Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


WVDP Phase 1 CSAPVitrification Facility. The Vitrification Facility, which was constructed by the WVDP, isattached to the north side of the Process Building. The Vitrification Facility is a structural steelframe and sheet metal building housing the reinforced concrete Vitrification Cell, operatingaisles, and a control room. It is approximately 91 feet wide and 150 feet long with the peak of theroof standing approximately 50 feet high. The pit in the Vitrification Cell extends 14 feet belowgrade.Load-In/Load-Out Facility. The steel-framed, steel-sheathed Load-In/Load-Out Facility connectsto the west side of the Process Building as does the concrete block Main Plant Office Building.01-14 Building. The 60-foot tall concrete and steel frame 01-14 Building stands at the southwestcorner of the Process Building.Miscellaneous Structures. On the south side of the Process Building is the concrete-block UtilityRoom, with an addition known as the Utility Room Expansion, and the Laundry. The Fire PumpHouse and a large Water Storage Tank stand south of the Process Building and an ElectricalSubstation is located on the east side.The surface area surrounding buildings within WMA 1 is mostly covered with asphalt orconcrete. The area of grass-covered soils is limited.A.2 Physical SettingWMA 1 is located on the North Plateau. It is bounded to the west by WMA 10, to the north byWMA 3, to the east by WMA 2 and WMA 6, and to the south by WMA 6.The surface of WMA 1 consists primarily of building footprints and paved surfaces and isrelatively flat.The subsurface of WMA 1 consists of a relatively permeable sand and gravel layer that overliesthe impermeable Lavery Till (Figure A.4). Because of the depth of some portions of buildingfoundations and subsurface structures, some of them were constructed into the Lavery Till. Inaddition, portions of WMA 1 structure foundations are built on foundation pilings (approximatelyRev. 1 A-2

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP476) that extend into the Lavery Till, and in some cases through the Till into the Kent RecessionalSequence.Groundwater flow is, in general, towards the northeast. Groundwater flows primarily through therelatively permeable layer above the Lavery Till. The Lavery Till is relatively impermeable togroundwater flow; groundwater that does pass vertically through the Lavery Till enters the KentRecessional Sequence.There is known to be a significant amount of buried infrastructure (piping, etc.) associated withthe WMA 1 facilities.A.3 Area HistoryThe WMA 1 area surrounding the Process Building has undergone significant reworking sincethe initiation of NFS activities.Figure A.5 shows WMA 1 in 1962 prior to NFS site development. At this time WMA 1 wasfarmed.Figure A.6 shows WMA 1 in 1966. The bulk of the initial set of NFS buildings was complete bythis time.Figure A.7 shows WMA 1 in 1968. Some additional construction has taken place in the north partof WMA 1. The area around the buildings is grass/bare earth.Figure A.8 shows WMA 1 in 1977. There is some additional construction in the southwest cornerof WMA 1.Figure A.9 shows WMA 1 in 1984. The Vitrification Facility is now present along the northernend of WMA 1. Open areas within WMA 1 still appear to be grass covered/bare earth.Figure A.10 shows WMA 1 in 1995.Figure A.11 shows WMA 1 in 2007. By this time most open areas are paved.Rev. 1 A-3

WVDP Phase 1 CSAP476) that extend into the Lavery Till, and in some cases through the Till into the Kent RecessionalSequence.Groundwater flow is, in general, towards the northeast. Groundwater flows primarily through therelatively permeable layer above the Lavery Till. The Lavery Till is relatively impermeable togroundwater flow; groundwater that does pass vertically through the Lavery Till enters the KentRecessional Sequence.There is known to be a significant amount of buried infrastructure (piping, etc.) associated withthe WMA 1 facilities.A.3 Area HistoryThe WMA 1 area surrounding the Process Building has undergone significant reworking sincethe initiation of NFS activities.Figure A.5 shows WMA 1 in 1962 prior to NFS site development. At this time WMA 1 wasfarmed.Figure A.6 shows WMA 1 in 1966. The bulk of the initial set of NFS buildings was complete bythis time.Figure A.7 shows WMA 1 in 1968. Some additional construction has taken place in the north partof WMA 1. The area around the buildings is grass/bare earth.Figure A.8 shows WMA 1 in 1977. There is some additional construction in the southwest cornerof WMA 1.Figure A.9 shows WMA 1 in 1984. The Vitrification Facility is now present along the northernend of WMA 1. Open areas within WMA 1 still appear to be grass covered/bare earth.Figure A.10 shows WMA 1 in 1995.Figure A.11 shows WMA 1 in 2007. By this time most open areas are paved.Rev. 1 A-3

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