurface data exists that ispertinent to WMA 12 South. The spatial distribution of surface Cs-137 as identified byhistorical samples is shown in Figure J.9. Figure J.10 shows the Sr-90 results for thesesame samples.Rev. 1 J-5

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Lagoon 3 (in WMA 2) periodically has discharged effluent to Erdman Brook through theLagoon 3 permitted outfall. Of particular historical note were the relatively large releases thattook place during NFS operations, such as in 1969 when 108 curies of gross beta activitywere released (WVDP-EIS-006). Small amounts of permitted activity continue to bereleased into Erdman Brook through batch releases from Lagoon 3.J.4.4Sewage Treatment System ContaminationPotentially Affected Media:Potentially Affected WMAs:subsurface soil, groundwater, sediment1, 6, 12 (southern portion) (Erdman Brook)Historically, the Process Building (in WMA 1) was connected to the Old Sewage Treatment Plant(in WMA 6) via an underground wastewater line. A 1970 to 1971 investigation of unexpectedtritium and gross beta contamination in Erdman Brook led to the discovery of contamination inthe sanitary sewer system. It was discovered that the underground wastewater line had failed nearthe southwest side of the Process Building. The resultant leak allowed contaminated groundwaterin the area to enter the Old Sewage Treatment Plant. An estimated 0.5 Ci gross beta and 0.05 Ciof Sr-90 was released. The Old Sewage Treatment Plant and its outfall drainage werecontaminated to 1 mR/h, with effluent concentrations subsiding after the leak was repaired.Affected outfalls were located in WMA 6 with eventual discharge to Erdman Brook (in WMA 12South) (DOE 2009 Table 2-17; DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).In addition, during the 1960s and 1970s, the Old Sewage Treatment Plant experienced severalcontamination events, some of which were expressed as radioactivity increases in the treatedeffluent. The Old Sewage Treatment Plant outfall drainage extends approximately 650 feet southof a culvert near the Old Warehouse (also in WMA 6), and flows into the first culvert under therailroad tracks on the South Plateau (in WMA 6), and then to Erdman Brook (in WMA 6 andWMA 12 South). Actions were taken to find and repair a suspected sewage line leak, but whenthe line near the south side of the Process Building was excavated, radiation levels from soilcontamination hampered the project.J.5 Existing DataExisting data sets for this area include:Rev. 1 J-4

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