Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPof the Process Building is complicated by possible shine impacts. These data suggestsurface contamination in the northern portion of WMA 6, extending south to the OldWarehouse, and then a line of contamination likely associated with the old sewagetreatment drainage channel that runs parallel to the Rail Spur for some distance. Thesedata also indicate smaller, more localized areas of surface contamination in thesoutheastern corner of WMA 6 associated with hardstands and staging areas servicingWMA 7 and WMA 9.• In 1990 and 1991, a second static direct exposure measurement program was conductedacross the WVDP premises (WVNSCO 1992). In the case of WMA 6, this effortprovided systematic coverage of a portion of the WMA 6 area on a 10-m grid. This datacollection used different instrumentation and protocols than the 1982 study, so the resultsare not quantitatively comparable. As with the 1982 data set, interpretation of these dataaround the Process Building is complicated by the potential for shine impacts. FigureF.11 shows these results overlain on a 1995 aerial photograph. These data confirm theoriginal 1982 direct measurement program findings north of the Old Warehouse, but didnot identify the spur of contaminated soils in the old sewage treatment discharge channel,presumably because the old discharge channel had been backfilled with several feet ofclean fill.• There are very little soil sampling data for WMA 6 available within ELIMS, exceptadjacent to the Process Building along the WMA 1 boundary. Figure F.12 shows thelocations of surface samples and soil bores. With the exception of soil bore GP10208which was completed in 2008, all other sampling was done in 1993. Figure F.12 alsoshows the Cs-137 and Sr-90 results for surface samples for the locations where surfacesamples were collected. In general, activity concentrations decreased as one moves southin WMA 6; some of the samples in the north had surface soil activity concentrations thatexceeded the surface soil CG w . All three soil bores in the northern portion of WMA 6adjacent to WMA 1 had contamination present at depths greater than 1 m. The two soilbores in the middle and southern portion of WMA 6 and the soil bore adjacent to WMA12 South and WMA 2 did not. Table F.1 identifies the number of locations analyzed foreach of the 18 primary radionuclides of interest (ROI).Rev. 1 F-8

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• There are also limited groundwater data for WMA 6 within ELIMS. Figure F.13 showslocations with groundwater results color-coded by Sr-90 activity concentrations. FigureF.14 shows the same for tritium. The detection limits for Sr-90 and tritium varied widelyamong ELIMS samples. 10 pCi/L and 500 pCi/L were selected as thresholds for Sr-90andtritium, respectively, because based on ELIMS data results above these activityconcentrations were consistently above method detection limits and so indicative ofcontamination impacts rather than simply measurement error.The highest groundwater contamination was in the northernmost portion of WMA 6,immediately down gradient of the presumed 1968 Process Building subsurface release. Inaddition there were low level elevated Sr-90 results along the WMA 2 border, with theProcess Building the presumed source.The tritium above-background activity concentrations identified in Figure F.14 just eastof the Railway Spur were in the early 1990s and appeared to be transitory. There are onlytwo groundwater samples with Sr-90 results for this same location, both from the early1990s. For both samples, the Sr-90 results were around 30 pCi/l, indicating Sr-90impacts. There is a fairly continuous set of gross beta information for this location thatappears to indicate on-going elevated gross beta levels over the years, presumablyassociated with Sr-90 impacts. This location is directly east of the Old Sewage TreatmentPlant outfall channel discharge culvert; contamination associated with discharges fromthat culvert may be the source of the groundwater impacts.The cluster of groundwater sampling locations immediately south of the SewageTreatment Plant had what appeared to be very low level gross beta above-backgroundactivity concentrations in the early 1990s along with some tritium results that weremarginally detectable and above background conditions. Any groundwater impacts in thisvicinity would presumably be from Sewage Treatment Plant activities.F.6 Planned Phase 1 DP ActivitiesFor a more complete description of planned Phase 1 DP activities, see the Phase 1 DP, Section3.1 and Section 7.7.Rev. 1 F-9

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPof the Process Building is complicated by possible shine impacts. These data suggestsurface contamination in the northern portion of WMA 6, extending south to the OldWarehouse, and then a line of contamination likely associated with the old sewagetreatment drainage channel that runs parallel to the Rail Spur for some distance. Thesedata also indicate smaller, more localized areas of surface contamination in thesoutheastern corner of WMA 6 associated with hardstands and staging areas servicingWMA 7 and WMA 9.• In 1990 and 1991, a second static direct exposure measurement program was conductedacross the WVDP premises (WVNSCO 1992). In the case of WMA 6, this effortprovided systematic coverage of a portion of the WMA 6 area on a 10-m grid. This datacollection used different instrumentation and protocols than the 1982 study, so the resultsare not quantitatively comparable. As with the 1982 data set, interpretation of these dataaround the Process Building is complicated by the potential for shine impacts. FigureF.11 shows these results overlain on a 1995 aerial photograph. These data confirm theoriginal 1982 direct measurement program findings north of the Old Warehouse, but didnot identify the spur of contaminated soils in the old sewage treatment discharge channel,presumably because the old discharge channel had been backfilled with several feet ofclean fill.• There are very little soil sampling data for WMA 6 available within ELIMS, exceptadjacent to the Process Building along the WMA 1 boundary. Figure F.12 shows thelocations of surface samples and soil bores. With the exception of soil bore GP10208which was completed in 2008, all other sampling was done in 1993. Figure F.12 alsoshows the Cs-137 and Sr-90 results for surface samples for the locations where surfacesamples were collected. In general, activity concentrations decreased as one moves southin WMA 6; some of the samples in the north had surface soil activity concentrations thatexceeded the surface soil CG w . All three soil bores in the northern portion of WMA 6adjacent to WMA 1 had contamination present at depths greater than 1 m. The two soilbores in the middle and southern portion of WMA 6 and the soil bore adjacent to WMA12 South and WMA 2 did not. Table F.1 identifies the number of locations analyzed foreach of the 18 primary radionuclides of interest (ROI).Rev. 1 F-8

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