Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPoIf elevated readings are encountered below a depth of 1 m, soils exhibiting thehighest levels of gross activity will be sampled and analyzed.oIf elevated readings are not encountered below a depth of 1 m, a samplerepresentative of soils deeper than 1 m will be collected. In the case of infrastructurethat did not carry waste or wastewater, the sample will be from soils immediatelyabove the line. In the case of infrastructure that did carry waste or wastewater, thesample will be from soils immediately beneath the line.• If contamination above background conditions is encountered at any selected location,trenching will continue to depth until background conditions are observed. An additionalsample will be collected from the base of the trench to verify background conditions. Thepurpose is to vertically bound observed contamination. [contingent]• If buried infrastructure soil sampling identifies contamination impacts greater thanbackground, biased sampling will continue following the line until at least twoconsecutive locations yield soil samples below surface soil CG w requirements. Locationspacing will be based on engineering judgment, including the geometry of the line, thelevel of contamination encountered, and surface evidence of contamination. Buriedinfrastructure characterization will not extend into the planned WMA 2 deep excavationfootprint. The purpose of this sampling is to bound the extent of contamination associatedwith buried infrastructure, as necessary. [contingent]B.9.7Additional ContingenciesSampling and/or GWS data may indicate that contamination exists or extends beneath surfacescurrently covered by existing structures, concrete, asphalt, or hardstand material. In this case,“surface soil” will be defined as soil immediately beneath the cover. If sampling or GWS dataindicate that contamination may exist beneath existing structures (e.g., existing buildings andbuilding pads), then sampling locations will be offset along the foundation edge to determinecontamination extent. The purpose of the offset is to allow safe acquisition of data. Datacollection through building pads and hardstands in WMA 2 will not be required as part of thiseffort.Rev. 1 B-26

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPB.9.8Required Laboratory AnalysesAll samples will be submitted for analysis of all 18 ROI.A select portion of the samples as described above may be analyzed for the additional 12radionuclides of potential interest. In addition, ten percent of soil samples collected outside theWMA 2 excavation footprint will also be analyzed for the 12 radionculides of potential interest. Ifthese sample results indicate the presence of the one or more of those radionuclides at levels ofpotential significance, then the balance of samples from WMA 2 will also be analyzed for theadditional radionuclides that were identified.Table B.2 summarizes the required sample numbers and the estimated number of contingencysamples for WMA 2.This sampling plan assumes that quick turn-around analyses are available for Sr-90 and Cs-137and that soil samples will be screened for Sr-90 and Cs-137 prior to being analyzed for thebalance of the ROI. Contingency sampling requirements as described above may be undertakenbased on these screening data.B.9.9Decision-Making SummaryA summary of decision-making based on the WMA 2 data is as follows:• If GWS indicate anomalies are present, biased samples will be selected to target thoseanomalies.• If the GWS data identify areas likely exceeding CG requirements, one sample will beplaced to verify contamination and another set of surface soil samples used to laterallybound contamination. Additional locations may be selected, as necessary, to laterallybound contamination extent.• If sample results from biased or systematic surface samples for the 15 cm–1 m depthinterval indicate contamination above CG requirements, an additional sample from thatRev. 1 B-27

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPB.9.8Required <strong>Laboratory</strong> AnalysesAll samples will be submitted for analysis of all 18 ROI.A select portion of the samples as described above may be analyzed for the additional 12radionuclides of potential interest. In addition, ten percent of soil samples collected outside theWMA 2 excavation footprint will also be analyzed for the 12 radionculides of potential interest. Ifthese sample results indicate the presence of the one or more of those radionuclides at levels ofpotential significance, then the balance of samples from WMA 2 will also be analyzed for theadditional radionuclides that were identified.Table B.2 summarizes the required sample numbers and the estimated number of contingencysamples for WMA 2.This sampling plan assumes that quick turn-around analyses are available for Sr-90 and Cs-137and that soil samples will be screened for Sr-90 and Cs-137 prior to being analyzed for thebalance of the ROI. Contingency sampling requirements as described above may be undertakenbased on these screening data.B.9.9Decision-Making SummaryA summary of decision-making based on the WMA 2 data is as follows:• If GWS indicate anomalies are present, biased samples will be selected to target thoseanomalies.• If the GWS data identify areas likely exceeding CG requirements, one sample will beplaced to verify contamination and another set of surface soil samples used to laterallybound contamination. Additional locations may be selected, as necessary, to laterallybound contamination extent.• If sample results from biased or systematic surface samples for the 15 cm–1 m depthinterval indicate contamination above CG requirements, an additional sample from thatRev. 1 B-27

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