Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


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WVDP Phase 1 CSAPAPPENDIX AWMA 1 PRE-REMEDIATION DATA COLLECTIONA.1 BackgroundWaste Management Area 1 (WMA 1) is approximately 4.4 acres in size (see Figures A.1 and A.2for maps). WMA 1 includes facilities associated with processing spent fuel.Descriptions of the various features of WMA 1 follow and are taken from the Phase 1 DP,Section 3.1.2:Main Plant Process Building. The Main Plant Process Building (Process Building) was builtbetween 1963 and 1966. It was used by Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS) from1966 to 1971 torecover uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. The multi-story Process Buildingstructure is approximately 130 feet by 270 feet in area and rises approximately 79 feet aboveground at its highest point (not including the main stack). Most of the structure is constructed ofreinforced concrete. The major Process Building structure rests on approximately 476 driven steelH-piles. Most of the facility was constructed above grade, with some of the cells extending belowground (i.e., below the ground surface reference elevation of 100 feet) (Figure A.3). The deepestcell, the General Purpose Cell, extends approximately 27 feet below-grade. Some portions of theProcess Building extend into the Lavery Till.Liquid waste generated during reprocessing was managed in one of two ways, depending onactivity. High-level waste was transferred from the Process Building to the Waste Tank Farm(WMA 3) via two underground transfer lines (7P-113 and 7P-120) to Tank 8D-2 and Tank 8D-4.Low-level wastewater was transferred to the Low Level Waste Treatment Facility (WMA 2) viabelow-grade transfer lines associated with the Interceptor System (WMA 2).Fuel Receiving and Storage Area. On the east side of the Process Building stands the FuelReceiving and Storage Area. This steel-framed, steel-sheathed structure contains two fuel pools:the Cask Unloading Pool and the Fuel Storage Pool. These pools were used to receive and storespent fuel received for reprocessing, and extend approximately 49 and 34 feet below grade,respectively. The floor of the deeper pool lies 45 feet below grade at its lowest point.Rev. 1 A-1

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