Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPinfrastructure inventory activities. Each record in the inventory will have a unique identifierlinked to electronic map features.As part of buried infrastructure inventory activities, the CSAP contractor will review, organize,integrate, and complete (as necessary) buried infrastructure records maintained by the current sitecontractor. The CSAP contractor will work closely with the current site contractor to gain accessto the necessary drawings (hardcopy and electronic) and the facility itself. At the conclusion ofthis activity, the CSAP contractor will have developed a buried infrastructure inventory andcorresponding maps to the extent currently available information allows, and will havedetermined the data gaps in the inventory regarding the presence, location, and depth of buriedinfrastructure.The CSAP contractor will identify additional primary data collection activities to resolve the datagaps in the inventory, as deemed practicable. These activities may include (but are not limited to)traces of buried lines and non-intrusive geophysical surveys, as appropriate. All field workinvolving the determination of buried infrastructure footprints will include civil survey controlconsistent with accepted industry standards for this type of work.DOE or its contractors will maintain the buried infrastructure inventory over the life span ofPhase 1 and any Phase 2 activities, updating the inventory as new infrastructure is installed,existing infrastructure is removed (by maintenance or remediation activities), or new data becomeavailable about the existence, location, and/or contamination status of buried infrastructure. Anexample of the latter would occur as CSAP intrusive data collection and Phase 1 remediationactivities proceed and buried infrastructure is encountered and documented.Rev. 1 20

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP6.0 PRE-REMEDIATION DATA COLLECTIONPhase 1 pre-remediation data collection within each of the WMAs will address the CSAPobjectives presented in Section 2.1. Not all of those objectives are pertinent to all WMAs. Inaddition, certain WMAs have very specific characterization data requirements. For example,geotechnical information is required for soils within WMA 1 and WMA 2 to support the designof the barrier walls required for those excavations.Collection of historical environmental data has been conducted to characterize the nature andextent of contamination impacts within the WVDP premises. In addition, routine environmentalcompliance monitoring data are collected on a regular basis. The Phase 1 DP provides a generaldescription of historical radiological data collection activities in Section 4.2. The CSAPappendices describe historical data results pertinent to the radiological contamination status oftheir specific WMAs. Pre-remediation data collection as described in general by the followingsection and in more detail in the appendices is intended to fill data gaps in historical data.The following subsections describe the overall sampling strategies that will be used to address thepre-remediation CSAP objectives contained in Section 2.1. WMA-specific details about theimplementation of these strategies and the resulting pre-remediation data collection requirementscan be found in the CSAP appendices.6.1 Evaluate Appropriateness of the Current List of Radionuclides of InterestThe Phase 1 DP identified 18 ROIs (Table 1) based on a review of historical activities on theWVDP premises. To date, there are no soil samples within the WVDP Electronic LaboratoryInformation Management System (ELIMS) database that have results for all 18 ROI.A total of 13 subsurface soil samples (all collected in 1998) from three locations were analyzedfor all ROIs except the uranium isotopes. Figure 2 shows the locations of these samples; all of thesamples were collected from the area potentially affected by the 1968 subsurface contaminationrelease beneath the Process Building, immediately down-gradient from the release point. Table 2provides the radionuclide results of these samples. Sr-90 was observed in all samples and rangedup to 8,000 pCi/g. Eleven of the 13 samples exceeded the subsurface CG w for Sr-90. In contrast,Rev. 1 21

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPinfrastructure inventory activities. Each record in the inventory will have a unique identifierlinked to electronic map features.As part of buried infrastructure inventory activities, the CSAP contractor will review, organize,integrate, and complete (as necessary) buried infrastructure records maintained by the current sitecontractor. The CSAP contractor will work closely with the current site contractor to gain accessto the necessary drawings (hardcopy and electronic) and the facility itself. At the conclusion ofthis activity, the CSAP contractor will have developed a buried infrastructure inventory andcorresponding maps to the extent currently available information allows, and will havedetermined the data gaps in the inventory regarding the presence, location, and depth of buriedinfrastructure.The CSAP contractor will identify additional primary data collection activities to resolve the datagaps in the inventory, as deemed practicable. These activities may include (but are not limited to)traces of buried lines and non-intrusive geophysical surveys, as appropriate. All field workinvolving the determination of buried infrastructure footprints will include civil survey controlconsistent with accepted industry standards for this type of work.DOE or its contractors will maintain the buried infrastructure inventory over the life span ofPhase 1 and any Phase 2 activities, updating the inventory as new infrastructure is installed,existing infrastructure is removed (by maintenance or remediation activities), or new data becomeavailable about the existence, location, and/or contamination status of buried infrastructure. Anexample of the latter would occur as CSAP intrusive data collection and Phase 1 remediationactivities proceed and buried infrastructure is encountered and documented.Rev. 1 20

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