Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Lagoon 1 was an unlined basin excavated into the sand and gravel unit. It measuredapproximately 80 feet long on each side and 5 feet deep. It had a storage capacity of morethan 200,000 gallons. Lagoon 1 was fed directly from the Old Interceptor and the NewInterceptors. It was removed from service in 1984. Most of the contaminated sediment wastransferred to Lagoon 2. Lagoon 1 was filled with contaminated debris from the OldHardstand (WMA 5), including contaminated asphalt, soil, and vegetation, and then cappedwith clay and topsoil.• Lagoon 2 is an unlined basin excavated in the un-weathered Lavery Till. It measuresapproximately 200 feet long by 100 feet wide and 17 feet deep. It has a storage capacity of2.4 million gallons. Historically, Lagoon 2 was fed directly by Lagoon 1; therefore it containscontaminated sediments from the 1984 Lagoon 1 closure. Currently, Lagoon 2 is fed directlyfrom the New Interceptors, the NDA interceptor trench, the tank farm and at times the NorthPlateau Groundwater Recovery System; it is part of the Low-Level Water Treatment Facility.• Lagoon 3 is an unlined basin excavated in the un-weathered Lavery Till. It measuresapproximately 230 feet long by 130 feet wide and 24 feet deep. It has a storage capacity of3.3 million gallons. Lagoon 3 receives treated water from Lagoons 4 and 5. Lagoon 3 isperiodically batch discharged to Erdman Brook through a State Pollutant DischargeElimination System (SPDES) permitted discharge; it is part of the Low-Level WaterTreatment Facility.• Lagoon 4 is a lined basin constructed in the sand and gravel unit on the North Plateau. Itmeasures approximately 100 feet long by 90 feet wide. It has a storage capacity of 204,000gallons. It receives only treated water from the LLW2 Building and discharges to Lagoon 3.Lagoon 4 was originally lined with reworked glacial tills. In 1974, a synthetic membraneliner was installed after NFS identified that Lagoons 4 and 5 were potential sources of tritiumto groundwater in the sand and gravel unit. In the late 1990s, the synthetic membrane linerswere removed and replaced with concrete grout and a XR-5 liner, which is an ethylene interpolymeralloy membrane.• Lagoon 5 is very similar in form and function to Lagoon 4, and shares the same history. It isa lined basin constructed in the sand and gravel unit on the North Plateau. It measuresRev. 1 B-2

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPapproximately 90 feet long by 80 feet wide. It has a storage capacity of 166,000 gallons. Itreceives only treated water from the LLW2 Building and discharges to Lagoon 3. Lagoon 5was originally lined with reworked glacial tills, was later relined with a synthetic membraneliner, and finally was lined with concrete grout and a XR-5 liner.French Drain. In 1965, a French drain was installed on the northwest sides of Lagoons 2 and 3and the northeast side of Lagoon 3 to prevent groundwater from flowing into Lagoons 2 and 3.The French drain discharged to Erdman Brook. The French drain was capped in 2001 and nolonger discharges into Erdman Brook.Neutralization Pit. The Neutralization Pit is a nine feet by seven feet by 5.5 feet deep concretetank constructed with six-inch thick concrete walls and floor that are lined with stainless steel.The pit receives low-level radioactive wastewater from WVDP process areas. This liquid issubsequently transferred to the Interceptors. Between about 1965 and 1988 NaOH was added inthe Neutralization Pit to neutralize slightly acidic wastewaters.Old Interceptor. The Old Interceptor is a liquid waste storage tank. It is an unlined concrete tank,located below-grade, with a steel roof. It measures 40 feet by 25 feet by 11.5 feet deep. The flooris 24 inches thick and the walls are 12 inches thick. The Old Interceptor received low-level liquidwastewater generated at the Process Building. The wastewater was collected and sampled, thendischarged to Lagoons 1 or 2. It was in use from the time of initial plant operation until 1967,when the Old Interceptor was replaced by the New Interceptors. The Old Interceptor is currentlyused for temporary storage of radiologically contaminated liquids that exceed the effluent releasecriterion of 0.005 μCi/mL gross beta activity. After verification of acceptable radiologicalcontamination concentrations, the contents are transferred by steam jet to the New Interceptors.New Interceptors. The New Interceptors are twin liquid waste storage tanks. Each is an open-top,lined concrete tank, located below-grade, with a steel roof. Each measures 22 feet by 20 feet by11.5 feet deep. The walls and floor are 14 inches thick, and are lined with stainless steel. TheNew Interceptors were built in 1967 to replace the Old Interceptor, which had high levels ofradioactivity. As with the Old Interceptor, the New Interceptors receive wastewater and are usedto collect and sample the wastewater before transfer to Lagoon 2.Rev. 1 B-3

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP• Lagoon 1 was an unlined basin excavated into the sand and gravel unit. It measuredapproximately 80 feet long on each side and 5 feet deep. It had a storage capacity of morethan 200,000 gallons. Lagoon 1 was fed directly from the Old Interceptor and the NewInterceptors. It was removed from service in 1984. Most of the contaminated sediment wastransferred to Lagoon 2. Lagoon 1 was filled with contaminated debris from the OldHardstand (WMA 5), including contaminated asphalt, soil, and vegetation, and then cappedwith clay and topsoil.• Lagoon 2 is an unlined basin excavated in the un-weathered Lavery Till. It measuresapproximately 200 feet long by 100 feet wide and 17 feet deep. It has a storage capacity of2.4 million gallons. Historically, Lagoon 2 was fed directly by Lagoon 1; therefore it containscontaminated sediments from the 1984 Lagoon 1 closure. Currently, Lagoon 2 is fed directlyfrom the New Interceptors, the NDA interceptor trench, the tank farm and at times the NorthPlateau Groundwater Recovery System; it is part of the Low-Level Water Treatment Facility.• Lagoon 3 is an unlined basin excavated in the un-weathered Lavery Till. It measuresapproximately 230 feet long by 130 feet wide and 24 feet deep. It has a storage capacity of3.3 million gallons. Lagoon 3 receives treated water from Lagoons 4 and 5. Lagoon 3 isperiodically batch discharged to Erdman Brook through a State Pollutant DischargeElimination System (SPDES) permitted discharge; it is part of the Low-Level WaterTreatment Facility.• Lagoon 4 is a lined basin constructed in the sand and gravel unit on the North Plateau. Itmeasures approximately 100 feet long by 90 feet wide. It has a storage capacity of 204,000gallons. It receives only treated water from the LLW2 Building and discharges to Lagoon 3.Lagoon 4 was originally lined with reworked glacial tills. In 1974, a synthetic membraneliner was installed after NFS identified that Lagoons 4 and 5 were potential sources of tritiumto groundwater in the sand and gravel unit. In the late 1990s, the synthetic membrane linerswere removed and replaced with concrete grout and a XR-5 liner, which is an ethylene interpolymeralloy membrane.• Lagoon 5 is very similar in form and function to Lagoon 4, and shares the same history. It isa lined basin constructed in the sand and gravel unit on the North Plateau. It measuresRev. 1 B-2

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