Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThis page intentionally left blank.Rev. 1 18

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP5.0 BURIED INFRASTRUCTURE INVENTORYThe current site contractor, West Valley Environmental Services (WVES), along with itssupporting contractors, maintains a partial inventory of buried infrastructure in tabular, hardcopy,and electronic AutoCad formats. This inventory is primarily intended to support safedig/maintenance activities at the WVDP. The quality of the existing inventory ranges from“excellent” for specific locations where recent activities have required a detailed knowledge ofburied infrastructure footprints, to “poor” for areas where there has not been a need for thisinformation.Understanding where buried infrastructure exists, its original purpose, and the contaminationstatus of adjacent subsurface soils is important to the success of Phase 1 decommissioningactivities and a necessary input for Phase 2 decision-making. As part of the Phase 1decommissioning process, facilities will be removed and contaminated soils will be excavatedand shipped to an off-site disposal facility. In some cases, these soil excavations will coverseveral acres, extend to significant depths, and intersect buried infrastructure. In addition, therewill be intrusive subsurface sampling in the vicinity of WVDP facilities, as specified in theWMA-specific appendices to this CSAP. Buried infrastructure affects this characterization workfrom the perspective of safety, and also, in some cases, contamination is expected to be associatedwith buried infrastructure because of leaks, preferential flow, or the use of contaminated surfacesoils as backfill when buried infrastructure was installed.One CSAP objective is to develop a complete electronic inventory (including an integratedelectronic map) of buried infrastructure at the WVDP. This inventory will be used to supportPhase 1 subsurface characterization activities on the WVDP premises and Phase 2 decisionmaking.The products of buried infrastructure inventory activities will include the following: (1)an inventory (in a spreadsheet or database format) identifying the buried infrastructure, itspurpose, date of installation, depth, whether it is active or abandoned, and the quality of locationinformation; (2) an accompanying report that summarizes the inventory work and identifiesremaining data gaps; and (3) an electronic map in both AutoCad and ArcGIS format (either shapefile or geodatabase, with coordinates in State Plane feet, New York NAD 1983 that depicts thefootprints of buried infrastructure that have been identified and cataloged by the buriedRev. 1 19

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThis page intentionally left blank.Rev. 1 18

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