Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPBrook and Franks Creek.11/30/2010 Section 6.6 Added reference to Section 6.2 Per NYSDERDA comment 1311/30/2010 Section 6.10 Modified section to be consistent Per NYSERDA comment 17with Sections 6.5 and 6.6 of theCSAP11/30/2010 Section 7.1 Provided slope for the southern wall Per NYSERDA comment 18of WMA 2 excavation11/30/2010 Section 7.1 Added text to clarify what actions Per NYSERDA comment 19.will be taken if contamination isencountered in the walls of theWMA 1 excavations.11/30/2010 Section 8.3 Revised Section 8.3 to be consistent Per NYSERDA comment 20.with Section 8.211/30/2010 Section 11.5 Added text to Section 11.5 to clarify Per NYSERDA comment 22how control charts would be usedfor QC purposes11/30/2010 Section 13 Added text to clarify that GIS will Per NYSERDA comment 24be used for data analysis andpresentation11/30/2010 Section 14 Added text to clarify actions to be Per NYSERDA comment 25taken if detector performance fallsoutside acceptable ranges11/30/2010 Section 6.2 Added text justifying proposed Per NYSERDA comment 27approach for selecting samples foranalysis of the 12 potential ROIs11/30/2010 Section A.4 Modified text to more clearly Per NYSERDA comment 30identify sources of soilcontamination associated with oldsewer line11/30/2010 Figure A.23 Modified figure modified to show Per NYSERDA comment 39locations of soil bores alongproposed walls11/30/2010 Section B.1 Added text to clarify existinginfrastructure status and usePer NYSERDA comments 40, 41,and 4211/30/2010 Section B.9.3 Reorganized text to clarify sampling Per NYSERDA comment 44requirements11/30/2010 Section D.3 Added text about the history of the Per NYSERDA comment 50CDDL11/30/2010 Section E.9.3 Reorganized text to clarify sampling Per NYSERDA comment 53requirements11/30/2010 Section F.1 Added text to describe the history of Per NYSERDA comment 55the Old Sewage Treatment Plant11/30/2010 Section F.1 Added text to clarify planned Phase Per NYSERDA comment 561 test tower activities11/30/2010 Section F.9.3 Modified text to indicate sampling Per NYSERDA comment 57will address the 0 to 1 m soil surface11/30/2010 Section G.9.3 Modified text to indicate sampling Per NYSERDA comment 59will address the 0 to 1 m soil surface11/30/2010 AllappendicesAdjusted sample numbers to reflectmodifications to the CSAPPer NYSERDA comment 62Rev. 1x

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP11/30/2010 Section 6.5and 7.3Added text to clarify when and howsoils beneath hardstands will becharacterized11/30/2010 Section I.9.3 Modified text to indicate 0- to 15-cm-depth interval sampling appliesto areas where there are no concernsabout historical soil reworking11/30/2010 Section J.7 Clarified text to state that there wereno known releases within WMA11211/30/2010 Section6.11.111/30/2010 Section 6.5andappendicesAdded text specifying that staticFIDLER readings will be collectedprior to surface soil sampling forevery location where surface soilsamples are collectedAdded flowchart showing thedecision-making process based onGWS data, and modified appendicesto be consistent with flowchart11/30/2010 Section 8.2 Added requirement to reference areawork to complete and log four soilbores down to the Lavery Till12/31/2010 Table 3 Deleted references to NUREG-1757Vol. 2 soil screening values andadded required laboratorysensitivities12/31/2010 Section 8.3 Added text clarifying how aninvestigation level would be derivedfor GWS results to guide biased soilsampling12/31/2010 Section 6.2 Modified text to indicate that theCSAP background comparison willbe based solely on the 95% UTLvalues calculated based on referencearea sample results3/10/2011 Section 6.1 Text modified to state that the FSSSOR requirement will be reducedfor WMA’s with reducedradionuclides lists to reflect theaverage dose contribution of themissing radionuclides5/25/2011 Section 2.1and Section6.135/25/2011 Section 6.5andappendicesDeleted objective 13 in Section 2.1and Section 6.13 which was toobtain data to support Phase 2decision-makingAdditional text added clarifying thenumber of systematic surface soilsamples required for areas that arePer NYSERDA comment 64Per NYSERDA comment 66Per NYSERDA comment 68Per NRC comment FSSP-1Per NRC comment CSAP-2Per NRC comment CSAP-3Per NRC comment CSAP-6Per NRC comment CSAP-7Per NYSERDA requestPer NRC commentPer DOE request to avoid confusionover the primary goal of CSAPwork, which is to support Phase 1activities and to avoid the perceptionthat the CSAP would satisfy allPhase 2 information needs.Per NYSERDA request.Rev. 1xi

WVDP Phase 1 CSAPBrook and Franks Creek.11/30/2010 Section 6.6 Added reference to Section 6.2 Per NYSDERDA comment 1311/30/2010 Section 6.10 Modified section to be consistent Per NYSERDA comment 17with Sections 6.5 and 6.6 of theCSAP11/30/2010 Section 7.1 Provided slope for the southern wall Per NYSERDA comment 18of WMA 2 excavation11/30/2010 Section 7.1 Added text to clarify what actions Per NYSERDA comment 19.will be taken if contamination isencountered in the walls of theWMA 1 excavations.11/30/2010 Section 8.3 Revised Section 8.3 to be consistent Per NYSERDA comment 20.with Section 8.211/30/2010 Section 11.5 Added text to Section 11.5 to clarify Per NYSERDA comment 22how control charts would be usedfor QC purposes11/30/2010 Section 13 Added text to clarify that GIS will Per NYSERDA comment 24be used for data analysis andpresentation11/30/2010 Section 14 Added text to clarify actions to be Per NYSERDA comment 25taken if detector performance fallsoutside acceptable ranges11/30/2010 Section 6.2 Added text justifying proposed Per NYSERDA comment 27approach for selecting samples foranalysis of the 12 potential ROIs11/30/2010 Section A.4 Modified text to more clearly Per NYSERDA comment 30identify sources of soilcontamination associated with oldsewer line11/30/2010 Figure A.23 Modified figure modified to show Per NYSERDA comment 39locations of soil bores alongproposed walls11/30/2010 Section B.1 Added text to clarify existinginfrastructure status and usePer NYSERDA comments 40, 41,and 4211/30/2010 Section B.9.3 Reorganized text to clarify sampling Per NYSERDA comment 44requirements11/30/2010 Section D.3 Added text about the history of the Per NYSERDA comment 50CDDL11/30/2010 Section E.9.3 Reorganized text to clarify sampling Per NYSERDA comment 53requirements11/30/2010 Section F.1 Added text to describe the history of Per NYSERDA comment 55the Old Sewage Treatment Plant11/30/2010 Section F.1 Added text to clarify planned Phase Per NYSERDA comment 561 test tower activities11/30/2010 Section F.9.3 Modified text to indicate sampling Per NYSERDA comment 57will address the 0 to 1 m soil surface11/30/2010 Section G.9.3 Modified text to indicate sampling Per NYSERDA comment 59will address the 0 to 1 m soil surface11/30/2010 AllappendicesAdjusted sample numbers to reflectmodifications to the CSAPPer NYSERDA comment 62Rev. 1x

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