Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPG.4.3 Drainage Area ReleasesPotentially Affected Media: surface soil, subsurface soil, sediment, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 7, 8A drainage area located between the SDA and the NDA is believed to contain contaminated soil.Presumably, this swale has been contaminated from spills during waste burial operations by NFS,and also during leachate control activities after SDA closure.During the NDA tank removal and subsurface control period in the 1980s and 1990s, the swalearea was re-contoured to prevent erosion. An unknown amount of low-level radioactivecontamination remains in that area, evidenced by continuing elevated radioactive contaminantindicators in surface water immediately downstream. The swale area is approximately 30 feetwide and runs approximately 300 feet north, along the drainage from the NDA Hardstand. Basedupon observations during radiation surveys in 1982, the contamination appeared to havepermeated porous fill in the swale channel. Gamma readings in that area were five to seven timesbackground, not inconsistent with observed downstream gross beta contamination. Surface soilcontamination is still occasionally noted in that area.G.5 Existing DataExisting data sets for this area include:• Extensive historical record searches and modeling have been used to determine theactivity contents of the NDA (WVNSCO 1982).• In 1982 static direct exposure readings were collected across the WVDP premises(WVNSCO 1992). Only a small portion of WMA 7 was covered by these measurementson a 10-m grid. Figure G.12 shows these results color-coded by the exposure readingsencountered, with the data overlain on a 1977 aerial photograph. The data indicateelevated surface contamination associated with the two WMA 7 drainage features.Rev. 1 G-8

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• In 1990 and 1991 a second static direct exposure measurement program was conductedacross the WVDP premises (WVNSCO 1992). In the case of WMA 7, this effortprovided systematic coverage of its entire area on a 10-m grid. This data collection useddifferent instrumentation and protocols than the 1982 study, so the results are notquantitatively comparable. Figure G.13 shows these results overlain on a 1995 aerialphotograph.• There are very little soil sampling data for WMA 7 available within ELIMS. In 1993 twosurface samples were collected and two soil cores were obtained. Figure G.14 shows theCs-137 and Sr-90 results for surface samples from these locations. The locations in thenortheastern corner showed Cs-137 and Sr-90 impacts. None of the samples were inlocations where one would expect to see the highest levels of impacts, based on thehistorical gamma measurements. Table G.1 identifies the number of locations analyzedfor each of the 18 primary radionuclides of interest.• There is a fair amount of historical groundwater sampling data available for WMA 7within ELIMS. Figure G.15 shows groundwater sampling locations color-coded byhistorical Sr-90 results. Figure G.16 shows the same for tritium results. In both cases thevarious wells displayed are screened in different geological units. The detection limits forSr-90 and tritium varied widely among ELIMS samples. 10 pCi/L and 500 pCi/L wereselected as thresholds for Sr-90 and tritium, respectively, because based on ELIMS dataresults above these activity concentrations were consistently above method detectionlimits and so indicative of contamination impacts rather than simply measurement error.As is evident from these two figures, there have been groundwater impacts in the vicinityof WMA 7, particularly to the north and northwest. Contaminated groundwater in thisarea is shallow and likely discharges via wetlands, ditches, and seeps to Erdman Brook,which runs along the north edge of WMA 7 and is fed by two drainage featuresoriginating within WMA 7.G.6 Planned Phase 1 DP ActivitiesThe remaining gravel pad associated with the NDA Hardstand will be removed along with the toptwo feet of soil (DOE 2009 Sections 3.1 and 7.8).Rev. 1 G-9

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• In 1990 and 1991 a second static direct exposure measurement program was conductedacross the WVDP premises (WVNSCO 1992). In the case of WMA 7, this effortprovided systematic coverage of its entire area on a 10-m grid. This data collection useddifferent instrumentation and protocols than the 1982 study, so the results are notquantitatively comparable. Figure G.13 shows these results overlain on a 1995 aerialphotograph.• There are very little soil sampling data for WMA 7 available within ELIMS. In 1993 twosurface samples were collected and two soil cores were obtained. Figure G.14 shows theCs-137 and Sr-90 results for surface samples from these locations. The locations in thenortheastern corner showed Cs-137 and Sr-90 impacts. None of the samples were inlocations where one would expect to see the highest levels of impacts, based on thehistorical gamma measurements. Table G.1 identifies the number of locations analyzedfor each of the 18 primary radionuclides of interest.• There is a fair amount of historical groundwater sampling data available for WMA 7within ELIMS. Figure G.15 shows groundwater sampling locations color-coded byhistorical Sr-90 results. Figure G.16 shows the same for tritium results. In both cases thevarious wells displayed are screened in different geological units. The detection limits forSr-90 and tritium varied widely among ELIMS samples. 10 pCi/L and 500 pCi/L wereselected as thresholds for Sr-90 and tritium, respectively, because based on ELIMS dataresults above these activity concentrations were consistently above method detectionlimits and so indicative of contamination impacts rather than simply measurement error.As is evident from these two figures, there have been groundwater impacts in the vicinityof WMA 7, particularly to the north and northwest. Contaminated groundwater in thisarea is shallow and likely discharges via wetlands, ditches, and seeps to Erdman Brook,which runs along the north edge of WMA 7 and is fed by two drainage featuresoriginating within WMA 7.G.6 Planned Phase 1 DP ActivitiesThe remaining gravel pad associated with the NDA Hardstand will be removed along with the toptwo feet of soil (DOE 2009 Sections 3.1 and 7.8).Rev. 1 G-9

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