Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• There is a significant amount of groundwater data for WMA 2 available within ELIMSfrom historical characterization work addressing the North Plateau Groundwater Plume.These data were obtained from monitoring wells and from groundwater samples obtainedby GeoProbe. Figures B.15 and B.16 show the locations of groundwater data collectioncolor-coded by Sr-90 and tritium results, respectively. The detection limits for Sr-90 andtritium varied widely among ELIMS samples. 10 pCi/L and 500 pCi/L were selected asthresholds for Sr-90 and tritium, respectively, because based on ELIMS data resultsabove these activity concentrations were consistently above method detection limits andso indicative of contamination impacts rather than simply measurement error.Groundwater contamination was encountered throughout WMA 2.B.6 Planned Phase 1 DP ActivitiesFor a more complete description of planned Phase 1 DP activities, see the Phase 1 DP, Section3.1 and Section 7.4.In WMA 2, the five lagoons, the Interceptors, the Neutralization Pit, the LLW2 Building, theSolvent Dike, the Maintenance Shop Leach Field, the remaining concrete slabs and foundations,and the underground wastewater lines within the large excavation will all be removed as part ofPhase 1 decommissioning activities. Figures B.17 and B.18 show the location of the largeexcavation and provide a cross-sectional view of the planned excavation, respectively. The largeexcavation is intended to address the bulk of discrete releases and heavy subsurfacecontamination within WMA 2 associated with the lagoons and lagoon support facilities, but notthe deep North Plateau Groundwater Plume that originated from a release underneath the ProcessBuilding and that has migrated into WMA 2’s subsurface.The DP Phase 1 activities will not include the North Plateau Pump and Treat System, the PilotScale Permeable Treatment Wall, the Full-Scale Permeable Treatment Wall, and undergroundlines not within the excavated areas.B.7 Conceptual Site ModelBased on the limited available information, the conceptual site model (CSM) for WMA 2 is asfollows. A number of potential releases within the WMA 2 footprint are known to have occurred,Rev. 1 B-16

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPor may have occurred that likely impacted surface and subsurface soils and groundwater. Inaddition, environmental media within WMA 2 have likely been affected to some degree byreleases elsewhere at the WVDP site. These include air deposition contamination on surface soilsand subsurface contamination resulting from contaminant migration via groundwater from theProcess Building.During NFS operations, portions of the surface of WMA 2 underwent significant reworking. Thisreworking occurred in the western portion of WMA 2 and included the installation of Lagoons 4and 5 as well as additional facilities. This reworking may have covered contaminated surfacesoils with clean cover, contaminated surface soils may have been removed for dispositionelsewhere, and/or contaminated soils may have been re-used as backfill for building foundationsor buried infrastructure.Groundwater flow underneath WMA 2 is expected to be, in general, from west to east. The coreof the North Plateau Groundwater Plume has been steadily migrating in an easterly/northeasterlydirection. Groundwater flow also includes some northerly components along the west end of theCDDL, where discharge to the Swamp Ditch takes place, and also likely includes some southerlycomponents along the southern boundary of WMA 2, with discharge to Erdman Brook. Impactsto groundwater include the original Sr-90 release from beneath the Process Building in WMA 1,from leaching from Lagoon 1, from lagoon overflows (Lagoons 4 and 5), from seepage fromLagoons 2 and 3, and from various discrete releases associated with activities/infrastructure in thesouthwestern end of WMA 2.Figure B.19 shows the current CSM for surface soils. Figure B.20 shows the CSM for soilsdeeper than 1 m. Figure B.21 shows the CSM for contaminated groundwater beneath WMA 2.B.8 WMA 2-Specific Characterization Goals• Develop an inventory of buried infrastructure• Evaluate appropriateness of the current list of ROI• Verify absence of additional ROI• Determine extent of surface contamination• Identify the presence/absence of subsurface soil contamination• Identify soil waste stream characteristicsRev. 1 B-17

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPor may have occurred that likely impacted surface and subsurface soils and groundwater. Inaddition, environmental media within WMA 2 have likely been affected to some degree byreleases elsewhere at the WVDP site. These include air deposition contamination on surface soilsand subsurface contamination resulting from contaminant migration via groundwater from theProcess Building.During NFS operations, portions of the surface of WMA 2 underwent significant reworking. Thisreworking occurred in the western portion of WMA 2 and included the installation of Lagoons 4and 5 as well as additional facilities. This reworking may have covered contaminated surfacesoils with clean cover, contaminated surface soils may have been removed for dispositionelsewhere, and/or contaminated soils may have been re-used as backfill for building foundationsor buried infrastructure.Groundwater flow underneath WMA 2 is expected to be, in general, from west to east. The coreof the North Plateau Groundwater Plume has been steadily migrating in an easterly/northeasterlydirection. Groundwater flow also includes some northerly components along the west end of theCDDL, where discharge to the Swamp Ditch takes place, and also likely includes some southerlycomponents along the southern boundary of WMA 2, with discharge to Erdman Brook. Impactsto groundwater include the original Sr-90 release from beneath the Process Building in WMA 1,from leaching from Lagoon 1, from lagoon overflows (Lagoons 4 and 5), from seepage fromLagoons 2 and 3, and from various discrete releases associated with activities/infrastructure in thesouthwestern end of WMA 2.Figure B.19 shows the current CSM for surface soils. Figure B.20 shows the CSM for soilsdeeper than 1 m. Figure B.21 shows the CSM for contaminated groundwater beneath WMA 2.B.8 WMA 2-Specific Characterization Goals• Develop an inventory of buried infrastructure• Evaluate appropriateness of the current list of ROI• Verify absence of additional ROI• Determine extent of surface contamination• Identify the presence/absence of subsurface soil contamination• Identify soil waste stream characteristicsRev. 1 B-17

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