Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


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WVDP Phase 1 CSAPC.4.3.3Waste Tank Farm Condensate Line LeakPotentially Affected Media: subsurface soil, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 3Several leaks occurred between 1968 and 1977 that were associated with a condensate line (8P-46-6-A5) from Tank 8D-2. The leaks occurred in the section of the line between the EquipmentShelter (in WMA 3) and the Process Building acid recovery pump room (in WMA 1). This linewas maintained under vacuum. An unexpected 16,400-gallon liquid volume increase in Tank 8D-2 was attributed to groundwater leaking into the line and being drawn into the tank. There is nosurface evidence of out-leakage, but the possibility exists of localized groundwater effects(DOE 2009 Table 2-17; DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).C.4.3.4Waste Tank Farm Condensate SpillPotentially Affected Media: subsurface soil, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 3In 1987, condensate from the housing of a portable ventilation unit spilled near Tank 8D-2. Theportable ventilation unit was being disassembled and the condensate spilled onto the gravel abovethe tank. Less than ten gallons of condensate was spilled; no soil or water contamination wasnoted in samples collected (DOE 2009 Table 2-18).C.4.3.5Process Building Stack ReleasePotentially Affected Media: surface soilPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 3In 2001, airborne particulate was released in droplet form from the stack of the Process Building(in WMA 1). Excess moisture appears to have become entrained in the ventilation system, andwas emitted from the stack as droplets containing radioactive particulates. The release occurredover a period of two months (September – October 2001). The radioactivity release rate was toolow to result in any stack monitoring alarms. The release was discovered during routine radiationsurveys conducted in November 2001 when workers found fixed radioactivity in unexpectedRev. 1 C-8

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