Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library


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professional no matter they are males or females. The real reason of seeing doctors is not becausethey want to be thinner, but it is the problem of health as serious obesity can affect health.* Because females buy much more weight loss products, only women’s data will be counted inorder to get more exact results in the following parts.AgeThe hypothesis suggested that younger people tend to buy more weight loss products than theothers than older people do.Products No. of people using the weight loss products*Pearson Chi-square Sig. (2-sided)Pills A=14/105 (13%), B=14/55 (25%), C=2/20 (10%) 3.817 0.103Tea A=19/105 (18%), B=13/55 (24%), C=2/20 (10%) 0.711 0.390Food A=16/105 (15%), B=13/55 (24%), C=5/20 (25%) 3.417 0.331(FIGURE 10 – The results of gender VS taking weight loss products)*Age: A= below 25, B= 26-35, C= 35 or aboveAge does not affect whether people buy weight loss products or not. Older women do notbuy less, but younger women do not buy more. It is suggested before, older women now pay muchmore attention to their body figure than before. So, the theory “younger women pay most attentionto their body figure” is no longer true at all.62

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