Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPD.3 Area HistoryWMA 4 was not used for any structural purposes during the lifespan of the NFS reprocessingactivities on-site or for any WVDP-related activities other than solid waste disposal in the CDDL.The surface drainage features have been reworked over time to accommodate the CDDL.Figure D.2 shows WMA 4 in 1962 prior to site development. At this time WMA 4 was grasslandand woodland with a marsh or pond in the vicinity of what is now the southwestern corner of theCDDL.Figure D.3 shows WMA 4 in 1966. Development of WMA 5 and WMA 2 is visible. Apart fromsome surface scarring in what is now the eastern end of the CDDL that potentially indicateslimited disposal operations, there are no visible impacts in WMA 4.Figure D.4 shows WMA 4 in 1968. There is no visible change from 1966.Figure D.5 shows WMA 4 in 1977. Additional development of the CDDL area is visible. Inparticular there is some surface scarring, and what appears to be a trench or linear drain installedfrom southwest to northeast across what is now the CDDL footprint, presumably to improvedrainage of the area, and a similar parallel feature to the north of the present CDDL footprint.Figure D.6 shows WMA 4 in 1984. In this photograph, the CDDL has significantly expanded,with placement of material visible. In the eastern end of the CDDL footprint, flowinggroundwater discharge is visible.Figure D.7 shows WMA 4 in 1995. Disposal operations in the CDDL were terminated inDecember 1984 and the closure of the landfill was certified complete by NYSDEC in 1986. Thecurrent configuration of the Swamp Ditch is visible. The Lag Storage additions in WMA 5 havealso been completed adjacent to WMA 4.Figure D.8 shows WMA 4 in 2007. There is no visible change in WMA 4 since 1995.Rev. 1 D-2

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPD.4 Known and Suspected ReleasesD.4.1Cesium ProngPotentially Affected Media:Potentially Affected WMAs:surface soil, subsurface soil, sediments1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 (northern portion)In 1968, a ventilation system filter in the Process Building (in WMA 1) failed, releasingcontaminated particulate up the Process Building stack. A mixture of radionuclides was released,with Cs-137 predominant. Approximately 0.33 Ci particulate gross beta radioactivity wasreleased. The contaminated particulate was deposited on surface soils, resulting in a large area ofcontamination around the Process Building and to the north-northwest. Detectable depositsextend several miles, including beyond the WVDP premises. WMAs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 12North likely are affected. Because Cs-137 is predominant, this area of contamination is known as“the cesium prong” (DOE 2009 Table 2-17, DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).As originally deposited, surface soil activity concentrations should have decreased towards thenorth, away from WMA 1. However, the surface features of many areas within the WVDPpremises have been reworked significantly since the release; as a result, the current spatial anddepth distribution of soil contamination may be significantly different than the original footprint.In addition, the surface soil contamination likely has been naturally spread by erosion and runoffinto surface drainage features; this phenomenon may have enlarged the area impacted bydeposition, although detailed data regarding this effect are not available (DOE 2010Section 3.11.5).Finally, other releases from the Process Building stack may have produced minor impacts. Theseother releases include the 1968 failure of a dissolver off-gas system filter, resulting in 0.28 Ci ofparticulate activity, and the 1968 failure of a vessel off-gas system filter, resulting in the March1968 releases to exceed the monthly allowance by 15 percent (DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).Rev. 1 D-3

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPD.4 Known and Suspected ReleasesD.4.1Cesium ProngPotentially Affected Media:Potentially Affected WMAs:surface soil, subsurface soil, sediments1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 (northern portion)In 1968, a ventilation system filter in the Process Building (in WMA 1) failed, releasingcontaminated particulate up the Process Building stack. A mixture of radionuclides was released,with Cs-137 predominant. Approximately 0.33 Ci particulate gross beta radioactivity wasreleased. The contaminated particulate was deposited on surface soils, resulting in a large area ofcontamination around the Process Building and to the north-northwest. Detectable depositsextend several miles, including beyond the WVDP premises. WMAs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 12North likely are affected. Because Cs-137 is predominant, this area of contamination is known as“the cesium prong” (DOE 2009 Table 2-17, DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).As originally deposited, surface soil activity concentrations should have decreased towards thenorth, away from WMA 1. However, the surface features of many areas within the WVDPpremises have been reworked significantly since the release; as a result, the current spatial anddepth distribution of soil contamination may be significantly different than the original footprint.In addition, the surface soil contamination likely has been naturally spread by erosion and runoffinto surface drainage features; this phenomenon may have enlarged the area impacted bydeposition, although detailed data regarding this effect are not available (DOE 2010Section 3.11.5).Finally, other releases from the Process Building stack may have produced minor impacts. Theseother releases include the 1968 failure of a dissolver off-gas system filter, resulting in 0.28 Ci ofparticulate activity, and the 1968 failure of a vessel off-gas system filter, resulting in the March1968 releases to exceed the monthly allowance by 15 percent (DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).Rev. 1 D-3

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