Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory

Conceptual Site Model - Argonne National Laboratory


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WVDP Phase 1 CSAP14.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROLQA/QC measures will be employed throughout the CSAP data collection process to ensure that the dataproduced are of acceptable quality. As necessary, a QAPP will be prepared to cover all project QA/QCrequirements and activities that have not already been addressed by existing QA/QC proceduresassociated with the Phase 1 decommissioning process, consistent with the Phase 1 DP. Part of the QA/QCprocess is data validation. Data validation will take place as described in the Phase 1 DP QAPP.DQI are quantitative and qualitative measures of the usability of the selected measurement methods(laboratory and field-screening) for decision-making purposes. Such indicators include, but are notnecessarily limited to, the accuracy, precision, representativeness, completeness, and comparability of thedata. Data resulting from measurement instruments and methods will be evaluated in terms of theseindicators.• Accuracy addresses the potential for bias and lack of precision in laboratory analytical results andis typically monitored through the use of standards, spikes, blanks, and control charts, asappropriate, depending on the method. The accuracy requirement for off-site laboratory analysesis a relative standard error of 10%, as measured at the CG w value, after correcting for precision.• Precision reflects measurement variability as observed in repeated measurements of the samesubsample; for radio-analytical methods the required precision is reflected by required methoddetection limits. In other words, specifying the required detection limits (see Table 6) isequivalent to specifying the required method precision. Required method detection limits are asspecified in Section 12.• Representativeness is guaranteed by appropriate sampling and analytical protocols and bycollecting sufficient samples or obtaining sufficient measurements such that uncertaintiesintroduced by the heterogeneity of contaminated media are sufficiently controlled for decisionmakingpurposes. There is no formal quantitative requirement for representativeness;representativeness is monitored by ensuring that sampling and analytical protocols are, in fact,carried out during field and laboratory work and that the quantity of data collected is sufficient toallow decision-making with the necessary level of confidence.Rev. 1 95

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