Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library


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are fat or not, but women do.PerceptionBesides gender, people’s perception can also affect their attitudes. The hypothesis is that ifpeople have unrealistic perception of standard weight (under weight), they will strongly agreewith the above attitudes.The theory is partly true. By using ANOVA, the result shows that perception has strongrelation with “fat women / men will be laughed” and “a good body figure is very important foryou”. The other attitudes, “losing fat has become part of your life”, “losing fat can help you gainconfidence”, “you always feel sad because of your body figure”, these attitudes are not affected bytheir perception. They do not have significant level, the result is quite amazing.Attitudes Mean F-value Sig.Fat women / men will be laughed or discriminated A=5.43, B=4.60, C=3.89* 8.871 0.000A good body figure is very important for you A=5.28, B=4.43, C=4.78* 7.546 0.001(TABLE 6 – The results of attitude VS perception)*A= Unrealistic perception (thinner is good), B= Reasonable perceptionC= Optimistic perception (fatter is good)People’s perception, when thinner body figure is the judgment of standard weight, people willthen strongly think that there is a high social pressure towards them. They will also think that ifthey do not have a slim figure, they will be laughed or discriminated. In order to get recognition51

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