Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPdrainage feature sampling will be conducted to determine ditch sediment contamination statusrelative to surface soil CG w requirements. Surface drainage features will be sampled as follows:• Samples representing a 0-15 cm depth interval will be collected from ditch sediments. InWMA 4, the primary drainage features have a combined length of approximately 450 m.Samples will be systematic located using a random start, separated by 30 m. Thissampling will not address the buried portion of the Swamp Ditch along the north side ofthe CDDL. [required]• If any 0-15 cm sample result indicates contamination impacts above background levelsand a 15 cm-1 m sample was not also collected, a 15 cm-1 m sample will be collectedfrom that location following the protocols used for the original 0-15 cm sample.[contingent]• If a sample indicates contamination impacts above background levels for the 15 cm -1 mdepth interval, an additional sample from a depth of 1-2 m will be collected and analyzedfrom that location. This will be repeated, as necessary, until the vertical extent ofcontamination impact is bounded at that location. [contingent]D.9.5Additional ContingenciesSampling and/or GWS data may indicate that contamination exists or extends beneath surfacescurrently covered by existing structures, concrete, asphalt, or gravel. In this case, “surface soil”will be defined as soil immediately beneath the cover. If sampling or GWS data indicate thatcontamination may exist beneath existing structures (e.g., the CDDL), then sampling locationswill be offset along the foundation edge to determine contamination extent. The purpose of theoffset is to allow safe acquisition of data. Data collection through the CDDL in WMA 4 will notbe required as part of this effort.D.9.6Required Laboratory AnalysesAll samples will be submitted for analysis of all 18 ROI.Rev. 1 D-12

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPA select portion of the samples as described above may be analyzed for the additional12 radionuclides of potential interest. If these sample results indicate the presence of the one ormore of those radionuclides at levels of potential significance, then the balance of samples fromWMA 4 will also be analyzed for the additional radionuclides that were identified.Table D.2 summarizes the required sample numbers and the estimated number of contingencysamples for WMA 4.This sampling plan assumes that quick turn-around analyses are available for Sr-90 and Cs-137and that soil samples will be screened for Sr-90 and Cs-137 prior to being analyzed for thebalance of the ROI. Based on these screening data, contingency sampling requirements asdescribed above may be undertaken without the benefit of the remaining analyses.D.9.7Decision-Making SummaryA summary of decision-making based on the WMA 4 data is as follows:• If portions of WMA 4 are too wet to conduct a GWS, systematic surface soil samplinglocations will be conducted to characterize those areas.• If GWS indicate anomalies are present, biased samples will be selected to target thoseanomalies.• If biased sample results for the 15 cm-1 m depth interval indicate contamination aboveCG requirements, an additional sample from that location representing the depth interval1-2 m will be collected and this process repeated until contamination is verticallybounded.• The WMA 4 surface soil initial CSM as contained in Figure D.14 will be adjusted basedon GWS results. These adjustments may affect systematic sample number requirements.• If GWS results do not indicate likely surface soil CG w requirement exceedances, fivelocations with the highest GWS results will be selected for sampling.Rev. 1 D-13

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPA select portion of the samples as described above may be analyzed for the additional12 radionuclides of potential interest. If these sample results indicate the presence of the one ormore of those radionuclides at levels of potential significance, then the balance of samples fromWMA 4 will also be analyzed for the additional radionuclides that were identified.Table D.2 summarizes the required sample numbers and the estimated number of contingencysamples for WMA 4.This sampling plan assumes that quick turn-around analyses are available for Sr-90 and Cs-137and that soil samples will be screened for Sr-90 and Cs-137 prior to being analyzed for thebalance of the ROI. Based on these screening data, contingency sampling requirements asdescribed above may be undertaken without the benefit of the remaining analyses.D.9.7Decision-Making SummaryA summary of decision-making based on the WMA 4 data is as follows:• If portions of WMA 4 are too wet to conduct a GWS, systematic surface soil samplinglocations will be conducted to characterize those areas.• If GWS indicate anomalies are present, biased samples will be selected to target thoseanomalies.• If biased sample results for the 15 cm-1 m depth interval indicate contamination aboveCG requirements, an additional sample from that location representing the depth interval1-2 m will be collected and this process repeated until contamination is verticallybounded.• The WMA 4 surface soil initial CSM as contained in Figure D.14 will be adjusted basedon GWS results. These adjustments may affect systematic sample number requirements.• If GWS results do not indicate likely surface soil CG w requirement exceedances, fivelocations with the highest GWS results will be selected for sampling.Rev. 1 D-13

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