Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


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WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Systematic sampling will be selected from the footprint of drainage features from the0-15 cm interval. If any soil samples exceed the CG requirement, then sampling willcontinue to depth to vertically bound contamination.• If the GWS identifies a surface soil anomaly that potentially exceeds the CG emc , thatlocation will be sampled and analyzed.• Subsurface sampling will be conducted within the footprints of the DemineralizationSludge Ponds. If contamination is encountered above background conditions, the depth ofthese bores will be extended until there is no evidence of contamination abovebackground conditions.• Subsurface sampling will be conducted around the current Sewage Treatment Plant andextend vertically into the Lavery Till. If contamination is encountered above backgroundconditions, additional cores will be collected to bound the lateral extent of contamination.• Trenching will be conducted in the footprint of the old sewage discharge channel. Ifcontamination is encountered, trenching will continue down the length of the originalditch until either the ditch terminates or background conditions are observed.• The WMA 6 surface soil area classification as contained in Figure F.15 will be adjustedbased on GWS results. These adjustments may affect systematic sample numberrequirements and will affect the placement of the initial round of systematic surface soilsample locations.• Depending on the outcome of the first round of systematic surface soil sampling,additional systematic soil sample locations will be selected to further laterally boundcontamination extent.• If any 15 cm-1 m soil interval encounters contamination above CG requirements,additional deeper 1 m interval soil samples will be required for that location to determinevertical extent of contamination. If additional vertical samples are required, verticalsampling will continue until background conditions are observed.Rev. 1 F-21

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