Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• If a sample indicates contamination impacts above background levels for the 15 cm-1 mdepth interval, an additional sample from a depth of 1-2 m will be collected and analyzedfrom that location. This will be repeated, as necessary, until the vertical extent ofcontamination impact is bounded at that location. [contingent]• If the eastern-most ditch sampling point indicates contamination above the surface soilCG w requirement, systematic sampling will continue eastward following the ditch with a30 m spacing until results are below the surface soil CG w .I.9.6Buried Infrastructure Soil SamplingSoils associated with buried infrastructure within WMA 10 will be sampled to determine theircontamination status.• For a minimum of five selected locations along the main storm sewer line within WMA10, excavation will take place to expose the line. These locations will be selected tomaximize the possibility that contamination will be encountered (e.g., locations wherehistorical or current GWS data indicate surface contamination exists). During excavation,exposed soils will be monitored by scans for evidence of elevated gross activity. Thepurpose of this sampling is to evaluate the presence of contamination associated withburied infrastructure. [required]oIf elevated readings are encountered below a depth of 1 m, soils exhibiting thehighest levels of gross activity will be sampled and analyzed.oIf elevated readings are not encountered below a depth of 1 m, a samplerepresentative of soils deeper than 1 m but above the storm sewer line will beobtained.• If contamination above background conditions is encountered at any selected location,trenching will continue to depth until background conditions are observed. An additionalsample will be collected from the base of the trench to verify background conditions. Thepurpose is to vertically bound observed contamination. [contingent]Rev. 1 I-14

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• For any additional buried infrastructure of potential concern that is identified, a minimumof at least one soil sample from at least one biased location will collected following theprotocols described for the main storm sewer line for each buried infrastructure lineidentified that is of potential concern. Infrastructure of potential concern is infrastructurethat either carried waste or was installed after 1968. Examples of the type of additionalburied infrastructure that might be encountered are water supply lines, gas lines, electricallines, telecommunication lines, etc. The purpose of this sampling is to evaluate thepresence of contamination associated with buried infrastructure. [contingent]• If buried infrastructure soil sampling identifies contamination impacts greater thanbackground, biased sampling will continue following the line away from the WMA 1, 3,and 5, until at least two consecutive locations yield soil samples below surface soil CG wrequirements. Location spacing will be based on engineering judgment, including thegeometry of the line, the distance from WMA 1, 3, and 5, the level of contaminationencountered, and surface evidence of contamination. The purpose of this sampling is tobound the extent of contamination associated with buried infrastructure, as necessary.[contingent]I.9.7Additional ContingenciesSampling and/or GWS data may indicate that contamination exists or extends beneath surfacescurrently covered by existing structures, concrete, asphalt, or gravel. In this case, “surface soil”will be defined as soil immediately beneath the cover. If sampling or GWS data indicate thatcontamination may exist beneath existing structures (e.g., the Administration Building, SecurityGatehouse, or hardstand areas), then sampling locations will be offset along thefoundation/hardstand edge to determine contamination extent. The purpose of the offset is toallow safe acquisition of data. Data collection through the floors of existing buildings or throughhardstands in WMA 10 will not be required as part of this effort.WMA 10 abuts up to several other areas that have the potential for subsurface soil contaminationconcern at depths greater than one meter (e.g., WMA 1). Sampling efforts associated with thoseareas may result in soil core collection that extends into WMA 10 as necessary.Rev. 1 I-15

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• If a sample indicates contamination impacts above background levels for the 15 cm-1 mdepth interval, an additional sample from a depth of 1-2 m will be collected and analyzedfrom that location. This will be repeated, as necessary, until the vertical extent ofcontamination impact is bounded at that location. [contingent]• If the eastern-most ditch sampling point indicates contamination above the surface soilCG w requirement, systematic sampling will continue eastward following the ditch with a30 m spacing until results are below the surface soil CG w .I.9.6Buried Infrastructure Soil SamplingSoils associated with buried infrastructure within WMA 10 will be sampled to determine theircontamination status.• For a minimum of five selected locations along the main storm sewer line within WMA10, excavation will take place to expose the line. These locations will be selected tomaximize the possibility that contamination will be encountered (e.g., locations wherehistorical or current GWS data indicate surface contamination exists). During excavation,exposed soils will be monitored by scans for evidence of elevated gross activity. Thepurpose of this sampling is to evaluate the presence of contamination associated withburied infrastructure. [required]oIf elevated readings are encountered below a depth of 1 m, soils exhibiting thehighest levels of gross activity will be sampled and analyzed.oIf elevated readings are not encountered below a depth of 1 m, a samplerepresentative of soils deeper than 1 m but above the storm sewer line will beobtained.• If contamination above background conditions is encountered at any selected location,trenching will continue to depth until background conditions are observed. An additionalsample will be collected from the base of the trench to verify background conditions. Thepurpose is to vertically bound observed contamination. [contingent]Rev. 1 I-14

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