Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThe New Cooling Tower will be removed down to its underground structure prior to the initiationof Phase 1 decommissioning activities.The Sewage Treatment Plant, the South Waste Tank Farm Test Tower, the two DemineralizerSludge Ponds, the Equalization Basin, the Equalization Tank, and the remaining concrete floorslabs, foundations, and hardstands will be removed.The Phase 1 work does not include the Rail Spur.F.7 Conceptual Site ModelWMA 6 potentially has impacts from a variety of releases. Some of these are surface, and someare subsurface. In addition, surface soil reworking in specific areas of WMA 6 has possiblyresulted in subsurface soil contamination. Specifically:• WMA 6 surface soils were likely affected by the 1968 airborne releases of radioactivityfrom the Process Building stack in WMA 1. These impacts would have originally beengreatest proximal to the Process Building and decreased as one moved south in WMA 6.Since 1968, however, there has been significant surface soil reworking in the northernportion of WMA 6. These activities could have removed contaminated soil layers, buriedthose layers under clean backfill, and/or redistributed/mixed contamination in surfacesoils.• Activities and buried infrastructure associated with the Old Sewage Treatment Facilityare known to have resulted in significant soil contamination that likely remains and thatmay be buried. The exact location of these infrastructure footprints is currently unknown.• The original old sewage treatment plant discharge channel that traversed the centralportion of WMA 6 was contaminated and then buried with clean soil. Subsurface soilcontamination likely remains associated with that original footprint. There are indicationsthat there may low level groundwater impacts associated with this contamination as well.Rev. 1 F-10

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Subsurface releases from the Process Building have impacted subsurface soils andgroundwater in WMA 6 along the WMA 1 boundary. The lateral extent of these impactsis currently unknown.• GPBG0408, a “background” soil bore completed adjacent to the WMA 6 boundarywithin WMA 10 just south of the New Warehouse and the Sewage Treatment Plantencountered tritium soil contamination at a depth of approximately five feet. While theexact source is unknown and tritium was the only radionuclide above background, it doesraise potential subsurface concerns for this area, assuming that the original release pointwas within WMA 6 and not WMA 10. The cluster of wells directly south of the SewageTreatment Plant showed some indications of elevated gross beta and tritium activityabove background levels in the 1990s. The soils and groundwater data suggest that thereis the potential for very low level impacts of soils/groundwater in this vicinity.• Sediments within the Demineralizer Sludge Ponds are known to be contaminated,although the depth of contamination is not known.• There is evidence of low levels of contamination in the sediments for the ditch thatcurrently drains WMA 10 in a southeasterly fashion along the Rail Spur beforeconnecting with Erdman Brook.Because the Old Warehouse pre-dates the 1968 airborne releases of radioactivity from theProcess Building stack, the assumption is that soils beneath the Old Warehouse slab are unimpacted.Figure F.15 shows the current Conceptual Site Model (CSM) for WMA 6 surface soils. FigureF.16 shows the same for soils deeper than 1 m. Particularly for subsurface soils, the CSM is basedon very little data and is primarily conjecture at this stage. Figures F.15 and F.16 also show thefootprints of the planned deep excavations for WMA 1 and WMA 2. Note that the plannedexcavations for WMA 1 and WMA 2 extend into portions of the northern part of WMA 6.F.8 WMA 6-Specific Characterization Goals• Evaluate Appropriateness of the Current List of Radionuclides of Interest (ROI)Rev. 1 F-11

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPThe New Cooling Tower will be removed down to its underground structure prior to the initiationof Phase 1 decommissioning activities.The Sewage Treatment Plant, the South Waste Tank Farm Test Tower, the two DemineralizerSludge Ponds, the Equalization Basin, the Equalization Tank, and the remaining concrete floorslabs, foundations, and hardstands will be removed.The Phase 1 work does not include the Rail Spur.F.7 <strong>Conceptual</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Model</strong>WMA 6 potentially has impacts from a variety of releases. Some of these are surface, and someare subsurface. In addition, surface soil reworking in specific areas of WMA 6 has possiblyresulted in subsurface soil contamination. Specifically:• WMA 6 surface soils were likely affected by the 1968 airborne releases of radioactivityfrom the Process Building stack in WMA 1. These impacts would have originally beengreatest proximal to the Process Building and decreased as one moved south in WMA 6.Since 1968, however, there has been significant surface soil reworking in the northernportion of WMA 6. These activities could have removed contaminated soil layers, buriedthose layers under clean backfill, and/or redistributed/mixed contamination in surfacesoils.• Activities and buried infrastructure associated with the Old Sewage Treatment Facilityare known to have resulted in significant soil contamination that likely remains and thatmay be buried. The exact location of these infrastructure footprints is currently unknown.• The original old sewage treatment plant discharge channel that traversed the centralportion of WMA 6 was contaminated and then buried with clean soil. Subsurface soilcontamination likely remains associated with that original footprint. There are indicationsthat there may low level groundwater impacts associated with this contamination as well.Rev. 1 F-10

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