Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library


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esearcher was not over weight, it was rather difficult for the salesgirl to promote the products.Therefore, the researchers continued to walk around the shop, and waited to see how the salesgirlpromoted the products to over weight people.After 10 minutes, the researchers saw the salesgirl promoted the products to a fat woman.The woman was about 160cm tall with 130 ponds. If the observation was correct, the BMI of thewomen was about 23. This time, the salesgirl especially emphasized the benefit of losing fat. Shealso told the woman that she was fat, she needed to lose fat, otherwise, she would lose confidence.If the woman was willing to take the weight loss products, she could gain confidence then. Finally,the woman did not buy the product and she said that she needed to consider it.In this case, although the salesgirl used fear appeal to promote the products, it may not beuseful all the time. In the questionnaire, all women interviewees were asked whether they will buyweight loss product if a salesperson strongly promotes it. But only 9.7% of them will buy theproducts if the salesperson strongly promotes it.People are not easily persuaded to buy weight loss products. The possible reasons are, first,the salesgirl always gives negative comments on people’s body figure, the customers feel unhappyabout it. The second point is that some customers rather to choose the products by their own, theydo not want the salesperson comments so much. Since some salesperson always says “Can I helpyou?” “What would you like to search?” People may find that the salesperson is a“trouble-maker” and they feel very annoying. Another reason is that people may not want to lose99

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