Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library


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Consumer behavior on purchasing weight loss productsThere are many factors to affect whether people buy weight products or not. Before choosingwhich kinds of weight loss methods, first, they need to recognize that they have a need to lose fat.The reason of losing fat is to be more beautiful and attractive. Some of them want to be healthier.Fat losers then start to search the weight loss ways from their evoked set. These are dieting,exercise, weight loss products, beauty center, nutrition meal, etc. Based on their perception,attitudes and previous experiences, etc, fat losers will choose the most effective ways to loseweight. In this research, interviewees were asked their opinion of different weight loss methods.1=Dieting2=Exercise3=Weight loss products4=Beauty center5=Nutrition meal (FIGURE 5 – Which weight loss ways are effective?)The above diagram (Fig 5) shows that doing exercise is the most effective weight loss way inpeople’s perception. The average mark is 6.04 (when 7 is full mark). The finding also shows thatpeople do not think weight loss products can help losing fat which only score 3.72 (when 7 is full71

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