Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library

Department Of Marketing And - Lingnan University Library


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Perception of weight issue (Independent Variables)In the questionnaire, interviewers (both female and male) will be asked the perception ofweight. That is, a height is given and respondents will be required to make a judgement ofstandard weight based on the given height. The calculation of the standard weight is based on thecalculation of Body Mass Index. Female will be asked if a woman is 155CM, what is the idealstandard weight then. If their answers are 97 ponds or below, they will be defined as UnrealisticPerception (too thin), 98-119 ponds will be defined as Reasonable Perception (standard weight),121 or above is Optimistic Perception (too fat).Males will be asked if a man is 165CM, what is the ideal standard weight then. If theiranswers are 120 ponds or below, they will be defined as Unrealistic Perception (too thin), 121-150ponds will be defined as Reasonable Perception (standard weight), 151 or above will be defined asOptimistic perception C (too fat).GenderMales believe that having a healthy and muscular body figure is much more attractive.However, most females believe that slim body figures can show their attractiveness.H1: Males have a more realistic perception of weight issue than females do.26

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