Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPA.4.3.6Interceptor System Operational ReleasesPotentially Affected Media: surface soil, subsurface soil, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 2During NFS operations, several incidents such as inadvertent transfers of higher-than-intendedactivity occurred in the Interceptor system (in WMA 2), upstream of the Lagoons (also inWMA 2). Documented accounts of leakage and spills in the Interceptor area corroborate thegenerally elevated observed subsurface soil contamination in the area between Lagoon 1 and theProcess Building. Localized subsurface soil contamination can be attributed to these unintendedoperational releases.A.4.3.7Waste Tank Farm Condensate Line LeakPotentially Affected Media: subsurface soil, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 3Several leaks occurred between 1968 and 1977 that were associated with a condensate line (Line8P-46-6-A5) from Tank 8D-2. The leaks occurred in the section of the line between theEquipment Shelter (in WMA 3) and the Process Building acid recovery pump room (in WMA 1).This line was maintained under vacuum. An unexpected 16,400-gallon liquid volume increase inTank 8D-2 was attributed to groundwater leaking into the line and being drawn into the tank.There is no surface evidence of out-leakage, but the possibility exists of localized groundwatereffects (DOE 2009 Table 2-17; DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).A.4.3.8Process Building Stack ReleasePotentially Affected Media: surface soilPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 3In 2001, airborne particulate was released in droplet form from the stack of the Process Building.Excess moisture appears to have become entrained in the ventilation system, and was emittedfrom the stack as droplets containing radioactive particulates. The release occurred over a periodof two months (September – October 2001). The radioactivity release rate was too low to result inRev. 1 A-8

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPany stack monitoring alarms. The release was discovered during routine radiation surveysconducted in November 2001 when workers found fixed radioactivity in unexpected locationsnear the Process Building stack. Total releases were less than 0.5% of the administrative releaselimits. Measurements of 4.8E-04 uCi gross beta were recorded. The fallout was confined to thearea several hundred feet from the Process Building, in WMA 1 and WMA 3. Accessible abovebackgroundspots were decontaminated (DOE 2009 Table 2-18; DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).A.5 Existing DataExisting data sets for this area include:• In 1982, static direct exposure readings were collected across the WVDP premises(WVNSCO 1982). A portion of WMA 1 was covered by these measurements on a 10-mgrid. Figure A.12 shows these results color-coded by the exposure readings encountered.These data indicated the potential for significant surface contamination within the WMA1 boundary; their interpretation, however, is complicated by potential shine from theProcess Building.• In 1990 and 1991, a second static direct exposure measurement program was conductedacross the WVDP premises, including the accessible portions of WMA 1(WVNSCO 1992). This data collection used different instrumentation and protocols thanthe 1982 study, so the results are not quantitatively comparable. Figure A.13 shows theseresults. These data show a significant change for the western and southern portions ofWMA 1, with significantly lower measured gross activity than the 1982 study. There area couple of possible explanations for the decrease: (1) this could reflect the removal ofcontaminated surface soil associated with maintenance and construction activities aroundWMA 1; or (2) it could reflect the placement of surface material (e.g., gravel orpavement) on top of contaminated soils; or (3) it could be that the 1982 readings wereaffected by shine from Process Building and associated structures whose sources weremitigated by decommissioning activities in the intervening years.• There is some soil sampling data for WMA 1 available within ELIMS. Figure A.14shows the locations of soil cores with subsurface soil samples. There are no sediment orsurface soil results for WMA 1. The bulk of the data were collected either in 1993, 1994,Rev. 1 A-9

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPA.4.3.6Interceptor System Operational ReleasesPotentially Affected Media: surface soil, subsurface soil, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 2During NFS operations, several incidents such as inadvertent transfers of higher-than-intendedactivity occurred in the Interceptor system (in WMA 2), upstream of the Lagoons (also inWMA 2). Documented accounts of leakage and spills in the Interceptor area corroborate thegenerally elevated observed subsurface soil contamination in the area between Lagoon 1 and theProcess Building. Localized subsurface soil contamination can be attributed to these unintendedoperational releases.A.4.3.7Waste Tank Farm Condensate Line LeakPotentially Affected Media: subsurface soil, groundwaterPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 3Several leaks occurred between 1968 and 1977 that were associated with a condensate line (Line8P-46-6-A5) from Tank 8D-2. The leaks occurred in the section of the line between theEquipment Shelter (in WMA 3) and the Process Building acid recovery pump room (in WMA 1).This line was maintained under vacuum. An unexpected 16,400-gallon liquid volume increase inTank 8D-2 was attributed to groundwater leaking into the line and being drawn into the tank.There is no surface evidence of out-leakage, but the possibility exists of localized groundwatereffects (DOE 2009 Table 2-17; DOE 2010 Section 3.11.5).A.4.3.8Process Building Stack ReleasePotentially Affected Media: surface soilPotentially Affected WMAs: 1, 3In 2001, airborne particulate was released in droplet form from the stack of the Process Building.Excess moisture appears to have become entrained in the ventilation system, and was emittedfrom the stack as droplets containing radioactive particulates. The release occurred over a periodof two months (September – October 2001). The radioactivity release rate was too low to result inRev. 1 A-8

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