Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPand analyzed from that location. This process will continue until the vertical extent ofcontamination above background is bounded. One down-hole gamma scan will beconducted from each soil location requiring deeper investigation with a static readingtaken every 15 cm vertically. The purpose of these samples is to define the vertical extentof contamination. [contingent]F.9.5Drainage Feature SamplingWMA 6 contains three distinct drainage features, the current WMA 6 drainage ditch, the reach ofErdman Brook that passes through WMA 6, and a drainage ditch the feeds Erdman Brook fromthe south (Figure F.1). For drainage features within WMA 6, the surface soil CG w requirementsapply. Surface drainage feature sampling will be conducted to determine ditch sedimentcontamination status relative to surface soil CG w requirements. Surface drainage features will besampled as follows:• Samples representing a 0-15 cm depth interval will be collected from ditch sediments. InWMA 6, the three drainage features have a combined length of approximately 360 m.Samples will be systematic located using a random start, separated by 30 m. [required]• If any 0-15 cm sample result indicates contamination impacts above background levelsand a 15 cm-1 m sample was not also collected, a 15 cm-1 m sample will be collectedfrom that location following the protocols used for the original 0-15 cm sample.[contingent]• If a sample indicates contamination impacts above background levels for the 15cm-1 mdepth interval, an additional sample from a depth of 1-2 m will be collected and analyzedfrom that location. This will be repeated, as necessary, until the vertical extent ofcontamination impact is bounded at that location. [contingent]F.9.6Buried Infrastructure Soil SamplingSoils associated with buried infrastructure within WMA 6 will be sampled to determine theircontamination status.Rev. 1 F-18

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Three locations along each piece of buried infrastructure within WMA 6 will be trenched.These locations will be selected to maximize the possibility that contamination will beencountered (e.g., locations where historical or current GWS data indicate surfacecontamination exists). During excavation, exposed soils will be monitored by scans forevidence of elevated gross activity. The purpose of this sampling is to evaluate thepresence of contamination associated with buried infrastructure. [required]oIf elevated readings are encountered below a depth of 1 m, soils exhibiting thehighest levels of gross activity will be sampled and analyzed.oIf elevated readings are not encountered below a depth of 1 m, a samplerepresentative of soils deeper than 1 m will be collected. In the case ofinfrastructure that did not carry waste or wastewater, the sample will be fromsoils immediately above the line. In the case of infrastructure that did carry wasteor wastewater, the sample will be from soils immediately beneath the line.• If contamination above background conditions is encountered at any selected location,trenching will continue to depth until background conditions are observed. An additionalsample will be collected from the base of the trench to verify background conditions. Thepurpose is to vertically bound observed contamination. [contingent]• If buried infrastructure soil sampling identifies contamination impacts greater thanbackground, biased sampling will continue following the line until at least twoconsecutive locations yield soil samples below surface soil CG w requirements. Locationspacing will be based on engineering judgment, including the geometry of the line, thelevel of contamination encountered, and surface evidence of contamination. The purposeof this sampling is to bound the extent of contamination associated with buriedinfrastructure, as necessary. [contingent]F.9.7Additional ContingenciesSampling and/or GWS data may indicate that contamination exists or extends beneath surfacescurrently covered by existing structures, concrete, asphalt, or gravel. In this case, “surface soil”will be defined as soil immediately beneath the cover. If sampling or GWS data indicate thatRev. 1 F-19

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Three locations along each piece of buried infrastructure within WMA 6 will be trenched.These locations will be selected to maximize the possibility that contamination will beencountered (e.g., locations where historical or current GWS data indicate surfacecontamination exists). During excavation, exposed soils will be monitored by scans forevidence of elevated gross activity. The purpose of this sampling is to evaluate thepresence of contamination associated with buried infrastructure. [required]oIf elevated readings are encountered below a depth of 1 m, soils exhibiting thehighest levels of gross activity will be sampled and analyzed.oIf elevated readings are not encountered below a depth of 1 m, a samplerepresentative of soils deeper than 1 m will be collected. In the case ofinfrastructure that did not carry waste or wastewater, the sample will be fromsoils immediately above the line. In the case of infrastructure that did carry wasteor wastewater, the sample will be from soils immediately beneath the line.• If contamination above background conditions is encountered at any selected location,trenching will continue to depth until background conditions are observed. An additionalsample will be collected from the base of the trench to verify background conditions. Thepurpose is to vertically bound observed contamination. [contingent]• If buried infrastructure soil sampling identifies contamination impacts greater thanbackground, biased sampling will continue following the line until at least twoconsecutive locations yield soil samples below surface soil CG w requirements. Locationspacing will be based on engineering judgment, including the geometry of the line, thelevel of contamination encountered, and surface evidence of contamination. The purposeof this sampling is to bound the extent of contamination associated with buriedinfrastructure, as necessary. [contingent]F.9.7Additional ContingenciesSampling and/or GWS data may indicate that contamination exists or extends beneath surfacescurrently covered by existing structures, concrete, asphalt, or gravel. In this case, “surface soil”will be defined as soil immediately beneath the cover. If sampling or GWS data indicate thatRev. 1 F-19

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