Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPD.9 CSAP Pre-Remediation Data Collection and Associated Decision-MakingCSAP pre-remediation data collection will consist of a number of components described in moredetail below.D.9.1Gamma Walkover Survey DataThe purpose of performing a gamma walkover survey of the WMA 4 area is to identify the leveland extent of surface contamination. This includes both general trends in average activityconcentrations pertinent to the surface soil CG w requirement, as well as the identification ofisolated, more-elevated anomalies that might be indicative of discrete releases and/or surface soilCG emc concerns.A complete (100%) logged gamma walkover survey (GWS) will be conducted for accessibleareas within WMA 4. Examples of areas within WMA 4 that would not be accessible are areaswhere standing water is present in wetlands. Based on the GWS results, surface soil within WMA4 will be divided into four categories: (1) surface soils where GWS data indicate contaminationabove CG w requirements; (2) surface soils where GWS data indicate contamination, but it is notclear if contamination exceeds surface soil CG w requirement; (3) surface soils where GWSindicate impacts, but those impacts are not expected to exceed surface soil CG w standards; and (4)surface soils where there is no indication of impacts above background conditions. The purposeof this data collection is to provide insights into the spatial distribution of surface contamination,and to guide subsequent soil sampling. [required]D.9.2Surface Soil SamplingSurface soil sampling will be used to address areas inaccessible to GWS data collection, toresolve hot spots identified by the GWS data, and to evaluate the presence, absence, and/or extentof surface contamination above surface soil CG w requirements based on GWS results.• Wetlands. It is possible that standing water will be present in wetlands that prevent GWSdata collection from those areas. Soil sampling will be required for wetland footprints andfor any other areas where standing water prevents the collection of GWS data. WithinRev. 1 D-8

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPWMA 4, this is most likely to occur in the northern and northwestern portion of theWMA.For every area where standing water or saturated soil conditions prevent GWS datacollection, systematic soil sampling will take place. For wetland areas less than 200 m 2 insize, one sample will be collected. For areas between 200 and 1,000 m 2 in size, onesample per 200 m 2 will be collected. For areas between 1,000 and 2,500 m 2 in size, fivesamples will be collected. For areas exceeding 2,500 m 2 in size, at minimum one samplewill be collected per 500-m 2 area. One sample will be collected from each locationrepresentative of a 0–15 cm depth interval. In the case where an area has more than onelocation, locations will be selected so that each representative area does not overlap andprovides systematic coverage of the area of interest. [contingent]• Hot Spots. If GWS data indicate the presence of contamination that possibly exceeds“hot spot” (CG emc ) standards or an isolated elevated area is identified that appearsindicative of a discrete release, the location of concern will be sampled with a biasedsample. If biased samples are collected from a particular location, they will be collectedfrom two depth intervals: 0-15 cm, and 15 cm-1 m. The 0–15 cm samples will beanalyzed for the 12 radionuclides of potential interest in addition to the 18 ROI. Onedown-hole gamma scan will be conducted from each biased location. The purpose ofthese samples is to resolve GWS anomalies, evaluate the appropriateness of the currentROI list, and verify the absence of additional ROI. [contingent]• CG w Sampling. Surface soil sampling may be conducted after the GWS to further clarifyresults, with the level and nature of sampling dependent on GWS results.oIf GWS results indicate contamination impacts above background levels but thatsurface soil contaminant levels exceeding surface soil CG w requirements areunlikely, the area of interest will be systematically sampled using a triangulargrid with a density of one sample per 400 m 2 . One sample will be collected fromeach location representative of a 0–15 cm depth interval. Locations will beselected to provide systematic coverage of the areas. The purpose is to documentthe activity concentrations present in surface soils within WMA 4. [contingent]Rev. 1 D-9

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPWMA 4, this is most likely to occur in the northern and northwestern portion of theWMA.For every area where standing water or saturated soil conditions prevent GWS datacollection, systematic soil sampling will take place. For wetland areas less than 200 m 2 insize, one sample will be collected. For areas between 200 and 1,000 m 2 in size, onesample per 200 m 2 will be collected. For areas between 1,000 and 2,500 m 2 in size, fivesamples will be collected. For areas exceeding 2,500 m 2 in size, at minimum one samplewill be collected per 500-m 2 area. One sample will be collected from each locationrepresentative of a 0–15 cm depth interval. In the case where an area has more than onelocation, locations will be selected so that each representative area does not overlap andprovides systematic coverage of the area of interest. [contingent]• Hot Spots. If GWS data indicate the presence of contamination that possibly exceeds“hot spot” (CG emc ) standards or an isolated elevated area is identified that appearsindicative of a discrete release, the location of concern will be sampled with a biasedsample. If biased samples are collected from a particular location, they will be collectedfrom two depth intervals: 0-15 cm, and 15 cm-1 m. The 0–15 cm samples will beanalyzed for the 12 radionuclides of potential interest in addition to the 18 ROI. Onedown-hole gamma scan will be conducted from each biased location. The purpose ofthese samples is to resolve GWS anomalies, evaluate the appropriateness of the currentROI list, and verify the absence of additional ROI. [contingent]• CG w Sampling. Surface soil sampling may be conducted after the GWS to further clarifyresults, with the level and nature of sampling dependent on GWS results.oIf GWS results indicate contamination impacts above background levels but thatsurface soil contaminant levels exceeding surface soil CG w requirements areunlikely, the area of interest will be systematically sampled using a triangulargrid with a density of one sample per 400 m 2 . One sample will be collected fromeach location representative of a 0–15 cm depth interval. Locations will beselected to provide systematic coverage of the areas. The purpose is to documentthe activity concentrations present in surface soils within WMA 4. [contingent]Rev. 1 D-9

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